Social Engineering - Environmentalism and Globalization - JL

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Social Engineering, Environmentalism & Globalization A New World Order The Irony Revealed We have come to a strategic point in Human History . . . 250 years since Industrialization came to pass. More change has occurred during this time than all the previous 50,000 years of Homo Sapien evolution. Humans are smarter, faster, healthier, stronger, bigger, richer and more tuned into our place in the universe than at any time in history. This moment will be seen as the turning point in Civilization . . . If we survive . . .? A strategic moment where evolution crosses into the future. Somewhere along the way, the dissemination of information has become more Vertically Integrated than at any time in History. Competing voices with divergent views have been silenced by Consensus. The essential voice of ‘Sober Second Thought’ has become lost. Egocentric power, up to the late Twentieth Century, had been that of Aristocracy, War Mongers and the Economic Elite. They had ruled the World and Western Governments with self-interest. That all changed in Western Societies. Sophisticated Philosophies began to take hold among the Intellectual Elite. Socialism, Egalitarianism, Globalization, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion created a whole new World Order. Yes, for years it had been quite a struggle. Now, this form of refined philosophical thinking has become ‘De Rigeur’ Globally. Nations of the world have aligned themselves with neighbors, in ways that could never have been imagined even 20 years before. Trade Pacts, internationally supervised Monetary Exchange, Joint Interstellar Exploration . . . these have all come to pass. The World is smaller and peace has taken its place on the international stage. A great moment in History. ‘We’, has become far more important than ‘Me’. The individual voice has been lost for the ‘Greater Good’. Those who once spoke for outsiders against the establishment, the Voice of the Disenfranchised, the Poor, the Hungry . . . they are the new Elite. They, gained voice through Education, Diligence and Hard Work. A view for greater good. The old guard stepped aside. The Voice of Intellectual Elite speaks for the good of all. Power is finally where it needed to be. In the hands of people who had been trained to look out for the good of one and all, even if that meant it would cost the Economically Endowed a little more of their Fiefdoms . . . Everyone is on board with that! Beneath it all, economic forces had been evolving throughout the nations of the World. Private sector Unions had largely been ‘Defanged’. A relative peace among Industrialists and Wage Earners came to pass. Vertical Integration among industry types was ‘The New Way’ and global reach had come to industries of every stripe. The Iron Curtains are gone and China trades with the World. Costs are down, profits are up and the well-placed intellectuals are in power to hold sway, what more could a Capitalist ask for? Populism - The voice of the people is gone. The once strident Socialist voices ARE the establishment, and yet, the Little People remain unheard. Economic forces had changed. Things that no one could have seen coming have come to pass. Rules of engagement have evolved, life in western economies have been rearranged without notice from our new egalitarian elite. Jobs once deemed menial were now gone to any number of Nations of the World where workers are plentiful and wages are sub-par.

Globalization is the New World Order

Environmentalism too has left its mark. Strident voices had long decried the disgusting atmospheric and terrestrial conditions created by primary industries. Laws were passed and penalties would be paid, or industries would be shut down. Results were attained, the skies cleared, industries complied. However, that production had just quietly moved to Third World countries, below the radar. Now they are beyond the reach of law makers at home like the EPA, Cap & Trade or Environment Canada. The Environmental Movement celebrated their apparent successes. No stone was left unturned in Championing Environmental Causes. Unmentioned is the fact that industries had moved to countries where supportive regimes and skilled labor were plentiful, un-assailed. Yet again, common people land stranded, Not only without Employment - Now without a Voice . . . This time . . . at the hands of the very Intellectuals that once had so Stridently Championed their cause. The duty-bound lawmakers in every effort to wisely clean up the World . . . had inadvertently robbed their most strident supporters of their very existence. Those once powerful Union Jobs in some of the most powerful industry groups in the World were gone to third world countries at one quarter the price! Total Union membership today is at its lowest point since collective Bargaining was legalized almost 100 years ago . No concessions were ever considered to save jobs by sharing the costs of Scrubbers and Electrolytic Precipitators to clean up the Pollution. That would have meant lying in bed with the very Industrialists the Egalitarians had so stridently fought against and Defeated. So, the Mills, the Mines, the Production of Widgets and the purveyors of human usury were shut down. All hail the Champions of the Underdog, the Down Trodden and Society’s Victims. As for the Industrialists - more money could be made abroad, with less effort, in Autocratic Regimes. Supported by Globalization, Environmentalism and Social Engineering for the 21st Century.

How Ironic In all of this, as always, there was another player as yet unmentioned. The Historic Champions of the downtrodden, the oppressed, the disenfranchised . . . The International Media Establishment. They too had been Vertically Integrated, Globalized and Centralized. Profits now became all. Numbers, Circulation, Awards and Industry Recognition became paramount for Dignity and ‘Respect in Class’. Story lines drawing the most recognition and references from other media organizations became the established goal of a day's work. Strength in Journalistic Acumen was now judged by a New World Order . . . Recognition or Excommunication. Here enters The Propaganda Machine. A voice, some Voice, The Voice that will get the hits, get the story told. Never before has instant gratification for a job well done or a job failed as with social media. Propagandists, Media Spin Doctors, Public Information Specialists of all stripes have flocked to projects, subjects and public interest stories like flies. If they are getting attention, they want in! Subjects from any walk of life that get the hits . . . fly to the top of the charts in stories written, conversation pieces, information bulletins, keep it up front and all things will be good! Over the last thirty years nothing, Nothing has had more attention than the Environment. No one subject has attracted more attention than stories related to the nature of our world. In one newspaper it would not be out of the ordinary to find three, four of even five stories on any given day. Since the beginning of the 21st century it would be quite unusual if there was not at least one story published. Where does this come from and why is it so prevalent and so broad based, industry wide. . . Education and the 3 R's. Education from the earliest of years has taught children from all walks of life to Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. By extension, these University Educated Teachers inform their charges of the foul nature of Industry, Pollution and Egregious waste and its eternal effect on Planet Earth. Early, inadvertent, indoctrination builds a resource of supporters for a movement founded on Righteous Indignation. This could never have been anticipated even by the savviest of prognosticators. A movement founded among the masses at a moment of innocence in the human experience. Now, the Multi-Billion-Dollar Industry founded on The 3 R's need not strive for relevance . . . it is, The Ruling Doctrine of Our Time!

Like all creatures of Nature, survival is paramount, with a life well lived - in dignity. The Environmental Movement started strong, has had a good long run and it now is in cruise control, having reached many proud goals along the way. In the past though, decisions to jump to conclusions without full Scientific support may soon be responsible for unwinding the movement with such a Force and Magnitude never before seen in modern Scientific History. As anyone will tell you . . . Lie to me once – I will let it slide . . . twice - I don't know about you? . . . again? . . . You are Persona-Non-Grata . . . No Reprieve! For many, that stage has been reached by the Environmental Movement. Cracks have been appearing in the unscientific foundations of the movement for years. This New Evolving Science is well founded and comes from Unimpeachable Sources, but as of yet, has gained no traction among Established Media Voices. Paternalistic dictates and self-preservation tactics are beginning to appear from Leaders of the Environmental Movement. Even the courts are being used to silence those who denounce ‘The Old Bad Science’. Deflection is frequently used to defend the dictates ‘for the common good’. Language with defined Parameters understood only by Scholars had been used to Fudge Facts and Whitewash Semi-Truths and Defuse Attention. Graphs comparing evidence from scientifically different sources were given credence without merit. The data was plausible . . . Not factual. Correlation had been deemed Causation. This type of intellectual meandering between Truth, Plausibility and Fact is NOT at all professional . . . and would not be acceptable in any other field of Science. The Truth . . . The Environment as a subject is, Explosive! You speak against its Edicts at your Peril. Accept the truth as prescribed from upon high, or suffer the Scorn and the Ridicule among your peers. Not to mention by society as a whole. Environmentalism is a relatively New Science and it is being truly tested for the first time. If Climategate starting in 2009 is any example, we can only imagine what is yet to come. When that one stone gets overturned proving collusion and willful deception. The un-scientific foundations that have been supporting the Environmental Movement since its inception will render it . . . null. Sadly, to date, no self-respecting Media Representative wants to risk the Ire of their Peers or the Mandarins ruling the Environmental Movement or The Purveyors of Globalization and The New Social Construct. For they are ‘Brothers-in-Arms’, so to speak. Who wants to be the ONE to open Pandora’s Box? . . . It would be like pulling Hans Brinker’s finger from the Dyke or Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg . . .

The old adage . . .

There are none so blind as those who will not see . . .

Adamant Naturalist Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove BC Copyright 2021

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