Global Warming - The Environmentalist and The Neanderthal - JL

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Global Warming The Environmentalist & The Neanderthal

Humanity’s march to self-destruction . . . OR

Volcanic cycles older than life itself ?

The Findings of a Later Day Neanderthal The Adamant Naturalist Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove, BC Copyright 2021

Introduction A justifiable disdain for wide-spread pollution that is totally out of control has led to our current, well founded narrative, conducted by Politicians and Environmental Advocates World Wide. Unfortunately, that narrative has been hijacked by ‘Spin Doctors’ and their allies in the Environmental Movement and the Media. Humanity has been hypnotised into believing that CO2 is causing Climate Change. Environmentalists the world over have taken over the socio-political narrative with an easy, unsubstantiated view that CO2 is the New Devil to be defeated So many things have been blamed on ’Man-Made’ Climate Change that anything, even remotely plausible is gladly accepted as fact by the masses. Warming Oceans, chunks falling off of Antarctica, forest fires, melting Glaciers, extreme storms, drought, even locusts are blamed on Man’s messing with nature by burning fossil fuels and the resultant elevated CO2 . . . All of these things could be Man-Made, if we have heard anything the Evangelical Environmentalists have been telling us for the last 20 years, yes. When Nature and Science get a voice from History, most if not all of what we are hearing about Climate Change can be seen over and over from the pages of History. All the ‘Climate Change’ we are seeing today has happened before. The Roman Warming Period and The Middle Ages Warming Period are both recorded in writing and from Ice Core sampling. The purveyors of our current Narrative on Climate Change have chosen NOT to view these records as relevant. ‘Everyone knows it’s Man-Made’. Here, in this paper, the correction is given. History and Modern Science will have a voice. Naturel cycles on Planet Earth will regain credence for their frequency and their Power to Change the World. Volcanoes on land and below the Oceans will demonstrate Nature’s power to cause Global Cooling and Global Warming and reinstate Nature’s dominant roll in Climate Change. Humans are no more likely to influence Climate Change with CO2, than setting off an Atomic Bomb will alter the Earth’s path as it circles the Sun . . .

This is NOT a war between opposing Armies of Conscience This Is Scientific Debate . . . 2021 . . .


How did this all begin All of this hyperbole from Evangelical Environmentalists completely ignores the roll of Nature in Climate Change. The perpetual evolution of Planet Earth throughout the Ages is nowhere to be found. Everybody let a 16-yearold Swedish environmental activist, Gretta Thunberg, with absolutely no scientific credentials take over the Environmentalist Narrative. She is passionate, convincing and well versed in the ‘scripted narrative’ espoused by her politically motivated charges in the European Environmental Movement. Under European Cap and Trade, the worst European pollution has quite simply been moved to third world countries out of sight, out of mind. The following graph, is published here for the first time ever. In keeping with a High School math teacher’s rule to use the ‘lowest common denominator’ as the only way to compare numbers, in a balanced and equitable way . . . ‘apples to apples’. . . How big is your country? How much do you pollute? Divide one into the other, we get a simple, uncomplicated number that can be used to compare pollution levels fairly, between nations.

CO2 per square kilometer must become the New World Standard A New Guide . . . for Future Change . . . G-20 countries . . .



Tons CO2/KM2


The Netherlands



South Korea











This paper, presents this data, this way for the first time . . . Ever




This is what happens when you put context into raw data. Seven of the top eleven worst polluters are densely populated European countries. Canada and Australia, who are often singled out by international commissions on Climate Change as laggards on the environmental front, produce one one-hundredth of the pollution of The Netherlands and one eightieth of Germany or England.



















It is scandalous that on the world stage, these 7 European nations are held up as shining examples of how to clean up the environment.










All of these 7 countries would fit inside the USA or China almost 5 times yet they pollute at Double the rate of either China or the USA - per sq. km . . . We just have never been told . . .


Saudi Arabia














This chart is probably the most telling of all the analytical tools that we have to compare pollution data. How big is your country, how much pollution do you produce, simply divide one into the other? You get a clear, uncomplicated number! Wow. . . Who would have thought The Netherlands . . . the worst polluting country in the world!


The European Union has 27 votes at the United Nations and they, as a group, lead the charge in defining the actions and goals of the IPCC and the UN. Seven of these countries are members of the G-20 nations who produce 80% of Global GDP. By extension – responsible for 80% of Global Pollution. These seven European countries are the worst polluters on Earth. Among the G-20 nations they have the highest population density, the worst deforestation, the worst record on protecting natural habitat, the lowest CO2 sequestration (removed by forests) and the highest CO2 production per square kilometer, 7 of the worst 11. And yet, with Gretta leading, they rule the charge for a cleaner world . . . Methinks, The Lady Doth Protest Too Much . . . Shakespeare . . .

An Overview . . . How did We Get Here? The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and later, it was endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly. Membership is open to all members of the WMO and the UN. The IPCC First Assessment Report (FAR) was completed in 1990, and served as the basis of the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Michael Mann, was lead author of a paper that was produced in 1998 with co-authors Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes. The team used advanced statistical techniques in finding regional variations in a Hemispherical Climate Reconstruction, examining the most recent 600 years. In 1999 the same team used these techniques to produce a reconstruction of the most recent 1,000 years, using the MBH99 Proxy Calibration Technique. The resultant Graph was dubbed the "Hockey Stick Graph" because of its shape. Michael Mann was one of eight lead authors of the "Observed Climate Variability and Change" chapter of the IPCC, Third Scientific Assessment Report published in 2001. That ‘Hockey Stick Graph’ based on the MBH99 paper was highlighted in several parts of the report . . . and was given wide publicity. Unfortunately, every study describing Climate Change has failed to look back and take stock of the 5 warming periods before 1750, occurring since the last Ice Age. This all happened during our current interglacial period on Planet Earth. The Roman warming period and The Middle Ages Warming period must be compared to the current Warming Period, otherwise basic Science 101 is being ignored. This is quite simply asking to look back to the times of Anthony and Cleopatra or to the times of Henry the Eighth and Charlemagne. It's not Dinosaurs and Early Creation. In planetary terms, this is just looking back to yesterday afternoon, Historically. On July 18th, 2011 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), declared, in Scientific American, that more than 50% of the heat that keeps planet Earth warm in the Universe, comes from the fission reactor at the Earth’s core. Not one climate change forecast includes this understanding of how Planet Earth works. All the studies look to the Sun for answers. The old formulas from the 1980’s & 90’s rule . . . still. 100% of the forecasts and computer models use information modeled from the mid 1700's up to the present no exceptions. There are thousands of papers that fall within the same 'Pre-Industrial’ to present time line. None directly compare The Roman Warming Period or The Middle Ages Warming Period to our current Warming Period. There is the odd reference to the North Atlantic Oscillation, something that lasts 20 to 30 years. A distraction to readers away from viewing any of the previous Warming Periods, averaging about 500 years each. There is only anecdotal mention in passing by some authors as they review 600 million years of ice core analysis, that is available to be studied. As a result, credibility declines based on Historical and Scientific findings None produce 'Warming Period to Warming Period' comparisons. Detailed, skilled, scientific research requires a comprehensive analysis that examines at least the last 2,500 years. Science 101. PAGE 3

The following graphs are a comparison of two well-known charts for demonstration. First, Michael Mann's 'Hockey-stick' graph looking at 1000 years. Second, a combined, overlapping comparison of three graphs by different researchers including Michael Mann, comparing 2,000 years. ------------1000 Missing Years ---------------

1000 years Michael Man 'Hockey stick graph’

Moberg et al. 2005 NH, Mann et al. 2008 EIV NH, and Ljungqvist 2010 NH. Notes to the Moberg/Mann/Ljungqvist graphs by Jim Le Maistre - Roman Warming Period

BC 250

535 AD

- Dark Ages Cooling Period



- Medieval Warming Period



- The little Ice Age



- Modern Warming Period




The red line is that of Michael Mann. Almost all of his graph is warmer throughout the 2,000 years examined. Most curious are the two warming anomalies shown by Mann, between the years 300 and 600, then again between 1200 and 1400. Each of which strongly contradict the Moberg and Ljungqvist graphs. Each of these Time Frames correspond with massive volcanic eruptions that dramatically cooled the entire World. Temperatures dropped so much at these times in history, that Global Cooling lasting about 500 years followed. The Dark Ages and The Little Ice Age are the names of these two Cooling Periods. Yet even flawed as it is – Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ graph is a cornerstone of the 2001 IPCC Climate Change document that he co-authored. This 2001 United Nations document has since become ‘The Holy Grail’ to Environmentalist Theology, Globally. By 1750 temperatures were the coldest experienced on Earth in 2,500 years, mysteriously left out by Mann in the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph. The question is, what data was Mann referring to that so significantly diverged his graph from those of his fellow scientists? Source data, which apparently has been requested, to this day, has not been made available to other Scientists for review. Stating instead, that this data is “Scientifically Privileged Information”. For data, as globally significant as this, to be treated as privileged information, brings concern as to its Scientific Validity. When 2,000 years are reviewed, as this chart does, serious questions need to be asked. When we look at, and compare the graph above to temperatures we see today, they are pretty comparable with Historical variations. We must learn from History; NOT push Climate Cycles of the past under the rug unseen, without mention. If you have the scientific aptitude, or the patience to examine what Michael Mann and his team used to create the “Hockey Stick’ graph and what MHB99 means, I refer you to a paper by Stephan McIntyre Titled – MBH99 and Proxy Calibration, where he notes: “In total, 10 of the 14 series in the MBH99 failed chapter 1 (in the text book definition), calibration test. In addition to the above 3 series, other failed series were: the fran010 tree ring series, Quelccaya 1 dO18, Quelccaya 2 dO18 (why are there 4 different Quelccaya series??), a Patagonia tree ring series, the Polar Urals reconstruction and the West Greenland dO18 series. Only 4 series passed this elementary test. In addition to the highly massaged Tornestrask series, the three were: the Tasmania tree ring series, the NOAMER PC2 and the NOAMER PC1 (AD1000 style) I guess the Tasmania series ‘teleconnects’ to NH (New Hampshire) temperature more than most of the NH tree ring reconstructions. Its calibration results are not strong.” He states – “Calibration deals with the statistical situation where Y is a “proxy” for X and where you want to estimate X, given Y. It’s the kind of statistics that dendros (trees) should be immersing themselves in, but which they’ve totally disregarded, using instead procedures for estimating confidence intervals that cannot be supported under any statistical theory – a practice unfortunately acquiesced in by IPCC AR4, hardly enhancing their credibility on these matters”. MBH99 and Proxy Calibration « Climate Audit This may seem like a strong and confrontational way to start a research paper, but the foundation upon which our World leaders have based their long-term strategic initiatives on Climate Change has been proven FLAWED, to say the least. Furthermore, that foundational data is more than 20 years behind our current, evolved Scientific research. It’s like using the rear-view mirror as your only guide as you drive your car down the street.

It’s time for us all, to come into the 21st Century! PAGE 5

Nature Versus Man – The Saga of Life on Earth . . . Humanity is destroying everything in sight. We poison everything. Every creature we contact, into extinction. We believe in our superiority over everything. Since the Industrial Revolution, air, water and soil pollution have been the inescapable result of our progress. Logarithmic Increases in human consumption led to environmental degradation. Humans must be ever more vigilant in managing pollution, more and more forcefully every day. • • • • • • • •

We must stop blaming CO2 for Climate Change and remove what is attached, to stop Global Pollution. We must install Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitators on all Industrial smokestacks. We must stop deforestation globally, and require re-forestation in western countries. We must stop overfishing in the world’s Oceans. We must spend billions on new explorational technology to replace fossil fuels, once and for all. We must ban Electric Cars from their ‘Clean’ credentials – 30% more energy is wasted versus gasoline. We must learn that Climate Change is natural and flows in 500 years cycles of warming and cooling. We must learn to fit into our planet as good stewards of what the Universe has bestowed upon us.

How to Clean up Pollution and Save Planet Earth This power generating station was the first in Canada to install scrubbers to help reduce Sulphur dioxide emissions. It has an electrostatic precipitator that removes over 99% of particles in the flue gases. It has special burners to limit Nitrogen Oxide emissions. An upgrade began in July 2004 which saw a Titan ProAsh facility that recaptures 75% of the fly ash produced by the generating station. Water from the Smoke Stack Scrubbers is recycled. This eliminates the use of a ‘Tailings Pond’. The effluent removed from the water has resulted in the production of a Synthetic Gypsum Byproduct (Drywall) which is then sold, all over North America.

Belldune Coal Fried Power Generating Station – A Poster Child for Clean Energy!!

That is mostly steam coming out that chimney . . . Like what we see at all Natural Gas Plants!! Environmentalists are screaming to have this plant shut down . . . not because it is clean . . . Because it burns coal . . . Another Fossil Fuel . . . Clean Energy . . . somehow bad?? Please . . . Let’s find some common sense and bring it home to Environmentalism . . . PAGE 6

It is long overdue that humans visit the truth of Science in all of our Environmentalist Narratives. Clean-up the Planet of foul effluent first. Set CO2 on the back burner for now. Our obsession with CO2 is not helping the cleanup of the Environment. It is holding back the progress towards cleaning up of the pollution that is truly destroying the Environment on Planet Earth.

The by-products from burning fossil fuels: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2), which contributes to acid rain and respiratory illnesses Nitrogen oxides (NOx), which contribute to smog and respiratory illnesses Particulates, which contribute to smog, haze, and respiratory illnesses and lung disease Mercury and other heavy metals linked to both neurological and developmental damage Fly ash and bottom ash, that are residues created when power plants burn coal

All are significantly reduced when we invest $650,000 million. As we see above! Let’s work smarter, Not Harder . . . Be Visionaries, with a Goal – Clean-up Now!

Flue gas treatment technologies “Scrubbers is the generic term applied to flue gas treatment processes. There are both liquid, and solid-type gas treatment processes that are a function of the physical and chemical properties of the contaminant being removed. Among others, they include: wet scrubbers, dry scrubbers, adsorbents and mercury removal processes that chemically convert volatile elemental mercury in the hot flue gas into solid water-soluble salts that can be collected. There are also variants such as electrostatic precipitators and desulfurizing processes. The Clean Air Act (USA) requirements have driven development and installation of many technologies to reduce hazardous air pollutants in many industries. Several common approaches for flue gas cleanup applications have been generally described here. Scrubbers of various types are widely used commercially and have been found to be feasible technologies for numerous combustion applications, particularly for coal and oil electric power generation and other heat-dependent applications. Emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, toxic stable organic chemicals, mercury and particulates can be managed to high degrees of removal.”

Solutions . . . Not just finger pointing at the obvious problems . . . We need to invest Billions of dollars on "crazy" scientific technology that is being proposed from the "fringes" of science . . . This is ALWAYS where evolution comes from in Science . . . Einstein and Galileo come to mind . . . PAGE 7

What are Fossil Fuels . . . Where Do They Come From? National Geographic . . . “Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals. These fuels are found in the Earth’s crust and contain Carbon and Hydrogen, which can be burned for energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. Coal is a material usually found in sedimentary rock deposits where rock and dead plant and animal matter are piled up in layers. More than 50 percent of a piece of coal’s weight must be from fossilized plants. Oil is originally found as a solid material between layers of sedimentary rock, like shale. This material is heated in order to produce the thick oil that can be used to make gasoline. Natural gas is usually found in pockets above oil deposits. It can also be found in sedimentary rock layers that don’t contain oil. Natural gas is primarily made up of methane. According to the National Academies of Sciences, 81 percent of the total energy used in the United States comes from coal, oil, and natural gas. This is the energy that is used to heat and provide electricity to homes and businesses and to run cars and factories. Unfortunately, fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource and waiting millions of years for new coal, oil, and natural gas deposits to form is not a realistic solution. Fossil fuels are also responsible for almost three-fourths of the emissions from human activities in the last 20 years. Now, scientists and engineers have been looking for ways to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to make burning these fuels cleaner and healthier for the environment. Scientists across the country and around the world are trying to find solutions to fossil fuel problems so that there is enough fuel and a healthy environment to sustain human life and activities in the future. The United States Department of Energy is working on technologies to make commercially available natural-gas-powered vehicles. They are also trying to make coal burning and oil drilling cleaner. Researchers at Stanford University in California have been using greener technologies to figure out a way to burn fossil fuels while lessening their impact on the environment. One solution is to use more natural gas, which emits 50 percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than coal does.”,are%20examples%20of%20fossil%20fuels.

When we look back at the first paragraph . . . We see that fossil fuels come from Decomposing Plants & Animals. Bio-Fuels made by nature . . . when ‘WE’ make bio-fuels ‘WE’ are making fossil fuels. We are emulating Nature, Scientifically, In factories! . . . 45% of renewables! When Nature starts forest fires with lightning . . . She is burning fossil fuels . . . When Nature erupts from Volcanoes, she is spending energy . . . Nature Rules . . . It’s time to the hear that from Science . . . in all things . . . Environmentalists . . . They only tell us what they want us to believe . . . PAGE 8

What causes Climate Change - Global Warming and Global Cooling? Environmentalists have decided that they know what is causing Global Warming. They look at what is convenient and easy to explain with research based on about 170 years of superficial data. This is naïve at best, even disingenuous. The Neanderthal became extinct 50,000 years ago and Homo Sapiens gained traction. To put it mildly a few planetary cycles have occurred since then. 50 years, 100 years or even 250 years are not remotely time enough to analyse the history of our Global and Geological evolution. The ebbs and flows of Planet Earth’s cycles cannot be overlooked for simplicity, no matter how compelling the “facts” seem to be. Planetary History and the evolution of whole Civilizations and geographical regions must be considered rationally by looking at the effects of Historic Climate Change. We have only had satellites circling the globe for 30 or 40 years. That does not make these years the only one’s worthy of review. We have had reliable thermometers for a little over 170 years. That does not mean farther back in time we don’t have verifiable records. It means that the records are more anecdotal and must be extrapolated more scientifically and we need to accept slightly less accurate information. In the late 1990's a correlation was found between Global Warming/Climate Change and elevated levels of CO2 since Pre-Industrial times. They could be seen as three parallel lines from the mid 1700's to present. These three Scientific facts were falsely and inadvertently combined, if the Dominant History of Nature is deemed Irrelevant. · One . . . James Watt, and Mathew Bolton started selling Steam Engines that burned fossil fuels. 1775 became the end-date for 'Pre-Industrial' era and became beginning of Industrialization, thus, the introduction of ‘Man-Made CO2’ into our Global Climate. · Two . . . From 1300 -1750 Global temperatures had fallen dramatically. By 1450 with 500-years of history in Greenland, the Vikings were pushed off their Ancient Farms. Then, by 1750 the World had reached its Coldest temperatures in the last 2,500 years. The second Coldest in 10,000 years . . . a Natural event. · Three . . . From 1724 until today, we have had the Mercury Thermostat invented by Fahrenheit. This invention has given us the Third Parallel Line – ‘Recorded History’ . . . and the start date for Thermometer Based record keeping. The result was that, these three Scientifically verifiable parallel lines were co-joined by Activist Environmental Researchers in the late 1990's. Then, they were submitted by Researchers and Authors which became part of The United Nations Narrative on Climate Change in the 2001 IPCC report. Combined, they have become the 'indisputable', yet false, demonstration of Climate Change . . . from 'Man-Made' sources. Proof appears to come from the increased burning of fossil fuels and a simultaneous rising trend in temperatures since the end of preindustrial times, recorded on thermostats daily, by Scientists from all over the world, since 1724. The action resulting from publishing the 2001 IPCC report at the United Nations, has evolved into the Foundational Narrative for Environmental Activism world-wide.

None of these factors are linked, directly . . . Scientifically . . . All three events occurred independent of the other two . . . Correlation must never be described as causation . . . Yet . . . the Environmentalist Narrative did so . . . without challenge . . .

None correspond with or consider the many long-term cycles of Planet Earth . . . PAGE 9

Climate Change . . . A fresh Perspective Global CO2 . . . Man versus Nature Nature 97 %

Elephant – 10,000 lbs. . . .

Man 3 %

English Mastiff 300 lbs. . . .

The Paris accord 0.6%

Chiwawa 6 lbs. . . .

This is the truth . . . Why are we not told? M. Ragheb in Global Climate Variation, Change and Energy Use, 2019 on pages 16 and 17, he spells out clearly the Natural Sources of CO2 and Man’s contribution. Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 entering the atmosphere annually, 180 billion tones come from nature and 6 billion tones are man’s contribution. My simple math says 6 divided by 186 is 3%. He did not do this calculation in his text. Furthermore, The IPCC in its own research produces a similar finding in a published graph “Global Natural and Anthropogenic Sources and Absorption of Greenhouse Gasses in the 1990’s”, finding, CO2 from natural causes is 793 billion tones, Man-Made sources is 23 billion tones. 23 divided by 793 is 2.9 %. Again, no calculations are presented for summary or review in either publication. This ratio of Natural CO2 versus Man-Made CO2 is never brought forward mathematically, in context, in any discussions of the causes for Climate Change. This is not any kind of conspiracy; it is quite simply strong assumptions. If you track the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere it follows exactly with the burning of fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial revolution and the selling of coal fired Steam Engines. Also, it corresponds directly with proven increases in Global temperatures. You put 2 and 2 together you get 4 . . . a no brainer. Unless you go back in time and compare previous cycles of Climate Change on planet Earth. You find NO correlation between Global Warming and CO2 going back at least 4,000 years. See Dusmma graph below tracking levels of atmospheric CO2 that looks at our most recent 4,000 years of CO2 discovered in Ice Cores from Antarctica and Greenland. Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect . . . Mark Twain


Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995

4,000 years of CO2 - Remaining stable throughout Warming & Cooling

CO2 through the Ages -

These sources are peer reviewed, credible, relevant and verifiable The first graph has been available for anyone to see for about 70 years, throughout the Global Scientific community and it is broadly used today. It shows 5 periods that have been Warmer than today . . . in just under 8,000 years and . . . 2 have been warmer since Anthony and Cleopatra . . . Based on Historical averages of 500 years of Cooling, followed by 500 years of Warming. Simultaneously, in the second graph, we find no rising or falling of Naturally Occurring CO2 Directly tracking the Warming or Cooling periods. Without any evidence of CO2 following periods of Warming or Cooling from History, why is it today, all of a sudden, since 1750, CO2 is the cause of Climate Change? . . . Go Figure . . .


It is far too easy to blame Climate Change or Global Warming on Humans who produce far too much CO2. Humans that numbered at most 200 million souls were not responsible for the two previous Warming Periods in the last 2,200 years. Both periods predate Industrialization. Today we are over 7 billion people on Earth that is 3,300% more people than when The Earth was warmer then than it is today. Research proves that temperatures during The Roman Warming Period and The Middle Ages Warming Period were 2.5o warmer than today. Humans were not the cause of the two Cooling Periods during this time either, The Dark Ages and The Little Ice Age. Detailed, unambiguous records, dating back to when The Romans ruled the “Known World”, are available and accessible to review history. Before we blame Climate Change on CO2, we must determine how much variability there has been in the World’s Climate in the last 2,200 years, first. There is sufficient data to demonstrate clear trends of Global Climate Change from Nature alone. Four complete cycles of Warming and Cooling are more than enough to prove that Global patterns of Warming and Cooling lasting about 500-years each are normal. The Scientific community has described, detailed and titled these cycles for us to review . . . If we choose to look.

Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995 With so much data available, why do Environmental Evangelists wilfully ignore Scientific Historical records. This graph shows two periods of Global Warming followed by two periods of Global Cooling in the past 2,200 years? Pollution is the enemy, absolutely, and must be eradicated, YES! However, Carbon Dioxide, and its direct effects on our Climate are little more than a ‘Scape Goat’ on Humanity’s quest for a cleaner world. CO2 is one of our planet’s most important building blocks. It will be shown that it is having virtually no effect on climactic conditions. The by-products of burning fossil fuels like coal, bunker sea fuel, diesel or wood and wood byproducts . . . these are having extremely negative effects on the environment. That said, not enough is being done to clean up the Pollutants attached to CO2, so long as Carbon Dioxide alone, remains public enemy #1 . . . On July 18th, 2011 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an agency of the United States Government, declared, in Scientific American and also in Nature Geoscience on July 17th, 2011, that more than 1/2 of all the heat that keeps planet Earth from freezing in the cosmos, comes from the fission reactor at the Earth’s core. The other half of the heat that keeps life possible on Earth, comes from the Sun. The Earth’s core is proven to be 6,230o centigrade . . . Equal to the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Scientists described the core of the Earth as a Fission reactor producing more than one half of all the heat needed to survive in the Universe. Then, we careen through space at 1,700 kilometers per hour circling around the Sun, where temperatures are . . . Minus 270 degrees Celsius (-5400 F). PAGE 12

Earth - 2,760 Kilometers - Blue and Green Crust - 30 km both sides combined

2,730 Kilometers Hot, liquid, Rock!

The Core, A Fission Reactor – 6,230 degrees . . . as hot as the surface of the Sun The Red – 1,000 degrees under blue . . . 1,800 degrees near yellow The Blue and Green is Floating Randomly on Liquid Hot Lava Man-Made Global Warming . . . Not Likely . . .

50% of Earth’s Heat – From the Core . . . 50% of Earth’s Heat – From the Sun . . . The Ocean floors average 7 km in thickness, covered by water averaging 5 km deep, producing an average thickness (crust and water) of 12 km’s or 24 km when both sides are combined. Under the crust where the lava leaks out from below at 1,000o C. The forces of Atmospheric Pressure at the Earth’s Core are said to be 3.3 million times what we find at Sea Level. Now, someone please explain how Humans can think themselves capable of being even remotely as powerful as this source for Global Climate Change. We may well destroy all living things in our path as we live on this Planet. We may poison the air we breathe and the water we drink beyond our ability to survive. We may even drive ourselves to extinction. But the temperature of this place we call home is One Volcanic Eruption away from Catastrophe. We humans think that we can seriously affect the temperature out here on the skin of this ball of unstable, liquid rock? . . . THINK AGAIN! PAGE 13

The crust of our Planet is only 4/10’s of 1% of the diameter of the Planet - that is 4/1000’s of its diameter. That’s like having a children’s puzzle wrapped around a Giant Balloon the size of a room with 71 % of the pieces missing and the balloon is spinning fast and wobbling as it goes. To make matters worse that Balloon regularly leaks burning gas and molten red-hot goo that Heats and Cools the room as it moves the pieces around at will. This is the story of Planet Earth as it careens through space, wobbling its way around the Sun at 107,000 kilometers per hour, through deep space at . . . minus 270 degrees centigrade ( -4500 F) . . . NATURE RULES !!

The History of Global Warming Today, the Glaciers of South Western Greenland are slowly melting. The receding ice is telling of lives lived long ago, bringing a message to Humanity of Early-Stage Global Warming and its Phases. The Vikings lived and prospered in Greenland for 500 years. 100 years longer than European settlements have existed in North America. In 950, Eric the Red and 20 boat loads of his fellow countrymen sailed into Greenland and established settlements that would thrive until the onset of ‘The Little Ice Age’. What glaciers are revealing, as our Planet is warming and as the ice melts, is the frozen remains of Old Forests where 60’ trees once grew. Carbon dating of these once thriving forests place them as having grown in what is described as the Medieval Warming Period which lasted from 950 to 1450. What is interesting, is that today there are Minimal Forests in Greenland, even though we are in an “Unprecedented” period of Global Warming. The ice would have receded by at least 10 to 20 % farther than where glaciers stand today. If these forests are going to start growing to be that tall. Does this infer that during the Medieval Warning Period, little more than 500 years ago, Global temperatures were that much warmer than they are today? Yes! Does this simple fact teach us that our beliefs about Man-Made Climate Change of the late 20th century are flawed, even false? Probably, Yes! Human influence is negligible compared to the Extreme Power of Nature. PAGE 14

Eric The Red’s House in Greenland, circa 950 -1450 . . . Vikings lived, Traded and Prospered for 500 Years . . . Farming - Harvesting Corn & Barley - raising cattle, goats and sheep . . . This is one example of Early-Stage Global Warming that needs to bs examined . . .

“The economy of the Norse Greenlanders depended on a combination of pastoral farming with hunting and some fishing. Farmers kept Cattle, Sheep and Goats - shipped into the island - adjusted to Greenlandic conditions and were kept mostly for their milk and the subsequent cheese and butter. Sheep's wool coming in handy too for clothing. Most of the consumed meat came from hunted Caribou and Seals. Both individual farmers and groups of farmers organized summer trips to the more northerly Disko Bay area where they hunted Walruses, Narwhals and Polar Bears for their skins, hides and ivory. Although cattle had to be kept inside for many months, sheep and goats managed to survive outside, grazing. Until the mid-15th century AD a mysterious silence kicked in and all word from them stopped reaching beyond the island. Among factors, the climate turning a much colder courtesy of the ‘Little Ice Age’, 1300 - 1850 AD. This Cooling Period is generally seen as having played a major role in their disappearance.”

Today, The Earth’s cycles are at the same point as when the Vikings first moved to Greenland Verification is easy . . . We must learn to look back and compare . . .

A scientific imperative . . . PAGE 15

The Politics of Human caused Global Warming and Climate Change causation, it seems, cannot, or will not stop. Re-examining this data, no matter how relevant, will not happen, easily. Climate Change and Global Warming have become Pseudo Religions that chose NOT to doubt the Current Narrative no matter how well founded or legitimate the findings are. Scientific Research counter to the central thesis that humans are responsible for Global Warming, linked to fossil fuels and CO2 . . . shall not be considered . . . Case Closed . . . Maybe Not . . .

That is not science . . . that is politics. So much evidence to the contrary is available at every turn . . .

Time to take another look! Another example of Global Warming . . .

Roman Theater of Alexandria Alexander the Great is the one who founded Alexandria in 331 B.C. After conquering Syria, he swept down into Egypt with his army and founded Alexandria in a small port town. Alexander made it a great capital. He is the one who designed the plan for the city. Alexander left Alexandria to his commander, Cleomenes who finished building the city. After establishing the great places, the Ptolemaic dynasty began in 332 BC. Ptolemy adds legitimacy to his rule by returning Alexander’s body to Alexandria after his death to Egypt. When Alexander went to Egypt and hooked up with Cleopatra . . . Egypt was a Green Oasis while the rest of the Planet had been experiencing a Period of Global Cooling, known as The Iron Age Cold Epoch. It began with another Major Volcano that erupted at Laguna Ixtapa, Guatemala, in 960 BC. This cooling period lasted from about 900 BC to 300 BC lasting almost 600 years. That Period was the coldest period Planet Earth has experienced in the last 10,000 years. Adding to this extended Period of Global Cooling, there were at least 7 known category 6 or greater Volcanoes, bringing crop failures to the world and to Southern Europe. Alexander was able to find ‘plenty’ at the gates of Cairo. Food is the Engine of Armies – This was the Engine that Alexander found from the lush Agricultural lands of the Nile Delta. PAGE 16

The harvest By March, the crop was ready to harvest. Only the heads of grain were cut off, using a short-handled wooden sickle with a saw-like blade made of flakes of flint. The valuable straw was pulled up later. The ears of corn were transported in baskets to threshing floors at circular walled enclosures in the fields. Here, livestock trod upon the grain. The grain was tossed in the air so that the lighter chaff (husks) separated from the heavier grain. The grain was then taken to granaries for storage. It was later ground between heavy stones to make flour. The Nile Delta at that time was not the wide spread Desert we see today. The world was recovering from The Iron Age Cold Epoch in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The coldest Global Cooling Period in the last 10,000 years. Only the Equatorial regions of Planet Earth had maintained High Agricultural Potential. Anthony found this resource in Egypt and Harvested the plenty to feed his Armies, throughout the known world.

What Causes These Cycles in Nature? . . . Volcanoes . . . The VEI index was developed to gauge the Magnitude of Volcanic Eruptions from VEI 1, the smallest, to VEI 8 the most powerful. Tambora, an Indonesian volcano, erupted in the South Pacific in 1815. It was the only VEI 7 eruption to have occurred in Written history. It is also believed to have dropped Worldwide temperatures between 5o & 7o Celsius within the first year. Global Temperatures did not return to Pre-Eruption conditions for up to 10 years. Yet man is ‘all wound up’ about a 0.8o average rise in Global Temperatures over the last 100 years . . . is this really serious? Meanwhile our leaders are trying to limit warming to 2o going into the future. Mount Pinatubo in 1991 dropped temperatures by 1 degree. That was a Tiny Eruption and so was Mt. St. Helens. A category 6 or 7 volcano would cause unimaginable destruction to our modern way of life. Starvation, crop failures, communication shut downs, plane groundings . . . for months on end, Worldwide. And we think we’re bad? History has proven we are nothing compared to Mother Nature, when it comes to Warming or Cooling. Mother Natures Power. September 2nd 1845, Mount Hekla, Iceland, Erupted During a ‘Tremendous Atlantic Storm’ thrusting millions of tons of Ash into the Atmosphere. That Storm carried the Ash with it and deposited the Ash with the Rain that fell on Ireland and Northern Europe. Wood Ash on Potato Gardens is Forbidden, ‘for it causes Blight’. The Irish & European Potato Famine of 1845. Caused by Blight, from Nature! 1 million souls perished in Ireland 2.5 million emigrated. 100,000 more deaths in Northern Europe. Soils Recovered in 7 years. This connection is made by merging the Science of Organic Gardening with Volcanism. Jim Le Maistre 2021. Iceland in 1783, a Volcanic Eruption registered 6 at Mount Laki and lasted for 8 months while continuously pouring out soot and ash. It is said that over 25,000 British Citizens may have died from the effects of the foul air, and many more across Western Europe. In 1886 Krakatoa, the world’s most Infamous Volcano erupted as a VEI 6. When the fourth and final colossal eruption occurred, the Explosion Radiated out over 1,000 km and was heard over 3,000 km away in Perth, Australia. The sound wave was recorded on barometers in London as the sound circled the earth and was recorded 7 times before dissipating. Global temperatures fell on average of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the first year and did not recover for more than 5 years. In April 1815 Tambora exploded and 160 Cubic Kilometers of soot, ash and gases were expelled. Two hundred million tons of Sulfur Dioxide was shot more than 30 kilometers up into the stratosphere where it spread out and blocked the sun for many years. PAGE 17

This Volcano erupted with five times the explosive force of Krakatoa in 1883 and 10 times that of Pinatubo in 1991. One year later, in the grip of what is known as, Volcanic Winter, the year 1816 became known as “the year without summer”, which in turn lead to the worst Crop Failures and Famine in Written History, in North America, Europe and Asia. One hundred thousand deaths can be directly attributed to this eruption: 80,000 caused by Starvation in the immediate vicinity alone and likely many Tens of Thousands more, Worldwide. These Volcanoes with a VEI of 6 or greater during the late 1700’s and through the 1800’s are descriptions of just three in a string of Colossal Volcanoes sending hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 and SO2 into the Stratosphere. Which then held Planet Earth in the grip of what is now called “The Mini Ice Age”. This was a time in Planetary and Human History that lasted from 1300 to 1850. Yet, we are told that Man- made Carbon Dioxide is Warming our Planet. Time to give our heads a shake. The Environment of our Planet is returning to a more Normal State of ‘Post-Volcanic-calm’ . . . as it has twice before in just the last 2,200 years.

Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995 Manmade CO2 is really nothing Globally, when compared to the effects of these Cataclysmic Monsters . . . even Cows and Farm Animals produce more CO2 every year than burning fossil fuels does. Even when you add up all the cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships combined. Never the less . . . thousands of very well-educated, wellmeaning University Graduates in the field of Environmental Studies tell us that my words are the words of a man who is not trained to explain Environmental issues to the World. “This guy doesn’t have the credentials to analyse this data.” That is correct! But I was a high school Teacher, I have been Educated enough to be able to differentiate between Right and Wrong . . . Truth and Gobbledygook . . . Should we stop polluting the world like drunken soldiers – absolutely! But, if you want to clean up the world we live in, then . . . DO IT . . . don’t just scare people into believing that the end is near by declaring CO2 as the root of all that Ails our Planet. Especially if the facts don’t hold up to scrutiny. We collectively must reduce the Bi-Products of burning Fossil Fuels and Reduce Pollution – the CO2 per say, is an insignificant increase that our Planet can easily handle as a miniscule proportion of Global CO2. These volumes are within the Natural Ebbs and Flows of Nature. Volcanoes and their Planetary Disruptions are far more real and far more dangerous than anything Humans can ever do to disrupt the Environment with the CO2 from burning Fossil Fuels. Let’s get it right and bring some Real Change to our polluting ways for the Right reasons and for Rational outcomes . . . It’s

the by-products from burning Fossil Fuels that we need to clean up, NOT the CO2 per say. PAGE 18

Nature’s Interreference . . . Global Warming & Global Cooling . . . 71 % of the Planet is covered by salt water, about 15 years ago Scientists thought that there were about 10,000 Volcanoes under the Oceans – Today research shows that there are over 3 million Volcanoes down there. Imagine in 2005, more than 36 years after man walked on the Moon and we still had no idea what was going on down below the Oceans. There is a crack in the Earths’ crust called the Mid Ocean Ridge that goes completely around the world, like the seam on a baseball. It is 80,000 kilometers long and leaks more lava than any other place on earth. Humans know almost nothing about this part of the world. What we do know however, is that this “crack” is the source of all of the Volcanoes the world has ever seen; either at the ridge or caused by the expanding Ridge pushing the Ocean floor under some continent somewhere in the World. Furthermore, the core of the Earth, due to Centrifugal Forces, is pushing the continents farther out towards the Poles while leaking lava at the points of separation. This is the greatest source of change on our Planet. Incontrovertible fact for Millions of Years. Nature will not be superseded by Human actions, ever. No matter how bad Humans may get.

Mother Nature always has a trump card up her sleeve to show Humanity who is Boss around here.

Furthermore, we have things that happen around our Planet that simply get ignored because nobody gets killed. A category 8.9 earthquake happened on the Austral-Indian plate in 2012.No Big Deal! No tsunami, nobody dies . . . so what? It was a “Lateral Quake” no damage. But there - down under the Ocean - who knows what went on, category 8.9 . . . that’s Fukoshima in strength. It was the largest ‘Lateral Quake’ ever recorded. When these Quakes occur at that Magnitude, something Dramatic is under way, down below the Ocean surface. This part of the World is where some of the most powerful Volcanoes have occurred. Some suggestions are that the Austral-Indian plate is beginning to separate. If a crack appears down there, will anyone know? Is lava flowing down there? If so, when will we know? Will it be too late to take action? Is this a Warning sign from Nature? PAGE 19

Astral-Indian plate “YOU may not have felt it, but the whole world shuddered on 11 April, 2014, as Earth’s crust began the difficult process of breaking a tectonic plate. When two huge earthquakes ripped through the floor of the Indian Ocean, they triggered large aftershocks on faults the world over, and provided the best evidence yet that the vast IndoAustralian plate is being torn apart. Geologists have spent five months puzzling over the twin quakes – of magnitude 8.6 and 8.2 – which took place off the coast of North Sumatra. Events that large normally occur at the boundary between tectonic plates, where one chunk of Earth’s crust slides beneath another, but these were more than 100 kilometres from such a subduction zone. What’s more, both involved rocks grinding past each other sideways with very little vertical movement – what geologists call strike-slip earthquakes. Yet strike-slip quakes this large, had never been reported before”. Mount Laki in Iceland erupted in 1783 for over 8 months. During that time, it is said to have produced the most pyroclastic flow (lava) of any known volcano in history by releasing 12 cubic km’s of lava. In 2011 the Axial Sea Mount, 300 km’s off the coast of Oregon, 1.5 km’s below the Pacific Ocean, erupted and released at least at least 15 cubic km’s of lava that spread broadly across the Ocean floor along a 1.5 km rift, not in a cone. The greatest lava flow ever known in the history of researching Volcanoes and it took two years to notice that it had happened. For humans to discount the magnitude of this eruption is a classic example of “see no evil and hear no evil”. For context, MacDonald et al point out that the lava flows from the Axial Seamount were enough to cover the entire American Interstate Highway system with 10 meters of lava, that’s 30 feet deep. Then, six months later, environmentalists announced that the temperature of the Pacific Ocean currents are rising and attribute this temperature rise to Man-Made Greenhouse Gas Emissions. It was the warmest La Niña year since records began in the late 1880’s. Here then, after 18 years or so with no discernible change in atmospheric temperatures, from 1998 to 2015. The rising temperatures of the Seawaters in the Pacific Ocean give occasion for adamant decrees that Human activity is responsible for these warmer water temperatures. A classic deflection debating technique. The most commonly accepted argument supporting Man-Made Global Warming is losing ground because the atmosphere isn’t getting any warmer lately and the facts are getting thin . . . point with great gusto to an unsupported, unresearched claim that implies support for your argument that warming is happening by pointing to Pacific Ocean temperatures. CO2 may be a cause of some Global Warming but what is happening under the Pacific Ocean, to say the least, is poorly understood. This cannot be described as a Man-Made cause for the Ocean Warming before a great deal more data is reviewed. Oh, this Man-Made view is supported by members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) co-founders of the IPCC. Vancouver, The Province 8/19/15.

The Axial Seamount . . . Global Warming . . . 300 kilometers off the coast of Oregon there is an Undersea Volcano, The Axial Seamount. It erupted in 1982, 1998, 2011 and 2015. New Scientist July 9th, 2007 suggests that there are roughly 3 million volcanoes under the Oceans of the world, this one is the only under sea Volcano ever, regularly, studied. It is estimated that about 80% of all volcanic activity on Earth occurs under the Oceans. Almost nothing is known about these Volcanoes. Scientists do not even have a scale by which to measure volcanoes that erupt under the sea. No system has ever been developed to describe or rate their Magnitude like the systems rating Volcanoes above land.


Environment Canada – August 2015 . . . arrow pointing to ’Axial Seamount’- by author On July 18th, 2011 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an agency of the United States Government, declared, in Scientific American and also in Nature Geoscience on July 17 th, 2011, that more than 1/2 of all the heat that keeps planet Earth from freezing in the cosmos comes from the fission reactor at the Earth’s core. The other half of the heat that keeps life possible on Earth, comes from the Sun. The earth’s core is said to be 6,230o centigrade . . . Equal to the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Scientists described the core of the Earth as a Fission reactor producing more than one half of all the heat needed to survive in the Universe as we careen through space at 107,000 kilometers per hour circling around the Sun. Not one research paper regarding ‘Climate Change’ ever written to this day includes that 50% contribution to Global Warming coming from the Earth’s core. 100 % of all papers written to date describe the effects of the Sun and Solar radiation as being the only source of energy. How will that effect our long-term calculations considering this one dramatic alteration to statistical analysis? And how will this one enormous fact change our views of Climate Change?

100% of current data describing ‘Man-Made climate change’ is flawed by at least 50 %! 100 % of the computer models developed to project Climate Change are missing 50% of the input heat from the Earth’s core. No Scientist currently examining Climate Change has considered this massive influence coming from the Fission Reactor at the Earth’s core. There is absolutely no data representing the energy released from the thousands of Volcanoes erupting under the Oceans every year in any document anywhere to be found regarding Climate Change. We have spent Billions of dollars studying Climate Change and we have completely ignored the fundamental basis of Good Science. How can any Scientific paper describing Climate Change be accredited or honorably Peer Reviewed, when 50% of the input contributors are missing? . . . The power of consensus thinking . . .?! PAGE 21

Satellite based Thermal Scanning of the Earth’s Oceans by NASA has shown that there could be up to 3 million Volcanoes down under the Ocean, New Scientist, July 9th, 2007. Above ground, in places like Hawaii, Iceland, Mexico or Indonesia, there are only 500 active volcanoes. There may be 6,000 times more Volcanoes under the Oceans than there is above ground. We know absolutely nothing about these Monsters below the Oceans and we have NO substantial research other than the research available describing The Axial Seamount off the coast of Oregon. We know more about the surface of the Moon, the surface of Mars and the workings of interstellar space than we know about the bottom of the Oceans right here on Planet Earth. Scientifically this should be a scandal. But no, it is without appeal to the masses. The much-needed research funding receives no voice from Politicians or Environmentalists. The best we can do is to make assumptions about how these Volcanoes affect the environment of our Little Blue Planet. There is something down under the oceans known as the Mid Ocean Ridge. It is 80,000 kilometers long and is in a state of continuous Volcanic Eruption and Seismicity. That means it is always leaking out lava and it is always causing earthquakes somewhere along its length. This crack in the Earth’s crust is responsible for every Earthquake and every Volcano in the world, in some way. It circles the world endlessly like the seam on a baseball and has more to do with the earth’s climate than anything humans can ever imagine. Let’s take a look at El Niño and La Nina around the world. The major 1982–83 El Niño led to an upsurge of interest from the Scientific community. The period 1991–1995 was unusual in that El Niño’s have rarely occurred in such rapid succession. An especially intense El Niño event in 1998 caused an estimated 16% of the world's Reef Systems to die. The event temporarily warmed air temperature by 1.5 °C, compared to the usual increase of 0.25 °C associated with El Niño events. Since then, Mass Coral Bleaching has become common worldwide, with all regions having suffered "severe bleaching". It is thought that there have been at least 30 El Niño events since 1900, the 1982–83, 1997–98 and 2014–16 events among the strongest on record.

The 1982-83, the 1997-98 and the 2015-16 El Niño episodes correspond directly with eruptions below the Ocean at The Axial Seamount. In all three cases they seem Scientifically Coincidental but worthy of mention. Each eruption released massive quantities of lava by volume and a great deal of heat was released, but they are very difficult to quantify given that they occurred under the largest body of water on Planet Earth. Correlation yes, causation very is difficult to attribute. No beginning or end, no obvious spike in temperatures directly attributable to the eruptions. Lots’a smoke . . . no fire. PAGE 22

In 2011, on a Global scale, La Niña events helped keep the average Global temperature above recent La Niña trends. As a result, 2011 tied with 1997 as the eleventh-warmest year on record. It tied with the second-warmest year of the 20th century. A relatively strong phase of La Niña opened the year, dissipated in the spring before re-emerging in October then lasted through the end of the year. When compared to previous La Niña years, the 2011 global surface temperature was the warmest ever observed. The 2011 globally-averaged precipitation over land was the second-wettest year on record, behind 2010. Precipitation varied greatly around the Globe. This La Niña contributed to drought in East Africa and Australia's third-wettest year in its 112 years of record keeping.

These things on the surface seem to have little to do with one another until a comparison between Global Temperatures are made with the eruption years at The Axial Seamount. Then some very interesting anomalies appear from which our current views on Climate Change must be altered.

In 1982-83 and 1997-98 temperatures in these years were considered the warmest on record. These just happened to coincide with eruptions at the Axial Seamount. No big deal, not broadly known, unlikely relevant. Each a one-time event, maybe. But later, when we look back, possibly this was not just a coincidence. What if major Volcanoes erupting under the Oceans are causing Global Warming? Again in 2015-16 another ‘warmest year on record’. What if the correlation is the smoking gun of causation? The new evidence at the Axial Seamount placing another eruption in 1982 seems most relevant. The preliminary photographic evidence produced by NOAA for 1982 is very interesting to say the least. It does correspond with the El Niño spike of 1982-83 along with the big spike in 1997-98 with the proven Eruption at the Axial Seamount that year. Nice thoughts but even to good analytical scientists there is no direct link to cause. That said, here is a quote about La Niña in 2011 . . . A relatively strong phase of La Niña opened the year, dissipated in the spring before re-emerging in October and lasted through the end of the year. When compared to previous La Niña years, the 2011 Global Surface Temperature was the warmest La Niña year ever recorded. Now that is a smoking gun, here’s why. The Axial Seamount erupted in the spring and continued into the early fall. This warming of the ocean currents by the sub-oceanic lava flow can be directly linked to One Single Volcanic Eruption. Dates relating to the end of Cooling and the dates for the return to Cooling directly corresponding to the eruption at The Axial Seamount. Now there is clear causation, there is Evidence . . . in a La Niña year of all years. The direct linkage between One Volcano and a failed La Niña episode is demonstrable . . . 2011 stands as the Warmest La Niña year since Humans began recording temperatures on paper. Imaging continues to show that the Oceans are warming, and by extension, the Planet is Warming. These images are of water temperatures rising because Volcanoes are erupting beneath the Oceans all over the world. The Volcanoes erupt, the water it touches, instantly boils and turns to 700o steam. The steam has up to 1,000 times more atmospheric pressure applied to it than it would at Sea level. That steam is pushed, screaming to the surface where it evaporates. That hot steam rises 24 hours a day until the lava stops flowing. Meanwhile, the rising steam acts to change the patterns of the Jet Stream, hence, causing major disruptions in ‘typical’ weather patterns. See, West Coast North America, Summer 2015, by example. It is not just the water that gets warmer. The Air, the Weather and even the Jet Streams above are dramatically affected as well . . .


This was 2015, the year of the west coast drought and the warmest El Niño year on record All of these hot spots in the oceans are probably caused by lava leaking out from under the Ocean at the midocean ridge. Rising ocean temperatures releases Carbon Dioxide from the Oceans for two main reasons. First, when the Ocean is warmed by lava, like warming a pop bottle, it quickly drives out the CO2 gas long stored at the bottom of the Ocean. Furthermore, melting Sea Ice and melting Glaciers increase the rate that the warm and cold ocean water mix, which dredges up high CO2 concentrations from the Deep Ocean. Both of these raise total Global concentrations of CO2 to levels never seen before when added to the CO2 from burning fossil fuels. Naturally occurring CO2 from sources below the Oceans, are adding to Man’s contribution, thanks to Volcanoes below the oceans. Not what Environmental Activists would have us believe. Like all other issues in the world – first, the question is asked, then some research is done, and then with Science in hand, New Theories are proposed based on fact . . . So, we have Volcanoes erupting under the Oceans, we have rising water temperatures, we have rising Atmospheric temperatures and rising Global temperatures. All of these converging factors have happened repeatedly, unabated, nine times in the last 10,000 years without any help from Man or from burning Fossil Fuels.

So now, let’s ask ourselves, what is the chance that again, today, Climate Change is happening naturally, as it always has? PAGE 24

Dansgaard et al 1969 & Schonweise 1995

The Axial Seamount and its effects on Pacific Ocean currents is not mentioned in any Environmental Research paper currently available. Does that mean that it doesn’t have an effect or just that no one has had a look? Furthermore, why look, if it could bring you shame among your learned peers? On the other end of Environmental reviews is the “hockey stick” Global Warming Graph by Michael Mann that everyone has seen. The one that feeds the Man-Made Global Warming faithful. It conveniently ends in the year 2000. Funny how that seemingly removes the 18 years of flat or cooling temperatures from 1998 – to 2016 . . . Missing are the nondescript years in between and what ‘averaging’ would do to his ‘spike’ of 1998. Does everybody have to misrepresent or distort information to make their case? Both sides of the Global Warming debate seem to be spending more time discrediting each other, rather than getting to the Scientific truth . . . Herein lies the curse for sensible people who do broad based research across multiple disciplines. Nothing in the Man-Made Global Warming research holds much water when scrutinised Scientifically beyond the easy short-term findings. Far too many details come up as loose ends. As we have seen, rising CO2 equals rising temperatures, right? Maybe, but for some strange reason that stopped in the late 90’s. Since then, CO2 has risen 36 ppm while global temperatures have remained more or less flat until 2015 and The Axial Seamount eruption.


Possibly temperature readings were being affected during the boom years of high-rise construction in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s where massive heat sinks were being created in cities around the world. Most of the weather stations are located in cities, and by the late 90’s these rising temperatures were coming from what is known as the urban island heat effect. Today, in relative terms, those anomalies have balanced out and the increasing temperatures have equalized and they have become the current norm. Previously, a 72 ppm increase in CO2 garnered a 0.8o C rise in atmospheric temperatures. By extension then today a 0.4 o rise should now be in order, due to the current rise of 36 ppm. For 18 years there was no discernable increase in temperature. If your scientific theory is based on the previous example and your research results are the latter then there is a major problem: your theory is not supported by your new results. According to Scientific rules, you now must review your thesis; maybe even withdraw your hypothesis as being flawed or even make a statement discrediting your earlier findings. If your thesis doesn’t hold up with 25 years of factbased results, any good Scientist withdraws his or her proposal as having failed the test of due diligence. Or as seems to be the case today: point to Receding Glaciation or to Warming Ocean Temperatures to deflect attention while your theory erodes before your very eyes. ‘If you are lucky, no one will notice the blatant flaws’, an Environmentalist’s Creed. Most of this has been pointed out by Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever at the Nobel Laureate meeting at Lindau Germany in July 2015. When verified and cross-referenced to other sources Giaever’s position stands up to scrutiny, even when the sources are “Pro Global Warming” web site data. That being said, Dr. Giaever has been vehemently opposed by environmentalists in response to his speech. His findings are not being openly debated, publicly; his credentials are the only thing being discredited. Not the content of his discourse! The fact that Environmentalists disagree without debating the details presented is telling enough. Such is our modern world. If you cannot successfully debate the facts, discredit your dissenting opponent with hyperbole and conjecture. ‘Who cares about the science?’ . . . On and on it goes . . . So, what happens when lava erupts under the Ocean somewhere in the World and what are the effects? How many BTUs are there in 15 cubic km of lava at 1000 o Celsius erupting below the Ocean, and how long does it take to dissipate? . . . 15 cubic Kilometers of Lava is EQUAL to the Energy required to produce the TOTAL Global Steel Production for 75 Years! . . . Will it affect the temperature of the Ocean currents and or the Atmosphere and The Jet Stream above, as the heat screams to the surface as Super-Heated steam? If so, for how long? Down there where the lava meets the water you get these super-heated geysers of steam rising at 700o centigrade in water that is near freezing in temperature at depths of 3-5 kilometers or more in the Ocean. The speed and intensity of these rising currents and their effect on Water Temperatures and the Air Currents above is little known. (read as – only now being researched for the first time ever). Anecdotal connections between Sub-Oceanic Volcanic activity and dramatic weather pattern changes seem to be clear and quite substantial. Ocean currents passing over the lava are warmed as they come into contact with the lava. Meanwhile atmospheric currents are energised by the rising heat that evaporates as it comes out of the ocean. These rising currents of steam above the ocean can stimulate Jet Stream activity causing ‘a-typical’ anomalies altering the Jet Stream and weather patterns, pushing around low-pressure zones from their “normal” patterns. The Axial Seamount erupted for three months starting in April of 2015. What is interesting is the coincidental near drought conditions off the coast of Western North America throughout the summer of 2015. Local news reports on August 19th 2015, described the large area of Ocean Warming as “The Blob”. This area was directly above The Axial Seamount and was not mentioned by Simon Donner, Professor of Climatology, interviewed for the sensationalistic front-page story in The Province newspaper of British Columbia. If professional climatologists are not aware of Massive Sub-Oceanic Eruptions affecting Ocean temperatures then who is? Let’s remember, the IPCC was co-founded by the UN and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988. PAGE 26

The feature article is headlined “Godzilla El Nino to mash with the Blob”. Is it possible that this change to water temperatures and currents had anything to do with the Jet Stream being warmed and driven farther north by the rising heat energy from this Sub-Oceanic Volcano at The Axial Seamount in the summer of 2015? This eruption of lava below the surface also pre-heats the south bound Ocean currents before they turn west along the Equator, where the currents are then heated even more by the Sun. These super warmed currents then move north into Asia producing some of the worst Typhoons in two hundred years, in places like Indonesia and the Philippines. Then there is El Nino, the mysterious anomaly that changes weather patterns. Humans simply don’t know anything substantial about Sub-Oceanic Volcanoes and do not seem to be investing much in that kind of research. Do Volcanoes belch out vast quantities of lava every 6 years or so below the Oceans where they are not seen or detected? No one knows. The Oceans below 200 meters have never been mapped or studied. Yet, we have walked on the Moon and we are exploring deep space. Scientists know there is a pattern to the La Nina / El Nino cycles, but to say that they are understood is a stretch.

How the lava pouring out of the Mid Ocean Ridge of the Pacific Ocean influences Ocean temperatures will remain a mystery, I am afraid, for quite some time to come. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 2009 filmed the West Mata volcano as it erupted and continues to study the effects that these Sub-Oceanic volcanoes have on Ocean temperatures, and the potential effects they may have on climate – only two sites are now being studied worldwide. At least 80 % of the volcanic eruptions in the world occur below the Oceans. When the big ones erupt down there, might they be leading to Global Warming? Nobody yet knows the answer to that question. If it took over a year to discover that the Axial Seamount had erupted in 1998, by accident mind you, then how many more have not been detected and how much of our Planet’s Warming can be attributed to them? We do not even have a system to rate Sub-Oceanic volcanoes that is how little we know. First, someone must ask the question Scientifically and then someone has to look for the answers. We have better maps of the Moon and of Mars than we do of the Ocean. 95% of the ocean,

below 200 meters, has NEVER been explored! The average depth of our oceans is over 5 kilometers. PAGE 27

According to NOAA, 2011 was a La Nina year (cooling trend) that began in late 2010. La Nina opened the year in a strong phase then disappeared in the spring only to reappear to finish out the year from October onwards. 2011 was the warmest La Nina year on record dating back to the 1880’s. 2011 was the year that the Axial Seamount erupted off the coast of Oregon. Volcanoes unquestionably cool the planet when they erupt at or above VEI 6 above ground. The largest eruption of lava ever known to have occurred, happened in 2011 under the Pacific Ocean at the Axial Seamount. Is this what contributed to the warmest La Nina year on record? The lava flow of 15 cu km is almost 4 times the annual global average of 4 cu km known to be expelled from all the volcanoes above the oceans everywhere on earth in one year. Is the Scientific community missing one of the strongest contributors to Climate Change? Again, 80 % of all the Volcanic Eruptions occur below the Oceans and we Humans have absolutely no idea what effect these eruptions are having on our Planet. Nor do we know what effect these sub-oceanic Volcanoes have on water temperature, or the weather patterns above the oceans. These 700o C superheated columns of steam that come racing to the surface, are more than something to watch. Our planet is far too complex to rely on simple analysis. Many variables are only now coming to light regarding the intermingled factors leading to life on this planet. Again, is pollution bad? Yes, as a by-product of burning fossil fuels and resulting from all the other Polluting activities Humans are known to do. Is man responsible for Global Warming? The power of the Nuclear reactor producing vast quantities of heat at the core of this planet was just identified in 2014. We must get a grasp of this fact first. The heat that is coming from the core of our planet represents more than 1/2 of all the heat needed to keep us alive on Earth – not just the Sun! Is this heat source constant and consistent? No, it is spotty, temperamental, destructive, and at times, to humans, it can be cruel. The only thing that we can point to is that there appears to be 500-year cycles of Warming and Cooling, probably caused by Volcanic activity.

Stumps have been thawing from beneath the Mendenhall Glacier for about 50 years, but recently, considerably more have been found in upright positions with roots still intact. (Image credit: Jamie Bradshaw) PAGE 28

As the Ice Sheets recede, Forests from the Medieval Warming Period (950 – 1450) are being found in Alaska, Greenland, the Andes and the Himalayas. Far too many of the Global Warming papers suggest that the Medieval Warming Period was exclusively a North Atlantic phenomenon, caused by what is called the “North Atlantic Oscillation” that only affected Greenland and parts of North Western Europe. We know that as Glaciers recede in Greenland, trees 60’ tall had been growing at the top of fjords during the Medieval Warming Period. Forests that flourished in Greenland for at least 500 years while the Vikings lived there. This may prove to be problematic to current Global Warming theories. There is evidence from where Glaciers are receding, that The Medieval Warming Period was a widespread Global Phenomenon. Demonstrating that forests once thrived at much higher elevations Worldwide than what we see today. Ice, covers about 80% of Greenland but when these forests were standing, there could not have been much more than 65-75% ice. Those forests provided fire wood and some building materials to the settlers who lived there and prospered. Building materials may have been imported, but firewood? What happened to the water from the Glaciers that melted back then? Were London, Barcelona or Venice under water? Predictions today suggest that our Coastal waters would have risen 20’ as Greenland and other Global Glaciers melted during those warming periods.

The Tower of London - today

Circa 1750 - Painting

Rialto Bridge Venice Italy - today

Circa 1750 - Painting

The More Things Change . . . The More They Stay The Same PAGE 29

The docks at the Tower of London were built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. The paintings on the wall of the British museum, stand as proof. Built in the middle of the Medieval Warming Period while the Vikings were living on Greenland. Somewhere between 10 & 20% of the Greenland Ice Pack was gone at that time. By current predictions, the water in London would have been 20’ higher then than it is today. By extension, those docks should be 20’ above water in 1750 . . . the coldest year in 2,500 years, they were not. Reverse thinking! Nor have they ever been. The Docks at the Tower are 4’ plus or minus above water as they always have been. History speaks volumes while conjecture on what might happen as temperatures rise is extremism without merit, augmenting, ‘fear-mongering’ and the Environmentalist Narrative. Historical facts have proven and continue to contradict these false predictions about what may happen as the Greenland Ice Pack recedes. Absent of any proof in Historical records or from Science whatsoever. Global Warming will not bring higher sea levels. History has factually proven to the contrary. See photos and paintings above for graphic comparison. Why then, when the Ice Packs covered little more than 65-75 % of Greenland and Glaciers the World over had receded, did the Coastal Cities of the World NOT flood between 950 and 1450??

The answer is . . . a Gyre . . . a term used to describe the centre point of Ocean Currents. There are 5 worldwide. Two in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pacific Ocean Current and the North Atlantic Ocean Current that turn clockwise. There are three in the Southern Hemisphere, The South Pacific Ocean Current, The South Atlantic Ocean Current, and The Indian Ocean Current that turn counter clockwise. (See - Oceanic currents and Circulation – As Ocean temperatures rise, so too does a Gyre rise above the sea floor and can be hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in area. Then, due to the height, the currents increase in speed drawn up by increased temperatures, then downhill by gravity and by centrifugal forces of our spinning planet. That is to say, the warmer the Ocean gets, the faster the water flows, the higher the CENTRE of the ocean rises, not along the shore! Sea levels, based on these facts, do not change along Costal Continental regions surrounding the world’s 5 great oceans. The threat of a 20’ rise in sea levels as proposed by many Environmental Researchers is proven wrong by 500 years of written history from 950-1450 and by the Scientific facts of Gyres. Predictions to the contrary are not born out by History or Scientific fact. PAGE 30

How do Gyers stabilize Water Levels? As mentioned, water is drawn into the Gyers by Centrifugal Forces speeded up by rising water temperatures. That water accumulating at ever increasing volumes at the Centre of the Oceans, slowly applying a downward pressure on the Earth’s mantle. As do the Continents, they too ‘Ride’ the mantle like Icebergs in the Ocean. It’s not quite that simple but it gives a graphic example of how our Planet’s inner workings can be related to its outer world. We know that Mountain Ranges, like Glaciers have a lot more going on below than above.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Mountain Ranges, More Rugged Than the Mountains Above, Deep Within the Earth’s Mantle. New research is evolving that describes Convection currents between the Earth’s Crust and the Earth’s Core who’s “viscosity is called a slowly moving or creeping fluid that does not have turbulence”. This quote is from David Bercovici in his Treatise on Geophysics Vol. 7 – Mantle Dynamics. That fluid nature however is dynamically affected by actions above the earth’s crust. The Oceans, their volume and the effect of the Fluid Vortex at the Ocean’s Gyres apply immense downward forces against the Earth’s mantle. Atmospheric pressure 1,000 times what is found at sea level, plus the volume and the mass of the water above, slowly presses down on the Earth’s core, just enough to accommodate the extra water from melting Glaciers. This is what stabilizes ocean levels and explains why sea levels are not altered between periods of Warming and Cooling. However, this may cause ‘creep’ in the tectonic plates that leads to volcanic actives at active zones along the Mid-Ocean ridge. This may also explain strong increases in Quake activities, Globally, when the mantle is ‘moved’ by the forces applied by increased volumes of water, fed by melting Glaciation, Globally. This activity swings back and forth over periods of 500 years. Cold Periods fed by Volcanic activity above land produces Global Cooling, gradually increases Glaciation. And by reducing volume from the Oceans and thereby reducing pressure on the Mantle at the Gyers. Meanwhile, the continents increase their downward pressure due to increased Glaciation in the Mountains down onto the mantle. Again, perpetuating the reversing actions along the Mid Ocean Ridges of the Planet. Almost a ‘See-Saw Effect’, back and forth between periods of Warming and periods of Cooling. PAGE 31

“The subducted oceanic crust triggers Volcanism, although the basic mechanisms are varied. Volcanism may occur due to processes that add buoyancy to partially melted mantle, which would cause upward flow of the partial melt due to a decrease in its density. Secondary convection may cause Surface Volcanism as a consequence of intraplate extension and mantle plumes. In 1993 it was suggested that inhomogeneities in “D" layer have some impact on mantle convection. Mantle convection causes tectonic plates to move around the Earth's surface resulting in gravitational sorting of heavier molten iron, nickel, and sulphides to the core and lighter silicate minerals to the mantle.”,compo nents%20of%20the%20upper%20mantle.

This field of Science is, to say the least controversial, with the light of Science shining on Planetary Dynamics. This provides a far more clear understanding of our Natural Evolution as we swing from periods of Global Cooling to periods of Global Warming. Explaining how and why the Earth changes so Dramatically and Cyclically over 500-year cycles . . . Science evolves . . . We as Humans must learn as we go . . . As We always have . . . Once again Science points to Nature as the dominant force in all things Climactic on Planet Earth. Humans are little more than a horde of Ants scurrying around on the floor of the jungle. Our influence although meaningful, is of little consequence in the ‘Grand Scheme’ of things. We are no more likely to influence climate cycles

with CO2, than setting off an Atomic Bomb will, in any measurable way, alter the Earth’s path as it circles the Sun.

It is our Duty to be good Stewards of Nature, in all that the Universe has bestowed upon us! PAGE 32

Glaciers are Melting Globally . . . To What Effect? Antarctica North America

Antarctica, in the winter, is 24 million square kilometers, which for perspective, makes Antarctica 20 % larger than Canada and the United States combined. September 2014 and June 2014 were considered the coldest winter temperatures on record for Antarctica. Additionally, that same year it was reported that the total polar ice cap was the largest ever recorded, in area, as measured by Satellite imaging. Furthermore, the ice surrounding Antarctica was deemed to have reached its thickest ever recorded. In 2010 a reading of -93.3o C was taken as the coldest temperature ever recorded on Planet Earth. What you see here is not statistics, they are a demonstration of fact – the world we live in is not a constant, it is a living, moving, changing Beast that we as humans can not presume to know. In 2014 parts of Michigan State recorded its coldest temperatures in history while Tucson Arizona, had the warmest winter recorded since records began in the late 1800’s. Compare these two locations on a map – now think about how close they are to one another, Globally. Change is the only constant. Humans do not have a clue of what tomorrow will bring. Just ask your local meteorologist if you need more confirmation of predictive inexactitude. Antarctica holds 90 % of all of the earth’s glaciers while Greenland is second with 8 % of all the glaciers in the world, 98 % combined. That leaves 2 % to be shared between the rest of all the mountain ranges in the world. What more can be said about this? When we hear Alarmists decrying the sorry state of our Global Glaciation and all the shrinking glaciers, they are speaking of a miniscule portion of 2 % of all the world’s glaciers. We seem to worry maybe far too much about a meaningless portion of 2% and not enough about common sense. Look at the big picture. That 2% includes the Rockies, the Himalayas, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Ural Mountains, the Andes and the mountains of Alaska, and so many more. Yes, some are melting but frankly, if you look closely enough, somewhere on this Planet of ours there are Glaciers that are growing like those in Antarctica. Let’s get real about what is fact and what are whipped up frenzies created by alarmists looking for attention, or worse yet, looking for contributions to sustain their ‘Anti-Global Warming Crusades’. 500 years ago, Glaciers had receded to points as much as 1,200’ higher than what we see today That is why we are finding forests under the receding Glaciers all over the world. Man-Made Global Warming stops being the modern anomaly . . . if . . . in the not-so-distant past, the world was even Warmer than it is today. Fact Always Trumps Conjecture! PAGE 33

Some scientific terms describing historical time periods, roughly . . . - Roman Warming Period

BC 250 -- 536 AD

- Dark Ages Cooling Period

536 – 950

- Medieval Warming Period

950 – 1450

- The little Ice Age

1450 – 1950

- The Norm of Warm

1950 – 2450

The Roman Warming Period History tells us that this was a protracted period of Global Climate Stability. Some studies suggest temperatures somewhat higher than current temperatures from as far back as 250 BC to 550 AD. During this time span Scientists find only 5 volcanoes of VEI 6 or greater from the Ice Core records. This compared to 17 over VEI 6 during the Little Ice Age that our Planet is just now coming out of. Temperatures, on average, in the Northern Hemisphere are shown to have been in the range of 2.5O warmer than present. (Keigwin, 1996; Holmgren et al., 1999; 2001; Idso & Idso, 2000; Olfasdottir et al.,2001; Gruddet al.,2002; Jiang et al, 2002, Berglund, 2003; Munroe 2003; D’Arrigo et al., 2004; Loehie 2004; Fleitman et al., 2004; Hormes et al., 2004; Blundel and Barber, 2005; Linderholm and Gunnarson, 2005; Allen et al., 2007; Mariolakos, 2008). Temperature readings that much higher than present would place the growing of vineyards between 200 and 300 kilometers farther north than currently expected in the Northern Hemisphere. Northern France would be more like Italy or Greece, northern Oregon would be more like California and Washington DC would be more like Florida. This bit of history would make the Roman Warming Period warmer by 25% than the 2o C our world leaders are targeting for a future maximum. Where are the logical, rational thinkers when Humanity looks into the mirror? How can we humans possibly control the effects of Nature on this Planet when History has already proven that Nature will deliver much greater change and upheaval, without man’s help? Two thousand years ago the world was the same place as it is now, but the weather all over the World was different - some dry places were wet, some cold places were warm, some stable places became uninhabitable – such is life on Planet Earth now and for the previous millions of years of life on Planet Earth. Nature will NOT, be subdued and will NOT be controlled by Humanity, ever, no matter how big our collective Egos may become!!

The Dark Ages Cooling Period A new era to end those “Glory Days” of Roman superiority in the known world. You guessed it . . . Volcanoes. This time two Colossal Volcanoes on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean erupted more or less at the same time (in planetary terms). First the notorious Indonesian Volcano, Krakatoa erupted as a VEI 7 volcano. Early Chinese reports of this Eruption have been confirmed. Then, more or less in the same year, Ilopango in El Salvador, Central America, Erupted as a VEI 6.9 volcano. Documentary evidence clearly demonstrates that the years 535 and 536 would launch the worst natural Climactic Disruption in 10,000 years. Global changes resulting from the Environmental Catastrophe affected Humans from Mongolia to Constantinople, Greenland to Antarctica which precipitated plague, famine and widespread death from starvation and disease. Great migrations and tumultuous events ensued which brought on the fall of the great Mexican city of Teotihuacan, the Anglo-Saxon PAGE 34

victory over the Celts and the rise of the unified peoples of China. If one Volcano, Tambora, registering 7 on the VEI index brought Volcanic Winter to the summer of 1816, just imagine the consequences of two in the same year . . . A quote in shivering detail is ascribed to Cassiodorus by Rampino et al. “the Sun . . . seems to have lost its wonted light, and appears of a blush color. We marvel to see no shadows of our bodies at noon, to feel the mighty vigour of the Sun’s heat wasted into feebleness, and the phenomena which accompanies an eclipse prolonged through almost a whole year. We have had . . . a summer without heat . . . the crops have been chilled by north winds . . . the rain is denied . . .”

- The plague of Justinian wiped out 25% of the population of the known world and 50% of the citizens of Rome (the first known version of the Bubonic Plague) - There were 7 years of crop failures - Empires around the world fell - In places drought destroyed the land and the crops - In others torrential rains and floods brought chaos and death - Tree ring growth did not return to normal for 15 years - Even the Nile and the Black Sea were known to have frozen over - Temperatures took up to 30 years to return to normal - The “Bavarian hordes” descended from northern European countries in search of food and arable land. - Armies were able to cross the frozen Rhyne River and defeat the Romans in their encampments to the east without using the heavily fortified bridges to get there. - The Avar, a horse-based tribe of Mongols moved west through the mountains to Carpathia to challenge what was left of the Romans to the East. - Mass graves first for the starving and then for the plague ridden are to be found throughout the known civilized world. - In China ‘yellow dust rained like snow’ . . . The following year crops were ruined by snow in August So, this was the beginning of what we now call The Dark Ages Cooling Period. At its height the cooling was known to cause freezing of the Nile in 829 and The Black Sea in 800 and 801 AD. (Pidwirny, 2006). These two volcanoes, Ilopango and Krakatoa, each were equal to Tambora in 1815. These two together had more than double the Climatological effect and would last more than twice as long . . . it has a logarithmic effect on Global Climate. So changed was our Planet at this time, that Humanity would take hundreds of years to recover socially, politically and culturally. Lead poisoning, the plague and famine had taken the stuffing out of the intelligencia of a world that had so flourished but a decade before. Beyond the Human toll no reference is ever made as to the status of Wildlife under these conditions . . . the word bleak is all that comes to mind. PAGE 35

The Medieval Warming Period Late in the First Millennium Humanity caught a break. By the end of the 9th century life was getting much better in Northern Europe and there was once again prosperity. Stability was returning to the known world. “Law and order” were gaining ground in the world, and civilization was once again taking root among the nations. By 950 and well into the first millennium weather conditions had improved dramatically. Vineyards were said to be growing in parts of England again. “This Climate Change resulted in warmer and drier conditions throughout Northern Europe. Farming in Scotland therefore could be expanded to higher altitudes that were previously too cold for agriculture” (H.H. Lamb 1964). “In Greenland clamshell data suggests that between 800 and 1300 regions around the fjords of southern Greenland experienced a mild climate several degrees higher than usual for that part of the North Atlantic. With trees and herbaceous plants growing and livestock being farmed. Barley was being grown up to the 70th Parallel”. (C. Arnold 2010 & Bucher 2009) Professor Michael Pidwirny of The University of British Columbia, Okanagan in Physical Geography, suggests that “during the “little climatic optimum” (The Medieval Warming Period) it represents the Warmest Climate since the “Climate Optimum” (4,000 years before). The snowline in the Rocky Mountains was about 370 meters (1,200 feet) above current levels”. Vaganov et al., 1996; Briffa et al., 1998 and Naurzbaev et al., 2002 all concur that “the Warmest Period over the last 2000 years in the Taimar peninsula of Northern Russia above the 70th parallel was during the Middle Ages Warming Period”. Should we think that maybe during this time some of the Glaciers may have receded far beyond the points where they are receding today? The trees that grew during this warming period are the ones that are being found Worldwide today as, again, the Glaciers recede. This is substantiated proof that a mere 500 years ago our Planet was a much warmer place Globally than it is today! Contrary to what we are being led to believe by Environmental Propagandists. Late Holocene: The Last 2000 Years Many Paleoclimatic Studies of the last 2000 years frame their results in terms of commonly employed terms such as the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. Regrettably, as discussed in Jones and (Michael)

Mann (2004) this practice can mask much of the variability seen through this time period and, an unfortunate human tendency exists to see what we already believe in our proxy records . . . So as not to portray the Medieval Warming Period only as a Northern Hemispheric Condition, research is coming forward that shows the Global effects of this significant time of Planetary Climactic Evolution. The Whole World was in the grip of change. In some areas, it would seem, for the better while others, would fall under the pall of destruction, failure and upheavals like flood, famine and pestilence. Warming and or Cooling Periods exact tragedy to some, while delivering blessings to others.

The Little Ice Age Another 500-year period of substantial Global Cooling. Once again, in the 1450’s, two Volcanoes rating VEI 6 erupting in relatively the same time frame. First eruption X in 1453; some suggest it could have been the notorious Krakatoa, again. The second was Kuwae (usually considered first), part of the island nation of Vanuatu, in 1457 just three years later. Analysis of these volcanoes is strictly from ice core data because they pre date written records and European exploration. They both show up in ice core samples extracted from Antarctica and Greenland. Predating these two however, is a recently identified Indonesian volcano dating from 1258 called Samalas in the Rinjani volcanic complex. It was a VEI 7, but has been described as what might have been the largest single eruption in the last 10,000 years. Again, famine, starvation and severe weather were being reported worldwide. This eruption was but a precursor for the environmental tragedy yet to come. PAGE 36

This time, a stream of colossal volcanoes over a period of nearly 500 years kept the world suppressed under sharply lower temperatures and covering the planet in glaciers in places not seen in 1000 years. In the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres vol. 118 Jihong Cole-Dai et al. suggest that “the most prominent centuryscale climactic episode in the last 1000 years is likely The Little Ice Age”. Here is the list of consecutive VEI 6 or greater volcanoes that we are aware of in that 500-year period. 16 all together. Samalas, Philippines 1258 – 7, 1280 Quilotoa, Ecuador – 6, Unknown (Krakatoa?) 1453 – 6, Kuwae, Vanuatu 1457 – 6, 1477 Baroarbunga, Iceland, – 6, 1580 Billy Mitchell, New Guinea – 6, 1600 Huaynaputina, Peru, - 6, 1660 Santorini, Greece, - 6, 1660 long Island, New Guinea, - 6, 1783 Laki, Iceland – 6+, 1809 unknown south America – 6, 1815 Tambora, Indonesia – 7, 1835, Cosiguina, Nicaragua – 6, 1883, Krakatoa, Indonesia - 6, 1902, Santa Maria, Guatemala, - 6, 1912, Novarupta, Alaska - 6. That is 14 - VEI 6 volcanoes, and 2 - VEI 7’s. Just to add a little more emphasis to the climatological effects

of Volcanoes, in or around the years where these Volcanoes erupted the following civilizations disappeared. Easter Island, The Great Zimbabwe, Minoa, and the Vikings of Greenland. The cumulative effect of Volcanic activity is enormous. By the mid 1950’s the cooling trend seemed to be over and the climate seemed to be returning to normal. At that time there was even a little temperature spike which, as we know, is continuing today. After such a protracted cooling trend, the worst in 1,000 years, why should the temperatures not rise? Dramatically even, as they are now? In the two previous Warming Periods the World was much warmer and for much longer, so why not now? Since 1950 there has only been 65 years or so of Natural Warming, we may still have 400 more years to go in this cycle, if we are in a new Warming Period. Knowing that glaciers once receded all over the world to heights 1200’ higher than what we see today, why is it not normal for them to recede just as far now? When Volcanoes heat the Ocean’s Currents from below, this Natural Warming must NOT be deemed Man-Made. What behoves Humanity to ascribe such blame to self? For the period between 950 and 1450 Humanity and the Scientific community can only extrapolate what conditions may have been like for the inhabitants of our World. There were not thousands of thermometers all over the World giving us readings to verify. The debates as to whether or not it was warmer back then versus what we are seeing today, frankly, are irrelevant. It was much warmer back then. We need to study our Planet Historically and rationalize that Global patterns have been shaping Human Life in the World for thousands of years. We must stop living in denial of history and our Planet’s enormous influence on Global Warming and Global Cooling. We must put away this ego-centric fantasy that we Humans are responsible for Global Warming or Global Cooling in any consequential way. Concentrate instead on cleaning up all of the effluent resulting from Human habitation on this planet. We must learn what to do and how to prepare for the uncertainty that our future is sure to bring. Colossal Volcanoes will erupt again, as they always have and, as they always will. Today, we Humans are freaking out that the Planet is Warming Slightly. Why have we forgotten our High School History lessons? Eric the Red set out with 20 boatloads of his fellow countryman to settle Greenland in 950, the warmest our planet had been in 4,000 years. They stayed and flourished in 50 small communities along the south west coast for almost 500 years. Please, to amplify this statement and to put it in context, it was longer by almost 100 years than Europeans have been living in North America . . . Greenland was one of many stops on the Viking trading routes. Should we think that there was no firewood to burn in their stoves or fireplaces for cooking and heat? Do we think that maybe they built Stone and Wood framed shelters to protect themselves from the cold of winter? Trees that size take at least 100 years to grow. Today there are few trees in Greenland. Should we think that maybe while the Vikings were living in Greenland that the planet might have been a little bit warmer than it is today? What would it take for Big Trees to have grown in Greenland for 500 years? . . . It is strange how simple questions can demonstrate how widely held our false beliefs and misunderstandings of PAGE 37

History have become. Some new truths must evolve when we ask these questions. People must begin to see that life on our Planet is far more complex than we have been led to believe. If history is any guide, during Warming Periods the massive Volcanoes remain at bay, more or less, for about 500 years or so. Let’s all hope that we are in one of those time frames now. Knowledge of history and the cataclysms of the past, seem to be little more than debating points among our Social and Political Elite with little regard for pure Science or Historical fact. Our leaders seem to be teaching us that by living better and by reducing manmade CO2 the Warming or Cooling Events of our Geological History somehow, will not return. The true danger remains the Enormous power of our Planet’s Molten Core. Meanwhile we Humans play childishly with the 3% of global CO2 production, that is Man-Made. Thinking that reducing its output will somehow change, when or where the next Volcano will erupt under the Ocean or in some Colossal way above land. It feels like we are living in the children’s poem “Chicken Little”. Everyone is madly scrambling around for no good reason just because people are screaming that “The Sky is Falling”.

Humanity needs to get a grip on the reality of History and truly compare it to the present, so that our future in this World may be secured. We need to clean up the Real Pollution that we create beyond CO2 in this World. We need to prepare Globally for another Volcano like Laki in 1783 or Tambora in 1815. We need to develop new sources of energy beyond Fossil Fuels, Wind or Solar. We need to find ways to communicate and travel if the Stratosphere is filled with 100 million tons of Sulfur Dioxide like it was after Krakatoa in 1883. Where will we find food for 7 billion souls when there is Global Famine? This is an honest reality check. Reducing manmade CO2 production by 20% by any future time is just a silly step towards brushing the reality of living on this planet under the rug. Volcanoes rating VEI 5 or less do not have much effect on the Planet or their surrounding areas. Yes, sometimes people die and if you live close to one of these eruptions it’s no joke. However, in Planetary terms Volcanoes with a VEI of 6 and above are Great Forces of Nature without equal. Especially when they rage on for months at a time. Each time our Planet receives an eruption of this Magnitude the Whole World is changed. When these PAGE 38

eruptions come forth, consecutively in relatively short time frames, all Global life is altered and extensive Cooling Periods ensue. When they stop, the Planet warms as it is today. When these eruptions take place under the Oceans, we need to accept that they may be contributing significantly to Global Warming? Every day more questions arise while we as Humans develop new ways of studying our World. The Environmental movement seems to be stuck in a time warp of old and outdated research when new and compelling research discounts or disputes what once was considered ‘irrefutable fact’. Progress evolves, randomly, while demagoguery fails under the weight of its own heft because it remains closed to New Truths and New Theories. Some say that thousands of old papers and corroborating evidence proving that Global Warming is Man-Made cannot be wrong. Even when new evidence shows otherwise . . . Is this the new Madness we are destined to live with every day? “Don’t try to confuse me with the facts, when I know what the truth is”. Is this the Mantra of our modern, supposedly Civilized Society under Environmentalist Pedagogy? I very much hope not! We are just now, in the 21st Century, coming out of what was a 500-year cycle called the “Mini Ice Age”. Our Planet is only now returning to what I call, “The Norm of Warm”. History proves this to be a valid hypothesis if you believe there was a “Roman Warming Period” and or a “Medieval Warming Period”. Life in the world today could well be in the early stages of a new 500-year cycle of Warming, towards which, Humans are having almost no influence at all. Let’s remember that manmade CO2 is only 3% of total annual Global output of one of the Earth’s most important building blocks. Furthermore, CO2 is but a trace gas in the Earth’s atmosphere representing only 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere . . . Scientifically . . . virtually meaningless!

When we realise and accept that little more than 500 years ago, trees that took at least 100 years to grow were flourishing at the head of the fjords in South Western Greenland – our perspective on Man- Made Climate Change will be altered. Especially when the treeline in Alaska, the Rockies, the Urals of Russia, the Himalaya’s and the Andes all follow suit in demonstrating that the Medieval Warming Period was a Global event. When you come to know that Eric the Red and his fellow country folk, for 500 years, were living as well in Greenland as they had back in Norway for a period that was almost 100 years longer than Europeans have continuously occupied North America. A vision of Real Global Warming appears out from within the pages of History as fact. No matter how fancy and eloquent you write your words, the people who lived and died and prospered for 500 years in Greenland will not be denied their place in History. During the Medieval Warming Period from 950 to 1450, the whole World was much Warmer than it is today, so to, as it was, during the Roman Warming Period. Today, we are returning to “The Norm of Warm” in the 21st century. Let’s remember that 5,000 of the last 8,000 have been Global Warming Periods. That means, 62% of the last 8,000 years have been WARM !! PAGE 39

Humanity should be very grateful for this quiet period in The Earth’s Violent History. If we are at the beginning of a new Global Warming Period, then we are truly blessed. The alternative is a return to Repeated,

Consecutive, Colossal Volcanic Eruptions. Causing Worldwide Crop Failures, Famine, Starvation, Pestilence, Communication Failures, Flying Bans, Human Destruction and Social Upheaval on a Mass Scale. Let us all learn to accept our place on Earth and stop fantasizing that we can now, or ever will control the temperature, or the destiny of our lives on this Violent Planetary Beast that we call home, Planet Earth . . . There must be a development towards Honest debate, where two sides can find a Convergence of thinking or at least come away from the exchange with a renewed understanding of the issues surrounding Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change and our Planet’s role in all of this. Science and history are calling . . .

Will any one stop to listen . . .? This is Not Politics, it is, quite simply, Science. New findings that unceremoniously dispel old views are hard to accept for Environmental Researchers who have spent a lifetime forming strategic positions – sad but true. We must move forward and leave the Old Self-Fulfilling Beliefs behind. Let’s leave every kind of Politics out of this issue and let Science do its job, without picking sides. We need to re-invigorate what has become a Sociological, Pseudo Religious Debate over Right and Wrong rather than an Unbiased Scientific Discussion founded on research and fact. We must Disavow Environmentalist Theology as expounded from upon high.

It’s time for clear heads, and a Sound and Un-Biased examination of Science, and of History! Thanks for reading . . . please, feel free to comment

The Adamant Naturalist Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove, BC Copyright 2021 PAGE 40

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.