Davos Billionaires Green New Dealers adopt Critical Race Theory

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Davos Billionaires Green New Dealers adopt Critical Race Theory Schiller Institute, Rick Sanders (aka Poor Richard) February 18, 2022 Feb. 18 (EIRNS) Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the same (largely white, but also green) movers and shakers who informed the planet that by the year 2030 you will “own nothing and be happy” – are now singing the praises of ‘Critical Race Theory’ (CRT), that lays blame for global inequalities squarely at the feet of white people. On their own website, the WEF provides a link to a training film, entitled “This is what you need to know about critical race theory,” and a link is provided to “Learn more about racial equality: http://ow.ly/PUbR50HPGga.” Click on that and you get an unapologetic promotion of CRT. This should be no surprise to readers of EIR or the Alert service. These lily-white billionaires are desperate for the Great Reset, using climate as an excuse. They don’t earn any more personal income of course, but they are addicted to “making money from money,” to feed what is by now a more than quadrillion dollar bubble.The green carbon tax will help, because it will begin to cull the herd, eliminating “useless eaters” too young, too sick or too old to bother with. You can already see that inflation is putting ordinary people on the verge of not being able to afford food, housing, transportation and medical care. This is where CRT comes in, like a virus that weakens the effectiveness of our cultural immune system against these basic violations of human rights. CRT basically says that all white people are racist and that many of them who claim not to be, are so and must be re-educated (i.e., brainwashed) to feel guilty, repudiate the white people they have held dear, Shakespeare, Einstein, Cervantes, Columbus of course, George Washington, … basically everyone who is white or not black who has brought great contributions to mankind, and you must doubt also the validty of those contributions. We must all bear a burden of collective guilt for everything that might somehow come under the rubric of racism. You must do penitence, Inquisition-style, and cease being a proud member of the creative human species. At that point you can be brainwashed with ease, and will not be able to resist the British oligarchical-style Green New Deal; you will


be happy if they let you live as a slave, and you will ignore if granpa and grandma die of neglect, and you will be indifferent to suffering around you. You will have forgotten that we all have the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You may think this is not so easy to accomplish, but did you not know, or are you not outraged that during the current pandemic, the greatest transfer of wealth in recent memory was accomplished! The World Inequality Report estimated that in 2022, billionaires collectively own 3.5% of global household wealth, up from around 2% at the start of the pandemic in early 2020. https://www.rt.com/op-ed/authors/robert-bridge/ https://greatgameindia.com/klaus-schwab-critical-race-theory/


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