United Nations 2022 Alarmist Climate Change Report - RMcP

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United Nations’ 2022 Alarmist Climate Change Report Richard McPherson March 5, 2022 When the IPCC was being created, the United States shared emissions data from the IAEA that were developed from 1954-1990. People forming the IPCC ignored facts and started creating fictional data to meet their narrative in order to get more money and control over people. After 30-years the same trend continues.  ‘Irreversible’: UN Drops Another ‘Dire Warning’ Climate Change Report | The Daily Caller The UN's IPCC has just dropped another "dire" climate report. It should be viewed like all their previous reports as a Political tool to bring fear to the average person so that they will willingly give up their natural God given rights. Just a reminder that all their previous reports and predictions have been completely wrong!! This report like all the others is a politicalization and moniterization of human caused climate change science. Everything they have in the report had to be reviewed and agreed to by world politicians, so called world leaders, NOT by WORLD Scientists!!! Have you read about the " GREAT RESET" that is being pushed by the World Economic Forum ( WEF). That forum , supported by world leaders (who meet regularly in Davos, Switzerland) including Biden and the Democrat Party, Canada, and many other countries around the world. The intent , using COVID as an example, is to create a world central governing body (possibly like the UN) to attack in a unified manner common world problems. Read here:


Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum (weforum.org). Read here: Davos Patricians Want Your Property, Your Country, and Your Freedom (theepochtimes.com) "To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. . . . In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism." —KLAUS SCHWAB, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, JUNE 3, 2020

"Yes, it will happen. And I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine." ——JOHN KERRY, SPECIAL CLIMATE ENVOY FOR PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, DISCUSSING THE GREAT RESET AT A NOVEMBER 2020 EVENT HOSTED BY THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM One of the key aspects of implementing the so-called GREAT RESET is CLIMATE CHANGE. The dire threat of climate change will be used to make it easier for the general population to give away some of their rights and sovereignty. World leaders were encouraged during the Covid crises by the fact that citizens so willingly gave up many of their rights without argument due to the fear that Covid caused. To implement the reset in the US , it is viewed as necessary to eliminate CAPITALISM and replace it with some form of Socialism called stakeholder capitalism! This is NOT some fake news, the groundwork for the reset has been laid , many companies have started using some of the success measurement tools. Almost everything that Biden does is oriented towards the reset thus Climate change is Number 1 on his list. Climate science has been corrupted by the huge sums of 2

money that has been made available to "believers" and by the politicization of the threat. The support for the UN Climate Change report is not about climate. It is about Changing the world's economic and governing systems. It is about changing how we live, for example who owns property. As a reminder, here are some of the real facts of climate change: - There is no ( ZERO) scientifically measured direct cause and effect between human generated CO2 and climate temperature! - It can be shown with the government's own weather data that there is no increase in bad weather, no increase in forest fires, no accelerated rise in ocean levels, no increased melting of ice at the poles or Greenland, no accelerated melting of world glaciers, no acidification of the oceans, and no increase in number or intensity of hurricanes or tornadoes. All reports of the above as "record level" usually don't look back more than 50 years. - In the past it has been hotter than we have measured in the past century. Data shows that hot and cold periods are cyclical over the millenia. - There was a time in the past when the poles had no ice. - World temps are currently recovering from what has been called the "Little Ice Age" which ended in the mid 19th century. - Many of the world's worst weather occured while CO2 was at much lower levels. - Most of the world's record heat temps occurred in the 1930s. - In all ice core measurements and studies which look back at the climate for thousands of years, CO2 rise followed temperature rise (not preceding it). That is because the oceans, which hold most of the CO2, out-gas CO2 as the water warms naturally (from the Sun of course) . This is just like letting your beer or soda get warm. There is so much more... 3


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