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Ukraine: from the USSR to the EUSSR Posted on March 7, 2022 by E.J. Source
(Translation: EJ Source ) The war in Ukraine is partly due to the fact that the US wants to destroy the Russian Federation. American political adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his book “The Great Chessboard”: “Without Ukraine, Russia is no longer a Eurasian empire” and “Under the geopolitical aspect, Ukraine's waste was a central loss, as it limited Russia's geostrategic options. drastically.” That is why the US had been working for a long time to dislodge Ukraine from Russian orbit. An important milestone was the Maidan Putsch: Victoria Nuland (Mrs. “Fuck the EU”) admitted that America had subsidized the regime change in Ukraine by $5 billion. Ukraine's accession to NATO is therefore an unacceptable provocation for Russia, because it would allow NATO missiles to reach the center of Russia. It is completely the same provocation as the Soviet Union's deployment of missiles in Cuba at the time, which had brought the world to the brink of nuclear war at the time. However, what the US wants and what Ukraine does are two different things. So you have to ask yourself why Ukraine is letting itself be put at the mercy of American efforts towards world domination. 1
Apparently, Ukraine has been offered both NATO and EU accession, which has subsequently incorporated the aim of joining these two organizations in its constitution. The Ukrainian leadership had to be aware that with this policy it will stand against Russia and thus almost voluntarily turn itself into a front state against Russia with all the consequences that entails. So what are the benefits for Ukraine of joining the EU, which considers being a front state against Russia above the risks? To do this, you simply have to take a look at the current state of the EU, in which the economically weak states set the tone, especially in monetary policy. For such countries, for example the southern countries, the EU is a veritable El Dorado. It is less about some kind of subsidies or support to countries and regions that have been lost. The real hit for the southern countries is that they obtain goods from the north (especially from Germany) via detours for almost free. This functions as follows: The imports of these countries are financed by means of credits and loans respectively. The concise size of these trade deficits is measured in the Target 2 balances. Germany currently has a positive balance of more than EUR 1 trillion vis-à-vis the other countries. This means that with this amount, Germany has exported more goods to these countries than vice versa. The debt, which became necessary to finance trade deficits, has at least partly already been bought by the ECB with freshly printed money and will probably never be repaid. This concerns a monetization of government debt prohibited by the Maastricht Treaty. It is about the plundering of the stronger countries of the EU by the less strong countries, or in other words, a kind of real socialism 2.0. Viewed in this way, it is understandable that Ukraine wants to join this cashier-less cashier as soon as possible and has therefore increased the risk of war with Russia. It is doubtful whether the various citizens of Ukraine, who are now on the run or hiding in some basement, are aware of these connections. Responsible are the irresponsible Ukrainian leadership or criminal agitators, who had fomented a completely wrong pattern of expectations among the Ukrainians. Indeed, many Ukrainians are currently amazed at why NATO is not going to war for Ukraine so that it can join the Cockaigne Country. Then the Cockaigne would burn down very quickly!
The EU is also mainly shooting in the knee with the sanctions against Russia: What our politicians apparently do not understand is that our prosperity after the war was based on cheap energy. Now, if energy prices are forcibly raised, be it because of the failed energy transition, the aim of which was to thwart Russia from the start, or because of sanctions against Russia, the end result for the EU will be a deep recession. The EU will lose even more meaning against other economic areas, especially Asian countries, which do not care about a pointless energy transition or sanctions against Russia. The policy of the ECB has built up enormous inflation potential, which will now be unleashed. Mad politicians are currently tumbling over each other with announcements to replace the cheap Russian gas with the four to five times more expensive fracking gas from the US or the United Arab Emirates. For example, they are trying to boycott Russia by putting a loop around their neck. We'll see who hits the ground first. The admitted inflation rate in the eurozone is rising monthly (currently at 5.7%) and under the given circumstances it wouldn't be surprising if it stands at 10% by the end of the year. At some point, the unions will then revolt, because otherwise their members from the otherwise useless union will ride out in droves. That will really accelerate inflation. A ruinous capital flight then begins with inflation. The euro is already losing value against the dollar as the FED has shown willingness to curb inflation, but the ECB has not. This downward trend in our economy is entirely in line with the US, whose policy for decades has been to “keep the US in, Russia out and Germany in.” Only in this way can the global hegemony of the US be maintained. The solution for Germany can only be an alliance with Russia instead of collecting some poor houses and supporting them financially. It should also be mentioned that at that time the Ukraine (and other Soviet republics) gained independence, because it was known that Russia had supported these parts of the country financially throughout the Soviet era and hoped to be better off without these areas. However, it was unforeseeable at the time that Ukraine could be lured into NATO. Source: Translated from the German by: EJ Bron ( )