Ukraine and the Great Energy Reset - DB RB TC

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Group discussion by advocates for sound energy planning and use around the world

March 11, 2022

Ukraine and the Great Energy Reset Don Bogard presented the article above about the war in Ukraine and geo-politics. He suggested that it was worth reading.

Responses Russ Babcock Worth reading? If I was looking to have my blood pressure raised to stroke-inducing levels, then yes it was worth reading. Otherwise, I respectfully disagree. We need to recognize the underlying problem here. I see no need to rationalize why we need hydrocarbons, nor to explain the futility of trying to replace them with the likes of windmills and solar panels. It all just makes the anti-hydrocarbon climate alarmists appear to have some level of credibility - which they do not. The situation we find ourselves in is not nearly as complicated as Mark P. Mills makes it out to be. The TRUTH of the matter is: Had not government heads like Obama, Biden, Trudeau, Johnson, and Merkle succumbed to the lunatic AGW (anthropogenic global warming) narrative, and did not put up roadblock after roadblock after roadblock against hydrocarbons flowing from well heads to refineries to end users, we would never have found ourselves in this situation that so very many level headed intelligent people of science and politics have been predicting would happen for quite some time. In fact it was so very predictable that any reasonable person would have to conclude we arrived at this juncture purposefully. Purposefully by whom though? And why? There is no single-pronged rationale, nor is there a one-headed conspiracy for this dystopian ride to the hellish Utopia promised to be at the end of the road, but instead it's a variety of driving forces that function synergistically in a warped version of symbiosis (e.g. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC), (World Economic Forum, WEF), Marx-inspired ideologues, Globalist elites, and of course their ubiquitous useful idiots found not only in politics and the media, but in the troughs of grant money furnished to peddle the AGW


(anthropogenic global warming) nonsense to the gullible public. And let's not forget the charlatans peddling their snake oil products to cure our addiction to hydrocarbons ). These people are far more dangerous to humanity than a thousand Putins.

Terigi Ciccone Thank you for the article. But was it worth reading? We’ll sort of, I forced myself to read about 2/3rds, but gave up. I learned nothing except that the author probably sells his articles by word count. Mind you he’s an intelligent and articulate man who makes word salad discussions sound intelligent and inspiring. But at the end of the day, his scientific premise is childlike. Clinging to the crayon coloring book notion that CO2 is bad and renewable energy is good. Look I’m 75 years old and am not wasting my limited remaining time on this silly CO2 rabbit chase. Maybe you don’t have the science/ engineering background to work through the bull shit of the radiative forcing nonsense. So please do your thing that you feel to evangelize what you think you know. God bless you and have a wonderful life. But please keep me out of your posts as they are a waste of my limited time. Russ, I agree with you, 100%, but I have chosen a different path in my approach on the AGW subject. I try to shy away from the politics of the CO2 rabbit chase hyperboles and focus my discussions on explaining the science and economic implications behind the climate change hysteria. My best venue has been Quora. In the year plus I have been there, my readers have reached almost 50,000 per month. I welcome all questions, no matter how absurd or childish they are. I find there are a lot of young people out there that are starting to doubt this whole AGW BS and are looking for answers. Maybe the German pivot on their green new deal is a great opportunity to bring them back to the world of reality. Regrettably, the Ukrainian war devastation may have a silver lining of exposing the BS of solar/ wind as their solution to a non existing problem. Bottom line. Don’t waste your time writing articles for outlets that preach to your choir. Find venues to bring your message to the younger generations. After all, they will be the world leaders in a few years after we are gone.


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