Clean Green Energy - Net Zero - Fairy Tales on Steroids - JL

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‘Clean Green Energy’ ‘Net Zero’ Fairy Tales on Steroids

Elitist Environmental Propaganda Under ‘Net Zero’ The Carbon Footprint Increases! Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove, BC Copyright, 2022 1

For starters . . . There is no such thing as ‘Clean or Green Energy’ ! ALL Energy Production of ALL kinds . . . Poisons Planet Earth . . . Somewhere, Somehow . . . Do Not be fooled . . . Wind Turbines . . . Solar Panels . . . Bio-Fuels . . . Electric Cars . . . ALL BAD!

They ALL have a Huge Carbon Footprint Hidden behind Propaganda . . . Why Have we NOT been Told . . . Where is Government? Where is the Media?

Today . . . We are going to Question ‘What’ we are being taught . . . 2

In the beginning, the goal for all ‘Right Thinking’ people on Planet Earth was to clean-up the disgusting mess humans have been making on Planet Earth since The Industrial Revolution . . . What Ever it takes! That Said . . . This is where Manipulation and Propaganda raise their Ugly Heads. We are ALL so focused on cleaning up the environment ‘At All Costs’ that we forget to ask . . . How Clean are the Alternatives?

So, I Ask . . . How Clean or Dirty are the Alternatives ?? THAT is a Dirty question . . . That makes me one of those ‘Deniers’ . . . NO . . . I want the TRUTH! This is where it gets Ugly, because ALL the Alternatives to conventional energy production are just as bad, or worse, than burning Fossil Fuels in conventional ways of producing Energy and / or Electricity !

Electricity . . . How does it work? The first thing to discuss is OHM’S LAW . . . A very simple and basic Law of physics. When you want to move or ‘conduct’ electricity down a wire . . . it is met with ‘Resistance’. So, you need to push more electricity into the wire to make that electricity move down the line. The resistance produces HEAT that escapes into the environment around the wire, or the transformer, or the battery you are charging. This Electricity that is wasted as HEAT Increases the amount of electricity that Must be Produced by at least 15% just to get the Job done.

OHM’S LAW . . . Resistance produces HEAT . . . 3

Electricity has to be transmitted all the way from large Power Plants to consumers through extensive networks. The transmission and distribution over long distances creates power losses. The Energy Losses come from the ‘Joule’ effect at transformers and along power lines. That energy is lost as HEAT from all the conductors.

Considering the main parts of a typical Transmission & Distribution network Here are the average values of power losses at the different steps

1 - 2% lost at the Step-up transformer from the generator to the Transmission line

2 – 4% lost as electricity moves along the Transmission lines

1 - 2% lost at the Step-down transformer from the Transmission line to the Distribution network

4 - 7% lost in the Distribution network of transformers and along the wires where electricity is used.

The Overall Losses from the Power Plant to consumer ranges from 8 to 15%, average of 12% wasted as HEAT THAT . . . is the result of resistance, OHM’S LAW . . . To use 100 kwh of Electricity, we produce up to 115 kwh!

Where does electricity come from? Sources of Electricity - International Energy Agency – 2019

Coal, Natural Gas and Oil…66%...Nuclear…13% = 79% Non-Renewable 4

All conventional Energy Production machines are about 35% efficient, including Cars, Trucks and Power Generating Systems of all kinds – Even Bio-Fuels, basic Physics. Natural gas power stations can be as High as 40%. These facilities that produce electricity are based on a thermodynamic cycle. This means that the combustion of coal or oil or natural gas or even nuclear fuel, will produce heat that turns water into steam. Steam will be converted into ‘mechanical energy’ using high pressure steam to turn generators that produce Electricity. This process, regardless of fuel source, never exceeds 40 % efficiency, the average is 35%. What MUST be understood . . . 15% of that Electricity produced is LOST in transmission, or 5.25% is lost . . . That 35% leaving the Power Generating Station, is now 30% when it gets to your House or Business . . .

‘Renewable Energy’ . . . includes Solar Farms, Wind Turbines, Bio-Fuel and Hydro . . . Solar Panels. . . the main problem with them is the Heat and the Chemicals required during processing Producing pure Silicon requires the processing of raw silicate. The ‘Czochralski Method’ is what turns all that silicate into silicon used to make Solar Panels. Including the 1,425o C Heat required to melt the quartz crystals, usually by burning Coking Coal or Natural Gas. The Glass covers are made by heating Sand, Soda Ash and Limestone to the incredibly high temperature of 1,700o C with Natural Gas. Then, the cut glass is Re-Heated to 450o C for ‘Tempering’. Where are the calculations for the CO2 going up the chimneys where that quartz or that glass is melted? Then, to make silica, we use Hydrochloric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrogen Fluoride, Trichloroethane, and Acetone. Do we recycle this waste? What happens to all the ‘left-overs’ from using these highly toxic chemicals? Solar Panels need gallium-arsenide, copper-indium, gallium-diselenide, and cadmiumtelluride. All of which are highly toxic even radioactive. What happens to this waste? Furthermore, the Silicon dust is a hazard to workers where silicone is made and where it used. Oh, and last, the Silicone infused Solar Panels cannot, as yet, be recycled. What happens to all the by-products from making and processing all these chemicals? Finally, it has been suggested that the energy input to build solar panels exceeds the energy output from Solar Panels in their entire productive lifetime . . . Is that ‘Green Energy’ ? NO !

World’s Largest Solar Farm . . . China 5

Wind Turbines . . . are The Ultimate in ‘Embodied Environmental Costs’ and Environmental Destruction Wind Turbines are described as ‘Clean & Green Technology and Renewable’. That is not even remotely true! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Banned the Radioactive Waste from producing ‘Rare Earth Magnets’ contained in those Turbines. They were invented in the USA by General Dynamics, more than 35 years ago. Neo-Dymium Boron Magnets are also what Drive the Engines in those ‘Emissions free’ Electric Cars. Will Electric Cars End Pollution? NO! Sadly, Pollution is just moved out of site and out of mind to places off in the wilderness, unseen and un-spoken . . . Illegal to produce in ANY western country . . . We need to learn the Science first. Each one weighs about 1,688 tons (equivalent to 23 houses) and they contain 1,300 tons of concrete and 295 tons of steel for the masts (Concrete and Steel = 15% Global CO 2). 3.5 tons of copper, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass Then there are the rare earth minerals . . . 800 lbs. of neodymiumboron per turbine, plus praseodymium, and dysprosium. The leaching into the environment from tailings ponds, the radiation released into the environment and the mining of these minerals are all ‘Embodied Costs’. Where are the calculations for all of these in The Environmental reports? Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will only last about 15 to 20 years, then, it must be replaced. Oh, we cannot recycle used blades yet either! That is why we see them lying on the ground at wind farms after they have been replaced. What about the coal burned and electricity used at all the production facilities processing these essential components and the CO2 generated during their production? Somehow is this ‘Green Magic’ without pollution, because it will be used to produce Green Energy? Not likely! It all gets brushed under the ‘Big Green Rug’ and seems irrelevant because ‘It’s for a Good Cause’ . . . Absolutely NOT! . . . All Pollution must be Eradicated . . . not just CO2 One Wind Turbine contains 800 lbs. of Neo-Dymium Boron. More Radiation is released making these RareEarth Magnets in Mongolia, where 90% of Global demand is produced, than all the Nuclear Reactors in the USA combined, every day. As one environmentalist told the Daily Mail, “There is not one step of the rare earth mining process that is not disastrous for the environment.” Finally, it has been suggested that the energy input to build Wind Turbines, exceeds their energy output in their entire productive lifetime. Is that Green Energy ?

More Radiation is released from this Tailings Pond . . . Than from all the Nuclear Reactors in the USA . . . Every Day . . .

Radioactive Tailings Pond Mongolia, China – Rare Earth Magnets for Cars and Wind Turbines BBC - Big Wind's Dirty Little Secret - Toxic Lakes, 2013 6

Bio-Fuels . . . Man-Made Fossil Fuels . . . Wood . . . is currently the largest contributor to this Bio-Fuel energy market, accounting for as much as 45 % of ALL Bio-Fuels used. Forests, and ALL plant life on Planet Earth, EAT CO2 and exhale Oxygen. Yet under ‘Net Zero’ cutting down trees and burning them to produce ‘Clean Energy’ is OK ? . . . What a Farce ! Trees take over 100 years to regrow !

Biodiesel Biodiesel is a liquid fuel produced from ‘Renewable’ sources, like new and used vegetable oils and animal fats and is a ‘cleaner-burning’ replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuel. Biodiesel is nontoxic and biodegradable and is produced by combining alcohol with vegetable oil like, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease. Soybean oil is currently the major feedstock for producing biodiesel. The most common method of biodiesel production is a reaction of vegetable oils or animal fats with methanol or ethanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide which acts as a catalyst. The conversion of soybean oil into biodiesel is done by reacting the oil with an alcohol, usually methanol or ethanol, and a catalyst, normally sodium hydroxide in large reactors. ETHANOL . . . contains two carbon in each molecule Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is a renewable fuel that can be made from various plant materials, collectively known as ‘biomass’. Ethanol fuel is the most common biofuel worldwide, particularly in Brazil. Alcohol fuels are produced by fermentation of sugars derived from wheat, corn, sugar beets, sugar cane, molasses and any sugar or starch from which alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, can be made, even potato or fruit waste

ALL of this production comes from agricultural land. Soo . . . Forests are being cut down in Brazil and Cambodia and what do you think they are planting? . . . SOYA . . .! To provide Bio-Fuels to the European Union Countries as is required . . . to meet the ‘Cap and Trade’ guidelines while aiming for ‘Net Zero’.

Global Deforestation . . . in the name of . . . ‘Green Energy’ . . . WOW . . . Such Hypocrisy !!

Bio-Fuel Plant 7

Hydro Dams . . . 40% of the cost of building them is spent Burning Fossil Fuels. Running Diesel Machinery, Moving Earth, Making Steel, Producing Concrete, and Building Turbines for those Dams. More again on Steel for Transmission Towers and more again for Aluminum Transmission Lines. ‘Concrete and Steel Together,

account for 14.7% of Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions’, who new?

Let’s Remember, Environmental Destruction is caused by building these Dams and running Transmission Lines through Nature to where we live and work. We must remember that 10,000 Caribou died in Quebec because of the James Bay Hydro Project that flooded Migration Routes for the Largest Heard of Caribou in North America. This is NOT Clean Energy! Where is the outrage? This is being swept under the ‘Big Green rug’!

All Energy Production has a Toxic Environmental Cost!

New York Times, Montreal Gazette, CBC TV – 1984 8

So Now . . . we have most of the basics out of the way . . . there is One Major player left to discuss in this whole ‘Clean Green Energy’ game . . . The ‘Net Zero’ trick . . . from the Magician’s Magic Wand.

All of the power generated by the ‘Clean Energy’ producers mentioned above can sell ‘Carbon Credits’ under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism, ratified by the UN on Feb 16th, 2005.

What Is Carbon Emissions Trading? Emissions trading, sometimes referred to as ‘Cap and Trade’ or ‘Allowance Trading’, is an approach to reducing pollution. This system was designed to protect ‘Human Health’ and ‘The Environment’. Emissions trading programs have two key components. ‘1’ . . . to limit or put a cap on pollution, and, ‘2’ . . . To provide ‘Tradable Allowances’ equal to the limit that authorized ‘Allowance Holders’ can use so they can emit a specific quantity of a pollutant (one ton of CO2). This limit governs how environmental targets, set by governments, can be met. ‘Tradable Allowances’ provide some flexibility for ‘Emissions Generating Companies’ to set their own ‘Compliance Path’ within government guidelines. These ‘Allowances’ can be bought or sold on ’Carbon Allowance Markets’. These programs are referred to as ‘Market-Based Carbon Emissions Trading Exchanges’. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and the Paris Agreement of 2015 were International Accords laying out the international CO2 emissions goals. The Paris agreement was ratified by all except six countries. These ‘agreements’ have given rise to all the international Emissions targets and all the regulations supporting them. With these new regulations in place, the pressure for businesses to find ways to reduce their ‘Carbon Footprint’ has grown. Most of today’s solutions involve the buying and selling of credits on ‘Carbon Markets’. What the carbon markets do is turn CO2 emissions into a commodity by creating a price for CO2 emissions. Emissions fall into one of two categories. Carbon Credits or Carbon Offsets, and they can both be bought or sold on a ‘Carbon Market Trading Exchange’. These ‘Exchanges’ are seen as a simple idea that provide market-based solutions to a complex problems. What are Carbon Credits and Carbon Offsets? The terms are frequently used interchangeably, but carbon credits and carbon offsets operate on different mechanisms. Carbon Credits, also known as Carbon Allowances, work like ‘Permission Slips’ for Excess Polluters. When a company buys a carbon credit, usually first from the Government then from ‘Carbon Markets’, they gain permission to generate One Ton of CO2 Emissions. With carbon credits, carbon revenue flows vertically from companies to Regulators. Companies who end up with ‘Excess Credits’ like Electric Car companies and Wind Farms or Solar Farms they can sell them to excess polluters for a profit $$$. In today’s market that is about $5.00 per ton. How are Carbon Credits and Offsets created? Organizations with operations that reduce the amount of carbon already in the atmosphere, say by planting more trees or investing in renewable energy like Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Bio Fuel or Electric Cars have the ability to issue ‘Carbon Offsets’ ‘in an ‘Open Market’. . . for profit $$$. 9

The Offset advantage . . . New revenue streams $$$ . . . There is one more big advantage of ‘Carbon Offsets’. If you’re the company selling them, they can provide a significant revenue stream! The best example of this, beyond those ‘Clean Energy Producers’ mentioned above, is Tesla. Yes, that Tesla we all know and love, the Electric Car maker. Tesla who sold Carbon Credits on the ‘Market-Based Carbon Emissions Trading Exchanges’ to the tune of over 2 Billion dollars of Credits in 2021. About $2,000 per car, because Environmentalists, under the Kyoto Accord, have declared Electric Cars Officially, ‘Emissions Free’ . . . Those Carbon Credits sold for Each Car . . . Permit ‘Excess Polluters’ to buy those credits and ADD about 400 Tons more CO2 to the Atmosphere to meet their ‘Net Zero’ targets without spending a dime on cleanup. That’s the ‘Net Zero’ and the ‘Clean Energy’ Program hard at work . . . Just shuffling Pollution around . . . But Hey . . . It looks Soo good . . . On Paper . . . Advocates call this Success . . . I DO NOT!

Electric Cars . . .

If you believe that EV’s are ‘Emissions Free’ You probably should go join the ‘Flat Earth Society’ ! If you believe that EV’s are ‘Emissions Free’ You probably believe that The Earth is the centre of The Universe ! That is how stupid it is to say that Electric Cars are ‘Emissions Free’ ! Totally. . . Scientifically . . . False ! 10

Where does electricity come from? Sources of Electricity - International Energy Agency – 2019

40% of Electric Cars run on Coal 66% of Electric Cars run on Fossil Fuels 79% of Electric Cars run on Non-renewable Electricity Worst of all . . . 31% of the Electricity Produced to run Electric Cars Is lost as HEAT before you ever put your foot on the accelerator Electric Vehicles are By Far ‘The Worst’ Transportation System ever developed By causing excess ‘Man-Made Pollution’ on Planet Earth . . . The ‘Emissions Free’ status given to Electric Cars is the belief in Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy . . . All rolled into One ! Electric Vehicles experience a loss of Electricity during ‘Recharging’ with an energy loss of about 16% from ‘exciting’ the electrons inside the Lithium-Ion battery during charging. This energy is lost as HEAT.

Oh . . . ‘Green Car Reports’ is an Electric Car Advocacy Group . . . let that sink in . . . 11

Earlier . . . we learned that up to 15%, an average of 12%, of the Electricity Produced is lost in transmission. If you then add the loss during transmission to the 16% loss charging the Lithium-Ion battery . . . at least 28% of the electricity PRUDUCED . . . is lost as HEAT before you ever put your foot on the Accelerator . . .

From . . . The Energy Information Administration – USA How much Carbon Dioxide is produced per kilowatt-hour of U.S. electricity generation? In 2019, total U.S. electricity generation by the electric power industry of 4.13 trillion kilowatt-hours (KWH)

From ALL Energy Sources . . . resulted in the emission of 1.72 billion metric tons 1.90 billion short tons—of carbon dioxide (CO2) This equaled about 0.92 pounds of CO2 emissions per Kilowatt-hour . . . US Energy information.

0.92 lbs. CO2 X 12 % (line loss) = .11 lbs. CO2 line loss 0.92 lbs. CO2 + .11 lbs. CO2 (line loss) = 1.03 lbs. CO2 up to charging station 1.03 lbs. CO2 X 16 % (battery charging loss) = 0.16 lbs. CO2 charging loss 1.03 lbs. CO2 (to charging station) + 0.16 lbs. CO2 (Charging Loss) =

1.19 lbs. of CO2 per KWH of Charged Battery

Tesla Model ‘S’ with Electric Engine 1.19 lbs. per KWH X .333 kwh per mile = 0.39 lbs. of CO2 per mile

5,000 lbs. of CO2 per year. . . Plus 400 tons of CO2 from Carbon Credits sold

And Yet, Electric Cars are deemed ‘Emissions Free’

Now That is a ‘Big Green Lie’ 12

Herein lies the rub . . .

‘Carbon Allowances’ are A One Trillion Dollar Scam Carbon Trade is Already Covering the Equivalent of One Half of World Energy Emissions of $1 Trillion Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) has said that trading in ‘Carbon Allowances’ has reached a record volume in 2021 on its various markets — the volume of Buying and Selling reached the equivalent of about one half of ALL global energy emissions. A total of 18 billion tons of ‘Carbon Allowances’ were traded in 2021. Equivalent to an estimated 1 trillion in US dollars. Now THAT is ‘Compliance Incentive’ if I ever saw one! ICE trades by far the biggest market share in the Global market, although other exchanges including the European Energy Exchange (EEX) also handle sizable volumes, as well. This is a reflection of how companies are using these markets to manage and price their ‘Climate Risk’, as well as meet their ‘Compliance Obligations’. The traded contracts have included a record 15.2 billion tons of EU carbon allowances and a record 2.4 billion tons of California carbon allowances as well as 346 million tons of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative allowances. Then also, following its launch in May 2021, there is the new 255-million-ton U.K. carbon allowances. This year ICE will be expanding their Carbon Credit Markets to value and support the preservation of ‘natural assets’, as well as launching their first carbon futures index on contract to provide access to the global cost of emissions in one trading instrument. This from . . . Gordon Bennett, Managing Director of Utility Markets at ICE.

This whole system is a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy . . . A game of Slight of Hand . . . A Magician’s Trick. . . 192 countries have signed onto the Kyoto Protocol, China ratified the in 2002, Russia in 2004, but the US Senate refused to ratify the protocol, citing potential damage to the US economy required by such compliance.

Compliance . . . Such an interesting word . . . Very few people understand how complex the whole ‘Carbon Trading’, ‘Net Zero’ scheme really is. The principals of the program are honorable . . . society at large and the Nations of the World grasp the need to clean-up the Planet that we all share . . . what has been missed behind all the good intentions is the delusion created by the whole carbon trading system. ‘Net Zero’ is a house of cards founded on wishful thinking and bad assumptions about what ‘Emissions Free’ really means, beyond the superficial appearances. The signatories of the Kyoto protocol have NOT been taught that ALL the industries that have been granted GREEN credentials are every bit as environmentally harmful or worse than the ‘designated’ fossil fuel industries the Green Alternative industries are meant to replace. If this makes me cynical, I will wear that badge with honour. What must be understood in all of this Elitist Propaganda brought to us from the ‘Mightier than Thou’ environmental ‘Evangelists’ is little more than ‘shuffling the deck chairs’ on the Titanic. Carbon is NOT being reduced. It is being moved from ‘Clean Green’ industries to ‘Defined Polluters’ like ‘Get out of Jail Free’ cards. 13

If you are a Designated Clean Green industry like Tesla or any one of the solar or wind farms, you can sell ‘Carbon Credits’ on the Carbon Trading Exchanges for profit. If you make Steel or Concrete you must buy ‘Carbon Allowances’ to keep up your ‘appearances’ of being ‘Environmentally Friendly’. What’s a few bucks if you then can make public pronouncements that you are soon to be ‘Net Zero Compliant’. Honestly, this is ALL just Propaganda wearing a Clean Green Hat for public image and being ‘Environmentally Friendly’ for appearances. For those of us who are getting all excited about Electric Cars and the ‘Green Revolution’, We must ALL take a much closer look at Batteries and Wind Turbines and Solar Panels and EV’s. These technologies all share environmentally destructive ‘Embedded Costs’, that rarely ever get discussed. Everything manufactured has two costs associated with them, ‘Embedded Costs’ and ‘Operating Costs’ . . . both must be examined by their merits . . . and by their failures . . . There is No Such thing as Green Energy! And, Net Zero is an Elitist Myth! Who will stand against ALL this Injustice? . . . Who will go on the Record? . . . Where is the Media?? OH, Did you know . . . We are going through this Trillion $ a year scam to reduce annual CO2 by 0.6%

The Paris Accord . . . Reduce Human CO2 . . . by 20% Nature 97%

Elephant – 10,000 lbs. . . .

Human 3%

English Mastiff 300 lbs. . . .

Paris accord 0.6%

Chiwawa 6 lbs. . . .

A 1% increase in Natural CO2 emissions is 300% more than ALL Human Emissions . . . Combined

Sources . . . M. Ragheb in ‘Global Climate Variation, Change and Energy Use’, 2019 on pages 16 and 17, he spells out clearly the natural sources of CO2 and man’s contribution. Of the 186 billion tones of CO2 entering the atmosphere annually, 180 billion tones come from nature and 6 billion tones are man’s contribution. My simple math says 6 divided by 186 is 3%. He did not do this calculation in his text. Furthermore, The IPCC in its own research produces a similar finding in a published graph ‘Global Natural and Anthropogenic Sources and Absorption of Greenhouse Gasses in the 1990’s’. Finding, CO2 from natural causes is 793 billion tones. Man-Made sources are 23 billion tones. 23 divided by 793 is 2.9%. Again, no calculations are presented in either document for summary or review. 14

Is Burning Coal Bad? Absolutely! . . . But . . . if we learn to clean up the toxic effluent from Burning Coal like we did at Belldune, New Brunswick, Canada . . . we end up with the Cleanest Coal Fired, Electric Generating station in the World. It is 97% efficient removing Effluent! Even the Water from the Smokestack Scrubbers is Recycled and Reused. The by-products, removed by the Scrubbers at The Belldune power Station, are recycled and turned into Commercial Dry-Wall to be sold all over North America. Ingenuity for a Global clean-up . . . For over 30 years we have had the technology to remove more than 90% of the ‘Real’ pollution coming out of smokestacks at ALL industrial production facilities. Rather than deal with what is attached to CO2 going out the chimney and poisoning the air we breath. We spend all our time and our tax dollars on useless scams like ‘Net Zero’ that just shuffle pollution around ‘on paper’. World Leaders need to legislate Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitators and Nitrous Oxide Burners on ALL smokestacks NOW ! With public money if necessary ! This whole ‘Net Zero’ scam is a ‘Shell Game’ . . . Nobody wins.

How to Clean up Pollution and Save Planet Earth This power generating station was the first in Canada to install scrubbers to help reduce Sulphur dioxide emissions. It has an electrostatic precipitator that removes over 99% of particles in the flue gases. It has special burners to limit Nitrogen Oxide emissions. An upgrade began in July 2004 which saw a Titan ProAsh facility that recaptures 75% of the fly ash produced by the generating station. Water from the Smoke Stack Scrubbers is recycled. This eliminates the use of a ‘Tailings Pond’. The effluent removed from the water has resulted in the production of a Synthetic Gypsum By-product (Drywall) which is then sold, all over North America.

Belldune Coal Fried Power Generating Station – Belldune New Brunswick, Canada

This Electric Power Plant, should be . . . The Poster Child for Clean Green Energy !

Solutions . . . Not just finger pointing at the obvious problems . . . 15

It is long overdue that humans visit the truth about ‘Environmental Science’ in all of our Environmentalist Narratives. Clean-up the Planet of the foul effluent from burning Fossil Fuels First . . . Set CO2 on the back burner for now. Our obsession with CO2 is NOT helping to clean-up of the Environment in our back yards today. As we have seen ‘Net Zero’ is truly Useless at reducing ‘Real Pollution’ . . . Franky, it is holding back any progress towards cleaning up the Real Pollution that is truly destroying the Environment of Planet Earth and the air we breathe in our back yards today.

The by-products from burning fossil fuels: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2), which contributes to acid rain and respiratory illnesses Nitrogen oxides (NOx), which contribute to smog and respiratory illnesses Particulates, which contribute to smog, haze, and respiratory illnesses and lung disease Mercury and other heavy metals linked to both neurological and developmental damage Fly ash and bottom ash, that are residues created when power plants burn coal

Spend A Billion $ on Every Plant that Bruns Fossil Fuels . . . Remove The Real Pollution NOW ! Use our tax money. . . Please do something Real . . . STOP playing Shell Games like ‘Net Zero’ If we are going to end pollution . . . Stop calling CO2 pollution . . . clean up the Real Pollution. The Truth . . . The Environment as a subject is, Explosive! You speak against its Edicts at your Peril. Accept the truth as prescribed from upon high, or suffer the Scorn and the Ridicule among your peers. Not to mention by society as a whole. When that one stone gets overturned proving Collusion and Willful Deception. The unscientific foundations supporting the Environmental Movement since its inception will render it . . . Null.

Sadly, to date, no self-respecting Media Representative wants to risk the Ire of their Peers or the Mandarins ruling the Environmental Movement or The Purveyors of Globalization in our New Social Construct. For they are ‘Brothers-in-Arms’, so to speak. Who wants to be the ONE to open Pandora’s Box? . . . It would be like pulling Hans Brinker’s finger from the Dyke or Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg . . . A Denier’s Hoax . . .

The old adage . . . There are none so blind as those who will not see . . .

Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove, BC Copyright 2022


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