The Next General Election Could Mean Everything - CC

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The Next General Election Could Mean Everything Clinton E. Crackel May 13, 2022 Sadly, most of our public schools, and now even some private schools, are promoting Woke theory as a means of brainwashing our children into accepting the concepts of social justice and racial justice as the chief reasons for hating America in its present form. This theory comes mainly in the form of Critical Race Theory. The national and most state and local teachers’ unions are saturated with pro-Marxists seeking to overthrow our democratic government to create a communist nation. The leftists are promoting a devastating racial divide to undermine the unity of American society through anti-American brainwashing, even to the point of convincing white students to apologize for being white. The Marxists are promoting political correctness and instilling a cancel culture mentality among virtually all sectors of our society, even the military. Also, contrary to traditional religious and moral values, they are also promoting such perverse secular concepts as sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, gender transition and gender dysphoria without parental consent to further hasten the decline of the traditional American Judeo/Christian values. From my perspective, other devastating factors have been purposely developed and implemented to destroy our economic security and society in general. These include the creation of such pro-Marxist organizations as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the global COVID pandemic, the global warming fear crusade, and the ever-worsening open border crisis. Following in the footsteps of the Communist Chinese labor practices of using sweatshop labor and forced labor, the open border is providing the cheap labor needed to offset the refusal of many Americans to work, and the need to pay willing American workers at higher rates of pay, and often with benefits. The open border is enriching the drug cartels and enabling them to gain a stronger foothold into the American political arena and greater authority over border operations. Methamphetamines (meth), heroin, cocaine, fentanyl and marijuana are the chief illegal drugs that are imported. The use of illegal drugs in this country is so extreme, the fentanyl pandemic has been declared a national emergency. Now we’ve even lost a Texas National Guardsman trying to save the lives of two illegal drug smugglers. Operation Fast and Furious, implemented under then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s watch, allowed thousands of firearms to be sold to the Mexican cartels, supposedly to track the flow of the weapons. To the contrary, I’m convinced the sale of these weapons was a deliberate effort to further weaponize the cartels in preparation for a change in our border security policy. 1

The COVID pandemic proved to be extremely lucrative for many global corporate entities outside of the United States and was instrumental in ensuring the leftists would benefit from it in terms of securing the majority of the seats in both houses of Congress and the presidency. Some of those international companies that financially benefitted from the pandemic includes shipping lines, pharmaceuticals, leftist-oriented tech companies, petroleum, green energy conglomerates, and I’m sure even Red China and Russia. Most politicians on both sides of the isle now believe Biden’s victory was valid. Respectfully, I must disagree with their views. I feel anybody with any degree of common sense would realize Biden’s election was manipulated by the left, while giving the appearance of being legitimate. I’m convinced President Biden is being controlled by a Marxist or pro-Marxist puppet master who instructs him on what and what not to do every day. It could be his Chief of Staff, another influential member of his Whitehouse staff inner circle, or maybe even a former occupant of the Oval Office. Contrary to the many pro-Marxist politicians who serve in the Biden/Harris Administration, and who come from affluent backgrounds and attended prestigious universities, I did not come from such a privileged background. For most of my pre-teen years I lived in what I consider to be little more than a shack, with a single coal-burning stove in the living room that provided heat to two bedrooms and the living room. Since the two bedrooms were occupied, I slept on the living room couch, and during cold weather, I would sleep on the floor, close to the stove to keep warm. We did not receive such government funded assistance as welfare, food stamps, housing assistance and Medicaid. We survived mainly on my father’s medical retirement from the railroad and my mother working minimum wage jobs. Once I was old enough to get a work permit, I started working parttime jobs for minimum wage, but at least I worked. What we did have was a traditional two-parent family, disciplined children, and respect for our elders, the law and other people’s property, and a true sense of American patriotism. We also had pride, a strong work ethic, personal integrity, encouragement to excel in school and rearing in the Christian faith. It is a fact that the white southern Democrats implemented “Jim Crow laws” once they regained political power in the South at the end of Reconstruction. White southern Democrats comprised the bulk of the slaveholders, but not all. Several other slaveholders were Native American and prosperous “free men and free women of color” who were either born free or bought their way out of slavery. Regrettably, with the onset of the rise in suburban expansion and the relocation of numerous industries to the suburbs, the inner-city black communities became isolated with fewer skilled and semiskilled jobs available. This is when black poverty rates in the inner city began to rise.


Decades ago, the Democrats recognized such depressed, impoverished minority communities were an ideal setting for implementing their scheme to pull blacks from their Republican roots and ensure they would become a solid, perpetual voting block for the Democratic Party. I believe this is especially true as evidenced by the ability of the Democrats to easily manipulate so many in these communities into accepting any political and social programs the leftist wish to promote. Such programs include Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, Political Correctness, Cancel Culture, and any other nationally divisive program they can implement. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a great piece of legislation for advancing the equality of blacks in America, the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was the instrument by which the Democrats were able to begin to suppress and control the impoverished black population. This scheme worked because, to this day, most black voters staunchly support Democratic candidates, and vehemently oppose Republicans, even though many inner-city, impoverished, minority neighborhoods are viewed as a blight on society. However, Democrats appear to be more than willing to expend federal, state and city tax dollars to adequately maintain middle-class and upper-class neighborhoods. The original Marxist revolution succeeded due to being able to utilize the overwhelming numbers of the working class against the wealthy and powerful upper class, but that strategy will not work today because of a strong middle-class infrastructure, due in great part to the efforts of the American trade unions. Therefore, the current Marxist revolution in the United States is based on creating racial tensions within our society to undermine our unity as a nation in the Marxists’ efforts to create a Communist state. The leftists will not address issues plaguing the inner-city black communities such as drug addiction, alcoholism, single parent families, malnutrition, a high percentage of teen pregnancies, a high number abortions, mental illness, prostitution, marginal public education (because school choice is politically discouraged by the powerful leftist teachers’ unions), the highest school dropout rates, increasing gang violence, a greater reliance on government assistance, a general feeling of despair, rejection, and hostility toward other groups deemed more privileged. These despicable conditions are of no concern to fulfilling the leftists’ political agenda but seem to be essential in maintaining their ongoing control of the impoverished inner-city black communities, and most black voters still support the Democrats, even though poverty breeds crime. There is also much discussion regarding implementing a program of reparations to provide substantial, additional financial assistance to descendants of black slaves at the expense of the taxpaying public. California has even established a state reparations task force to promote such a program. I suspect it is merely another scheme to bribe African Americans to retain their votes for Democratic candidates in this November’s general election as part of the ongoing racial divide created by the pro-Marxist movement in this country. The Republicans need to reconnect with the inner-city minority communities to help resolve the poverty conditions once and for all. They need to work together with the community leaders to get these communities back on their economic feet, and to instill a 3

true sense of community pride and personal self-esteem that was that ware taken by the Democrats. Many valuable programs are available to aid in this situation. Such programs can include job training, school choice, low interest business loans, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, improved medical care and others. The leftists are now targeting the inner-city Hispanic communities to gain their unwavering loyalty. Gang membership is steadily rising, crime rates are rising, illegal drugs are rampant, teen pregnancies are on the rise, respect for the law has rapidly diminished, poverty is more prevalent, and there is a noticeable decline in the unity within nuclear families that once prevailed. There are now many sanctuary cities, counties and states that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE. Undoubtedly, most illegal immigrants with criminal records are welcome in the sanctuary communities. At present there are 11 states, 143 counties and 41 major cities that are sanctuary jurisdictions. With the ever-increasing growth in the number and sizes of corporate agribusinesses, the demand for cheap labor is rising. The unskilled farm labor force is still streaming across our southern border, with more to come, and they will be forced to work for substandard pay and without benefits to maximize profits. Plus, they will accept such compensation out of fear of being deported if they do not. The construction industry is already using thousands of illegal immigrants. Other industries using illegal immigrants include food processing, manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, and others requiring a high volume of labor. Imagine buying food being processed by illegal immigrants who were not required to be tested for COVID before entering this country. Even if these workers are denied the opportunity to join a union, despite the enactment of a federal law overriding right-to-work laws at the state level, I am confident they will still be required to pay the equivalent of union dues. Republicans need to pass legislation to seal off the southern border, increase the size of CBP, ICE and DEA, outlaw sanctuary jurisdictions, allocate additional security funding to impacted states and local communities, and finally fix our outdated immigration laws. Many leftist jurisdictions are now encouraging dramatic increases in crime because of their political need to restrict law enforcement, especially in terms of a prevailing social justice attitude. Criminals are being rewarded for their illegal activity through reduced sentencing guidelines, higher permissible dollar amounts to be stolen, and reducing or eliminating the need for confinement as a deterrent to crime. The increase in crime is most prevalent in impoverished minority communities in blue cities. If the Republicans fail to retake both the House and Senate in this November’s general election, I fear the continued assault of the leftists on Capitol Hill will bring about a swift demise of our sacred nation as we currently know it. Especially if Joe Biden remains in the Whitehouse.


If the Republicans regain control of both houses of Congress, in lieu of turning Biden into a lame duck president, the better path to follow might be to invoke the 25th Amendment against both the president and vice-president. That way, the Republican Speaker of the House would assume the duties of the President. Also, if that happened, if Hunter Biden was brought up on federal charges and found guilty, then Daddy couldn’t pardon him.


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