Energy guide for governments and elected officials - JS

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Energy guide for governments and elected officials John Shanahan, Howard Cork Hayden May 15, 2022 University of Connecticut Emeritus Professor of Physics, Howard Cork Hayden, was born, raised and educated to a doctorate in science in Colorado. He had a very distinguished academic career at the University of Connecticut, then returned to Colorado for retirement. He is the author of The Energy Advocate, a monthly publication about many things related to energy: the science, technology and government matters. His advice to state and federal governments is simple and can lead to great success. “Energy is the most important part of the modern world. With plentiful, affordable energy, everything gets done. Governments should stay out of the way and not set arbitrary policies and regulations. The private sector is the best source of plentiful, reliable, environmentally-sound energy for the modern world. Professional organizations such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers set standards with safety margins for designs.” Governments can play a role to support energy development like was done in the 1950s 1970s in Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and later in China and Russia. Government regulations should be kept to a minimum and have a broad scope. Starting in the 1950s and expanding like a raging forest fire, anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear power activists advanced their grip on government control of the energy industry. The effect has been to make energy less available, hence to increase poverty. A giant, long-term battle has begun about energy, where domestic enemies are as much a menace as foreign enemies to the freedom and prosperity of nations. For details see articles at this link. John A. Shanahan Founder - Editor of website:


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