Private communication
Actual nuclear power and climate change issue Kelvin Kemm, nuclear physicist May 31, 2022 Concerning CO2 and nuclear: We are, if anything, short of CO2, we need more to induce plant growth. In addition, Will Happer showed us, with good physics, why the atmospheric CO2 absorption of infrared is essentially saturated, so there is not going to be a 'doubling of global warming if we double CO2' as the media love to claim. The media also loves to ignore the magnetic field of the Sun as an influencing factor. But there is a most important consideration which I have mentioned before. This worldwide climate drama is a Political fight, it is not a Scientific fight. The Extreme Greens have a political agenda to reform the Governance of the world into a socialist/communist type of system. They are merely using 'the environment' as their pathway to their goals. It is well known that if you want to achieve a political agenda then a good way to do it is to create a 'major crisis' to scare people. Most people then don't think much, if at all, and fall in line to support 'the cause'. Most of the green people in the world, supporting the cause now, do not realise that they are furthering the political aims of the green leaders. The government of Germany is a case in point. Note that during her entire time in office Angela Merkel (PhD in chemistry) had no more than 34% of the national vote. I feel that she introduced green measures to survive politically, rather than that she believed in them scientifically. Note also the German pattern in the 1930s. Hitler had secret power ambitions. He created The Brownshirts who marched on the streets, chanting slogans. They looked impressive and this all led to him gaining popular power due to the Ra-Ra Factor. He was soon able to seize power, sort of legitimately, at the time. He created a crisis; that the German economy was being weighed down by internal Saboteurs, such as the Jews.
He appealed to the people to help him fix it. Then what happened? Hitler did things 'for the people' like building large roads, developing the VW Beetle, providing the people with very cheap radio sets..... etc. But he controlled the broadcasting, so he broadcast his propaganda, in-between the music programs. He managed to get 'normal' people upset to the point at which they were prepared to smash up Jewish businesses, for the cause and to avert the crisis..... and so it went. Look at the current German pattern. The green elite has semi-secret power ambitions. They have created the 'Greenshirts' who march in the streets, chanting slogans. They look impressive to many people because they are doing it 'for the people'. The greens have manufactured a 'crisis'; the world is coming to an end, unless we do something about it, urgently. So they push the Ra-Ra Factor. They have the luxury of worldwide media, they don't need to sell radios, they just invent factors like Greta, etc. They also create a group of people who are 'the problem' ('elitist governments and industrial leaders who don't care about the people'). Ordinary Greens are then prepared to block streets, close down factories, bully editors .. all of course, in the interests of 'the people.' Interestingly the Greenshirts are surprisingly similar to the pattern of the Brownshirts, and this whole thing is rather worrying. What is even more worrying is the fact that it has spread worldwide very easily, largely due to the fact that modern media coverage is so technologically efficient. In 1930s Germany a man standing on a stage could only speak to the people in the hall, but now a man (or a Greta) standing on a stage, can speak to the entire world in Real-Time. We also have to appreciate that the reason why the extreme greens don’t want nuclear is that it will supply plentiful, reliable, inexpensive power. They don’t want that….because it will allow more people to progress to a higher standard of living. That means: more cars, housing, transport, food processing, and so on, which in turn implies GDP growth, which they don’t want. I have had European greens telling me to my face that Africa must not be allowed to grow electricity consumption by more than 10%...ever. They did not mean per annum. They told me that Africans were showing the world how to live in harmony with nature by ploughing with oxen, and not tractors; and with women fetching water from the river by hand, and not using pumps. So to return to my point; it is all well and good if us science people are right, with CO2, IR incidence, atmospheric conditions, etc, but we need to get meaningful imagery into the minds of the everyday public.
We need to create a simple picture of issues like; CO2 saturation, and so on, which we can show, and which people will just immediately understand. We also have to fight the Greens politically. So right now we should definitely not say that; nuclear not emitting CO2 will stop global warming; but we can say that nuclear does not emit CO2, and that is what many governments want. We have to play to win, not only to be academically correct. That is where the real challenge lies. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMENTS: Terigi Ciccone I can add nothing to your plea and subtract nothing as well. But I will stress your take away message. How we message, how we present our views is more often more important than the technical content of the message. Too many of us skeptics squabble over trivial matters of say 2% or 7% of this or that. While the politicians use this squabbling to advance their political agenda. Thank you for your critical thinking and clarity of messaging —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Douglas Lightfoot There might be two ways to fight this. 1. Reducing fossil fuels, especially oil, leads to food shortages. We cannot produce sufficient food without oil as fuel—liquid hydrocarbons. Do the Greens know they are supporting starvation? With fossil fuels many fewer people are working to provide food. Thus, many of us have free time to pursue other interests. 2. The energy from fossil fuels is the reason slavery stopped. You do not need slaves to run your farm if you have oil powered machinery. The Roman Empire was built on slavery because slaves were the source of energy. When fossil fuels are artificially scarce, slavery will return. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3