Private communication.
Nuclear power is doomed to die in Germany DK June 1, 2022 The discussion about nuclear power, carbon dioxide, and the resulting benefit for human mankind won’t reach the German Government. Unfortunately, nuclear power is doomed to die in Germany. Through political decisions, not through logical thinking. And there is no turning back or rethinking. The coalition agreement stipulates the phase-out of nuclear power at the end of the year and the associated shutdown of the three power plants that still exist. The Greens are proving to be Germany's gravediggers, and the other two parties in the coalition (particularly the hitherto liberal FDP) also appear to have "turned green". More and more wind turbines! All new buildings must have solar systems on the roofs! Every German should get an e-car...regardless of whether you know how the electricity required for this will be generated in the future. Some facts: the sun does not shine at night and there are many days when the wind does not blow. And no one has yet thought about how the energy generated by wind power on the North Sea coast should get to Bavaria or Baden-Wuerttemberg, for example. Not even about how to store energy. They decide first and switch off before they have found the solution or an alternative. The EU embargo on Russian oil that has just been decided is harming Germany more than Russia. Because: „The Commission has also still not submitted an impact assessment on how an oil embargo will affect the European economies.“ (Quote from a senior diplomat) Of course, other countries in the EU have alternatives to the oil that is no longer available, Germany has renewable energies (irony).
Last week the government presented a bill that would give the government the power to shut off gas supplies in Germany „if deemed necessary“. Although neither the phase-out of nuclear nor coal-fired power has been managed to any extent, the municipal utilities are now being advised to dismantle the gas distribution network. The noble goal of completely decarbonizing Germany is paramount. Nuclear power is evil (unfortunately there has been no intellectual development among the Greens since the 70s). German industry is dependent on gas. The new governing coalition of North Rhine-Westphalia is also green again because the once-conservative CDU believes it will score points if it becomes ecologically good. And of course everything is getting more expensive: from petrol and diesel to food, etc. My fellow citizens find it difficult to understand that there could be a connection to the elected parties (I'm sorry, but I can only endure the current situation with a lot of irony and sarcasm). Seeing this country being driven into a brick wall makes me more than sad.