CLINTEL critique of climate science

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Link: Please see link above for the CLINTEL website. Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.

CLINTEL short critique of state of the art of climate science Guus Berkhout President, CLINTEL June 14, 2022 "If you assume in a climate model that the influence of changes in the solar irradiation, changes in the cloud cover and changes in the oceanic heat transport on the climate is marginal, then the only possible solution left is given by the influence of changes in the concentration of greenhouse gasses. However we see that such climate models cannot reconstruct the past and they turn out to be very wrong in predicting the future. Today, the scientific community is getting more and more in a bad state. What we blame the governmental system for is now happening in science as well: 'Too much influence of politics and too much influence of commercial funding.' But there is something else troubling me. I watch with concern the increasing narrowing of university chairs. Instead of concentrating on more and more specialization, universities should also be concerned with the behavior of total systems. That is where the real scientific challenge lies, now and in the future. After all, you cannot describe the behavior of a complex system as a sum of independent subsystems. And the finer the subdivisions (as is happening now), the bigger the problems. A small excerpt from my experience with complex systems. The first critical step is how to divide a system into subsystems. If you know too little about the relationships between those subsystems, such a subdivision is dangerous. Actually, that this property may deprive the model of its realism is discussed far too little, if at all. It is typically what we see in the excessive subdivision of climate models: 'A lot of fancy calculations 1

that do not bring us closer to, but rather further away from the truth.' In validating those models, we see a lot of fiddling. A current energy example from The Netherlands. Proposals for new investments in our complex energy system used to come from capable energy engineers. We could be rightly proud of our extremely reliable energy supply. Unhindered by any knowledge, those proposals now come from administrators of our government. The result is noticeable. Step by step our once so robust energy system is being demolished. Any competent energy engineer can explain to the technically analphabetic politicians that the deployment of more and more intermittent wind and solar energy, has so many fundamental problems that it will increase the number of black-outs. It already makes the energy bill unaffordable for most people. While the true solution is there for the taking. One final observation. History has shown time and again that scientific research must take place without interference from political ideologies and that scientific debate must be conducted by applying the fundamental principle: 'Audiatur et Altera Pars'. Free science was the source of progress in the past and I can say with certainty that it will be so in the future as well." —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comment: Eric Jelinski, nuclear, chemical, mechanical engineer, agriculture and soil expert, university lecturer - Canada Ah, thank you Guss, your critique is so true, especially your summary statement, that everybody needs to read and apply. All on this reading list should be able to apply the critique directly to their alma mater? Eric I can think of two ideologies that have been debunked by science, 1. Flat earth 2. Earth revolves around the sun Let us now debunk the ideologies of, 1. Carbon dioxide causes climate change/changes in weather patterns 2. That pills and needles and masks are an absolute necessity for survival 3. That “beyond meat” is necessary to eliminate flatulence from the ruminant species. 2

An example of a truth spoken ~2500 years ago, “Let Thy food Be Thy Medicine”, Hippocrates, but ignored today due to political ideology, and the influence of big pharma $.

Comment: Andrew Kenny, physicist, mechanical engineer - South Africa I agree completely


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