All electricity pollutes - JL

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All Electricity Pollutes Planet Earth YES . . . Even Renewables . . .

This is NOT How We Get Electric Power

Planet Earth Suffers Every Time We Use Electricity As Much Pollution Comes from Making Electricity -Globally As . . . All the Cars, Trucks, Trains and Planes – Combined! 1

Let’s Examine the Scientific Facts . . . Science pointing to Myths and False Propaganda surrounding the production of electricity is suppressed! Does that Science somehow hurt the Environmental Movement? Does the Science explaining the high Environmental Cost from Producing, Distributing and Storing electricity hurt anyone? Why is there such a reluctance to publish the Scientific Facts explaining the High Environmental Damage caused from Producing, Transmitting and Storing electricity for driving Electric Cars? Are people that naïve? Knowledge is essential when making informed decisions. So much False Data and misleading information is wrapped up in the ‘Propaganda’ promoting electric cars and the ‘Emissions Free’ Myth. Simple math and Scientific facts dispute this propaganda. It is not Climate-Denial or Anti-Environmentalism. It is just simple knowledge and simple Science that everyone should know. Hidden truths surrounding electricity and the ‘Embodied Energy’ it contains needs to be understood. Wishful thinking about cleaning up the air we breathe is very good. However, we have been Falsely led to believe the ‘Zero Emissions’ mantra about Electricity and Electric Cars. We never hear about the science pointing to the environmental destruction caused by producing, transmitting and storing electricity. The Embedded Environmental Costs leading to Environmental Destruction remain unspoken . . . But it is . . . Very, Very Real !

Where does electricity come from?

Global Sources of Electricity - International Energy Agency – 2019 66% of electricity produced comes from Burning Fossil Fuels. 79% is Non-Renewable. (fossil fuels + nuclear). Using electricity is presented as having ‘Zero Emissions’. The place where electricity is Used has no emissions. However, that electricity was generated somewhere and globally it ALL has a serious environmental impact. The result is more environmental poison not less. Cities may have cleaner air, but the Planet somewhere gets more polluted. All energy production machines are about 35% efficient, including cars, trucks and power generating stations - physics 101. “The efficiency of power plants like nuclear, coal-fired or natural gas turbines. These technologies are based on a thermodynamic cycle, that efficiency is in the order of 35%. This means that the combustion of oil or coal, for example, will produce heat, which will be converted into mechanical energy and then into electricity ”. Most energy produced by most engines is equal, at point of production. Cars, trucks, trains, planes, power generating stations and engines of all kinds start at about 35% efficiency. Transmission losses and charging inefficiencies make it go down up to 31% more from there. 2

Total GHG Emissions in 2018 = 6,677 Million Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent. Percentages add up to 99% due to rounding. The EPA tracks total U.S. emissions by publishing the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 27% of GHG’s are released making electricity . . . How will increasing GHG’s by producing more Electricity for Electric Cars save the Environment?? . . . An honest question . . . ! Again, 79% of Global Electric Supply is non-renewable. 17% comes from Hydro, 4% from wind, solar and renewables combined. Renewable or clean/green electric energy is said to be - emissions free . . . Not by a long shot! . . . For starters, 40% of the cost of building a Hydro dam is spent burning fossil fuels. Running diesel-powered heavy machinery, moving earth, making reinforcing steel, producing concrete, building turbines and running the heavy machinery used to build those dams. More again is spent on steel for transmission towers and yet more on aluminum transmission lines. “Concrete and steel combined account for 14.7% of global carbon dioxide emission.” This FACT is always ignored. We must recognise the Environmental Destruction caused by building these dams and running transmission lines through natural habitats to cities where we all live and work. We must not forget the 10,000 caribou that perished in Quebec because the James Bay hydro project blocked migration routes for the largest migrating heard of Caribou in North America. This is NOT clean energy! Where is the outrage? This can not be swept under The Big Green rug! All energy production . . . has a Toxic Environmental price.

10,000 Dead Caribou . . . New York Times, Montreal Gazette, CBC TV – 1984 3

Renewables . . .One wind turbine contains 800 lbs. of Neo-Dymium Boron. More radiation is released making these rare-earth magnets in Mongolia each Year than all the nuclear reactors in the USA, combined. As one environmentalist told the Daily Mail, “There is not one step of the rare earth mining process that is not disastrous for the environment.” “Wood is currently the largest contributor to this Renewable Energy target, accounting for as much as 45 percent of all renewable energy consumed”. We cut down forests and burn the wood as ‘biomass’ in North America and Europe and call it renewable energy – Why? . . . Trees are the #1 contributor to removing CO2 from the air we all breath! Those forests take more than 100 years to grow back. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says that ‘Global Forest Carbon Stock’ has decreased by 1% and tree cover by 4.2% between 1990 and 2020. Wind turbines are described as clean, green technology and renewable, on paper. That is not even remotely true. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the radioactive waste from producing the Rare Earth Magnets found in Wind Turbines and Electric Cars in the USA. It was invented by ‘General Dynamics’ more than 30 years ago. Will Electric Cars and Wind Turbines end pollution? No! Sadly, pollution has just been moved out of site and out of mind to places like China’s Mongolia, where it is not seen and un-spoken. Again, we need to learn the science - first! . . . All pollution must be eradicated, not just CO2 . . . IF you really care about the Environment.

Radioactive Mongolian Tailings pond – Rare Earth Magnets for cars and wind turbines (BBC - Big wind's dirty Little Secret - Toxic Lakes, 2013) 800 LBS of Neodymium Boron in one (1) wind turbine . . .

Furthermore, Wind Turbines, these are The Ultimate in Embedded Costs and Environmental Destruction. Each one weighs about 1,688 tons (equivalent to 23 houses) and they contain 1,300 tons of concrete and 295 tons of steel for the masts (Concrete and Steel = 15% Global CO2). 3.5 tons of copper, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass Then there are the rare earth minerals . . . 800 lbs. of neodymium-boron per turbine, praseodymium, and dysprosium. The leaching into the environment from tailings ponds, the radiation released into the environment and the mining of these minerals are all Embedded Costs. Where are all the calculations for all of these in The Environmental reports? Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last about 15 to 20 years, then, it must be replaced. Oh, we cannot recycle used blades yet either! That is why we see them lying on the ground at wind farms after they have been replaced. What about the coal burned and electricity used at all the production facilities making these essential components and the CO2 generated during their production? Somehow is this ‘Green Magic’ without pollution because it will be used to produce green energy? Not likely! It all gets brushed under the ‘Big Green Rug’ and seems irrelevant, ‘It’s for a Good Cause’ . . . Absolutely NOT!! 4

The main problem with Solar Panels is the Heat and the chemicals needed during processing using the Czochralski method turning all that silicate into the silicon used to make these panels. Producing pure Silicon requires the processing of raw silicate. Including the 1,425o Heat required to melt the quartz crystals, usually by burning coking coal. What about the CO 2 going up the chimney’s where that quartz was melted? Then we use hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrogen Fluoride, Trichloroethane, and Acetone. Do we recycle that waste? What happens to all the ‘left-overs’ from using these highly toxic chemicals? Solar Panels need gallium-arsenide, copper-indium, gallium-diselenide, and cadmium-telluride. All of which are highly toxic even radioactive. Furthermore, Silicon dust is a hazard to workers where silicone is made and where it used. What happens to all the by-products from making and processing all these chemicals? Oh, and finally, the Silicone infused Solar Panels cannot, as yet, be recycled. When electricity is lost, where does it go? OHM’S Law . . . Heat . . . Electrons moving back and forth crash into each other, and those collisions warm up power lines and the air around them. More heat loss again at power stations converting high voltage to low voltage and then again, more heat loss at transformers in your neighborhood. Between 8 and 15% of electricity produced is lost from uploading transmission and from transformers. The biggest loss of energy in any one place comes from charging Lithium batteries. Exciting the electrons inside a Lithium-Ion battery releases heat. To store 100 kilowatts, it takes 116 kilowatts to accomplish. At least 16 % of the electricity input to a lithium-Ion battery is lost as heat exciting the electrons inside. . . Transmission losses and charging losses represent up to 31 % of the Electricity Produced. Wasted as heat before stepping on the accelerator in an Electric Car. From the generating station, be it wind, hydro, coal, bio fuel or nuclear power plant – Up to 15% in transmission and 16% or more charging EV batteries.

Look at Three (3) machines with Electric engines and see how they compare

Diesel generator on board 100 % of energy produced Gets to engine

Diesel generator on board 100 % of energy produced Gets to engine

Coal - Hydro - Nuclear powered generator 69 % of energy produced gets to engine 31 % is lost Heating the planet

These Trucks and Trains also have Electric Motors turning those wheels . . . Why is this knowledge not broadly known! Who keeps this from reaching the public? Why are we not told? Who gains from this misinformation? The Media and Governments must step up and dispel the illusions and false information disseminated by propagandists, profiteers and self-interested advocacy groups who promote Electric Cars and Green Energy in general. Furthermore, why do governments give rebates for buying Electric Cars that waste so much electricity? Electric cars are burning up to 31% more energy, Globally, for every kilometer driven compared to gasoline or diesel vehicles. Not a reduction in fuel consumption, Not Emissions Free. Not some panacea to save the world from pollution. Just another trick to fool the mases into believing in ‘Emissions Free’ Magic. 5

Will producing MORE GHG’s for Electric Cars save the Environment?? . . . NO! The following literature does Not mention the 65% loss Generating the Electricity or - The 15% line-loss from the Generating Station to the Charger or the 16% Wasted Charging the Battery Or the CO2 produced

People are Soo confused about Electric Cars . . . Here’s Why . . .

Below, Even the Energy Loss Charging the Battery is . . . Off by 60 % . . . False!

Where the Energy Goes: Electric Cars Electric vehicles (EVs) are more efficient than their gasoline-powered counterparts. An EV electric drive system is only responsible for a 15% to 20% energy loss compared to 64% to 75% for a gasoline engine. EVs also use regenerative braking to recapture and reuse energy that normally would be lost in braking and waste no energy idling. See All-Electric Vehicles for details. EVs are 60% to 73% efficient, depending upon drive cycle. However, if the energy recaptured from regenerative braking is counted (i.e., recounted when it is re-used), EVs are 77% to 100% efficient. (For more information on how vehicle efficiency is calculated, see Vehicle Fuel Efficiency.)

False, Poorly Researched, Manipulative, Promotional Propaganda . . .!

This Research Assumes, Electricity Supplied has ZERO Emissions during Production - False! 6

Total Nonsense! Purely - Creative Writing and Deception

This is the Source for the Electricity in the Document Above ! How Does That Document Get Electric Power TO the Charger – ZERO input cost ? ***************************

Below is A Diesel-Powered Generating Station for Electric Cars

Representing all Electrical Sources - Diesel, Nuclear, Coal or Bio-fuel Evidence of How Electric Production Actually Works !! 16% of the Electricity from that Generator is lost as Heat - charging the lithium battery 7

There may be a place for these technologies in our economy, but first we must look beyond the Myth and The Propaganda of the ‘Zero Emissions’ Lies, long before we declare them ’Emissions Free’. I predict that EV’s, Windmills and Solar Farms will be abandoned . . . once the full story of the Embedded Environmental Costs of processing, manufacturing, building infrastructure, replacing components and recycling all become a part of the up-front analysis.

We ALL should take a good hard look at what we are being Told is . . . ‘Green Technology’ . . . What are ‘The Embedded Costs’ of Going Green? . . . Sadly, no one ever seems to ask! . . . Why Not? . . .

Where are the governments in all of this? . . . Where is the Media? . . . Where is the Public Outrage? Technology and charging efficiencies have improved enough to make competition possible for electric car makers. Electricity however beyond basic household needs, remains highly inefficient as an energy source for cars . . . Some day when we can produce electricity 'on-board' from some new source of energy, things may change. Until then, Electric Cars are little more than a game of sleight of hand delivered by magicians selling a dream to believers in The Myth of ‘Emissions Free’ Transportation falsely implied for drivers of Electric Cars . . . Some scientific facts never will change. OHM’S LAW – Resistance = Heat . . . Even the EPA missed the ‘How Electricity is Produced’ fundamentals in their analysis . . . Truth . . . All Energy Production . . . is Poison to the Environment!

Who will stand against this injustice? . . . Who will go on the record? . . . Where is the Media? The Truth . . . The Environment as a subject is, Explosive! You speak against its Edicts at your Peril. Accept the truth as prescribed from upon high, or suffer the Scorn and the Ridicule among your peers. Not to mention by society as a whole. When that one stone gets overturned proving Collusion and Willful Deception. The unscientific foundations supporting the Environmental Movement since its inception will render it . . . Null.

HEAT Adamant Naturalist

Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove BC Copyright 2021 8

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