Link: uilds-huge-thermos-to-help-stave-off-the-cold/ Please see link above for source text, embedded hotlinks, and comments. Germany’s absurd climate policies are coming home to roost. This isn’t Putin’s fault, or Trump’s fault — this is the German government’s fault, namely its cowardly buckling to green ideologies at the expense of the living standards and energy-security of its citizens. The rust-colored tower rising from an industrial site near the banks of Berlin’s Spree river is symbolic of the monstrous mess Europe hasn’t gotten itself in. The 150-foot-high structure can hold 14.8 million gallons of hot water, and is intended to provide Berliners with warmth during the depths of what is on course to be a bleak winter, with industry experts warning of inevitable brownouts and blackouts. Utility company Vattenfall says the tower is a ‘backup’ in case Russian gas supplies ‘dry up’. “It’s a huge thermos that helps us to store the heat when we don’t need it,” said Tanja Wielgoss, who heads the Sweden-based company’s heat unit in Germany. “And then we can release it when we need to use it.”
Inside the vast thermal tank in Berlin, Germany, June 30, 2022 [AP Photo/M Sohn]. 1
The new facility, unveiled Thursday at Vattenfall’s Reuter power station, will hold water brought to almost boiling temperature using electricity from solar and wind power plants across Germany–so the line goes. During periods when renewable energy exceeds demand –never going to happen– the facility effectively acts as a giant battery, though stores heat instead of electricity. As reported by the AP, the 50-million-euro facility will have a thermal capacity of 200 Megawatts — enough to meet much of Berlin’s hot water needs during the summer and about 10% of what it requires in the winter–scoff. The vast, insulated tank can keep water hot for up to 13 hours, helping bridge ‘short’ periods when there’s little wind or sun–the three-months of winter then? Berlin’s top climate official, Bettina Jarasch, said the faster these heat storage systems are built, the better — and many more are planned, including an even larger one in the Netherlands. “Due to its geographic location the Berlin region is even more dependent on Russian fossil fuels than other parts of Germany,” Jarasch told The Associated Press. “That’s why we’re really in a hurry here. The war in Ukraine and the energy crisis teach us that we need to be faster. First of all to become climate neutral. And secondly, to become independent (of energy imports).” Figures released Thursday by Germany’s utility industry association BDEW shows that appeals from the government for citizens to reduce natural gas usage are having an effect, with consumption dropping 14.3% during the first five months of the year. Wielgoss said she was confident that Vattenfall’s customers won’t go cold this winter, despite the looming energy crisis.
Few paragraphs are given to the cause of this crisis, though, and cries of “Putin bad man” are nothing but a cop-out. In reality, Germany’s energy crises is caused by 1) a pointless transitioning from cheap and abundant fossil fuels to overpriced and unreliable renewables, and 2) an uncritical and shortsighted reliance on Russian gas. Germany spends more than €100 billion on its defense budget annually; yet, like idiots, runs its economy on Russian gas. This begs the questions: Who are German politicians actually working for? And: Where’s the sense in spending 100 billion on defense while the ‘arteries’ of your economy are controlled by a foreign superpower–not least one with such a checkered past as Russia. “Consumers in Germany are very well protected, so they for sure will not suffer any shortages,” continued Wielgoss, who then went on to immediately contradict herself: “But of course, we plead with everybody to really start saving energy. Each kilowatt hour we save is good for the country,” she added. These are crazy times. And this is where delegation of power to a centralized cabal of globalist elites gets you. We’ve tried it their way, and all it did was bring the biggest wealth transfer in human history, from us to them. We need to reclaim autonomy for individual cities, towns and even villages. We need to dismantle the current political system — voting red or voting blue changes NOTHING. We need a revolution, but I just don’t see how that can be achieved right now. We still have the masses believing in a phony climate crisis, even four+ decades on; we have the majority thinking that the Ukraine/Russian war is a simple case of good vs evil; and we have 80+% wholeheartedly trusting that a fifth COVID vaccination is a smart idea, worst still that young kids should be jabbed. A takedown of the mainstream media would go someway to awaken the masses from their manufactured psychosis. But this isn’t an easy task. Electroverse used to achieve 800,000+ page-views a month a few years ago, and was well on its way to making a meaningful impact, but since being banned from Facebook, shadow-banned on Twitter, and blacklisted by Google, this number has more than halved. The elite’s modus operandi appears to be: “make people’s living standards so awful that –through food shortages and hyperinflation– that they have no choice but to accept 3
our version of future”–that is to say: central bank digital currencies, a universal basic income for the well-behaved, and digital IDs/ration cards. It is imperative that when these draconian measures are proposed that we are all in a strong enough position to reject them. An autonomous local community is our greatest weapon in that regard, as is being off-grid and growing our own food. And with the latter in mind, I’m about to head out to harvest our potato crop, and tend to our goats. We –my young family and I– have no prior experience when it comes to farming or even growing basic vegetables. We simply saw what might be coming down the pike and felt we needed to sell-up in the UK and buy 8 acres of rural land in Central Portugal. And I will say, even if the crisis we’re preparing for were to never materialize, and my read on worldly developments is completely wrong, this is still the most content I have ever been, and I know that this life is far closer to what we humans are intended for; whereas being chained to a desk in an office cubicle, on the other hand, is a form of imprisonment in my mind.