Desalination plants, not Mississippi River water, are the solution to West's water needs - RM

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Desalination plants, not Mississippi River water, are the solution to West's water needs July 14, 2022 RICHARD MCPHERSON

Many of the experienced infrastructure including energy and water people I know agree. In California prior to Jerry Brown becoming Governor in 1974, desalination and nuclear power were viable technologies for the future. Brown and his elitist friends legislated them out of consideration for the people of California. That set the stage for changes in public policy favoring the elites taking advantage of lower income people, thereby driving out the middle class. Over the past 48-years that trend opened up inviting money from all over the world to come to California. Money has no constraints. It has come from over 100 countries including countries sworn to kill off the United States towards their stated goals of world domination. From California domination by elites spread from the Mexican to Canadian Borders. Then to Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and now like the slow spreading cancer it is now into Idaho and Utah. After the September 11, 2001 attack attending US Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum's by invitation, coupled with creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for a while I thought people in the federal government including Congress were serious about security for America and American citizens. I was wrong. American citizens and private sector businesses are on their own. As you know, I served on Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarines created to be the ultimate deterrent to a nuclear war created by communists in China and Russia. Knowing the consequences of attacking America or our allies with nuclear weapons, they relentlessly attacked the underbelly of America. Our children, and families. Patiently funding subversion, year after year, 1

decade after decade that communist cancer ate away at the basic foundations of American society. Under Franklin D. Roosevelt communists found the political party to support their goal of world domination. The Democrat party. Hidden by events like the depression, dust bowl, World War II, the euphoria of post World War II of marriages, children, new homes, education and freedom was interrupted by the Korean police action, which was the first major failure of not declaring war. A year after the end of Korea began another non-declared war in Southeast Asia that would drain the wealth of America for the next 21-years. Before Vietnam ended came the world wide Arab Oil Embargo in 1973. Unfortunately for Americans and private sector business, communist subversion following President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” speech on December 8, 1953, offering the world peace and prosperity, by 1970 commercial nuclear power peaked in America. With it education, employment and advances in material science languished. With 5-years of ending the undeclared war in Vietnam, America was back in a war declared on us by Iran. A war that continues today - 43-years later. What now? Running out of water, increasing inflation and continuing essentially living under a dictatorship with the election of Biden-Harris coupled with Nancy Pelosi controlling the House of Representatives, and Chuck Schumer controlling the Senate, “Houston we have a problem.”

On Jul 14, 2022, at 7:40 PM, wrote: 371.html


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