Self Interested Protagonists Rule Environmentalism
Dogma . . . Zealotry, Religion, Extremism in Politics and even in Science can and do become so polarized that common ground with compromise is impossible to find. This is not anything new. Throughout human history there have always been divergent views. Opposing views and their protagonists have even been slaughtered as whole groups because they stand apart from the preeminent consensus views. You would think that today in the 21st century we could be better than that. Sad to say . . . it is not . . . yet . . . When the walls came down with the Soviet Union, thanks to détente. When trade began with China, thanks to Global Trade. When equal rights for all became enshrined broadly in constitutions all over the world, détente appeared to be our new world order. Even Science had become Global with new research developed and shared almost instantly thanks to the internet. Yet today, polarization is raising its ugly head once again, Globally. Driving new wedges between opposing views all over the world. Tensions between opposing views seem to be rising even more today . . . thanks to the internet. It gives voice to extreme views where whole groups share . . . absent the voice of reason or opposition or common sense. Politics, ‘Sketchy’ Science, and the Media have become strange bedfellows. Questionable, yet simple Scientific Research gets ‘selected’ and is broadly distributed in the media. The findings become common knowledge and widely held by society at large. Then along come the politicians carrying the voice of ‘reason’ shared by the public at large. Programs are introduced, laws are passed, and change comes. 1
However, simple ideas with easy solutions are inadvisable when dealing with Complex Ecosystems of a Global nature, to say the least! Human Driven Climate Change is unquestionably the greatest example of simple concepts ‘going wild’ and unchecked. The voices of Reason, Opposition and Common Sense that are carrying good long-term Scientific research on Global Climate History are cast aside as ‘Lies from the Deniers’. Journalists the World over, in my view, are the greatest obstacle to the True Science surrounding this whole Climate Change discussion from being heard. Michael Mann's 'Hockey Stick' graph based on the findings from the growth rings of various trees wiped out Two 500-year periods of Climate Change from the record. The middle Ages Warming Period and The Little Ice Age completely disappeared. Common sense and a quick review of Historical FACT would tell any right-thinking person that 'something is amiss' . . . But NO . . . The Media, the IPCC and bureaucrats latched onto this like the 'Tablets of Moses' brought down to enlighten the world.
Now, 30 years since Mann’s research, and 21 years since the IPCC report of 2001 containing this graph, with Michael Mann as contributing author, it has become 'The Holy Gospel' Globally, without challenge. Anyone disputing these findings shall be ‘Crucified’, publicly, 'For They Blaspheme'. Thousands of papers, reports, documents and presentations, denouncing these findings have been published, and yet, even Nobel Prize Laureates are publicly denounced for their dissenting views. The world we live in is all about 'Propaganda forming’, Dogma and in turn Zealotry . . . we may as well be living in the Dark Ages . . . Truth, Science or History have no voice among the converted . . . Sad but true . . . this is our New Cross to Bear . . . In The 21st Century. 2
This kind of Polarization is bad for Science, bad of Humanity and bad for Social Development. Climate Change is happening Yes! For thousands of years, it has always been a Natural process on Planet Earth, not caused by CO2. Pollution from burning fossil fuels is excessive and has gotten out of hand Globally, YES ! The solution however is Scrubbers in smoke stacks, Electrostatic Precipitators, and Nitrous Oxide Burners on every smokestack, NOW! These Real, Proven Scientific Solutions are needed, Globally. Cleaning up the air we breath and the water we drink before the pollution ever gets into the sky, which then comes back down to Earth in the rain, becoming the water we drink. The whole ‘Electrification’ of transportation and the transition to ‘Clean Green Energy’ systems, while well intentioned, fail the test of Good Science. They fail the test of reducing ‘Global Pollution’ because they Increase the burning of fossil fuels in some far away country, and even right here at home. We are just never told. The propagandists of ‘Electrification’ do not want us to know . . . sad but True ! 30 years of broadcasting the simplistic view of ‘Human-Made’ Climate Change has led to Global Political Moves advocating ‘Clean Green Energy’ actions. Advocacy advancing Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, Electric heatexchangers and Electric Cars now rule the Air Waves and the Written Media. Opposing science, proving that Electrification is False Information, and any kind of ‘Dissenting Advocacy’ is quite frankly, publicly ‘Crucified’. These findings are seen as . . . the rantings of Lunatics . . . the Lies of the Scientifically Ignorant . . . the Words of Fools with no Environmental Conscience . . . and on and on . . . for a reality check, read Clean Green Energy Net Zero - Fairy Tales on Steroids (
Scientific facts and . . . Truth . . . Exposing ‘Clean Green Energy’ and Electrification as ‘False Dogma’ and ‘SelfFulfilling Prophesies’ brought to the World by ‘Profiteers’ for what they really are . . . These views die without being considered or even reviewed. Climate Change is now and always has been due to the Natural Evolution of Planet Earth . . . the facts . . . The Holocene . . . 11,500 years of Climate Change . . .
This Dansgaard graph has been broadly accepted by the Scientific Community for over 70 years. When we look carefully, we see 5 Warming Periods that were Warmer than it is today . . . The Cooling Periods in between were ALL caused by a series of Massive Volcanoes above VEI 6. The cooling period called The Little Ice Age peaked around 1750, it was the second Coldest moment in the last 10,000 years . . . THAT is what we are coming out of now. It Should be getting Warmer ! . . . only stands to reason. But NO . . . Environmental Propagandists have latched onto this moment in time, because it corelates exactly with the burning of fossil fuels and the production of Steam Engines . . . The ‘Ah Ha’ moment. Yet, CO2 has never been a leading indicator of Warming Ever before. See the graph above for Proof. 3
Now, we are having ‘Clean Green Energy’ systems shoved down our throats from ALL sides like it will be our salvation from all that ails the World. Nothing could be further from the truth. ‘Clean green Energy’ systems burn more Fossil Fuels while they are being produced and constructed than they will EVER replace during their entire productive lifetime. Plus, there is the additional unregulated pollution in far away places. These facts never see the light of day in the Media. Electric cars cause 31% more fossil fuels to be consumed for every mile driven. Plus, once again, the unregulated pollution in far away places that causes far more harm than we will ever get to know about. Electric Cars Increase Energy Demand 31 Percent Over Gas Cars ( So Now, as Glaciers melt, we are told, Ocean levels will rise. Makes sense, if the Earth is Flat, it is NOT. Even the predictions of rising Ocean levels are False. This projection Ignores the fact that Planet Earth is a Centrifuge, much like your washing machine when it spins. Planet Earth rotates once a day, spinning at about 1,000 miles per hour (1,670 kms per hr). The Earth circles The Sun once a year, flying through space at 67,000 miles per hour (107,000 kms per hr). Pretty cool eh . . . Well, that creates what are known as Gyres. Way out in the middle of the Oceans of the world . . . Like Giant toilets flushing . . . Believe me you Do Not want to get near one of them . . . they will ‘Take you Down’, ask any Captain.
Water is drawn into the Gyres by Centrifugal Forces sped up as Ocean Temperatures rise. That water accumulates at ever increasing volumes, out in the Middle of the Oceans and along the Equator. The Oceans cover 71% of Planet Earth . . . That is where water accumulates . . . Out in the middle and along the Equator . . . Out in the Middle . . . Not along the Shore !! 4
Oh, you may also have heard that the world is running out of fossil fuels . . . that is NOT even remotely true! Even if no more fossil fuels were to be discovered or deemed extractable today, our nations already possess far more reserves and recoverable resources worldwide than we can burn. Humanity has consumed just a small fraction of our fossil fuels. Oil companies, gas companies and Federal Governments around the world collectively invest billions of dollars every year in research and development to find and or create new fossil fuel technologies. This state of the art will continue to advance, enabling economic access to new reserves well into and beyond the 21st century. There is even the potential for major breakthroughs that will enable humanity to access new types of reserves. For example, Japan recently announced that they were able to extract methane from undersea hydrate deposits, a world first. Methane hydrates may contain more than twice as much carbon as in all of Earth's current reserves of fossil fuels combined.
We Will Not Run Out of Fossil Fuels (Op-Ed) | Live Science
We must all be concerned with a new period of global ‘Information Framing’ and ‘Propaganda’ by self interested Protagonists controlling what we see and hear! 40 years ago, I read a book called ’How to Lie with Statistics’ by Darrell Huff. It should be Required Reading for ALL adults . . . all data is presented for ‘Maximum Effect’. Almost every graph or statistical analysis we get to see has been ’stroked’ or even fudged a little by Protagonists, to elicit that ‘Maximum Effect’ among readers and viewers. Often turning minor issues into MAJOR incidents to be ‘Immediately dealt with’. CO2 is one such example. Nature is responsible for 97% of annual CO2 contributed to the atmosphere. Human contribution is 3%. If we focus exclusively on Human contribution absent Nature . . . a 20% reduction Sounds impressive . . . Sadly that represents only O.6% reduction in total annual contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere of the World, Less than 1%. NOT at all impressive when exposed this way!! A one percent increase from Nature is 9% in total contributions. The melting of permafrost is one example, representing 300% more CO2 than the Total of Human Production . . . NO, we are NEVER given these facts this way. That would ‘Spoil’ the effect of all that Environmentalist Rhetoric and Zealotry . . . That would destroy the whole Environmentalist ‘Propaganda Machine’ IF this knowledge were to come to light . . . This Way . . . 5
Global CO2 . . . Human versus Nature The Paris Accord . . . Reduce Human CO2 . . . by 20% Never Ignore the Elephant in the Room Nature 97%
Elephant – 10,000 lbs. . . .
Humans 3%
English Mastiff 300 lbs. . . .
The Paris Accord 0.6%
Chiwawa 6 lbs. . . .
This is the truth . . . Why are we not told? M. Ragheb in Global Climate Variation, Change and Energy Use, 2019 on pages 16 and 17, he spells out clearly the natural sources of CO2 and man’s contribution. Of the 186 billion tones of CO2 entering the atmosphere annually, 180 billion tones come from nature and 6 billion tones are man’s contribution. My simple math says 6 divided by 186 is 3%. He did not do this calculation in his text. Furthermore, The IPCC in its own research produces a similar finding in a published graph “Global Natural and Anthropogenic Sources and Absorption of Greenhouse Gasses in the 1990’s”, finding, CO2 from natural causes is 793 billion tones, Man-Made sources is 23 billion tones. 23 divided by 793 is 2.9%. Again, no calculations are presented for summary or review.
The origins of False Protagonism . . . Michael Mann removed the Middle Ages Warming Period and the Little Ice Age from history with his ‘Hockey Stick Graph’. Then the United Nations through the IPCC hired him as co-author to the landmark 2001 report. The World Media and the IPCC accepted this ‘False Data’ as a ‘Watershed’ moment defining Human Caused Climate Change, and they have been protecting this view ever since. They took 1,000 years of real climate change, 500 years of Global Warming and 500 years of Global Cooling and ‘Flatlined’ it, thereby proving that our current Warming Period is Exceptional. Fudging out history makes The Modern Warming Period . . . Exceptional. ‘Conspiratorial’ actions among environmentalists then were formed going back to Michael Mann’s original graph and the IPCC Climate Action report of 2001. It all became surreal with Michael Mann’s MBH 98 and his MBH 99 proxy calibrations. Many scientists attempted to ‘Trash’ his findings but every serious contender was sued by Michael Mann for defamation, millions were spent. The list is quite substantial. Having won most of his cases in open court . . . few would challenge him ever again. Yet the data when compared to Many, many other long-term graphs going back to research from at least 70 years ago from various Global temperature records, and Ice Core samples, the ‘Hockey Stick’ Graph does NOT hold up. The following is one such comparison. Two complete periods of Climate Change are absent from his graph . . . and from his discourse. 6
------------1000 Missing Years --------------- 1000 years Michael Man 'Hockey stick graph’
The red line is that of Michael Mann. Almost all of his graph is warmer than Moberg or Ljungqvist throughout the 2,000 years examined. Most curious are the two warming anomalies shown by Mann, between the years 300 and 600, then again between 1200 and 1400. Each of which strongly contradict the Moberg and Ljungqvist graphs. Each of these Time Frames correspond with massive Volcanic Eruptions that dramatically cooled the entire World. Temperatures dropped so much at these times in history, that Global Cooling lasting about 500 years followed. The Dark Ages and The Little Ice Age are the names of these two Cooling Periods. Yet even flawed as it is – Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ graph is the cornerstone of the 2001 IPCC Climate Change document that he co-authored. This 2001 United Nations document has since become ‘The Holy Grail’ to Environmentalist Theology and the corresponding Zealotry, Globally, ever since. By 1750 temperatures were the Coldest experienced on Earth in 2,500 years, mysteriously left out by Mann in the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph. The question is, what data was Mann referring to that so significantly diverged his graph from those of his fellow scientists? Source data, which apparently has been requested, to this day, has not been made available to other Scientists for review. Stating instead, that this data is “Scientifically Privileged Information” as he said in court in BC. For data, as globally significant as this, to be treated as privileged information, brings concern as to its Scientific Validity. When 2,000 years are reviewed, as this chart does, serious questions need to be asked. When we look at, and compare the graphs above to temperatures we see today, they are pretty comparable with Historical variations. We must learn from History; NOT push Climate Cycles of the past under the rug unseen, without mention as though they are Inconsequential. 7
If you have the scientific aptitude, or the patience to examine what Michael Mann and his team used to create the “Hockey Stick’ graph and what MHB99 means, I refer you to a paper by Stephan McIntyre Titled – MBH99 and Proxy Calibration, where he notes: “In total, 10 of the 14 series in the MBH99 failed chapter 1 (in the text book definition), calibration test. In addition to the above 3 series, other failed series were: the fran010 tree ring series, Quelccaya 1 dO18, Quelccaya 2 dO18 (why are there 4 different Quelccaya series??), a Patagonia tree ring series, the Polar Urals reconstruction and the West Greenland dO18 series. Only 4 series passed this elementary test. In addition to the highly massaged Torne Trask series, the three were: the Tasmania tree ring series, the NOAMER PC2 and the NOAMER PC1 (AD1000 style) I guess the Tasmania series ‘tele connects’ to NH (New Hampshire) temperature more than most of the NH tree ring reconstructions. Its calibration results are not strong.” He states – “Calibration deals with the statistical situation where Y is a “proxy” for X and where you want to estimate X, given Y. It’s the kind of statistics that dendros (trees) should be immersing themselves in, but which they’ve totally disregarded, using instead procedures for estimating confidence intervals that cannot be supported under any statistical theory – a practice unfortunately acquiesced to by IPCC AR4, hardly enhancing their credibility on these matters”. MBH99 and Proxy Calibration « Climate Audit Journalists the World over, in my view, are the greatest obstacle to Recognising the True Science surrounding this whole Climate Change discussion. Michael Mann's 'Hockey Stick' graph based on his findings from the growth rings of various trees, wiped out Two 500-year periods of Climate Change from the record. The middle Ages Warming Period and The Little Ice Age, completely disappeared. Common sense and a quick review of Historical FACT proves to any right-thinking person that 'Something is Amiss' . . . But NO . . . The Media, the IPCC and Governments of the World latched onto this like the 'Tablets of Moses' brought down to enlighten the World. Now, 30 years since Michael Mann’s original research was published, and 21 years since the IPCC report of 2001 which contained his graph, and with Michael Mann as contributing author, it all has become 'The Holy Gospel', to Environmentalists and Environmental Propaganda and the corresponding Zealotry, Globally, ever since . . . Without Challenge. Anyone disputing these findings ‘Shall be Crucified’ publicly 'For They Blaspheme'. Thousands of papers, reports, documents and presentations, denouncing these findings have been published, and yet, even Nobel Prize Laureates are publicly denounced for their dissenting views, NOT with facts, but for their dissention. The world we live in is all about 'Propaganda Framing’ with this widespread Dogma and in turn in the Zealotry that follows. We may as well be living in the Dark Ages again . . . Truth, Fact, Science and History have no voice among the converted . . . Sad but true . . . This is our New Cross to Bear . . . In The 21st Century.
Now, Governments of the world are being Shamed into ‘Clean Green Energy’, even though CO2 has never led to Warming Periods at any time throughout the Holocene. Rather than cleaning up the noxious effluent coming out of the Smokestacks of the World with Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators and Nitrous Oxide Burners, we focus instead on CO2 ‘The Giver of Life’ for 3 billion years. Shameful . . . False Protagonism . . . Without Merit.
Jim Le Maistre Aldergrove BC Copyright 2022 8