The Real Democrats - Who Are They - RDiL

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The Real Democrats Who Are They? Ray DiLorenzo July 19, 2022


World Class Panderers The Democrats like to portray themselves as compassionate, defenders of democracy, civil rights, and the little people. They are, in reality, far from it. Their history tells a bitter tale of racism, oppression, violence, and death. Let's get beyond the hype, the puff, the lies. Democrats, as their namesake declares, are big on democracy. That may sound nice, but we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic, hence Republicans. By definition, democracy is mob rule. The founders were very concerned that minorities of other political thought be represented, not ignored, unless, of course, the other political thought is of insurrection. The Four S Doctrine Some historians like to use the four 'S' words or, what I call, the Four S Doctrine in assessing the Democrat Party through the centuries. These four principles were bitterly fought for by Democrats, with each in its own time being defended to the death. They are Slavery, Secession, Segregation, and Socialism. The Democrat Party began in earnest with the election of Andrew Jackson, a 'man of the people', in 1828. Their platform was one of limited government and individual rights, including maintaining and advancing into new states the institution of slavery. The 'Peculiar Institution' was a bane on Whites as well as Blacks, affording cheap labor for the upper class elites, leaving many Whites out of the job market. Jackson was not above ethnic cleansing as he supported the Indian Removal Act, forcing indigenous people from their homeland (Trail of Tears). It occurred over 20 years and killed thousands of Native Americans. National Republicans (Whig), precursor to the Republican Party, opposed it, including Davy Crockett (Whig-TN). Between 1830 and 1860 saw much debate on slavery, especially in the new territories. Southern Democrats saw it as a state or territorial issue where the central government had no authority, and as a property issue with the right to transfer their property anywhere they so chose... fundamental in the Constitution if you decide that other people can be property. Senators like Daniel Webster of Massachusetts (Federalist, National Republican after 1825, Whig after 1833) disagreed, spearheading an anti-slavery movement in Congress.


Opposite Webster was John C. Calhoun (D-SC), Senator and Vice President, influential, rabid supporter of slavery. John Calhoun is called by many, 'The Man Who Started the Civil War.' In issuing his 'Southern Address' in 1849, he called for a uniting of the southern states in order to defend what Calhoun called the "right" to own slaves. 1854 sees the Whig Party become the Republican Party, the Grand Ole Party. 1860 sees eleven slave states secede from the Union. Democrats start the Civil War. Republican, Abraham Lincoln, was elected president. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Republicans elect their first Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco, of California. In 1865, Lincoln is assassinated. Vice President Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, assumes the presidency. Johnson opposes integrating the newly freed slaves. After the Civil War, in 1865, the KKK was founded to oppose any integration by the Republican Party. It's first Grand Wizard was a Democrat, former Confederate General, Nathan Bedford Forrest. In 1868, Republicans passed the 14th Amendment giving Blacks citizenship and full protection under the law. It was opposed by Democrats. In that same year, Republicans passed the 15th Amendment giving Blacks the vote. No Democrat supported it. 1869 saw Jim Crow laws established to legalize segregation. Republicans elect the first Black senators and representatives.

1872 saw

Reconstruction ended in 1877, which saw Southern Democrats attempt to re-establish power with poll taxes, literacy tests, and 'grandfather clauses' to prevent Blacks from voting. In 1878, Republican Senator Aaron Sargent introduced a bill to allow women to vote. The Democrat-controlled Congress rejected it. 1911 saw Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ), become president. He immediately fired all Black White House staff and set back race relations decades.


In 1918, the Democrat controlled KKK now targets immigrants, Jews, and Catholics, in addition to Blacks. In 1919, a Republican Congress passed the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. Democrats now try to take credit since Wilson was president. 1922 saw Democrats try to keep lynching legal by filibuster in the Senate. The Democrat total was 3,446 Blacks and 1,289 White Republicans lynched In 1929, we saw the first Mexican American Senator (Republican). That same year saw the first Native America VP (Republican). In 1939, Democrat from New York, KKK supporter and eugenicist, Margaret Sanger creates the "Negro Project" to exterminate Blacks, and establishes Planned Parenthood. In 1942, President Roosevelt (D-NY) signs Executive Order 9066 ordering the forced removal of Japanese Americans and imprisoned them in internment camps without due process. Most lost their property, businesses, and personal possessions, lives destroyed. Eleanor Roosevelt was shocked and dismayed at the order. When she brought it up to her husband, he interrupted her and told her to never mention it again. 1954 sees Republican lawmakers outlaw segregation in public schools, opposed by state Democrats. Republican President Eisenhower decides to send in troops to enforce the law. 1964 – The Republican-controlled Congress passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as an extension of the Republicans’ 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts. Democratic Senators filibustered the bill for a record 75 days. 1964 - 65 A New Strategy President Johnson decides to keep Blacks quiet and... "have those N*****s vote Democrat for 200 years.... These Negroes, they get pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us…….we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”...WELFARE! Destroy the Black family and make them dependent on the government. In other words, outwardly fight racism, but keep them where they are. Black


lawmakers, for the most part, are like antebellum Black overseers, delivering the Black vote (obedience) to their masters and getting rich doing it. It has worked for almost 60 years. It is only for the past several years that we see definite signs of it wearing thin with Black voters. What has been the result, where's the progress for our trillions of dollars in public assistance? But alas, not to be dissuade, Democrats are now letting in millions of unvetted illegal immigrants that they can pander to get votes from, remain in power, and continue their cooperation with the globalist elites to dismantle our country. And how can we forget that this is the party that purposely put in office as President of the United States a man who is not only unqualified but dangerously senile. So, there you have it. From slavery to secession to segregation and now watching them fight for world socialism, a different form of slavery. All from the original and only author of American insurrection... The Democrat Party.



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