The Revolution - RdL

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The Revolution Ray DiLorenzo August 20, 2022

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama, 2008 Campaign


Preface: Barack Obama, the underhanded insurrectionist that he is, called for a loyal army that could go against the civilian population...a Civilian National Security Force. Did the Democrats just fund it?...87,000 new armed IRS agents? It doubles the personnel at the IRS to around 180,000. It's equal to 12 Army divisions (13 divisions if you include the number of FBI special agents, Biden's personal army). It would be larger than the army of Germany, Italy, or even Israel. Hitler's Gestapo (secret state police) had only 32,000 at its height. Additionally, the IRS is infamous for ignoring basic due process rights, harassment without cause, and accidental gun discharges. The Inflation Reduction Act has almost nothing to do with inflation. It was a marketing ploy, a lie! If these agents just audited those with incomes over $400,000, they would have plenty of spare time on their hands. If they decided to audit EVERY single family with that income, each agent would only have 15 cases. But, we know that will not be the reality.

And now the rest of the story: There is a revolution going on in America and around the world. It's been simmering for decades and now with the heat turned up, it seems to be near the point of a boil-over. Unlike the proverbial lobster, millions of us have taken notice. It's three-pronged - political, social and technological. It is not a populist revolution by any means. It is not a nationalist movement like Make America Great Again. In fact, it's not any revolution the vast majority of Americans would approve. It started with a movement, a revolution within the ranks of the political establishment, predominantly Democrat, divorced from any vast citizen participation, except of course, their 'soldiers' in the media, education, and the street. Its followers are anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-freedom, Marxist, totalitarian scum. Much of them are the establishment state, the Deep State, if you will. They revel in taxpayer cash for every stupid project they think justifies their existence. It is definitely a 'like it or not, here we come, our way or the highway' (to the re-education camp) operation. There will be no vote on it.


Trump is a threat to this establishment state. President Trump was correct. They are not after him, they are after us. He is just in the way. So, they must take him out by any means. The Left knows full well that if Trump should return to the White House, the establishment that covers itself in corruption will be in danger. The social movement has been ongoing for decades. The termination of Judeo-Christian morality in favor of the man-centered ethic, the 'superiority of mankind.' This superiority-of-mankind crap has created a depression, inflation, a pandemic, a vaccine that has killed as many as the disease, and is about to get us into another war. To top it off, we now have a massive crime wave we have never seen before. Cities are in literal chaos. Why? It's to break down our society, make us desperate for their New World Order, driving us to hopelessness and compliance, probably starting with martial law, and ending in slavery. To illustrate have far Democrats have a recent poll, 89% of Democrats say it is not necessary to believe in God to be moral. "...apart from Me, you can do nothing." John 15:5 The technological aspect is centered around the 4th Industrial Revolution, the post-digital age. That is, the embedding of technology within societies, without limits, added to a 'new morality', detached of God. They find their ethos to be a superior morality, a new They are not limited by biological, genetic, religious barriers or even natural law, the basis of our Constitution. You can begin to see it in the high-tech industry. It's not just laptops they're talking about, it's changing genders at will, altering the planet's climate, mass involuntary euthanasia, and wholesale depravity, even among children. How many millions lost their lives from the 'experimental' vaccine? Soon they will sell 'living forever' for the elites in a robotic body having downloaded the essence of your being to an SSD, all 2.5 million gigabytes of data, inside the robot's head. Man becoming god. The medical profession in California and Massachusetts are advertising sex change, full or partial. In reality, it's child mutilation, the worst kind of child abuse. What child knows their mind to make a decision like that? It's criminal, eventually pushing many children into anguish and suicide. Between this and the screwed up pandemic, it's no wonder so many people have lost their confidence in the medical profession. This is Big Tech meeting social collapse.


It is bound with the degenerate globalist movement within the elite cabal in Davos. It has taken many strange turns, now closely allied alongside a political party with a long history of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Anyone who finds that last statement odd does not know the history of the Democrat Party...the racism, the white supremacy, the misogyny in the struggle to keep women from voting. You know, everything they falsely accuse Republicans of doing. A long and successful distraction tactic. Anyway, Republicans could never have done all that they are accused of. They're just not that well organized. Of course, with all this new technology, especially in industry, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has determined that we will not need anywhere near the amount of people we now have. As they said just recently, "The vast majority of the population is obsolete, useless, and redundant." This Revolution is a revolution of death. They are not even hiding it. The Revolution does not care about the history of the Democrat Party. It was not important. They probably find it more conducive to what they have in mind anyway. Any group that would lynch more than 6,000 Black men, women, and children was probably just what they needed. From the late 40s to the early 60s Democrats began to turn a corner. Kennedy saw their future as continuing the desegregation policies of Truman and Eisenhower. The New Left just took it and ran off the cliff with it. The intention of The Revolution is to do away with Western culture, toss it into the garbage bin of history...and join the secular Commu/Fascist New World Order. In the meantime, they must win any elections that will keep them in power until elections are eliminated. They are diligently working to that end now. We need strong Godly men and women like we never have before in our history. We pray this revolution can be put away, settled, once and for all, at the ballot box in an honest election. God help us if we cannot.


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