World Report Card on Climate, Energy, and Related Government Policies - 2022 Main - JS

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World Report Card On Climate, Energy, and Related Government Policies

Introductions, Links, Conclusions

2022 and earlier December 31, 2022, file 230121a

Photo of Earth’s wonderful climate by Walter Ovenstone Our climate is determined by the sun, its varying energy output, physics of this water planet, sunlight entering and infrared radiation leaving, and gravity. There is no man-made climate crisis. We can not control Earth’s climate. The Creator does that.

Walter Ovenstone

classmates in White Plains, New York. Walter dedicated himself to guiding a blind student to classes. He didn’t have time for sports teams, though he would have enjoyed them. Through photography, he shares the beauty of nature and life. His career was in writing control software for huge diesel engines that pump oil and gas safely through the nation’s pipelines.

and John Shanahan were high school
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Australia - Viv Forbes

Canada - Eric Jelinski

Sherri Lange

Douglas Lightfoot

European Union - Samuel Furfari

France - Hugo Kruger

Germany - Bernd Fleischmann

Italy - Franco Battaglia

Netherlands - Guss Berkhout

South Africa - Geert de Vries Kelvin Kemm Andrew Kenny

USA - Terigi Ciccone

John Shanahan * Corresponding Editor

Gary Young

Each editor is only responsible for his/her contributions and editing suggestions.

This World Report Card on Climate, Energy, and Related Government Policies includes positions by people who claim that CO2 is for life and others who claim CO2 is a pollutant. They either support the use of fossil fuels or don’t. They have different theories, explanations and conclusions. Obviously, some are partially or completely wrong. That will be settled in scientific journals and conferences. We simply explain differences in the arguments they present. Religious leaders have taken positions. Which are right and which are not?

Contact John Shanahan about comments, errors, and omissions: Main Report Part 1 - Countries and Organization Part 2 - Individuals


Table of Contents

Photo of Earth’s wonderful climate by Walter Ovenstone 1


Photo: We share this planet with all living things and the miracle of life! 4






Photo:Albert Einstein - Keep explanations simple 11

Photo: Environmental extremists demand solar ovens for people inAfrica 13

Photo: Poppies, beautiful life with the carbon dioxide cycle 14

Photo: Life’s challenges are all in the carbon dioxide cycle 14

Photo: Rural Germany in 1962 with no wind turbines or solar panels 15

Photo: Singapore - Modern cities are made with fossil fuels. 15

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Individuals 3


The state of the global climate is stable and safe. Global temperatures over the past one hundred years have been going up and coming down within their natural variation range of about plus/minus one degree Centigrade, and they are expected to remain so for the foreseeable future. Yet, alarms about man-made global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate disruption, sea level rise, and extreme weather changes have been sounded in North America, Europe, and Australia since the early 1900s. After gaining control of much of North America and Europe, alarmists have imposed their ideologies on Africa, the South Pacific, and Latin America. Alarmists cause tremendous false fear of fossil fuels and nuclear power. The mass media aids them rather than critically evaluating the validity of their claims and motives. The free world is in serious trouble.

Energy literacy starts with the knowledge that renewable energy is only intermittent electricity generated from unreliable breezes and sunshine. Electricity is not the primary energy source for many tasks in heavy industry and long distance transportation of large masses of materials.

From the versatility of products discovered from petroleum derivatives manufactured from crude oil and the beginning of manufacturing of airplanes, cars, trucks, and military equipment, the world has had around 200 years to develop generics or clones so that crude oil derivatives can be replaced.

Petrochemical products and human ingenuity were the reasons for the world population from one to eight billion in less than two hundred years.

Wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture fuels sea, land and air transportation, heavy industry, or mining.

Photo: We share this planet with all living things and the miracle of life!
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Energy literacy can replace incorrect beliefs with knowledge. It can provide a better understanding of the link between energy and life.

Our materialistic society’s needs are most likely going to continue to increase. They will continue relying on electricity from natural gas, coal, or nuclear power. The focus of the wealthy and healthy countries must be on reducing emissions and being ethically, morally, and socially responsible instead of supporting environmental degradation and human abuses in foreign countries mining for metals and exotic minerals to support the world’s passion for intermittent electricity generated from solar and wind and the construction of batteries for EV vehicles.

This document presents information in the public domain about man-made climate change, fossil fuels, nuclear power, wind, solar, other energy sources, battery storage, and government policies at country, organization, and individual levels. It avoids personal infighting that has destroyed many important discussions.

We use the terms Realist (pro - CO2, fossil fuels, nuclear power) and Alarmist (anti - CO2, fossil fuels, and nuclear power). People are either sounding a (false) alarm or they are being realistic that Mother Nature controls global climate. Local climate is influenced by the presence of large cities, agriculture, and terrain modifications.

Alarmists in Australia, Canada, Europe, the United States, and other countries use questionable science and camouflaged agendas to destabilize their own economies and others by demanding policies to deprive people of reliable electricity and energy for transportation, agriculture, heavy industry, and space heating. Alarmists demand a decarbonized world with little or no use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. They claim to be able to use wind, solar, etc. to get to NETZERO. This is what current leaders in Australia, Canada, Germany, UK, and USA are doing to their countries.

Realist countries, organizations, and individuals promote strong economies based on fossil fuels and nuclear power. They work for a clean environment, promote carbon dioxide as the molecule of life, not a pollutant causing catastrophic global warming, and protect biodiversity on land and in the oceans.

BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa - and possibly Saudi Arabia in the future) pursue better economies and standard of living using fossil fuels and nuclear power. They are searching for ways around US and European dominated government policies and financial systems. This major shift in power is becoming

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more likely as other countries join the BRICS group. The United States and Europe will be left with weaker economies, currencies, and people around the world toward them. The desire to be independent of American and Europe imposed doctrines exists. The change just needs to happen. America and Europe have had their way on foreign policies for too long.

How beneficial have the U.S, European, and UN economic aid and military campaigns been since WWII? Are there better ways to improve economies and have stable governments than what has been done in the last seventy years? Who is listening to what real experts around the world are saying?

We work with students, parents, teachers, leaders in business, elected officials, and the public to help them reach their own conclusions. We connect with people from Australia to Argentina, China to the Czech Republic, Germany to Japan, Mexico to Norway, Sweden to South Africa, and Uganda to the USA.

This is a summary of what the Editors consider Realist and Alarmist positions on global warming, sea level change, energy from coal, oil, natural gas, hydro-electric, nuclear, wind, and solar, and related government policies.

We are convinced that realists do much more good for humanity, the global economy, peace, prosperity, the environment, and wildlife preservation than alarmists.

See sections by these realists: Steven Lyazi - Uganda, Jim Le Maistre - Canada, Wanda Munn - USA, and Don Riley - USA. They are unknown outside their personal spheres of influence. We maintain that they have done more good for humanity and modern economies than all alarmists in North America and Europe.

See alarmists: Joe Biden - USA, Al Gore - USA, John Kerry - USA, Pope FrancisVatican, Helen Caldicott - Australia for destroyers of modern economies who are causing the poor to suffer needlessly.

The goals of using this “World Report Card” are:

1) Win over as many as possible to the ideas of realists.

2) Display the works of diehard man-made global warming alarmists, and anti-fossil fuels and anti-nuclear power activists in the public square to be disgraced.

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3) Make progress for sound energy, prosperity, and peace.

Contact John Shanahan about comments, errors, and omissions:

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and Organization Part 2 - Individuals 7



1950 to ~ 2009

The pioneers in developing nuclear power, operators, maintenance specialists, and utilities did outstanding work. They deserve lots of credit.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency complicated the licensing process, making nuclear power plants more expensive and taking longer than necessary to license and build. They embraced arbitrary radiation safety guidelines: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and LNT (Linear No-Threshold). The equivalent agencies in Canada, China, Russia, and Switzerland did better or much better. The radiation safety guidelines still have to be revised to a more realistic basis before large scale nuclear power expansion gets going.

Anti-nuclear power activists were successful. Their efforts will destroy America as it was originally intended to be. They brought the nuclear power industry to a full stop. There are no orders for new plants. The companies involved in building nuclear power plants have greatly reduced staff, talent, experience, and skills.

Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Switzerland have better situations with technical staff to continue nuclear power.

The United States could get back into nuclear power development, if they can bring the anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear power activists and their politicians under control. Right now, anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear power extremists have almost full control from local members of the Sierra Club and similar organizations to Congress and the White House. They will destroy America by depriving it of sound energy policies.


~ 2010 and for the rest of the century

Anti-fossil fuels and anti-nuclear power people must be brought under control in general and dismissed from schools, universities, and government. The modern world can not and will not go without fossil fuels, nuclear power, and synthetic equivalents.

Large nuclear power plants will be built by countries who are able to do that and have trained engineers and technicians.

Smaller nuclear plants that can be manufactured in factories will probably be the way to success for countries that can’t build or don’t need the large power plants.

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- Countries


Where things stand with man-made global warming alarmists and with nuclear advocates and professionals who go along with the climate change alarmists.

Nuclear organizations, nuclear professionals, and everyone else who go along with claims that fossil fuels cause catastrophic global warming, claims that we must decarbonize the world, claims that we must have NETZERO, claims that nuclear power can save the world from catastrophic man-made climate change are wrong on climate science, wrong about fossil fuels, and wrong about the schedule that nuclear power can replace fossil fuels around the world.

Two types of energy are being considered to eventually replace coal and natural gas in generating electricity: 1) wind and solar, and 2) nuclear power.

Wind and solar are non-starters. They cause terrible pollution in mining and disposal of worn out components. They contribute nothing to the energy needed for mining of their materials, transportation, or manufacturing. They don’t work a lot of the time. Their output of electricity varies and is a nightmare to deal with. Storage of electrical energy for just a few days is expensive and bad for the environment. They are much more vulnerable to extreme weather and earthquakes.

Nuclear power is the only energy source that can produce electricity and manufacture synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels for applications outside of electricity. Here are some reasons why it is going to take more than 100 years for the world to be producing all of its electricity from nuclear power:

1) The anti-fossil fuels and anti-nuclear protest organizations have a tremendous head start. They are prepared to fight with local volunteers and on up to the highest positions in governments around the world.

2) Governments have taken sides with anti-nuclear power activists.

3) Governments don’t have qualified regulatory organizations.

4) There is a lack of educated and trained engineers and craftsmen.

5) There is a lack of technically qualified operators and maintenance staff.

6) Most of the world doesn’t have the strong economies and stable governments that Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA had in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s to

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support the development of nuclear power.

7) Most of the world doesn’t have enough schools and trade schools.

8) Most of the world doesn’t have experienced technical leaders and managers.

It is completely unrealistic to claim that most of the world will be generating electricity with nuclear power in less than 100 years. To keep doing the same thing will get the same results - no progress. Experienced people have been and will continue to die off with few replacements, except in places like China, South Korea, and Russia.

It will take more time before the world has replaced all fossil fuels with synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels manufactured with energy from nuclear power.

That is the most likely solution for the long term future and it will take several centuries.

Contact John Shanahan about comments, errors, and omissions:



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The history of the world can be divided into two parts:

a) From the beginning to the beginning of fossil fuels and nuclear power. b) From the beginning of fossil fuels and nuclear power to the end of civilization.

Prior to use of fossil fuels and nuclear power can be characterized by endless fighting among smaller groups or massive armies on foot or horseback conquering vast parts of the world. Religions, taxes, and big egos played major roles. See: Peter Frankopan, “The Silk Roads - A New History of the World” and Vaclav Smil, “Energy and Civilization.”

Prior to fossil fuels, energy needs were met by solar energy for heating, growing crops, bringing fresh water to land, sailing vessels, production of wood for heating and cooking, and thousands of years of slavery – 90% of people in the civilized communities lived in slavery. Slavery for labor was legal in America until about 150 years ago! There were 4 million slaves in a population of about 30 million.

With the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power, there was tremendous progress in standard of living, life expectancy, health care, opportunities for learning, food supply, transportation, communications, and leisure activities. Slavery for labor was reduced. Slavery for sex continues. Europe and the United States look the other way at certain labor practices in some Asian and African countries so they can enjoy a good life.

Anti-fossil fuels and anti-nuclear power special interest groups formed in the 1960s.

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They severely hindered energy progress in North America and Europe and imposed absurd wind and solar energy on the world. Pope Francis could have access to top scientists who follow the Scientific Method to draw sound conclusions about carbon dioxide and climate change. Instead, he confers with an atheist at the alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, PIK in Germany.

Some alarmists about global warming, fossil fuel, and nuclear power are: John Holdren, Thomas Cochran, James Hansen, Michael Mann, Frank von Hippel. Amory Lovins, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, the World Nuclear Association, Women in Nuclear - Global, and the National Academies.

Some advocates for nuclear power promote man-made global warming alarmism. They include Tom Blees, Eric Meyer, and the Nuclear Energy Institute. If they continue to create unjustifiable fear about fossil fuels, modern civilization with all of its benefits will come to an ugly end. Nuclear power will not advance as it should.

This document offers examples of struggles about global warming, fossil fuels, nuclear power, and government plans to support wind and solar.

The first struggle is between those who don’t want fossil fuels and nuclear power and those who do. This struggle will determine whether the wonderful modern world continues or doesn’t. If the modern world comes to an end, billions will suffer and die.

The second struggle is between certain nuclear power professionals and advocates who say that fossil fuels are causing catastrophic global warming and sea level rise. They say that nuclear power can help solve the so-called man-made global warming catastrophe. There is no basis to their claims. Other nuclear power professionals and advocates promote nuclear power simply on its own merits. This is the best way to promote nuclear power.

Life in general, people, nature, land, mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, plants, flowers, trees, animals, birds, insects, and wildlife habitats are unique and marvelous. We haven’t discovered anything similar on other planets. Life and life support systems are to be respected, not squandered. Extraction of minerals and fossil fuels are extremely important. This needs to be done in an environmentally respectful and non-wasteful way. Extracting minerals for batteries for hundreds of millions of unnecessary electric vehicles and backup batteries for wind and solar energy is wasteful and ends up with minerals not being available for batteries for much more important uses.

Fossil fuels and nuclear power have created a better world. False fear of carbon dioxide, belief in catastrophic man-made global warming, opposing use of fossil fuels, and nuclear power are not solutions. Large scale use of wind turbines, solar panels, millions of electric cars, millions of batteries for electric vehicles and batteries for backup for wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels for thousands of years are the wrong way to go.

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For prosperity, peace, and elimination of poverty, the editors of this report strongly recommend staying with hydrocarbons, synthetic hydrocarbon fuels made with nuclear energy in the future, and nuclear power for generating electricity.

How do you want the future of our planet to turn out?

Do you want smooth asphalt and concrete roads and sidewalks, gasoline and synthetic hydrocarbon powered cars, asphalt shingle roofs, cooking with natural gas or electricity, refrigeration, electric dishwashers, Internet, iPhones, and air conditioning?

Do you want dirt roads and walking paths, grass roofs, wood-fire cooking on the floor because our leaders forced us to abandon fossil fuels, synthetic hydrocarbon fuels, and electricity from nuclear power?

The Natural Resources Defense Council, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, similar organizations, governments in North America and Europe, and the World Economic Forum want the world to stop using fossil fuels and nuclear power. Only individual people can prevent that from happening. EVERYONE MUST DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE! Don’t let alarmists take fossil fuels and nuclear power away.

Contact John Shanahan about comments, errors, and omissions:

While Europe and North America continue to use fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Photo: Environmental extremists demand solar ovens for people in Africa
Main Report Part 1 - Countries and Organization Part 2 - Individuals

Photo: Life’s challenges are all in the carbon dioxide cycle

Photo: Poppies, beautiful life with the carbon dioxide cycle.
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2 - Individuals
Photo: Rural Germany in 1962 with no wind turbines or solar panels.
Photo: Singapore - Modern cities are made with fossil fuels.
Main Report Part 1 - Countries and Organization Part 2 - Individuals

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