World weather report, energy, politicians and other alarmists
John ShanahanMarch 6, 2023
The world does not, cannot get significantly warmer or colder in a few decades as a whole due to carbon dioxide from fossil fuels at concentrations above 400 ppm. Serious global warming requires tremendous change of energy from the sun. If it is colder than normal somewhere, it will be warmer than normal somewhere else.
That's the case now. The northern hemisphere is colder and has more snow than normal. See rare, amazing photos of deep snow in the mountains just east of Los Angeles! See the graph of maximum snow extent in the northern hemisphere.
To compensate for this extra cold in the Northern Hemisphere, Australia, India, and parts of Africa are having hotter and drier climates. See the report in this link.
Thanks to Cap Allon at ELECTROVERSE in Portugal for this report.
We can pretend that the global warming alarmist politicians in North America, Europe, and Australia and the self-proclaimed One World Government saviors are correct - that use of fossil fuels is causing catastrophic global warming. These alarmists demand that we abandon fossil fuels! Demand that we build windmills and solar voltaic farms like there is no tomorrow! Even demand that we build nuclear plants quickly all over the world. All wrong solutions for energy and dealing with real climate change. Follow John Kerry, his boss the President, and their equivalents in Europe into energy poverty and loss of life from Mother Nature caused weather events!!!
OR we can use fossil fuels and nuclear power to the best of our ability to survive the weather variations that Mother Nature tests us with regularly and maintain the modern world. Germany, Japan, China, India and other countries are sticking with fossil fuels!
The only way for democracies to save themselves from alarmist politicians and One World Government manipulative alarmists is for the voting public to understand how climate really changes and the absolute importance of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Everyone voting for alarmist manipulators is voting for the downfall of the free world.