Alleviating Hunger, Thirst, and Disease - RMcM

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Alleviating Hunger, Thirst and Disease©

Since the virus from the People's Republic of China (PRC) infected the world, any gains made in eliminating hunger, thirst and disease were reversed. Now more people are dying of hunger, thirst, and disease.

New energy technology can help eliminate hunger, thirst, and disease. ( There are no more excuses for people not to have food and safe water to drink. The only question is how soon it can be supplying the energy missing for agriculture, water, supporting education, healthcare services, and jobs in the free world. The decision rests with country leaders.

The new energy technology allows leaping from age old labor intensive farming methods that result in a significant portion of the crops spoiling before they can be available for people to eat. It creates the opportunity to gain experience growing food using less than 10% of the agricultural land currently used, while reducing the need for water, fertilizer, insecticides, and herbicides; all contributors to water pollution.

Logically placing environmentally controlled greenhouses using robotics and artificial intelligence, sending harvested crops directly into a food processing facility and on into a packaging for distribution facility. The Molten Salt Nuclear Battery© can power these integrated food supply facilities© . Much better use of the land and water, while eliminating cross-contamination and food spoilage; creating new education and jobs.

In 2016, Global Humanitarian Resources, Inc., (GHRI) was founded in Idaho. The goal was to seek solutions under the nexus of agriculture, water, energy, and the environment. Solutions that could be combined to solve the world’s shortages of food and safe water to drink.

The first one was new soils being developed by Mr. George Gersema that requires less water and all but eliminates the need for fertilizer. The second were Dr. Paul Marotta and Dr. Richard Christensen developing the ideal energy source.

GHRI has already researched the most needed nations of the world. Most countries are around the equator between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The rest are mostly in Africa. Some regions like Africa have plenty of water that can be cleaned by distillation and pumped to where needed but lacked the energy source until now.

The author has worked in energy and economics in over thirty countries since 1963. Richard was the United States representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for four years because of the Chernobyl accident. While there he met people working on agricultural and water issues at the United Nations Industrial Development


Organization (UNIDO). He learned of the need for a universal stand energy source to alleviate hunger, thirst, and disease. Moving to Idaho Richard found the answers to share with the world.

Copyright © 2023 by Richard McPherson All Rights Reserved

Contact information: Richard Mcpherson



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