Climate Change - The Alarmists versus Mother Nature John Shanahan October 29, 2023 Al Gore, John Holdren, John F. Kerry, Michael Mann, Bill McKibbens, Christiana Figueres, Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum, Pope Francis, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc. have for decades issued dire warnings of catastrophic man-made global warming of just a few exaggerated degrees Celsius happening over 100 years. Mother Nature regularly causes significant cooling of more than twenty degrees Celsius IN JUST 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Denver, Colorado, USA October 19, 2023
Denver, Colorado, USA October 29, 2023
Who knows what's going on with weather and climate change: a) the science advisor alarmists to American Presidents, the World Economic Forum, the Vatican or b) Mother Nature? Who controls what's going on with weather and climate change: a) the science advisor alarmists to American Presidents, the World Economic Forum, the Vatican or b) Mother Nature? Who is being fooled by the catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists? At least 50% of the people in North America and Europe. Will the modern world survive or go back to the miserable way of life before 3
How thankful should people be for fossil fuels and their byproducts?
Sydney, Australia all made by energy from fossil fuels