Bergoglio is not the real Pope - FB

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Bergoglio is not the real Pope. The bombshell from the author of the book on Ratzinger Interview with Andrea Cionci, art historian, journalist and author of “The Ratzinger Code”, translated into five languages By Franco Battaglia October 24, 2023 When Pope Bergoglio published the Encyclical Laudato sì..., I sent him a letter (later published) in which I wrote some bold words: 'Most Holy Father, I have become convinced that in some passages of [the Encyclical, ed. And, further, I concluded: 'To propose that poor countries use only those [photovoltaic] plants for their energy needs is to deny them energy, that is, it is to condemn them to poverty. To propose, then, that it should be the rich countries that bear the enormous, as well as useless, economic sacrifice, is to impoverish the populations of these countries to the advantage of the small minority that, alone, would benefit from the miserable bargain. The tiny minority that has 1

taken the form of the devil who, I fear, has crept into the hearts of your advisors, Most Holy Father'. “That was eight years ago”. With this year's Laudate Deum, Francis reconfirmed everything he had anticipated in the 2015 Encyclical, so that I had the opportunity to publicly ask why the Pope had lingered on that line, even though he had been warned - and not only by my letter, which he may well not have read - of the blunders he was making on climate-energy issues. My question was followed by an answer that caught my attention: 'simple, Bergoglio is not the real Pope'. The speaker was Andrea Cionci, art historian, journalist, contributor to several national newspapers and - I learned - author of 'The Ratzinger Code' (May 2023, ed. Byoblu), a bestseller translated into 5 languages and presented 60 times in many Italian cities. Since I am curious, I sought out the author directly to find out more. What's your point, Cionci? "After a three-year investigation, I believe I can claim that in the 'Declaratio' of resignation Benedict XVI said something different from what has been understood". Let's start from the beginning… «Pope Ratzinger pronounced the Declaratio in Latin where there are two key words: Munus and ministerium , which in Italian are both translated with a single word: “ministry” . He said: “I have come to the certainty that my strengths are no longer suited to exercising the Petrine munus . I am well aware that this munus , due to its spiritual essence, must be accomplished not only with works and words, but no less by suffering and praying." And further: « govern Peter's boat the vigor of both body and soul is also necessary, which in me has diminished in such a way that I have to recognize my inability to administer well the ministerium entrusted to me. For this reason I declare that I renounce the ministerium of Bishop of Rome". To know more: ● Ratzinger forgotten: Pope Francis' new church is LGBT ● The Pope has decided: "climate change" will be dogma ● What a scandal the Pope has on the climate: he goes hand in hand with 2

those who censored Ratzinger But the two Latin words have very different meanings. The Munus is the divine investiture, while the ministerium is the practical power that follows from it: it is the difference between "being" Pope and "doing" the Pope. For abdication, Canon 332.2 requires the Pope's renunciation of the Munus, while Benedict declared that he renounced the ministerium alone . But the Pope can lose only the ministerium without the Munus in only one case, that of a "totally Impeded Seat" (can. 335), when he is a prisoner, confined, exiled, not free to express himself: he remains Pope, but cannot do the Pope. This is the pivot of the whole interpretation." But how can a Pope place himself in an impeded seat? "Indeed, he cannot. Hence the ingenious contrivance of the Roman hour. Ratzinger says: "I declare that I renounce the ministerium so that from the 28 of February, hora vigesima, the See of St Peter vacet". However, according to traditional papal time, the counting of the hours begins not at midnight, but at sunset, and the hora vigesima coincides with 1p.m. on March 1. Ratzinger knew that the papal bulletin always comes out after 12 noon and before 1 p.m., so that the convocation of the new conclave would have been illegitimate, because it would have occurred with a pope neither dead nor abdicated. And so it happened. The convocation, which actually occurred before the hora vigesima, was thus a sort of coup d'état, and Benedict XVI officially entered the impeded seat, losing his ministerium". In short, according to you there is a hidden code in the Declaratio ... «Yes, hence the title of my book. And not just in the Declaratio. It is a transparent and ultra-precise communication style, partly borrowed from that of Christ, with which Benedict speaks "to those who have ears to hear" and makes the canonical situation understood. Anyone who knows how to read and listen understands and, if they believe, take a stand. It is a plethora of "messages" that require a minimum logical, historical, linguistic or canonical study to be understood." Can you tell me some of them? «In “Last Conversations” – a 2016 book-interview by Peter Seewald, a text 3

approved and authorized by Benedict – we read: “no Pope has resigned for a thousand years”. And further: Benedict "is the first Pope after a thousand years to take this step". However, the last abdicator (Gregory XII) dates back to 1415, that is, almost 600 years earlier, not 1000. Therefore, for Ratzinger himself, his abdication was not an abdication. Rather, the last Pope to give resignation to which Benedict XVI himself compared his own was another Benedict (Benedict VIII) who, in 1013, just about a thousand years after Peter and exactly 1000 years before Ratzinger, declared a renunciation of the ministerium, without abdicating. For the last nine years, Ratzinger has repeated that there was only one Pope, without ever specifying which of the two it was. At the same time, he continued to impart the apostolic blessing, the exclusive prerogative of the Pope. And there is also an example of a funny Ratzinger code: to the Vatican correspondent Andrea Tornielli, who in 2016 asked him why he had kept the white robe - rather than replacing it with a black cassock threaded with red or purple, for a cardinal or bishop - Ratzinger replied that the choice had been above all practical, given that "at the time of the renouncement there were no other clothes available". Lack of clothes for years? Bishop Gänswein also often delivered such messages. Last year he reported Ratzinger's following words in a conference at Lumsa: "If you don't believe, the answer is in the Book of Jeremiah." And in that book - all centered on a prophet locked in a well - we read: "I am impeded". For those who cannot read my book, I recommend watching three short documentaries on my YouTube channel: “Dies irae”, “Intelligenti pauca” and “Redde rationem”». DIES IRAE ⏩️ INTELLIGENT PAUCA ⏩️REDDE RATIONEM ⏩️ Let me play devil's advocate: in “Latest Conversations” Gänswein reports that “the resignation becomes effective on February 28th”. Furthermore, in the Declaratio Benedict says that from the hora vigesima on February 28 the see of Peter will be "vacant" (vacet ), so that a Conclave can be convened to elect the new Pope. «Yes, February 28th, but at the vigesima hour ! As for the "vacet ", the first meaning of the verb suggests not that the apostolic see will remain vacant, but rather that the see of Rome (i.e. the apostolic apartment) and the see of Saint Peter (the chair of the bishop of Rome in the Lateran) will remain “empty, clear, free”. As indeed it was. Furthermore, in the last sentence quoted, the


correct translation is that "the Conclave must be convened for the election of the new Supreme Pontiff by those to whom it belongs". Thus Benedict specified that, upon his death, the next true Supreme Pontiff would have to be elected by those same cardinals then present there, nominated by him or by his predecessor, Pope Joh Pau II "Woityla". THE STILL SEALED PAPAL APARTMENTS UP TO DATE ⛔VIDEO 👇 👇🏼 In short, according to you, Bergoglio would not have the munus and the papal acts performed by him would be illegitimate, including the appointments of new cardinals, so that in the next conclave, the new Pope would be illegitimate if he is not elected by the sole vote of "those to whom it belongs”. How could this be resolved? “Through the Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis (Art. 3, 76, 77). All it takes is for some of those 'those to whom it pertains', i.e. the pre-Bergoglio cardinals, to declare that with the death of Benedict XVI the Pope is dead”. One last comment? “Allow me to compliment you: you had good instincts when you wrote your letter to Bergoglio in 2015 making him aware of the devil's hand in Laudato si"… ». Franco Battaglia, 24 October 2023 #CHURCH #POPE BENEDICT XVI #POPE FRANCIS FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA👇 The INQUIRY of The Millenium Articles & Updates ⏩️Follow “The Ratzinger Code” HERE The Ratzinger Code on GETTR; Concerning ⏩️Your Future even if not a Catholic 5

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