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Website - Fusion 4 Freedom Tom Tamarkin Website status as of November, 2023 Comments by John Shanahan This website provides an overview of the history of various energy types. Its main focus is on the development of fusion technologies. See: - Why Fusion is the Only Realistic Solution - Energy Science - Fusion Science “By 1966, Tom Tamarkin was well versed in basic fission theory and was taught that fission was an intermediary step to fusion, which would happen.” Comments by John Shanahan Fusion takes place in the stars/suns because: 1) Plentiful fusion fuel is available. 2) Gravity from the large mass creates tremendous pressure for fusion.
Neither of these conditions are present on planets, moons, or asteroids. Therefore, no natural fusion happens on these objects. Artificial, controlled fusion has to accomplish conditions similar to those on the stars. A very difficult task. Will mankind accomplish this in the near future or ever on a large scale? Qualified scientists have two different answers: yes and no. John Shanahan is a supporter of fission nuclear power and by-products. It is the best source of energy for a very long time. It is the cleanest form of energy and most environmentally friendly. Well managed nuclear waste is very small in volume and can be safely stored for 500 years. The French are doing it now. Waste from advanced fission nuclear technologies is even better. This is all well documented on The problems with fission nuclear power are artificial and were created by anti-nuclear power activists and vote seeking politicians. Uranium and thorium fission nuclear power and by-products are not a brief intermediary step to fusion, These technologies and their by-products are long-term solutions for high standards of living for everyone. The biggest advances ever in the standard of living are due to the uses and by-products of fossil fuels. Advances in energy sources and by-products of this magnitude won’t be seen again for hundreds of years. We know how to manage pollution from coal. It is a matter of who is willing to pay for it. The Chinese don’t care about pollution at this point. Very unfortunate. Fission nuclear power is a tremendous success and when the barriers set up by anti-nuclear power activists are removed, it will be far better. The real technical challenge is to find ways to produce synthetic liquid and gas fuels to replace oil and natural gas when they are depleted. Nuclear power can provide the energy for making synthetic fuels, but the processes of how to do it have to be developed. 2