Hydrogen - There is a lot of money missing - Klimanachrichten

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Hydrogen: There is a lot of money missing December 18, 2023 by Climate News Editor Michael Liebreich describes at Bloomberg, how much money a ramp-up of the hydrogen economy would cost and comes to immense sums. “With all this information, we can now produce a ball-park estimate for the total volume of subsidy or support that would be needed in order to hit the Hydrogen Energy Ministerial target of 90 million tons of clean hydrogen per year by 2030. Of the 90 million tons, you will recall that 40 million are meant to go to existing use cases and 50 million to new uses. Multiplying the $2/kg cost penalty for existing use cases by 40 million tons and you get $80 billion per year. For new use cases, let’s be incredibly generous (and make the maths easy), and assume an average of $3/kg of subsidy will be sufficient to drive uptake. Multiply that by 50 million tons, and you get an additional $150 billion per year. So the total subsidy needed is $230 billion per year. […] That means that for the Hydrogen Energy Ministerial target to be hit, finance ministries of the world would need to slap no less than $2.3 trillion dollars on the table, and do it in time to build the projects before 2030.” NOTE by John Shanahan, Civil Engineer, USA Are people at COP Conferences out of their minds??? The only realistic technical way beyond fossil fuels is with nuclear power and synthetic hydrocarbons made with electricity and heat from nuclear power. That will be expensive and technically difficult. Running the world on hydrogen is not going to happen. There will be no hydrocarbon by-products. No asphalt roads, no asphalt roofs, no modern medicine, no sports equipment, no smart phones, no cars, planes, ships, only cotton, wool and animal skin clothes, no lipstick and mascara! See articles about hydrogen, click here.


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