John A. Shanahan - Explanation of Marquis Who is Who listing

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John A. Shanahan - Explanation of Marquis Who’s Who listing

April 3, 2024

I was completely taken by surprise earlier this year when the world's oldest and largest Who's Who organization chose to list me and promote my career and website,

See the plaque and press release here. I invite you to read this carefully.

My work for the last 25 years has been controversial. It has divided my family and closest friends.

Some claim humans can control climate change and the world must run on variable, unreliable, environmentally damaging electricity from wind turbines and solar panels.

Others conclude that only Nature controls climate and climate change. We must be prepared for natural climate change by having plentiful energy from fossil fuels, nuclear power and synthetic liquid fuels in the future.

The Marquis Who's Who organization and staff have embraced my career, other accomplishments and the website This organization has been listing the biographies of successful people in many professions since 1899. It is an honor to be associated with Marquis Who's Who.

Many friends and colleagues around the world think that countries who abandon fossil fuels and nuclear power will quickly become Third World countries.

Only unified action by voters can overcome a destiny that will be caused by


bad government and their partners in the media, academia, and big business.

The ideas of thousands of contributing authors on are like the symbol of the Statue of Liberty. They can guide the world to peace and prosperity.

Climate alarmists, anti-fossil fuels, anti-nuclear power people and organizations must be brought under control.

Best wishes for a stable, peaceful and prosperous modern world.

John A. Shanahan, Dr. of Engineering Civil Engineer

Retired Professional Engineer

Denver, Colorado, USA



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