The importance of petroleum by-products
The Department of Energy has remained silent while electric vehicle policies have made America increasingly dependent on rare earth minerals and metals mined for those batteries under atrocious slave labor and environmental conditions in other countries that the DOE and bureaucrats ignore.
● China controls a stranglehold 80% of the global supply monopoly on rare earth minerals and metals, with the Congo in Africa a 90% sourceofvitalcobalt.
In addition to life longevity increasing with the support of the products in our materialistic world, and weather-related fatalities almost nonexistent, all because the different fuels for planes, ships, trucks, cars, militaries, and the space programs, and all the PRODUCTS and that did not exist before the1800’s.
The more than 6,000products in today’s societies that were not around 200 years ago are based on crude oil, now supports:
● Reliablesuppliesofcontinuouselectricitythatarebeinggeneratedby hydro, nuclear, coal, and natural gas.
● Unreliable supplies of intermittent electricity from wind turbinesand solar panels.
● Airports that accommodate the 20,000commercialaircraft, and morethan 50,000militaryaircraft.
● Shipping terminals that accommodate 50,000 merchant ships.
● Hospitals.
● Communications.
● Electronics.
● Data Centers.
● Mining for industrial and precious metals.
● More than 1.4 billion vehicles in the world.
● Almost 300 million trucks in the world.
● Each year, approximately 2.5 billion tires are produced globally.
We'reamaterialisticsocietyandneedtoreplaceoiltomaintainthatsupply chain of PRODUCTS and FUELS. NONE of the 6 ways to generate ELECTRICITY(hydro,nuclear,coal,naturalgas,wind,andsolar)canmake PRODUCTS for society, thus ELECTRICITY is not a source to support the supplychainofproductsandfuels.
IpersonallyamNOTpro-fossilfuels, butIamprofortheproductswe get from fossil fuels. Ridding the world of crude oil, without a “replacement” that can continue to support the supply chain of the more than 6,000 products now demanded by the 8 billion on this planet could result in the loss of billions from starvation, diseases, and weather-related fatalities.
So,beforewejumpoutoftheairplanewithoutaparachute,andrevertto thepre-1800’s,let’sidentifytheback-up“source”thatcancontinueto
supportthesupplychainformakingofmorethan6,000productsandthe variousfuelsforthematerialisticsocietyofthe8billiononthisplanet.
TheComingElectricityCrisisistotallybasedonthe OXYMORON
decisionstoreplacecontinuousuninterruptableelectricitygeneratedfrom fossilfuelandnuclearplants,withOCCASIONALelectricitygenerated wheneverthewindblowsorsunshinesforwindandsolar!!
Datacenters,chipfactories,computers,airports,hospitals,etc.,cannot dependonOCCASIONALelectricity!
Author|Columnist|EnergyLiteracy Consultant
Co-authorofthePulitzerPrizenominated book“CleanEnergyExploitations”,
ColumnistsofOpEdarticlesonEnergy Literacyat AmericaOutLoudNEWS,
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