Dialogue about China, the USA, and the world

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Sources - email

Frans Vandenbosch

Industrial-Plastics Engineer

Flanders, Europe


To: John Shanahan

Civil Engineer

Denver, Colorado, USA


Dialogue between Frans Vandenbosch in Flanders, Europe and John Shanahan in Denver, Colorado, USA about China, the USA, and the world

March 16, 2024

Frans Vandenbosch

Industrial-Plastics Engineer and China Advocate

Flanders, Europe

To: John Shanahan

Civil Engineer

Denver, Colorado, USA


I am fully aware of the cognitive dissonance I am causing to most of the brainwashed western people.

Without any doubt, China is not “makellos”. China certainly has its flaws. Last Monday, after my lecture for the Marnixring Service Club in Antwerpen, I got a question from someone from the audience: “Is there one thing negative about China ?”

Therefore, together with the 30 experts of the CWG team, we have been brainstorming about these Chinese flaws.

After trying really very hard, we came to these 4 issues:

1. The 剩女 shèngnǚ< culture.

2. The ubiquitous gossip, in the neighbourhood committees, in the enterprises, …

3. The clumsiness of the Chinese ministry of propaganda. The meaning of the word “propaganda” in China is very different from what our MSM are serving to their sheeple.

4. The inability to build a football tradition, in spite of the billions of support from all sides, in spite of the moral support of Xi Jinping, in spite of the expensive expert trainers from EU, …

We were unable to find other issues.

Should I, during each of my remarks to the BLPM (the CIA propaganda-) media, bring up these 4 issues ?

Or, alternatively, should I from time to time agree with the fabricated narratives about China ?

I’m an engineer, I got a STEM training, I am a “hard” scientist.

I don’t believe anybody, unless I can check or calculate it. Without that harsh attitude, I could not push the borders, accomplish the exceptional outcomes and development of new products as I have done in China.


I have the “Huawei attitude”

April 6, 2024

Denver, Colorado, USA

To: Frans Vandenbosch

Industrial-Plastics Engineer and China Advocate

Flanders, Europe

I understand your feelings toward certain policies, actions and people in the United States.

Calling South Korea and Japan vassals of the USA is beyond my comprehension and unwarranted. Counting Taiwan as belonging to Beijing is your call. The world will see how the Taiwan situation turns out. I hope freedom wins.

People in South Korea and Japan have come from great ancient Asian cultures like people in China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Tibet, Persia, Afghanistan and Malaysia. Their scientists and engineers are as good as the Chinese and better than alarmist scientists and politicians in the USA.

I think that China's claims to Tibet are based on deciding to plunder Tibet's resources and have access for railways to western Asia, Europe and Africa.


The culture of Tibet is completely separate and distinct from China's. I see nothing noble in the government of Communist China and condemn their violating patents, copyrights and intellectual rights of all other countries.

I understand your respect for the Chinese people, their desire to work, learn and live the best lives possible. It is not their choice to pollute the environment the way the Chinese government has done.

The people in the USA whom you hate are descendants of Europeans. Many of those same kinds of people are Europeans and doing the same things today.

Your hatred of policies and actions of certain people in the USA, I can understand.

Your hatred of people who are ignorant of or indifferent to those American policies, I can understand also.

I look forward to more of your essays and essays by other contacts of Eduard Harinck on the situation of the USA, China and the world in general.

These discussions will be independent of the controllers in the United Nations,, the European Union, NATO, ASEAN, the World Economic Forum, the Larouche-Schiller organizations, the government and media in the United States and Trump, Obama, Biden and Kerry, etc.

E-mail: john.shanahan@allaboutenergy.net

April 6, 2024

Frans Vandenbosch


Industrial-Plastics Engineer

Flanders, Europe


To: John Shanahan

Civil Engineer

Denver, Colorado, USA

john.shanahan@allaboutenergy.net I definitely don’t hate the American people. On the contrary, I feel pity for them.

I do hate the American oligarchy, the deep state, the military, pharmaceutical, financial, intelligence … complex.

I live a stone's throw from NATO headquarters. I drive around with the following slogan on an LED light bar on the back of my car:

Sign in Frans Vandenbosch’s car window - “YANKEES GO HOME!”.

… because I feel that we here in Flanders are occupied territory.

It’s not just NATO; there are dozens of other American organisations very active here in Brussels.

The NED (National Endowment for Democracy, commonly “the CIA2”) TLD (Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue)


Yes, certainly, both Japan and South Korea are vassals too. Why do you think Shinzo Abe was assassinated ? Look how slavish Fumio Kishida, the new prime minister, is serving the interests of the US military complex instead of serving his own Japanese people. And in South Korea, look what a pitiful figure President Yoon Suk Yeol is. Park Geun-hye was pushed aside with a successful color revolution by the American NED, which is very active in Asia. So now Yoon Suk Yeol is kowtowing twice per day to his USA masters.

Obviously, the economy of both Japan and South Korea is suffering from the regime changes and the declining cooperation with China.

What happened in Hong Kong in 2019-2020 had absolutely nothing to do with democracy, human rights, independence or all those other beautiful things. On the contrary; it was a blatant colour revolution. That MI5 and the NED (National Endowment for Democracy, the "CIA2") was behind this, was clear to just about everyone, maybe except for the heavily brainwashed American mainstream media consumers.

China has no “claims” on Tibet. Tibet is and has always been part of China. China has freed the Tibetans from the slavery of the Buddhist monks' dynasty.

It was the Mongols, the later Yuan dynasty, who conquered both Tibet and the heartland of China in the years 1300. China has not conquered Tibet.

This is once again a subject where most Americans, victims of the heavy brainwashing by their mainstream media, are entirely mistaken.

I once again recommend you to make some serious effort to put all American media aside and find out the partialities of the real world yourself by reading some facts and figures at other websites. At my website, I have listed some media sources which have been proved to be reliable: Reliable News


For example this revealing article by my friend Ron:

The Transformation of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs

https://www.unz.com/runz/the-transformation-of-prof-jeffrey-sachs/ Recommended readings:

The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America


The CIA's Secret War in Tibet


It’s not just NATO; there are dozens of other American organisations very active here in Brussels.

- The North Atlantic Council. NATO Parliamentary Assembly meetings are held in Brussels, Luxembourg (Kirchberg Conference Centre), London (Queen Elizabeth II Center)

- The NED (National Endowment for Democracy, commonly “the CIA2”) EU HQ in Brussels

- TLD (Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue) EU HQ in Brussels

- IPA (Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China

- OSF (Open Society Foundation) Georges Soros, EU HQ in Brussels.

They are all making use of the 1.5 billion (US tax money) budget, provided by the American Senate.


This is not a far-fetched show. I personally know people working for these organisations. It can be seen from their lifestyle that they are paid very well.

Industrial-Plastics Engineer

Flanders, Europe


To: John Shanahan Civil Engineer

Denver, Colorado, USA



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