Fighting blind tides of history - Atlantic Council

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Please see link above for source article. Body of this message is from and email by Richard McPherson.

Fighting blind tides of history - Atlantic Council

Frederick Kempe

Richard McPherson

April 6, 2024

A good piece on NATO. Today, it should be expanded to include Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and perhaps Taiwan.

China, Iran, and Russia have been drawing the world into endless wars since World War II. This needs to cease.

Since China released the virus the number of people in the world going hungry and dying of starvation and disease from contaminated water has increased to around a billion people affected. With the technologies we have today, there is no excuse for people to not have safe water to drink and food to eat. They don’t because the western world continues to allow itself to be drawn into endless undeclared wars by China, Iran and Russia. Basically three men are imposing war on 8.039 billion other people. We all have known people from China, Iran and Russia, some of us have been to one or more of those countries and met people there. They don’t want war. They like us want to live in peace, have a family, food, an education, a job and healthcare.


Once again, western nations are drawn into three undeclared wars expending our precious resources by having to respond to the desires of three men in China, Iran, and Russia. In whose right mind does that make any good sense?

The United Nations has proven to not just be inept but part of the problem. It can be dealt with by shifting funding away from it to use by a larger western alliance to employ technology with education to start eliminating hunger and thirst. Instead of reacting to three men to their imposing wars on others. Become proactive and demonstrate to the world’s people what helping people have food and water can do leading to security.

People around the world have radios, televisions, computers and cell phones. Start sending them information about food and water for all peoples. We have that capability and technology available today. Open up lines of communications like John Shanahan, one person in Colorado has with 124 plus countries communicating (meaning two way conversations) about energy, food, water and ways to create a better living. How do I know? I have been one of his advisors. Take a moment and look at his website: Why lead with energy? Energy is the lifeblood of the world. John Shanahan has created the ability, just one man using no government (read taxpayers) money to be communicating with people in over 124 countries.

Ponder what John Shanahan has accomplished compared to the cost of the U.S. State Department and its missions and Embassies around the world. The U.S. State Department requested $63.1 billion for FY 2024. I read through its 231 page (supposed) justification for 69,000 employees, in Washington DC, 173 Embassies and 88 consulates. Why?

The 2024 budget for the United Nations is $3.59 billion. The 2024 budget for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is $60.4 billion. What for? America is being invaded and both chemical and biological weapons are being used against Americans. Add to that the cyber war being waged as part of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and their proxies being prosecuted


24/7. They don’t go on vacation, yet those responsible for America's domestic and national security do go on vacation. It does not make sense to me.

The American people deserve better as do the world's people expect three of them.

Richard McPherson


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