Geoengineering test to limiit global warming - BB - HA - DL

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These statements come from a series of email from Eduard Harinck with CLINTEL in the Netherlands

Geoengineering test to limit global warming

April 7, 2024

Bud Bromley

The USA's “…first outdoor test to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover launched Tuesday from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay. The experiment, which organizers didn't widely announce to avoid public backlash, marks the acceleration of a contentious field of research known as solar radiation modification. The concept involves shooting substances such as aerosols into the sky to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.” What could possibly go wrong?

P.S. I doubt this is the first outdoor test.

Hat tip to Camus @newstart_2024

Hawaii, USA


Artificial influence on the climate system by modifying solar radiation (climate control) is completely unacceptable

in the foreseeable future

April 7, 2024

However, we are definitely not supposed to arrange artificial “anti-solar” continually acting “volcanic eruptions” in the form of a steady screen in the atmosphere reflecting sunlight or various kinds of “umbrellas” made of especially dispersed artificial hard micro-particles, protecting of solar rays, providing their artificial weakening to a necessary level, and thereby protecting the planet of warming, are completely unacceptable. Implementation of such a global geo-engineering anti-climate-warming project will require specially arranged pulverization of sulphates: artificial finest aerosol particles in the lower stratosphere, which can hang in the atmosphere for months. Regular atomizing of additional sulphates в atmosphere could continuously keep their concentration at a necessary high level and would create a supplementary screen reflecting a definite fraction of the solar radiation back to space, thereby compensating the overheating of the Earth. Pulverization of a finest layer of artificial highlydispersion aerosol micro-particles in the atmosphere will cause significant forcing on the Earth. But such “anti-solar” theoretical geo-engineering ideas are very dangerous. Atomizing of sulphate aerosols in the stratosphere will primarily result in an imbalance of the entire climatic system. Human intrusion to natural global extremely complex processes is unacceptable: it can result in serious global unpredictable consequences, as the risks related to it are very poorly studied even theoretically. The antisolar geo-engineering idea of a global stratospheric aerosol anti-warming layer may cause very dangerous “side effects”. Emission of aerosol microparticles into the lower stratosphere may cause unpredictable variations in the circulations of sea currents and air masses in the atmosphere; it may even yield a substantially opposite result. Besides, this idea has numerous other potentially dangerous and unpredictable indirect consequences for physics and chemistry of the atmosphere. Consequently, in the foreseeable future mankind is definitely not supposed to make any attempts of active artificial impact on the “underlying surface – atmosphere” system and


realization of an extremely dangerous fantastic idea of global climate control.

The existing and optimally functioning Sun-Earth and Ocean-atmosphere systems must be treated with respect and not try to change anything significantly. We should not and will not be able to effectively fight against warming and manage climate change, since this is a natural process determined by the cosmic laws of the Universe. However, by taking responsibility for warming and for managing climate change in the future, man greatly exceeds his importance on the planet. And this is done deliberately. A reasonable way to fight with these changes is to support economic growth for the sake of adaptation to alternating cyclical processes of warming-deep freeze, provided by Nature. Nature and the world around us are an extremely perfect, subtle and complex mechanism, which resents brutal human intrusions to its wise regulations pre-planned by Nature and attempts to violate its laws, severely punishing the offender.

Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov (Russian: Хабибулло Исмаилович Абдусаматов; Russian astrophysicist. Supervisor of the Astrometria project of the Russian section of the International Space Station and the head of Space research laboratory at the Saint Petersburgbased Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Geoengineering test to limit global warming

April 7, 2024

It is really unacceptable to deliberately pollute the Earth's atmosphere with any ingredients which can cause unforeseen consequences for the Earth's atmosphere. On this point I fully agree with the arguments by other colleagues including the arguments presented Prof. Abdussamatov below.

I just wish to add that nature takes care of handling the heating by governing also volcanic eruptions in line with solar activity. In fact, it will be showing the significant increase of volcanic eruptions in the next solar cycle 26 that will take care of blocking the solar radiation to much higher extent that we can imagine.. harkova23-Links-of-Terrestrial-Volcanic.pdf. And its will produce a really cold temperature on Earth, in addition to the reduction of solar radiation caused by the modern Grand Solar Minimum (GSM), which has already started and will progress more actively in the next decade.

I just wanted to remind you that the people ordering these horrible injections of pollution into the Earth's atmosphere are simply unprofessional believers of the AGW who act against the humanity and wellbeing of people on Earth. They ignore the ample evidence that the global warming we experience in this century will be lasting for another 5 and is induced by the natural forces of the Sun and solar system planets The current global warming is not much different from that the Earth experienced during the times of the Roman empire at the beginning of AD, when grapes grew in Scotland and Romans had their open air Roman baths in Scotland because of strong sunshine. These periods of warming were repeated before during many millennia backwards 120 thousand years which are called Hallstatt’s cycle


of solar radiation variations. And the Earth has successfully survived all of them as we know now. If only human stupidity does not disrupt the natural forces and some do not do dangerous harm to its natural turn of events.

Prof. Valentina Zharkova

Director of ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd.

London, EC1V 2NX, UK

Emerita Prof. of Mathematics


Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Environment

Northumbria University

Newcastle upon Tyne




Geoengineering test to limit global warming

April 7, 2024

Habibullo Abdussamatov's response is good. His work shows the Sun is at a solar minimum, and the Earth’s temperature is falling as predicted. However, the Hunga Tonga volcano thrust 140 to 150 million tonnes of water into the stratosphere on January 15, 2022. Water vapor is an excellent greenhouse gas, blocking energy from leaving the Earth, resulting in an increase in Earth’s temperature. El Nino might also have had an effect. As the water in the stratosphere dissipates, Earth's temperature will fall again.

The problem is not increasing Earth's temperature but a long cooling period is coming.


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