Review of Deutsche Welle - Climate, Climate Change, and Fossil Fuels subsection websites
John Shanhan
April 23, 2024
Most of my efforts have been to explain energy, energy by-products, alarmist topics, and people’s actions relating to these topics by referring to directly related publications.
People who support wind and solar energy and climate alarmism generally don’t bother to read those references. They simply go on to their next challenge.
They have asked that I make direct reference to popular media outlets like DW, Fareed Zakarkia..
Therefore, this article.
This report presents screenshots from the DW website about climate, climate change and fossil fuels followed by a comment with reference links. After several examples are conclusions.
Climate Crisis - Oil Industry Coverup
The most important thing about crude oil is that refineries make thousands of by-products for different fuels for cars, trucks, planes and boats, and thousands of products for the modern world.
Without crude oil, the modern world can not exist and seven billion people can not live. Hundreds of authors explain this. Ronald Stein does a very good job.
So many people in Australia, Europe, and North America elect politicians who are fully committed to stopping the use of oil and removing carbon dioxide from the air! This will require the use of fossil fuels that will put more CO2 in the air than the machines remove! Crazier than all dictatorships!!!
References: [1-Anonymous], [2-Howard Lowe], [3-Paul Driessen], [4-Eric Jelinski], [5–Martin Armstrong ], [6-Ronald Stein], [7-Ronald Stein], [8-Joseph John, Daniel Waghelstein,
Climate Change Section Beginning
“Increased levels of carbon dioxide and other human-caused emissions being released into the atmosphere have caused global surface and ocean temperatures to rise at unprecedented speed.”
Here is the picture they show at the start of the Section - Climate Change.
Cleon Skousen], [9-Ronald Stein], [10-Ronald Stein]![](
DW claims, “human-caused emissions being released into the atmosphere have caused global surface and ocean temperatures to rise at unprecedented speed.”
DW and other media and institutions sounding the global warming alarm have NO PROOF that the CO2 from fossil fuels is the cause of the minor climate change that is happening. They take every weather event that has been happening for millions of years and falsely claim that it is due to the use of fossil fuels. Natural processes that have caused climate change in the past still completely dominate weather events today.
The photo above is a sunset photo of a power plant. The two structures on the right with the clouds rising in the sky are natural draft cooling towers. There are no emissions (smoke) coming from the cooling towers. There should be a chimney on the other side of the buildings on the left or behind the cooling towers. That chimney takes the gas from the coal fire to higher elevation for dispersion. There are some noxious or toxic gasses from a coal plant as well as non-toxic, non-polluting carbon dioxide. Same as from automobiles and trucks.
The big clouds rising from the cooling towers are condensed water droplets from evaporated cooling water. This step exists at all coal fired and nuclear plants that are putting waste heat into the atmosphere. Other power plants dump waste heat into rivers, lakes and oceans.
Every coal fired and nuclear electric generating plant has waste heat, like humans, birds, fish and animals have liquid and solid waste and gas waste from lungs. Waste heat and waste materials are part of physics and biological processes.
DW, like other media sounding man-made climate change alarms, show photos with cooling towers and condensate water clouds and the sun low in the sky to make it seem ominous. It is only water. They could take the picture at another time of day or on other days when the cooling water stays as water vapor gas and is invisible. But no, that does not send the right alarm message. Everyone sounding the climate change alarm message uses this trick, even honest DW and honest Fareed Zakahria.
Universities are big disappointments in their unscientific climate change alarmism. See Professor Wade Allison at Oxford University. Professor Allison has done an excellent job explaining radiation physics as it relates to nuclear power. See Professor John Holdren at Harvard University. Since the 1970s, Professor Holdren has been a leader in the use of new alarmism tags: man-made global cooling, man-made global warming, manmade climate change, shortened to “climate change”, man-made climate disruption. All these false tags are to cause as much misdirection as possible. The media and politicians love these tags. Holdren is the world champion of inventing alarmism tags. He has bragged that all of the world’s national academies of science agree with his catastrophic global warming alarmism. And they do!!!! Does that make them right? Meanwhile, true science organizations document that there is no man-made global warming crisis. See below.
References: [1-Ronald Stein], [2-Ronald Stein], [3-Ronald Stein], [4-Ronald Stein], [5-Ronald Stein], [6-Douglas Cotton],
[7-CLINTEL], [8-CO2 Coalition], [9-CFACT], [10-Alex Pope], [11-Calvin Beisner], [12-Calvin Beisner], [13-Roger Pielke Sr], [14-Don Bogard], [15-Matt Ridley], [16-William Happer], [17Howard Cork Hayden], [18-Donald Rapp], [19-William Happer, Wilhelm van Wijngaarden], [20-Bjorn Lomborg], [21-Bjorn Lomborg, Roy Spencer], [22-Uli Weber], [23-William Happer], [24-Rodney Nichols, Harrison Schmidt], [25-Patrick Moore], [26-William Happer], [27-Kreutzer, Loris, Tubb, Dayaratna], [28-Philip Lloyd], [29-William Happer], [30-Howard Brady], [31-Pierr Gosslin, Fritz Vahrenholt, Sebastian Loening], [32Judith Curry], [33-TRCS], [34-TRCS], [35-Mario Loyoa], [36Robert Bradley, Roy Spencr], [37-Gregory Wrightstone], [38Steve Goreham], [39-Steve Goreham], [40-B Everett, W Happer, C Idso, R Kimball, R Lindzen, P Moore, R Spencr], [41Martin Cornell], [42-Laura Poppick], [43-Cameron Petrie], [44-Donn Dears], [45-John Eidson], [46-Jim Le Maistre], [47Alex Pope], [48-Sebastian Luening], [49-Sebastian Luening, Andrew Follet, Hui Su], [50-S armitage, C Brislow, N Drake], [51-Jim Steele], [52-Thorpe Watson], [53-Doug Hurst], [54Andrew Kenny], [55-Sarah Kaplan], [56-Viv Forbes], [57-Viv Forbes], [58-Howard Cork Hayden], [59-Russ Babcock], [60Mark Imisides], [61-Indur Goklany], [62-Klaus Kaiser], [63Ken Haapala, William Happer], [64-Roger Higgs], [65-Thomas Wysmuller], [66-Kelvin Kemm], [67-Donn Dears], [68-Patrick Moore], [69-Thorpe Watson, Terry Donze, Jay Lehr, Ed O’Connell, John Shanahan[, [70-Jay Lehr, Terigi Ciccone]