CO2 and the driest places on Earth - video

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CO2 and the driest places on Earth

April 26, 2024

To see this short video about CO2 in the driest places on Earth, click here.

An elegant and scientifically sound video!

David Siegel points out that there is no observational evidence for temperature being driven by CO2 concentrations. It would be a criminal offense to market a drug with dose response curves like the ones he shows. Well done!

Man-Made Climate Change alarmists have insisted since the 1970s that atmospheric carbon dioxide, CO2, causes catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, CAGW, climate change, climate disruption, sea level rise, hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, cold spells, droughts, famines, etc.

John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Barack Obama and John Kerry, Climate Ambassador to President Joe Biden work tirelessly to sound the climate change alarm and stop the use of fossil fuels. Many others do also.

David Siegel’s video shows that carbon dioxide at concentrations of 400 ppm and higher plays a very minor role in Earth’s atmospheric temperature. Carbon dioxide’s role in the physics and biology on Earth is entirely beneficial.

Climate change alarmists explain climate science incorrectly. They have sinister motives. Officials at the United Nations, Washington, Brussels, and the World Economic Forum clearly state their goals. They aren’t good.


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