Several World Problems 2024 - JS - science - dogma, government, essentials, environment

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Several World Problems - JS - science, beyond science, just bad dogma, government, essentials of the modern world, and environment

April 30, 2024


1) Science, Beyond Science, just bad dogma

Science is the study of the universe and life. The Scientific Method establishes explanations and considers them valid as long as all data support the theories. The Scientific Method assures that scientific knowledge is good because it dismisses ideas when they don’t agree with data.

Science doesn’t address nor answer everything. Fields beyond science include parts of science with no explanation, religion, philosophy, spirituality, art, music, literature, leadership, and human history. These can be sublime, good, bad or terrible.

The world is heading for trouble because there is way too much bad dogma. Few point fingers at themselves. It is always some other guy.

Collectively, misuse of science and dogma constitute an important world problem.

2) Government: Democracy versus Dictatorship

There are a few good and a lot of bad democracies. There are governments masquerading as a democracy.


Dictatorships are governed by non-elected leaders. They do not allow personal freedom. Examples include the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, certain government officials like John Kerry, and dictatorships masquerading as democracies.

3) Essentials for a Modern World

The modern world is the result of use of coal, oil and natural gas and their 6,000 plus by-products and more recently nuclear power and nuclear science.

Fission nuclear energy can be used to produce electricity, space heating and industrial process heat. Radiation related nuclear technologies are used in medicine and numerous fields. Fission nuclear power will not get going again in many parts of the world until anti-nuclear power activists and their regulations have been dealt with. Worldwide nuclear power will probably take centuries.

We must recognize that fossil fuels and their by-products really made the marvelous world today. Not fusion. Not fission. Not wind and solar.

Fusion provides tremendous heat at unimaginable temperatures and pressures, and with never before seen material requirements.

Fission should be the next energy source that the world develops. Fifty years of claims that fusion is just decades away and will be the long term solution for the world's energy needs is fiction. FUSION, WIND and SOLAR ARE NOT ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR THE WORLD.

4) Environment and Biodiversity


A clean environment and protection of biodiversity should be an equal priority along with clean water and reliable food for humanity. It is a mistake to slash and burn endlessly at random to develop farm and pasture land everywhere.

Nature is heaven on Earth.

5) The World in 2074

Establishing peace between Protestants and Catholics took several centuries into the present.

Protestant and Catholic Europeans committed atrocities in the settlement and conquest of the Americas, and colonization of Africa, India and China.

Creating peace between extreme Muslims on one side and Jews and Christians on the other could be impossible and certainly will not happen by 2074. Terrible events will happen along the way. Extreme Muslims throughout the world will target power plants, desalination facilities and use places of worship, hospitals, schools, etc. shields even those belonging to their own people as long as it destroys Jews.

The People of Abraham have made tremendous contributions to essential finance, government, science, entertainment, culture and overall peace for mankind. What have extremist Muslims done? All people have a dark side throughout history.

Today, the United States doesn’t have enough good and outstanding leaders in government and academia. This is resulting in an uncontrollable slide to becoming a backwater nation. We are careening down the well to hell.


Some say Europe is a victim of colonization by the United States - see NATO. Europe is free to choose any course and allies they want.

See their “Clean Energy” policies, diplomatic shuffling in the European Union and policies toward the rest of the world.

See the evolution of BRICS.

Who is going to be better off in fifty or two hundred years?

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