Internal climate response including water in its changing states -AP

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Internal climate response including water in its changing states

August 24, 2024

I keep trying to get more people to consider the climate system, or climate systems, in that different regions have different responses, to consider that climate is made up of long term dynamic self-correcting cycles with stable, even while changing, even while evolving, stable, dynamic, self-correcting cycles that resonate with external forcing and depend on internal response of the many components in the climate systems. This must be studied and understood in order to save the world, actually just save the western world from destroying everything that depends on fossil fuels, and nuclear fuels in many countries.

Climate Science is not settled and we cannot bet the whole economy on unsettled science.

Natural climate change is due to changes in water.

If you establish a consensus that the primary factor that controls climate change in going in and out of ice ages is a trace gas and then promote every correlation, it is possible to come up with some charts that fool a lot of people, mostly those who profit from the lucrative green energy scams.

Water, in its abundance, water in its changing states, water, water vapor, clouds of water drops and ice crystals, rain and snowfall and sequestering of ice and flowing of sequestered ice and cooling by thawing and reflecting of ice is many orders of magnitude more effective in climate control than CO2.

CO2 is important in the growth of green plants and the efficiency of the use of water by green plants.

Most importantly, how much of their money comes from promoting green energy scams. Next, how much of their education came from universities that have most of their money coming from promotion of green energy scams.

The crux of the matter is the physics of it all. We watch the weather forecasts many times as we plan our activities. The weather forecasters never tell us tomorrow is going to be hot or cold or dry or wet because of the levels of CO2, they tell us that it is going to be hot or cold or dry or wet because of water in its changing states. Whatever influences weather, hour by hour, day by day, influences climate over years, decades, centuries, over thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, over millions of years, that major factor is water in its changing states, the balance of water in oceans compared to ice on land, the changing ocean currents, those major factors are water in its changing states.

The major difference between major or minor warmer times compared to colder times is location and the state of water, water and ice are in different locations and states. Colder and warmer, causing freezing and thawing of water, that by itself, does not change the locations.

To remove water from the oceans and put ice on land requires a lot of energy to power the evaporation and a lot of IR out to form the ice. Since the ice ages are mainly northern hemisphere events, the tropical energy comes from the sun and is carried by ocean currents into the Arctic. Deeper and warmer water in the Arctic Ocean promotes more ice sequestered on land and promotes longer and colder ice ages.

External forcing, Solar Energy in, and orbital factors are important, but internal parameters determine the internal response. External forcing, Solar Energy in, and orbital factors repeated the same sequences over the

most recent fifty million years, yet, the internal responses evolved drastically.

What changed? Land blocked the flow of tropical currents and diverted them into the Polar Regions. Humans cool systems by routing energy from hot places to cold places and radiating the energy out. Humans cool systems by removing energy from water to form ice and then use the ice to cool things with the thawing ice.

Warm deep Arctic Ocean water promotes evaporation and snowfall and sequestering of ice, deep, in and around the Arctic and this works until there is too much ice. That ice spreads on land and is pushed into the Arctic where the ice in turbulent saltwater chills the water to cold enough to form sea ice and stop the evaporation. Ice spreads and cools by thawing and reflecting until the land ice is depleted and the process repeats. Mass of water and ice taking part in these cycles evolved, increasing over time, causing colder and longer cycles. In the recent millions of years, ice accumulated on Antarctic as each warmer time put more ice on Antarctic Land and some was retained.

Enough ice is on Antarctic now that the oceans cannot get deep and warm enough to put major ice on the northern continents. Without the water for major ice on northern land, major ice ages are no longer possible.

These natural, self-correcting, stable dynamic cycles, with huge changes to ocean levels and water and ice, are never considered in Climate Energy Balance, ice is “NOT” included on the classic energy balance chart that most all on the different sides of the debates use as the gold standard.

Cold times have a lot of ice spread over large areas of land and ocean, warm times have little ice spread over large areas of land and ocean, yet neither consensus or skeptic energy balance charts or theory include ice.

Every complex system, most simple systems, are analyzed by looking at external periodic and constant forcing and by looking at the internal

components of the systems, including the mass of the components, the internal spring rates, the internal damping, the internal dynamics. The most complicated system that is studied is the climate system, yet the internal components and responses of the climate system are not even considered.

Climate Science, as practiced by the consensus and skeptic climate people can never be proper science without considering the dynamics of the natural internal dynamic responses.

Weather forecasts are all about water, how much water and where the water is.

Climate change is the long-term change in weather, changes in weather is about changes in water, climate change is due to the long-term changes in water.

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