Climate science societies suff mass delusion - WM

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Leaders of climate science societies are suffering from mass delusion

September 5, 2024

Renowned American physicist, member of the CO2 Coalition, and a life fellow of both the American Physical Society (“APS”) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (“IEEE”) Wallace Manheimer has expressed concerns about the climate crisis narrative and its implications for modern civilisation.

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Wallace Manheimer argues that there is no scientific basis for expecting a climate crisis from increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere within the next century and the emphasis on a false climate crisis is becoming a tragedy for modern civilisation.

His research debunks many fashionable claims surrounding politicised “settled” climate science. And he argues that “Net Zero” policies would be disastrous, unreliable and expensive, both in the United States and globally. He has also expressed dismay at learned societies making definitive claims despite the availability of contrary information.

Last year, Manheimer published a book titled ‘MASS DELUSIONS: How they harm sustainable energy, climate policy, fusion and fusion breeding’.

In June 2024, a paper authored by Manheimer titled ‘Science Societies’ Climate Statements: Some Concerns’ was published in the Open Journal of Applied Sciences. A summary of which, authored by Manheimer, was published last year in The Washington Times.

In The Washington Times’ article, Manheimer described how statements by scientific societies, such as APS, are often used to justify extreme measures for addressing a supposed climate emergency. However, these proclamations are frequently almost universally false and do real harm.

Manheimer highlighted APS’s statement on climate change, which asserts that anthropogenic greenhouse gases have become the dominant driver of global warming. However, he disputes this claim, citing a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) graph of world temperature from 1880 to 2022 showing that temperature increases before and after carbon dioxide’s rise in the atmosphere were similar. Additionally, he references historical and archaeological evidence of warmer periods, including the Holocene optimum, Roman optimum and medieval optimum, which contradict the notion of a catastrophic, human-induced climate crisis.

Manheimer suggests that APS may have been swayed by the “climate industrial complex” or prioritised grant funding over scientific integrity:

This author cannot read the minds of APS leadership. However, two possibilities are hard to dismiss: (1) The organisation was so completely taken in by what renowned physicist Richard Lindzen has called a “mass delusion” that carbon dioxide threatens climate doom that APS did not even perform minimal due diligence or (2) even worse, APS knows that there are big-dollar grants for alarmists, but none for sceptics. It may have sold its soul to the devil.

Scientific societies risk reputations by endorsing climate scare: There is no

unanimity among us, W. Manheimer, The Washington Post, 11 April 2023

Manheimer joined the Tom Nelson Podcast to present and expand on his June 2024 paper. His presentation covers an overview of climate crisis scepticism, arguments against net zero carbon emissions, historical climate data and misinterpretations, the impact of carbon dioxide on plant growth, an analysis of scientific societies’ climate statements and much more.

Speaking of the scientific society leaders he said, “How can people who are so smart do something that is so dumb? I believe there’s no other explanation for it other than mass delusion, they’re suffering a mass delusion.”

See source link above for this podcast.

Climate Realism: Wallace Manheimer: “Science Societies’ Climate Statements: Some Concerns” | Tom Nelson Pod #243, 4 September 2024 (64 mins)

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