Russias Ocean-2024 Manouvers

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Source: Sept. 16, 2024 (EIRNS) William Jones is the former Washington bureau chief for Executive Intelligence Review News Service.

Russia’s ‘Ocean-2024’ Maneuvers Conclude with a


Submarine Voyage under Ice

Sept. 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—The largest Russian military maneuvers since the Soviet era, Ocean-2024 concluded today with a 4,000-mile passage under ice of the two ballistic missile submarines, the Alexander III and the Krasnoyarsk. They traveled from the Northern Fleet operational zone to the eastern sector of the Arctic.

The maneuvers, which also included joint operations with China’s PLA Navy, covered almost the entire gamut of the huge Russian defense perimeter, with coastal missile-units landing on the coast of Chukotka in the northeast of Russia to protect the eastern entrance of the Northern Sea Route. Other coastal missile units from the Baltic Naval Base practiced destroying mock enemy ships and striking critical coastal facilities with Bastion missile systems in the Baltic Sea.

A division of the missile brigade of the Kola flotilla carried out combat training missions, deploying launchers in a positional area on the coast of the Barents Sea. Submarine search operations were also conducted in the Barents Sea by anti-submarine aircraft. Two Tu-160 strategic missile carriers also flew over the neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas, practicing air strikes with cruise missiles against a mock enemy. Drills were also conducted on Kotelny Island of the New Siberian Islands archipelago, practicing destroying surface targets of a mock enemy in the Arctic zone of Russia.

Naval maneuvers were also carried out by the Caspian Flotilla in the Caspian Sea. On the last day of the maneuvers, there were live-fire exercises

in the Sea of Japan which also included ships from the PLA Navy.

The strategic exercise involved more than 90,000 military personnel, over 400 ships, 125 aircraft, more than 7,500 units of weapons and equipment, including one vessel and 15 aircraft from the People’s Liberation Army.

The maneuvers were a clear demonstration of the policy of Vladimir Putin’s government to enhance the naval arm of the Russian military in the face of an uncertain world and NATO's evermore aggressive stance against Russia.


The world became uni-polar in the early 1900s and more so in the 1940s. The United States versus Russia and China with other countries caught somewhere in between. The people of Russia and China weren’t all bad and the people of the United States were right and all knowing. The rest of the world contributed a lot to all fields of human accomplishments in spite of relative energy poverty. Today, the world is multi polar, countries are aligning with China and the dollar is no longer the only world currency.

China and Russia have focused on fossil fuels and nuclear power instead of very dilute and not always available wind and solar electrical energy. China is the world’s leader in manufacturing and has improved education and the standard of living for its people.

The United States abandoned much of its manufacturing leadership and relies for its Gross Domestic Product much more on service businesses. Its two party political system is less functional than China’s government.

Wither the United States of America? The Democrat and Republican Parties assure us that they will save our country or make it great again.

Thanks to the Schiller Institute and the original LaRouche Organization for real cultural events and planning for a better world. John Shanahan

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