Climate Discussion Group 2024, CDG2024Invitees
and their documents, Countries.
109 Invitees From 24 Countries:
This shows that people around the world can work together!
Host, Moderator - Gerald Ratzer, Emeritus Professor McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA
List of Invitees: Country, Name, hotlink to many articles, and separately listed, specially recommended articles.
Earth is the only known water planet with abundant life. The sun and water in all its states (ice, liquid, vapor and clouds) are primary drivers of climate and climate change! Carbon dioxide is the molecule of life, not a pollutant. Love it. Don’t let faux alarmists and green dictators destroy the modern world.
Australia - Howard Dewhirst
Australia - Bevan Dockery
Australia - Walter Fiori
Australia - Viv Forbes
- Watching Weather Waves, but Missing Climate Tides
- Ten reasons to exit the Paris Climate Change Agreement
- Rising Tide of Climate Lunacy
- Four priorities about unscientific claims of man-made climate change and energy
Australia - Brendan Godwin
Australia - John MacLean
Australia - Jennifer Marohasy
Australia - Joanne Nova
Australia - Ian Plimer
Australia - Peter Ridd
Belgium - Samuel Furfari
- COP28 - BRICS reshuffle geopolitical cards
- COP27 - Questionable leaders versus knowledgeable professional on energy and climate change
- Belgium - Ecological activists have managed to paralyze politicians
Canada - Russ Babcock
Canada - Eric Jelinski
Canada - Douglas Lightfoot
- The Story of the Current Weather
- The Story of CO2, the “gas of life”
- The Sun and the Troposphere Control the Earth’s Temperature
Canada - Robert Lyman
Canada - Jim Le Maistre
Canada - Patrick Moore
- Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic
- Why CO2 is good for the Earth
- Where does carbon dioxide really come from
- Protecting Ecosystems and Economies
Canada - Gerald Ratzer
- Climate Concepts
- The Story of the Current Weather
- The Story of CO2, the “gas of life”
- The Sun and the Troposphere Control the Earth’s Temperature
Canada - Thorpe Watson
Canada - William van Wijngaarden
China - Wyss Yim
Denmark - Bjorn Lomborg
Denmark - Henrik Svensmark
France - Hugo Kruger
Germany - Hermann Harde
Germany - Albert Koehler *
Germany - Josef Kowatsch
Germany - Sebastian Luening
- Who erased the medieval warm period?
- The Neglected Sun
- Forsythia blooming in Hamburg
- Human deforestation causes more loss of wilderness than man-made climate change
- Greenland had less ice in the past
Germany - Markus Ott
- Dismantling The CO2 Hoax video with Tom Nelson
- The “Missing Link: in the Greenhouse Effect with Tom Nelson
- Dismantling the CO2-Hoax - book
- Thermalisation of excited states (quenching)
Germany - Reinhard Storz *
Germany - Holger Thuss
Germany - Helmut Ullmann
Germany - Fritz Vahrenholt
- The Neglected Sun
- Why has it gotten warmer?
- The warming of the last 20 years is mainly due to changes in clouds
- Sun activity and wood oven hypocrisy
- Let us not commit economic suicide
Germany - Uli Weber
India - Vijay Jayaraj
- Untold Story of Climate’s Holocene Gift to Humanity
- Paris Climate Agreement – A fairytale’s failure
- Myths of Indian climate catastrophe
- Understand the difference between pollution and climate change
Ireland - Michael and Ronan Connollly
Ireland - Jim O’Brien
Israel - Nir Shaviv
Italy - Franco Battaglia
- Ability of mankind to solve problems is beyond imagination
Italy - Carlo Rubbia
Italy - Nicola Scafetta
Malta - Patrice Poyet
- The Rational Climate Book
Netherlands - Guus Berkhout
- We can still avoid the net zero trap
- Wake up call
- There is no climate emergency
- Letter to Secretary General, United Nations
- Experienced engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition
- CLINTEL critique of state of the art of climate science
- Ability of mankind to solve problems is beyond imagination
Netherlands - C (Kees) le Pair
- The Geotriad of Our Earth’s GreenhouseThe Geotriad of Our Earth’s Greenhouse
- Climate Complexity
- We can still avoid the net zero trap
Netherlands - Chris Schoneveld
New Zealand - Tomek Glowacki
Norway - Ole Humlum
Norway - Jan-Erik Solheim
Poland - Andrew Strupczewski
Russia - Habibullo Abdussamatov
Singapore - Tilak Doshi
South Africa - Geert de Vries
South Africa - Kelvin Kemm
- Who is afraid of CO2
- What needs changing in Climate Change thinking
- Society being misled by proponents of human induceed climate change
- Primer for deluded warmists
South Africa - Andrew Kenny
Spain - Javier Vinós
Sweden - Niels-Axel Moerner
Switzerland - Lars Schernikau
- What the hell is happening in Germany?
UK - Christopher Monckton
- Parliamentary Brief – Netzero, The real strategic threat
UK - Andrew Montford
- Radical Green propaganda – tragedy porn
- Africa – Their Needs and Anti-Human Greens
- Green Killing Machines
UK - Benny Peiser
UK - David Siegel
- Interview about Man-Made Global Warming
UK - Valentina Zharkova
USA - Ed Berry
- Nature Controls the CO2 Increase
- The Impact of Human CO2 on Atmospheric CO2
- Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2
- Climate Miracle: There is no climate crisis. Nature controls climate
- Berry’s climate papers and Andrews’ debate
USA - Bud Bromley
USA - Terigi Ciccone
- Water Vapor versus CO2 for planet warming
- Terrestrial_InfraRed_Radiation_to escape_Earth’s_Atmosphere_2020
- Why all the fuss with CO2 and the Greenhouse eect? ff
- (Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watts - Surface Temperature Reccords: Policy-Driven Deception?
USA - Harold Doiron *
USA - Paul Driessen
USA - John Droz
USA - Don Easterbrook
USA - Alex Epstein
USA - William Happer
- The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper
- The Best Schools Interview on Global Warming
- There is No Climate Emergency – Renewable Energy is the inverse Robin Hood strategy
- The Truth About Greenhouse Gasses
- Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature
USA - Howard Cork Hayden
USA - Tony Heller
- Hansens predictions for 30 years
- 50 years of failed ecopocalyptic predictions
- 1500 Years of Heatwaves
USA - Steven Koonin
- Unsettled
- Climate science in NOT settled
- Climate Change Tutorial
USA - Joel Kotkin
USA - David Legates
Claims of Consensus on Climate Change Have Been propagandistic from the Beginning.
- Why CO2 is good for the Earth
- What is Climate
- The Imaginary Climate Crisis – How Can We Change The Message
- Serious Man-Made Global Warming – Going down false path
USA - Andy May
- Ability of mankind to solve problems is beyond imagination
- Ideas on Climate Change
- The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper
USA - Francis Menton
- World wasting one trillion dollars per year on useless renewables
- Reality cannot penetrate into fantasy world of climate campaigners
- March to poverty
USA - Mark Mills
USA - Ned Nikolov
- (2024) Roles of Earth’s Variations an Top-of-the Atmosphere
Energy Imbalance in Recent Warming
- (2021) Demystifying the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect
- (2021) Drivers of Earth’s Paleoclimate
- (2017) New Insights on the Physical Nature of the Atmopheric Greenhouse Effect
- (2014) On the average temperature of airless spherical bodies and the magnitude of Earth’s atmospheric thermal effect (Volokin & ReLiez)
USA – Dan Pangburn
- Water Vapor vs CO2 for planet warming
- Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Average Global Temperature During The Phanerozoic Eon
USA - Alex Pope
USA - Willem Post
USA - Craig Rucker
USA - John Shanahan
USA - John Shewchuk
- Short videos about climate
- Battle for Climate Earth
USA - Tom Shula
USA - David Siegel
USA - Willie Soon
USA - Jim Steele
- Why the Sun, Not CO2 heats the Oceans
- Michael Mann is Dishonestly Duping the Public About a Climate Crisis
- How CO2 starvation caussed mass extinctions
USA - Ronald Stein
- Child Labor and Ecological Destruction is acceptable to Wealthy Countries
- Without fossil fuels there is no need for electricity
- We must adapt to climate change and not kill billions
Today’s world cannot survive without crude oil
- Four of the world’s biggest problems
- Geta Thunberg preaches many of first Earth Day’s failed predictions
USA - Tom Tamarkin
USA - Darwin Throne
USA - Peter Langdon Ward
- Radiant Thermal Energy Is Not Additive
- What Really Causes Global Warming
USA - David Wojick
USA - Gregory Wrightstone
- CO2 Increase in the Atmosphere
- Your Honor, CO2 is not a pollutant
- Witch hunts correlate with climate
- Top 25 Figures about Climate Change
- The Climate Change hypocrisy of the Left
- Principled Inaction in Face of Climate Change Extremism
- Need for understanding carbon dioxide and appreciation of fossil fuels
- It is easy to be fooled by a Climate Alarmist
USA - Gary Young
- The innocense of carbon dioxide
- Count the molecules, count the photons. More CO2 makes almost no difference
- Carbon dioxide and energy policy
USA - Karl Zeller