Climate Science for Policymakers - TC

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Simplified Explanation of Climate Science for Policymakers

and for high school and university-level science students 101.

Terigi Ciccone, November 22, 2024.


In this document, we present a simple explanation of the causes and mechanisms of weather, climate, and climate change. In doing so, we provide explanations on how the Earth warms and cools. We give easy-to-understand explanations of the incomplete science used by the UN IPCC in presenting their Radiative Transfer process, versus a more complete model that uses both the Radiative model and the Heat Transport mechanism. Below we provide a convenient summary of the top-level impacts of the scientific principles. Then at your leisure and convenience read the details or use them as a source reference as and when needed in the future. For those interested in gritty scientific facts, please explore the last section consisting of endnotes and additional details.

Summary of findings and conclusions.

1. There is no climate change or weather or warming crisis. The Earth’s temperature has increased about 1.3°C since the Earth emerged from the Little Ice Age about 175 years ago and that’s been a blessing for humanity and all life on Earth. In a few years, the Earth will experience a slight cooling of around 0.5°C which will last for several decades due to the Sun experiencing a Grand Solar Minimum.

2. The Sun is the primary driver of the Earth’s temperature. But there are other sources of heat on Earth including geologic-volcanic heat, adiabatic auto-compression, and bio-heat. Observations and science confirm that a warmer Earth cools faster than a cooler Earth, thus maintaining the temperatures in dynamic equilibrium.

3. The primary source of the increased CO2 is the slightly warmed oceans, followed by human activities. The oceans hold about 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere. As the waters warm, they release more CO2 into the atmosphere. People must understand that any human effort to reduce atmospheric CO2 will be backfilled by nature as defined by Henry’s Law. The oceans will simply release more CO2 back into the atmosphere to restore the natural levels, making human efforts to achieve net zero extremely expensive and wasteful.

4. The increased CO2 and slightly warmer temperatures have caused a massive greening of the planet with the increased plants providing more food and habitat for all of the earth’s creatures.

5. Atmospheric CO2 does not cause global warming, rather it acts as a cooling mechanism for the planet. 2/3rds of the heat from the Earth is transported into the atmosphere and

distributed across the planet by winds and ocean currents, making a larger part of the Earth more livable and sustainable for all life.

6. At 280 ppm plants worldwide had been in CO2 starvation and now gobble up the additional CO2 and reward humanity with more plants, more food, and more oxygen.

7. The increased CO2 and slightly warmer temperatures accelerate photosynthesis, making plants more drought-resistant, especially in arid areas. [i] Together, the planet can increase plant growth, especially in the warmer and dryer areas of the world.

1. How the Sun warms the Earth System.

The Sun provides nearly all the energy to power the Earth’s climate and biosystems. In the morning the Sun slowly rises on the easter horizon and slowly starts to warm a fraction of the Earth. It’s the greatest in the tropics, decreases with latitudes, and is coldest at the poles. The warming intensity increases as the morning passes, reaches a maximum around noon, and ebbs as the day passes into twilight. On average the Sun shines for about 6.5 hours per day, but it also cools for 24 hours per day. Of course, the intensity changes with the seasons and over decades, centuries, and millennia with natural forces and cycles. Oddly enough, the Earth's northern hemisphere receives the most solar energy in January when the Earth is the closest to the sun, and the least in June when it’s the farthest. Looking at Figure-1, we see where the sunshine is focused, the area it covers, and how it changes throughout the year. So, weather and climate-wise where and how the Sun reaches the Earth is as important as how much sunshine reaches the Earth.

The Sun cannot send its heat energy to Earth because heat does not exist or travel in the vacuum of space. Heat needs physical objects like solids, liquids, or gases to enter and circulate within the Earth's system. Instead, the Sun sends rays of Electromagnetic Energy (EME) which contain no matter, temperature, or kinetic force. These rays of pure radiant energy travel at the speed of light and will carry their total EME energy to the ends of the universe. Now, before this EME energy reaches the Earth it will encounter the atmosphere. This atmosphere is generally 100 kilometers high, after which it thins out gradually to over 10,000 Km. As the solar rays start penetrating the atmosphere the air molecules and clouds start reflecting some of these EME rays back to space. By the time they reach the surface about 23% of these rays never reach the surface.


These solar rays come in many different frequencies or wavelengths, see Figure-2. Some are smaller than the nucleus of the atom, some are meters long, and 90.5 MHz is the frequency of NPR radio. There is a near-endless number of these frequency lines in between. In general, the shorter the wavelengths, the higher the frequencies, and the higher the EME energy they carry. For climate discussion, we separate them into 3 categories: The most powerful is UV-

ultraviolet, followed by a narrow band of medium-power Visible Light. Lastly, is the widest band and the weakest IR or Infrared. Each of them warms the Earth system in different ways.

The UV rays are the first to start warming the uppermost part of the atmosphere where their powerful EME energy blasts air molecules apart and their atoms and ions fly apart at very high speeds as seen in Figure-2a. Here, the solar EME energy is converted to energy of motion called kinetic energy. This fast-flying molecular debris starts colliding with air molecules and atoms and upon impact, some of this kinetic energy of motion is converted to heat energy by these collisions, and the air warms. Warming is a relative term; in the extreme upper atmosphere, the temperature might increase from near absolute zero (0°K) or minus 273°C to about minus 265°C. However, if the ozone in the upper atmosphere is depleted more UV comes down through the lower atmosphere, increasingly warming the air temperature and the surface. Normally, the little UV that reaches the surface will give us a nasty sunburn if we are lucky, or skin cancer in the worst case.

Nearly 100% of visible light and infrared bore through the atmosphere and reaches the “Surface”, meaning the lands and oceans of the world, and warms it. To be clear, the surface temperature is measured 2 meters above the physical surface to avoid wild interactive fluctuations closer to the physical surface.


The surface reflects about 7% of the solar energy directly back into space, mostly by ice, snow, and water surfaces. So, between the air, clouds, and surface about 30% of the total solar power arriving on Earth is reflected into space and this reflection is called the Earth’s albedo.

2. Internal heat sources

The Sun provides the major portion of the warming for Earth. However, it must be pointed out that several Earth-internal sources of heat also warm the air and surface besides the sun. These include animal respiration, bio-decomposition, fermentation, geologic-volcanic, and gravitational compression of the atmosphere. These other sources are considered by the UN IPCC as too inconsequential and are ignored. We must not ignore them because the UN IPCC is missing 33°C of heat from their Earth's energy budget. Let’s briefly look at a few of them; geologic, gravitational auto-compression, and the storage of heat.

Geologic/volcanic heating manifests in several forms. There is a normal-static heat conducted from the Earth's Outer Core through the mantle onto the surface. But other cyclic and semi-chaotic activities will sporadically impact weather and climate change. One example is El Nino & La Nina, which only recently was found to be caused by geologic heating. [ii]. Another example is gigantic heat plumes like the one found warming Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, and the surrounding oceans. [iii] Then there are basalt-effusive volcanoes, mostly on ocean floors, pouring gazillion tons of very hot lava over thousands of square miles and building island chains like Hawaii. It must be said that the outer core, which is 1/3 of the mass (weight) of the entire earth is made of molten


iron and other heavy metals like uranium. The daily rotation of the Earth swirls this molten mass at various speeds, from many hundreds of miles per hour at the equator to zero at the poles. This force continuously moves and generates enormous heat friction.

There is also evidence of natural nuclear fission reactions in the mantle. This core Energy is also the engine that generates the Earth’s powerful magnetic field, it splits continents and moves them around the globe. It’s splitting and widening the Atlantic Ocean and shrinking the width of the Pacific Ocean. It powers all volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, and gas vents. The temperature of this outer core is about the same as the surface of the sun, 5,500°C. There are an estimated 3-4 million volcanoes, gas vents/plumes, and fissures on Earth, and an estimated 80% are unseen on the ocean floor where the crust is thinnest. The major concentrations of this geologic-volcanic heating are in the well-known Pacific Ring of Fire (Figure-4) and the Mid-Atlantic ridge and melting glaciers from below in Antarctica. But since these can’t be readily seen or measured it is casually dismissed by the UN IPCC as insignificant. Recent findings suggest this geologic-volcanic may account for 1 - 3°C of the UN IPCC 33°C missing heat. [iv] Figure-4a is the gigantic Greenland gas plume.

Atmospheric heating by adiabatic auto-compression. The surface of the Earth cools 2/3rds by physical heat and 1/3rd by radiation. In Figure-5 (below) we see a green free-hand-drawn collective showing two heat sources released from the surface labeled “Thermals or convection “and Latent Heat.” This heat rises from the surface and warms the air molecules and as it rises it also starts cooling. These rising warm air molecules gain potential energy of elevation. When the buoyancy ends, the rising stops and gravity takes over. Gravity will now relentlessly accelerate these air molecules downward toward the surface and they are compressed causing those air molecules to warm. This process, called adiabatic autocompression [v] is an established law of thermodynamics within the Ideal Gas Law and embedded in the formula PV=nRT. This formula essentially says that Temperature is proportional to pressure and the amount of air being compressed. We have all personally experienced it when we pump up the pressure of our bicycle tires. We note that the greater the pressure we put in, the warmer the tires get. Then when we stop pumping the warm air and tires gradually cool down. Gravity, however, never stops pumping, operating 24/7/365. Depending on the altitude assumptions this gravitationally induced heat explains about 2830°C of the missing 33°C heat.


Heat transport and storage. Approximately 70% of the total incoming solar energy is absorbed by the Earth's system in the tropics. This excess warmed air is circulated planetwide upwards by convection of the Cells and radially outwards towards the poles Trade and Westerlies winds as the earth spins on its axis. This excess tropical heat is similarly distributed over the planet by ocean currents and together they establish the Earth’s dynamic weather systems and patterns. Lastly, unlike the air, oceans have an enormous capacity to store excess heat (enthalpy). So, during short periods of global cooling, the oceans will release some of this stored heat into the atmosphere and help maintain a balanced ambient temperature.

3. How the Earth cools.

The UN IPCC focuses nearly all attention on the Radiative Transfer of solar energy, while we continue discussing both Heat Transport and Radiative Transfer. This is extremely important because all life on Earth depends on both. Plants that feed all creatures need solar radiation for photosynthesis to produce food. But plants and creatures alike also need physical warmth to survive and thrive. For this reason, we need to discuss other significant sources of heat ignored by the UN IPCC to complete the discussions on weather, climate, and climate change.

In Figure-4c, above we see radiant solar energy arrive on Earth, and the Earth’s physical materials convert it into physical heat and transport it at slow speeds across the planet warming the air, waters, lands, and biosystems. Secondly, the UN IPCC continues ignoring all sources of heat other than the Sun and explains all the missing 33°C of warmth by the CO2/Greenhouse gases and the Greenhouse Effect (GHE). The GHE is a false science! Real greenhouses (Figure-4d-left) work because they have glass walls and roofs that prevent convection, latent heat of evaporation, and radiation (gold arrow) from escaping up the

Radiation in Radiation & Heat Transport Radiation out out

atmosphere and out into space as discussed above. They only slowly cool overnight through conduction as represented by the purple arrows. But the imaginary CO2/GHG greenhouse has no roof or walls and is physically incapable of capturing and holding this heat and radiation from escaping into space. The blue arrows show all the heat and radiation quickly escaping into the atmosphere and space.

We must also recognize that most of these sources of heat, including the sun, changeover seasons, decades, and centuries due to natural forces and cycles. For example, the Sun entered a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020 that will have a cooling effect on Earth for the next several decades. Hopefully, it will not be as severe or as long-lasting as the last time it happened when the Earth experienced the Little Ice Age (LIA). The LIA was a 450-year-long cooling period that devastated the northern hemisphere and ended about 175 years ago. [vi] These, and other changes explain the significant natural forces and cycles that generate weather, climate change, and a dynamically balanced Earth Energy Budget.

Returning to Figure-4c above we see the solar radiation arriving on Earth on the left, and on the right, we see the Earth’s radiation existing. So, when the UN IPCC only discusses Radiative Transfer, they are right at the planetary level. But what we are most concerned about is what’s happening within the Earth system which controls our weather and climate. According to their science and assumptions, the Sun is the only source of energy that warms the Earth. By their mathematics, however, this solar energy only provides the equivalent planetary average temperature of minus 18°C. This cold temperature cannot support any life on Earth. However, instrument measurements tell us that, on average, the Earth’s temperature is about 15°C. This creates a “missing heat” of 33°C. The UN IPCC attempts to resolve this fundamental problem by fabricating a complex, non-scientific solution through a mathematical construct called “The Radiative Transfer Equations.” Mathematics is extremely complex, and the algebraic manipulations are indisputable. However, physicists tell us that there is no scientific connection between these mathematical models with established laws of physics, chemistry, and thermodynamics.

Our model asserts that most of the Earth is warmed by the Sun and other sources of heat as discussed above. There are two fundamental ways the air and surface cools: one is by radiation, and the other is through the thermodynamics of physical heat. We start with the


simpler one which is the air. Warm air rises as confirmed by buoyancy as measured by the temperatures decreasing with altitude in the troposphere lapse rate. We all know that warm air rises because of buoyancy. It’s what makes smoke and hot air balloons go up in the sky. As the warm and moist air rises from the surface it cools by sharing its warmth with the air around it. At different altitudes, the air cools and is radiated to space at frequencies not absorbable by GHGs.

Then the cooling of the Earth's surface is done through the lowermost layer of the atmosphere called the “Troposphere.” About 2/3rds of the surface is cooled by thermodynamics (physical heat) and 1/3rd by radiation. Then as a last step, in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere, all remaining physical heat is transformed into LWIR radiation by reverse thermalization, [vii] absorbed by the GHGs, and finally emitted by GHS into space. Based on the above discussion, all warm air in the troposphere is cooled first by thermodynamic mechanisms (involving no GHGs). The details of how the air and surface cool by physical and radiation are provided in this article. [viii] For clarity here, we provide a short discussion of how the Earth’s surface and air cools and keeps the weather and climate in balance to sustain all life on Earth.

The UN IPCC Earth Energy Budget is presented in Figure-5, where we focus on two items. First, we ignore all the numbers, drawings, and labels inside the hand-drawn red collective which represents the GHGs and the GHE promoted by the UN IPCC. Then we notice the green, handdrawn collective which describes the physical warming of the air and is the engine that powers the above-described adiabatic-auto compression heating of the atmosphere. It shows that 64% of all the sun’s energy creates this enormous rise of warm and moist air molecules slowly high in the atmosphere. Gravity then accelerates them downward, compressing them, and causing these molecules to re-warm the atmosphere. So, contrary to what some radiative physicists say, we assert that auto compression is not a contrived perpetual motion machine, but a wellbalanced, dynamic warming system powered by natural solar energy.

Secondly, we note that 61% (86,4/163) of all the solar energy arriving on the surface is used to evaporate water into water vapor. Then, when water vapor condenses in the high troposphere it releases the latent heat into space, cooling the Earth and forming clouds. Clouds are responsible for most of the reflection of the solar radiation back to space. 2022 Nobel Physics recipient John Clauser asserts these clouds act as a thermostat for the Earth’s temperature. During periods of warming, more water vapor is produced, which later forms more and bigger clouds, which reflect more of the sun’s rays to space and thus cool the Earth. Conversely, during cool periods, less water vapor is produced, which results in less cloud cover, and allows more solar rays to reach and warm the earth. We now do some simple arithmetic [ix] to address the 1/3 of the radiation emitted by the surface. NASA tells us that almost 2/3rd of the

36% of radiation emitted from the surface goes Through an “atmospheric window” directly into space and does not warm the air. That leaves only about 11% of the radiation that leaves the surface and must go through all the

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There are about 60 GHS and aerosols that absorb and hold this radiation and water vapor is the dominant one. Nature-made water vapor will absorb about 95% [x] of the remaining 11% of this radiation, atmospheric CO2 will absorb only 3.6% and all the other GHGs and aerosols will absorb the remaining 1.4%.

Now, let’s see what the UN IPCC said in their Fourth Assessment Report, AR4, and specifically in their Figure 7.3. There they detail all the relevant facts. However, in its typical fashion, the data they present is purposely disorganized, making it difficult even for graduate-level students to follow. But, with a little work and thought, it has been reconstructed into a simple balance sheet fashion used for defining assets and liabilities and presented below in this table, let’s see what it says.


In this study year, nature produced a total of 772 Giga Tons (GT) of CO2, and humans produced 29 GT. So, humans produced only 3.6% of total CO2. On the CO2 consumption side, we see nature consumed 788 GTs. This indicates that natural consumption is greater than natural production, indicating that the plants on Earth are in a CO2 starvation mode. Luckily, humans produced 29 GTs for a total of 801 GTs, thus leaving an access of 13 GTs. A trivial mount, but essential for the Earth’s plants and phytoplankton to feed upon in the coming year and take them out of the CO2 starvation mode. The table also demonstrates that of the 13 GTs of residual imbalance, human activities were responsible for only 0.06%, an absurdly trivial amount and well within the margin of error.

Interim summary and perspective.

As demonstrated in the above table, UN IPCC data confirms that for all the warmth received by the Earth’s surface from the sun, the total contribution by CO2 to the GHE accounts is only 1.6%, and human-made CO2 accounted for a miserly 0.06% of the residual imbalance of the CO2 greenhouse effect. Now there is great debate between the UN IPCC contracted scientists and retired, independent scientists whether CO2 causes any measurable global warming. For this discussion, let’s assume that this skeptical scientist is wrong, that CO2 does cause global warming. Are we ready to spend untold trillions of precious dollars to reduce the human contribution of CO2 global warming from 0.06% of the GHE to 0.00?

A critical vital thought. Nature apportions the amount of CO2 gas between how much is in the atmosphere versus how much is in the oceans. Nature typically places about 50 parts, or 98% dissolved in the ocean water and 1 part, or 2% in the atmosphere as a gas. These amounts are readily calculated by using the established Henry’s Law and vary slightly depending only on the surface temperature of the Earth’s oceans. If the oceans warm, for whatever reason, it will release more CO2 into the atmosphere. If the oceans were to cool a bit, again for whatever reason. It would increase the amount of CO2 dissolved in the oceans.

5. Putting the jigsaw puzzle together.

Above we demonstrate that solar EME warms the air and the surface by about 240 watts per square meter and satellite data measures about 240 W exiting into space, thus the Earth appears in a dynamic thermal equilibrium. Using the standard Stephan – Boltzmann equation, the UN IPCC converts the surface temperature to corresponding minus 18 degrees Celsius. But other satellite data and thermometer readings show that the Earth’s average surface temperature is about 15°C. This shows a missing heat of about 33°C and begs the question, where did the missing heat come from?

4. a The IPCC explanation. The missing 33°C heat is provided solely by the GHGs and the Greenhouse Effect. In section 2. And 3., above we discussed how 64% of the surface is cooled into the atmosphere by physical heat. As this warm air rises higher into the atmosphere it cools and thereby transforms this heat into radiation that goes directly into space. It’s also demonstrated that 36% of the surface is cooled by radiation. However, almost 70% of this radiation is not absorbable by CO2 or any of the GHG molecules. Here’s the UN IPCC explanation for the 11% of the energy released from the surface by radiation. When these LWIR photons are emitted from the surface, they are immediately captured by a CO2 molecule [1] and it becomes energized and warm. It then shares a portion of that warmth with its neighboring air molecules. Then, within a fraction of a second, the energized CO2 molecule emits a new photon having the same energy as the one it absorbed. The molecule is now deenergized and is ready to absorb a new LWIR photon. The re-emitted photon can travel, at the speed of light, in an infinite number of spherical directions. But half of them go upwards in the atmosphere and the other half go downward back towards the surface. The upward reemitted photons may be absorbed and re-emitted hundreds/thousands of times before they exit into space. The same with the downward ones, they may also be absorbed and re-emitted many times before they again reach the surface and warm it.

These mechanisms violate the First and the Second Law of Thermodynamics that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted between forms, and that a colder 20°C body cannot warm a warmer 40°C body.

4. b The Thermodynamic explanation consists of two parts; the first is the physical heat and the second is the radiation emitted by the surface. As the physical heat molecules of convection and latent heat rise, they warm the atmosphere, and they cool gradually as demonstrated in adiabatic lapse rates. On rising, these molecules gain potential energy of

[1] Unless stated otherwise, throughout this article we use the term CO2 to also describe the behavior of other greenhouse gas molecules like water vapor and methane, etc.

elevation. When the buoyancy ends, the rise stops, and gravity takes over. Gravity will now relentlessly accelerate these air molecules toward the surface and are compressed causing those molecules to warm. This process, called adiabatic auto-compression is an established law of thermodynamics within the Ideal Gas Law and embedded in the formula PV=nRT.

This formula essentially says that Temperature is proportional to pressure and the amount of air being compressed. We have all personally experienced it when we pump up the pressure of our bicycle tires. We note that the greater the pressure we put in, the warmer the tires get. Then when we stop pumping the warm air and tires gradually cool down. Gravity, however, never stops pumping, operating 24/7. Depending on the altitude assumption this seems to explain about 30°C of the missing heat. But, as discussed earlier, there are also sources of heat that warm the air like the El Nino/La Nina, tectonic and geologic, etc. This heating will also randomly decrease the local or global temperature with eruptions of explosive volcanoes or increase it with eruptions of basalt-effusive volcanoes as we see in Hawaii and Greenland. Many eruptions will also emit chlorine and bromine gases which deplete ozone layers, allowing more of the powerful UV rays to reach and warm the surface. The science of climate change is extremely complicated and poorly understood, it is far from settled.

5. Conclusions

1. There is no climate change or weather or warming crisis. The Earth’s temperature has increased about 1.3°C since the Earth emerged from the Little Ice Age about 175 years ago and that’s been a blessing for humanity and all life on Earth.

2. Increased atmospheric CO2 results from the above mild global warming, not the cause. The oceans hold about 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere. As the waters warm, they release more CO2 into the atmosphere. People must understand that any human effort to reduce atmospheric CO2 will be backfilled by nature as defined by Henry’s Law. Oceans will release more CO2 back into the atmosphere to restore the natural levels, making human efforts to achieve net zero extremely expensive and wasteful.

3. Atmospheric CO2 does not cause global warming, [xi] rather it acts as a cooling mechanism for the planet. 2/3rds of the heat from the Earth is transported into the atmosphere and distributed across the planet by winds and ocean currents, making a large part of the Earth more livable and sustainable for all life.

4. At 280 ppm worldwide plants have been in CO2 starvation and now gobble up the additional CO2 and reward humanity and all animal life with increased food and habitat.

5. The increased CO2 and slightly warmer temperatures accelerate photosynthesis, making plants more drought-resistant, especially in arid areas. [xii] Together, the planet can increase plant growth, especially in the warmer and dryer areas of the world.

6. The Sun is the primary driver of the Earth’s temperature. But there are other sources of heat on Earth including geologic-volcanic heat, adiabatic auto-compression, and bioheat.

7. Observations and science confirm that a warmer Earth cools faster than a cooler Earth, thus maintaining the temperature in dynamic equilibrium.

References and additional details

[i] Read the article “The benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures, Part 1” (99+) Revised, the benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures, Part | Teri ciccone -

[ii] El Nino and La Nina, collectively called ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillator), were considered a weathercaused event. More recent findings demonstrate it’s one form of geologic heating. Read the article “Why El Niño and La Niña are One Continuous Geological Event” by James Edward Kamis, February 4, 2016;

[iii] Read the NASA article, “Fire below, ice above: volcanoes, glaciers and sea level rise” Also read the article demonstrating NASA/UAH temperature spike created by the Jan 2022 explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano . In the first image note in particular the release of vast amounts of HCL In the atmosphere, this decomposes releasing chlorine gas, which like human-made CFCs depletes ozone and causes global warming

[iv] See the video presentation BY Dr. Wyss Yim, and the slides at HKIE2Dec2022finalversion (1).pdf See also the video by Dr. Peter L Ward Peter Langdon Ward Video. “Geologic evidence for how volcanoes have driven climate change throughout Earth's history” and the paper (99+) Discovery of the Major Mechanism of Global Warming and Climate Change | Dr. Tariq Masood Ali Khan -

[v] Adiabatic auto-compression occurs when a gas is rapidly compressed without heat exchange, resulting in increased temperature and pressure. This process is common in engine cylinders and atmospheric phenomena. See also "Adiabatic Auto-Compression" Is Equivalent To "Atmospheric Thermal Effect" o/?rdt=65147

[vi] Read the details about The Little Ice Age, when about 25% of the population of Europe died from deprivation and starvation caused by repeated crop failures.

[vii] Warm air in the atmosphere becomes IR energy through a process of thermal emission (thermalization) As air molecules gain thermal energy, they vibrate more rapidly. These vibrating molecules emit electromagnetic radiation, primarily in the infrared spectrum Greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane are particularly effective at absorbing and re-emitting this infrared radiation. This process converts the kinetic energy of the warm air molecules into electromagnetic radiation, which can then be absorbed by other molecules or radiated into space.

See discussion with In response to the question Give a brief explanation of how the warm air in the atmosphere becomes IR energy

[viii] Read the article, Part 1, pages 1-4, “Revised, why all the fuss with CO2 and the Greenhouse effect?”

Terigi Ciccone, 10-24-2024

[ix] See endnote [iii] above, page 4

[x] See the paper “Water Vapor Rules the Greenhouse System” Singer

[xi] Read the article the Benefits Of Co2 Part 2; CO2 Does Not Cause Global Warming, ing

[xii] Read the article “The benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures, Part 1” (99+) Revised, the benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures, Part | Teri ciccone -

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