CDG2024 Rec P M

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Recommendations for Policymakers

Recommendations from the World Climate Declaration by Clintel

There is no climate emergency.

A global network of over 1900 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little IceAge ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted

The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC based on modelled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modelled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models

Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and such natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2 mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low, and people care about their environment.

The International Scientific Conference of the Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel), in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic in Prague, assembled on the Twelfth and Thirteenth Days of November 2024, has resolved and now declares as follows, that is to say –

1. The modest increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide that has taken place since the end of the Little IceAge has been netbeneficial to humanity.

2. Foreseeable future increases in greenhouse gases in the air will probably also prove net-beneficial.

3. The rate and amplitude of global warming have been and will continue to be appreciably less than climate scientists have long predicted.

4. The Sun, and not greenhouse gases, has contributed and will continue to contribute to the overwhelming majority of global temperature.

5. Geological evidence compellingly suggests that the rate and amplitude of global warming during the industrial era are neither unprecedented nor unusual.

6. Climate models are inherently incapable of telling us anything about how much global warming there will be or about whether or to what extent the warming has a natural or anthropogenic cause.

7. Global warming will likely continue to be slow, small, harmless and netbeneficial.

8. There is broad agreement among the scientific community that extreme weather events have not increased in frequency, intensity or duration and are in the future unlikely to do so.

9. Though the global population has increased fourfold over the past century, annually averaged deaths attributable to any climate-related or weather-related event have declined by 99%.

10. Global climate-related financial losses, expressed as a percentage of global annual gross domestic product, have declined and continue to decline notwithstanding the increase in built infrastructure in harm’s way.

11. Despite trillions of dollars spent chiefly in Western countries on emissions abatement, global temperature has continued to rise since 1990.

12. Even if all nations, rather than chiefly Western nations, were to move directly and together from the current trajectory to net zero emissions by the official target year of 2050, the global warming prevented by that year would be no more than 0.05 to 0.1 Celsius.

13. If the Czech Republic, the host of this conference, were to move directly to net zero emissions by 2050, it would prevent only 1/4,000 of a degree of warming by that target date.

14. Based pro rata on the estimate by the UK national grid authority that preparing the grid for net zero would cost $3.8 trillion (the only such estimate that is properly costed), and on the fact that the grid accounts for 25% of UK emissions, and that UK emissions account for 0.8% of global emissions, the global cost of attaining net zero would approach $2 quadrillion, equivalent to 20 years’global annual GDP.

15. On any grid where the installed nameplate capacity of wind and solar power exceeds the mean demand on that grid, adding any further wind or solar power will barely reduce grid CO2 emissions but will greatly

increase the cost of electricity and yet will reduce the revenues earned by both new and existing wind and solar generators.

16. The resources of techno-metals required to achieve global net zero emissions are entirely insufficient even for one 15-year generation of net zero infrastructure so net zero is in practice unattainable.

17. Since wind and solar power are costly, intermittent and more environmentally destructive per TWh generated than any other energy source, governments should cease to subsidize or prioritize them, and should instead expand coal, gas and, above, all nuclear generation

18. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which excludes participants and published papers disagreeing with its narrative, fails to comply with its own error-reporting protocol and draws conclusions some of which are dishonest, should be forthwith dismantled.

These recommendations are for Donald J. Trump to implement in his second term as US President. From the Heartland Institute and CFACT.

1. Paris Climate Treaty and Endangerment Finding. Determine that the Paris ClimateAgreement is properly a treaty (rather than a mere “Executive Agreement”) that requires Senate ratification. Transmit the treaty to the Senate for its advice. This will legally relieve the US of any and all obligations under the treaty until and unless the Senate formally ratifies it. Repeal the Obama/Biden EPA determination that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are threats to public health and welfare (the “endangerment finding”).

2. EV mandate and California waiver. Repeal the Biden tailpipe rule/EV mandate and withdraw the California CO2 waiver that allows California to set tailpipe emissions and de facto national gas mileage standards. Request legislation clarifying that the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) pre-empts state regulation of fuel economy, including Clean AirAct waivers, and that clarifies that the Clean AirAct cannot be used to regulate CO2.

3. Green New Scam and Grid Security. Freeze all Inflation ReductionAct climate/energy spending pending review.Ask Congress to repeal all the energy subsidies in the Inflation ReductionAct through budget reconciliation. For national and economic security purposes, bar electricity grid reliance on variable sources of electricity generation such as wind and solar.

4. Oil and Gas. Restore active federal oil and gas leasing on federal lands and offshore, including the National Petroleum Reserve inAlaska (NPRA) and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) inAlaska. Lifting moratoria on offshore drilling in areas put off limits by prior presidents. Reverse the Biden moratorium on federal leasing for coal mining. Streamline the permitting process for energy production. End the Biden moratorium on LNG export terminals.

5. PresidentialAppointments. Appoint officials at federal agencies like EPA, Interior, DoE, FERC and other key agencies who will aggressively permit new oil and gas pipelines, LNG terminals and other infrastructure required for producing oil, gas and coal. Streamline the permitting process. Terminate all existing federal science advisory boards and reconstitute only the ones legally required.Appoint qualified and pro-energy individuals to the boards.

6. Offshore wind. Foreign offshore wind developers threaten consumers, endangered species, and iconic maritime communities whose prosperity depends on fishing. The industrialization of fisheries by offshore wind development should be terminated by delisting unleased wind energy areas, revoking the “30×30” pledge, implementing a cumulative effects approach to planning, and developing a balanced interagency process not dominated by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).

7. Coal. Repeal all the anti-coal regulatory actions of the Biden administration and promote coal as a preferred means of producing electricity. Commence a review of related air quality regulations issued by EPA. Encourage Clean Coal Technology.

8. Litigation. Withdraw from, to terminate, industry litigation over Biden administration regulatory actions. Re-staff the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division attorneys who will zealously defend administration priorities.

9. Regulatory Reform. End regulatory agency use of the linear non-threshold model (LNT) for radiation and chemical risk assessment. Reinstate the EPArule against the use of “secret science.” Request legislation to require that federal courts no longer defer to regulatory agencies on scientific matters.

10. Regulatory Burden. Request the REINS Act be passed to require congressional authorization of regulations with a significant economic impact, including but not limited to those with an economic impact of $100 million or more.

From Tom Shula: If I had the opportunity to give President Trump an “elevator speech”, I would say something like:

“President Trump, it is my understanding that you believe man-made climate change is a hoax. I want you to know that you are correct, and I can show you the scientific principles that prove it.”

Alex Epstein's interview extract is about the power of current US bureaucrats.

It’s not the number of bureaucrats that’s the main thing, it’s their incredible restrictive power. … But basically, you need to do five core things. Then there are a lot of specifics on each.

One is you need to liberate domestic energy production and infrastructure. Oil, coal, natural gas and all this infrastructure. You need to do that responsibly but get rid of all these anti-human, anti-development forces that just think you have no right to impact nature.

Number two is you need to end preferences for unreliable electricity. We need to unleash affordable, reliable electricity, which means we need to stop preferring unreliable electricity.

Number three, setting environmental standards based on real cost-benefit analysis. Right now, we have this idea that any amount of emissions you stop is a good thing. But if you stop all emissions, you just kill everybody. You need to have an actual cost-benefit analysis so that we have a really clean environment and really good industry which is the ultimate thing we need to have to have a good standard of living.

Number four is we need to unleash nuclear energy. There are all these ridiculous restrictions getting in the way of nuclear, which is the cleanest and safest form of energy. It eventually could be the cheapest form of energy, but we need to do all kinds of things with what’s called the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Then number five is we need to address CO2 emissions differently instead of punishingAmerica, which makes no sense, in the name of a fake climate catastrophe. There’s climate change but not a climate catastrophe. We need to unleash climate resilience. Make ourselves so we can face any climate and we need to unleash energy innovation. The only way you’ll get lower emissions ever is if we make lower-emission energy so cheap that China and India choose to buy it. Right now, China’s building 300 new coal plants because that’s the cheapest thing to do. If you want to change that, don’t prostrateAmerica, liberateAmerica.

In the realm of electricity, you need to get rid of all the preferences for unreliable electricity at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Instead of focusing on reliability and cost, they’ve started focusing on climate.

In nuclear, what’s called the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, they measure nuclear danger in a way that overstates the danger of nuclear by a factor of 50. It’s technically called the LNT “Linear No Threshold” model of danger, and it’s just a disaster. It must be repealed.

Extracted from a presentation to the Wyoming Energy Authority by Gregory Wrightstone.

CO2 Coalition: Don’t Waste Money on CO2 Removal

• We recommend against the expenditure of Wyoming tax revenues to study or implement the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or from the effluents of power plants and other industrial facilities to effect change in Earth’s temperature now or in the future.

• Our analysis of the costs and benefits of CO2 removal finds that it is exceedingly expensive, provides no environmental benefit and ignores the enormous benefits of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide to plants and life in general.

• Finally, besides being expensive and futile, keep in mind that plants need CO2, along with sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to produce oxygen and food, both of which are essential for all living beings.

• In fact, higher concentrations of CO2 have enabled an increase in the growth, food production, water-use efficiency and drought resistance of plants, as well as the greening of Earth. 70% of this greening is attributed to “fertilization” by CO2

From Ron Clutz to attendees at COP29 in Baku.

Fighting Global Warming is Absurd, Costly and Pointless.

Absurd because of no reliable evidence that anything unusual is happening in our climate.

Costly because trillions of dollars are wasted on immature, inefficient technologies that serve only to make cheap, reliable energy expensive and intermittent.

Pointless because we do not control the weather anyway.

Recommendations from Viscount Christopher Monckton to the UK Parliament.

Policy Recommendations for the World Bank and Developing Nations by Prof. Gerald Ratzer

• There is no need to reduce CO2 and no need for Net Zero.

• Understand the benefits and disadvantages of all sources of energy.

• The population of the Earth has gone from 1 to 8 billion over the last 200 years, attributed to the transition to coal and oil. Fossil fuels are the basis for the rise in the standard of living.

• World deaths from Climate causes have declined by 98% over the last century. Increased Resilience, Climate mastery and improved quality of life are the result of higher energy use.

• People climb out of poverty by having a safe, stable environment (no wars) and inexpensive, reliable electricity.

• Burning fossil fuels does generate pollution in the form of soot and toxic gases. There are clean energy technologies to remove most of this pollution.

• CO2 is not a pollutant and generates a tiny warming effect.

• CO2 is boosted from 400 ppm to 1,200 ppm for optimal plant growth, by commercial greenhouse growers.

• The World Bank, and their PresidentAjay Banga, should not tell poorer countries to use unreliable power generation (windmills and solar). They should fund reliable (24 x 7) power plants and pollution reduction gear. Yes, this adds 20-25% to the cost.

• Developing countries should be allowed to develop their own resources in the most practical and environmentally sensible way (not forced to use wind and solar).

• Poverty reduction is the top priority for the UN – not Climate Change, which is #13 (out of 17 goals) on the UN list for Sustainable Development.

• Countries should transition from fossil fuels to nuclear for generating electricity. Small Nuclear Reactors should be developed and deployed.

Douglas Lightfoot has a recommendation which may supersede some of the above recommendations. It is also promoted and backed by Prof. Valentina Zharkova.

The temperature record for the last three years was disrupted by the Hunga Tonga underwater volcano eruption.As the water vapour dissipates in the Stratosphere, the Earth’s temperature will fall and ultimately reach a lower level.

This information about the Grand Solar Minimum should checked regularly with the UAH satellite temperature record. The temperature spike from Hunga Tonga is now over and heading down. It is expected to be below the 1.5°C baseline in 2025.

This is a month-to-month forecast of Global Cooling.

For the world's people to survive this event, we will need lots of reliable energy and good planning, as growing seasons and crop yields will be reduced.

Recommendation: Watch the UAH Global Temperature record Closely. The dashed line shows a predicted drop of about 1°C over the next 6 years.

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