CDG2024 Executive Summary

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Climate Discussion Group 2024


Executive Summary

December 31, 2024

For nearly sixty years, institutions, the mass media, compromised, government-funding-dependent academia, and politicians in Australia, Europe and North America have squandered trillions of dollars to support fabricated claims that use of fossil fuels cause catastrophic warming, climate change, sea level rise, floods, droughts and crop failures.

If alarmists force us to significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels, that would cause reduction in human population, environmental devastation, loss of wildlife habitat and shrink biodiversity of plants, insects, birds, mammals and marine life. Democracies would be replaced by dictators.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and aligned countries will go their own ways and be better off. They will never fall for the western dogma that carbon dioxide is a catastrophic global warming pollutant.

Climate alarmists have access to all the money they need. Sincere climate scientists don’t.

Enemies of Europe and North America are happy as democracies destroy themselves by abandoning coal, petroleum and natural gas, switch to wind, solar, biofuels and electric vehicles, waste tremendous amounts of

fossil fuels to sequester atmospheric CO2 and give cows supplements to reduce their passing gas with some CO2 in it.

The Climate Discussion Group 2024, CDG2024, was formed in the summer of 2024 by Gerald Ratzer, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at McGill University in Montreal and several others.

The purpose of CDG2024 was to encourage global discussions for a few months among climate scientists who are convinced that any additional atmospheric carbon dioxide is not a climate problem and fossil fuels and their by-products are essential for a modern, prosperous, peaceful world.

The discussions were successful. Invited participants were from 22 countries: Australia and mainly North America and Europe.

The content of Climate Discussion Group 2024 is available on the website:, starting on the Home Page.

It is organized so no part has too many articles. Six Boxes divide the main topics. Boxes [1] and [2] contain the discussions and have the most articles, so they are divided into sections with subtitles:

Climate Discussion Group 2024, CDG2024

- Executive Summary

- Box [1] Discussions on climate and climate science.

- (C1) General

- (C2) Traditional gas physics, thermodynamics, geothermal events help explain weather

- (C3) For RTC/HTC - where and when do they apply?

- (C4) Exo-Earth impact of sun, solar wind, sunspots, cosmic rays and Milankovitch cycles

- (C5) Albedo, reflection of inbound solar rays, scattering and absorption of radiation

- (C6) Thermalization of sunlight - dethermalization of heat back to IR radiated back to space

- (C7) Atmospheric physics, including auto compression

- Box [2] Discussions on energy related to climate alarmism.

- (P1) General

- (P2) Carbon Tax and attempts to reduce fossil fuels

- (P3) Net Zero – move to wind and solar

- (P4) Energy of all forms, including nuclear, SMRs, UltraSupercritical Coal, etc.

- (P5) Economic impact of Net Zero on individuals and countries

- (P6) Benefits of CO2 – greening the Earth, record crop yields, etc.

- Box [3] Newsletter from October to December, 2024

- Box [4] Persons invited to participate

- Box [5] Final Report: Two Climate Concepts: Radiation Transfer Concept, RTC, and Heat Transport Concept, HTC

- Box [6] Final Report: Recommendations for Policy Makers

Key conclusions:

1) The Greenhouse Effect, GHE, from carbon dioxide has an immeasurably small impact on climate.

2) We should stop wasting vast sums of taxpayers’ hard earned money to study this non-problem.

3) Climate scientists should focus on important factors contributing to weather and how heat actually escapes to space, not limit their studies to just the effects of infrared radiation interacting with carbon dioxide and water vapor.

4) Europe and North America should stop creating government policies that demand wind turbines, solar panels and battery powered electric vehicles. Used wind turbines, solar panels and their backup batteries and vehicle batteries cause massive environmental pollution and landfills for thousands of years.

5) We should stop imposing policies with questionable motives about climate science and energy use on the rest of the world.

December 31, 2024

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