Unleashing American Energy - AE

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Unleashing American Energy: America's Silver Bullet

It’s said that in politics there’s no silver bullet that’ll make everything better. But we do have 1 silver bullet in the chamber: the opportunity to unleash American energy.

Alex Epstein

January 14, 2025

It’s said that in politics there’s no silver bullet that’ll make everything better. But we do have 1 silver bullet in the chamber: the opportunity to unleash American energy, which Donald Trump has rightly vowed to do.

● The single most important thing government can do to make our lives better—something that will lead to a better economy, a lower cost of living, more job opportunities, a lower deficit, greater security, and a better environment—is unleash abundant, affordable, American energy.

● If we unleash abundant, affordable, American oil, natural gas, and coal production from the anti-energy policies holding it back, we can go from crippling inflation—substantially driven by energy costs—to affordable food, housing, transportation, and heating bills.

● Unleashing American energy will take us from nationwide electricity shortages to affordable, reliable power for all

—and from losing good job opportunities to China, which we’ve allowed to outcompete us on energy costs, to creating millions of new well-paying jobs here at home.

● Unleashing American energy will take us from begging OPEC+ for oil, depending on Russia for uranium, and being at China’s mercy for critical minerals, to producing an abundant and secure supply of these crucial commodities at home.

● Many Americans are hesitant to embrace policies that unleash abundant, affordable energy because they think it will harm environmental progress—progress in air and water quality, safety from climate, and enjoyment of nature. Nothing could be further from the truth.

● Environmental progress isn’t in conflict with abundant, affordable energy; it requires abundant, affordable energy—to afford pollution controls, to clean up natural environmental hazards, and to protect ourselves from the always-dynamic and dangerous climate.

● Thanks to abundant, affordable energy, America has been wealthy enough to innovate and adopt pollution controls that make our air far cleaner—which is why America was able to increase its fossil fuel use 25% since 1970 while reducing air pollution 78%.¹

Thanks to abundant, affordable energy, America has been able to clean up natural environmental hazards such as undrinkable water, which requires affordable, reliable energy to purify, or mosquito-infested swamps, which require abundant, affordable energy to drain.

● Thanks to abundant, affordable energy, we can protect ourselves from the always-dangerous climate by powering heating and A/C systems, storm warning and evacuation systems, and irrigation systems; witness the 98% drop in climate-related disaster deaths over the last century.²

● Thanks to abundant, affordable energy we have the wealth we need to enjoy and preserve the most valuable and beautiful parts of nature—which is why America is able to be both the world’s economic superpower and a place of unsurpassed access to the great outdoors.

● The key to supporting America’s energy abundance and environmental progress is maintaining steadfast support of individual and economic freedom, including the protection of property rights.

● Property rights allow our energy companies to produce and innovate as they judge best. The shale revolution happened here because we alone protect underground property rights. Producers used this freedom to figure out how to extract abundant oil and gas from onceuseless rocks.

● Property rights allow us to care for our environment

on our own property—and people tend to care best for what they own. And property rights are the basis for laws protecting our air and water from dangerous levels of pollution.

● America has shown time and again that pro-freedom energy and environmental policies drive energy and environmental progress. And we can do it again, if we reverse the anti-freedom policies of the past several decades and embrace the following “energy freedom” policies.

● To aid America in unleashing American energy, I've created the Energy Freedom Plan—a comprehensive plan that includes hundreds of high-leverage policy changes for every aspect of energy, from drilling to pipelines to electricity to nuclear to rare earth elements.

● The Energy Freedom Plan is based on 5 gamechanging goals:

1. Unleash responsible development

2. End preferences for unreliable electricity

3. Set environmental standards using costbenefit analysis

4. Address climate danger through resilience and innovation

5. Unleash nuclear energy

● Unleash responsible development

Anti-development policies prevent the drilling, mining, transporting, and building all energy needs to reach its potential—from natural gas to nuclear to solar.

Liberating responsible development will create unprecedented US energy abundance.

● End preferences for unreliable electricity

Our grid is being ruined by systemic preferences for unreliable electricity, which cause prices to rise and reliability

to decline.

Ending these preferences and prioritizing reliability is needed to make power cheap and reliable again.

● Set environmental standards using cost-benefit analysis

The EPA harms prosperity and health via emissions standards that impose huge costs for little or no benefit.

Real cost-benefit analysis, including objective health science will promote prosperity and environmental quality.

● Address climate danger through resilience and innovation, not punishing America

“Climate policy"” that singles out US emissions makes us poorer and less resilient while global emissions go up.

Becoming more resilient and unleashing innovation are the keys to climate safety.

● Unleash nuclear energy from pseudo-scientific restrictions

The strangulation of nuclear has made it 10 times more expensive than it needs to be.

Unleashing nuclear, including getting rid of pseudoscientific policies like LNT and ALARA, will make possible a nuclear renaissance.

● This week I will be releasing the FULL Energy Freedom Plan, including over 100 SPECIFIC gamechanging policies that can unleash American energy like never before.

To make sure you see the whole plan, follow me

@AlexEpstein and especially subscribe to alexepstein.substack.com.


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● EnergyTalkingPoints.com: Hundreds of concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy, environmental, and climate issues.

● My new book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less.

● Speaking and media inquiries

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