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Guest Contributor Mar. 23, 2025
Guest post by Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert
In my new film, The Climate According to AI Al Gore, I expose the foundational lies of climate science of Al Gore, the godfather of the climate change movement.
Because of Gore, today, governments worldwide spend billions on carbon dioxide reduction policies.
It all began in 1992 when Gore published his climate emergency manifesto, Earth in the Balance, where he claimed that carbon dioxide was dooming the planet and called for environmental control to become “the central organizing principle for civilization.”
Then, in 2006, with the release of his film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s climate change movement exploded.
Al Gore admitted he was no scientist. The source Gore cited for his climate alarmism was his Harvard professor, Roger Revelle. Gore cited an unnamed course he took from Revelle in the fall semester of 1969.
To get some answers, I went to the University of California San Diego where Roger Revelle’s lifelong papers are stored.
First, I discovered that the course Gore took from Revelle at Harvard was called “Human Populations”, and was all about world population growth. Gore scored a “C” in the class.
There was absolutely nothing about climate or atmospheric science.
Next, I reviewed Revelle’s numerous articles and interviews over 40 years and discovered that Revelle did not agree with Gore’s theories about greenhouse gases, global warming or climate change.
Yet Al Gore credited Revelle for his extreme apocalyptic environmental positions, which Gore repeatedly called “a spiritual crisis”.
So where did Al Gore’s climate science really come from?
In early 1971, after serving only four months in Vietnam as a journalist, Gore applied to the Vanderbilt Divinity School, a draft dodgers’ haven, to cut short his time in service.
It was at Divinity School that Gore studied with radical environmental preachers, and where the reading list included a popular 1940s environmental cataclysm book called Our Plundered Planet which maintained humanity was destroying the planet.
My analysis of the book reveals that Gore borrowed heavily from Our Plundered Planet to write his 1992 manifesto, Earth in the Balance. However, in order to secularize his apocalyptic religious vision of a “climate emergency,” Gore credited his Harvard professor Roger Revelle.
Had Gore told the truth, namely that he just rewrote the apocalyptic ravings of the whacky Our Plundered Planet book, Gore’s climate alarmism would have been dismissed as unacceptable and absurd.
Researching Al Gore’s greenhouse gas theory revealed what the media will never say: that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant or a bad gas. In fact, carbon dioxide is our friend.
Without it, life on Earth would not be possible. As humans, we release it every time we exhale.
Carbon dioxide is the food of nearly all plants on earth. We need more carbon dioxide, not less. More carbon dioxide would result in more crops, more food yield, and the greening of the deserts.
Earth’s atmosphere contains only 370 parts per million of carbon dioxide. That’s just .0037 percent. Not even one percent! Even if its concentration were tripled, carbon dioxide would still be miniscule.
It is the sun, volcanoes, the tilt of the earth’s axis, water vapor, sunspots, clouds, and ocean cycles, that affect world temperatures, not carbon dioxide.
I also learned that the only scientists who agree with climate change theories are those dependent on government funding. Universities and green organizations also reap financial benefits from climate panic. They are all in effect being paid by the government to agree.
Why don’t the simple facts about carbon dioxide take hold?
Unfortunately, today’s climate movement has taken on the characteristics of a religion. And, religions don’t worry too much about facts. It’s a belief system.
Mass movements can rise and spread, without belief in a god, but never without belief in a devil.
That’s why people who disagree with climate change are treated as heretics, they are evil, and deserve to be punished.
I concluded that “climate change” today is merely the latest scam with the same socialist solutions that Americans would never vote for: central planning and wealth redistribution.
It’s really all an assault on freedom and prosperity to try to stop the existence of the free market system. This is because Marxists are furious that free markets have achieved wealth for common workers and want to reverse this economic success to validate Marxism.
In my film, I demonstrate that Al Gore pushed his climate alarmism theories to try to garner political support. He felt the environmental issue was a popular one that crossed all class lines and could get him into the
White House – and the rest is history.
Please check out my new film at: The Climate According to AI Al Gore.
Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment.