Board of Directors, Key Person Activities 2015

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015

Bruno Comby - France Advised EFN-USA president on rules for conducting Annual Board of Directors and Annual General Meetings.

Search for articles he has posted on to the EFN-USA website. Hosted John Shanahan at EFN-International headquarters for a week in May, 2015 in Houilles, France. Introduced JAS to members of EFNInternational. Arranged for JAS to make video interviews with four members of EFN-International plus himself. These videos are waiting for funding for editing. Nuclear Scientist. Founder and President of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy – International, Member, BoD for EFN-USA

Organized visits to the site of three French nuclear power plants at Flammanville (two operating and one, the EPR, under construction, and to the site of France's spent fuel recycling plant at La Hague. Visited John Shanahan at the EFN-USA heaadquarters in August, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Gave two public talks in Colorado. Travelled with JS to Montana to visit the Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine, Patricia Lewis owner. Video interviewed Patricia Lewis and mine visitor, Alan Jang. Visited three other radon health mines in Montana and made video interviews. Videos from these three other radon health mines are waiting funding for editing. Exchanged many ideas via e-mail throughout the year. Is planning to assist EFN-USA with future education campaigns in USA. Also works with EFN-Argentina, EFN-Australia, EFNCanada, EFN-India, EFN-Poland, EFN-South Africa.

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015

Daniel Giovansily France

Advised EFN-USA president via phone. Retired, Atomic Energy Commission - France Division of International Relations

Nuclear Engineer Member of EFN- Internat., Member, BoD for EFN-USA

Michael Hancock USA

Provided several generations of website technical design since 2012. Opened Go Nuclear website, in April, 2015. Opened Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy - USA website, in April, 2015. Provided video editing for 19 videos with nuclear energy professionals. Provided advice for selecting for Newsletter and subscriber database.

EFN-USA lead consultant for website design, video editing and public communications. Retired IT Manager from ATT Bell Labs

Responsible for technical issues for release of first Combined Monthly Newsletter for Go Nuclear and Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy - USA in November, 2015. The Newsletter was sent to over 3,850 professionals in nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, radioisotope production, low-dose radiation and other fields, students from high school through graduate school, teachers, professors, parents, and leaders in industry and government in 113 countries. page 2

EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015 Kelvin Kemm South Africa

Advised EFN-USA president on events being sponsored by Nuclear Africa and on his visits to Southeast Asia, South America and Russia to promote nuclear power around the world. His many articles are on the EFN-USA website. Kelvin Kemm has guided EFN-USA to other South African authors on nuclear energy, radioisotopes, discussions on climate change: Andrew Kenny, Leon Louw, Alistair Hunter, NECSA, Matthew le Cordeur, John Walmsley, Geert de Vries, Philip Lloyd, Dawid Serfontein, Nikolav Drozdov. South Africa is actively planning for its future energy needs from fossil fuels and nuclear. It is a leader in production of radioisotopes supplying many countries around the world for nuclear medicine and other applications. It has excellent leaders, educational institutions, and skilled management and staff.

Nuclear Physicist. Lead advocate for nuclear power for all of Africa, uses of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and understanding South Africa is a good model for using nuclear energy low-dose radiation. Member of and producing radioisotopes for many other countries. Board of Advisors, Committee Kelvin Kemm is one of its key leaders. For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT, Washington, D.C. USA. CEO of Nuclear Africa Member, BoD for EFN-USA

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015

Kenneth Kok - USA

Advises EFN-USA president on advanced nuclear power technologies, recycling for depleted uranium, spent nuclear fuel from Light Water Reactors, and metallic fuel from fast reactors. His articles are on the EFN-USA website. At the request of EFN-USA, he has worked with a promoter of thorium molten salt reactors for testing of system components. He advises the president of EFNUSA on all thorium nuclear power technologies

Nuclear Engineer Member, BoD for EFN-USA

He introduced the president of EFN-USA to Donald Rapp, former full professor of physics and environmental engineering to obtain his views on use of fossil fuels and the carbon dioxide they produce. Professor Rapp's articles on fossil fuels and CO2 are on the EFN-USA website. Ken Kok is a very respected member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for his contributions regarding nuclear energy.

Richard McDonald - USA

His articles on the EFN-USA website. His interests range from how nuclear power can help humanity and the environment, to the many other uses of nuclear power besides generating electricity, to promoting the spectrum of advanced nuclear power plant designs.

Nuclear Physicist Member, BoD for EFN-USA Secretary for EFN-USA

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015 Bernie McShane - USA

Sister of John Shanahan, president of EFN-USA. Mother of retired officer in the Nuclear Navy.

Health Care Management Specialist Treasurer for EFN-USA

Berol Robinson - USA

Grandmother of nuclear energy student advocate, Peyton Williams. He dedicated the summer between high school and college studying the book: "PLENTIFUL ENERGY, The Story of the Integral Fast Reactor. The complex history of a simple reactor technology, with emphasis on its scientific basis for non-specialists" by Charles E. Till and Yoon Il Chang. Peyton studied this book as thoroughly as any professional in nuclear energy would and exchanged emails with Dr. Till. See Peyton's bio and student advocate report: Reactors of the Future: The Integral Fast Reactor. He is currently a Sophomore, majoring in pre-med and ranked number 1 in his class of over 4,000 students. Most importantly, he maintains a balanced life style with many other interests.

President of EFN-USA from 2002 to 2013. Advises current president of EFN-USA on global developments in nuclear energy and man-made global warming. His articles on the EFN-USA website.

Retired science and science education officer of UNESCO Nuclear Physicist Member, BoD for EFN-USA

Member of EFN-International Founding President of EFN-USA

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015

Robinder Sachdev - India

Advises presidents of EFN-USA and EFN-International of India's needs for nuclear energy and their current nuclear power programs. Promotes EFN-International and EFN-USA in India. His articles on the EFN-USA website. In 2011, he was the nominee from India on the global task force of the World Energy Council regarding the Fukushima disaster.

MBA in Strategy MA in International Relations Member, BoD for EFN-USA

President of The Imagindia Institute, promoting the imagination and image of India, and the people of Indian origin, globally. Imagindia helps foreign governments, corporate and political leaders, media, and the public to better understand and engage with India. Imagindia simultaneously assists the Indian governmental, political, and business leaderships, and the public and media, to better interpret, strategize, and implement India's geopolitical and economic interests in the global theatre and foreign markets. Imagindia is perhaps the only think tank in India which has a unique and proven distinction to mobilize grassroots opinion in other countries via its ability to harness the Indian Diasporas communities. As its social responsibility, Imagindia is dedicated to the promotion of a clean India, and has been running a national campaign in India for last five years to promote cleanliness in India. The campaign, Come, Clean India, has won policy victory, many awards, cited in case studies, and been appreciated by leaders in government and civic society – including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, and more.

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015 John Shanahan - USA

Civil Engineer President of EFN-USA President of Go Nuclear Member, BoD for EFN-USA

Founder-President of Go Nuclear, website: This organization focuses on educating the public in over 110 countries about nuclear energy today, nuclear energy tomorrow, radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and nuclear science, and understanding low-dose radiation. Authors and topics are broken down by four regions of the world to shown how the world is progressing. President of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy USA, website: This organization focuses on public education in the USA with input and information for a global audience. It focuses on all nuclear topics on the Go Nuclear website, but not in as much depth and without geographic breakdown. The other major focus is about PEOPLE and the ENVIRONMENT and why nuclear energy is good. Conducted video interviews in Canada, France, and the USA for the Go Nuclear and EFN-USA websites. Established working relationships with hundreds of top professionals in nuclear energy and nuclear medicine, radioisotopes and low dose radiation for learning purposes and overall content gathering for and websites. Developed relations with over 3,900 professionals in nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, radiation and other professions in 113 countries on Collected all articles, PowerPoint Presentations, videos, nature photos and paintings and uploaded to and websites. Works with EFN-USA Board of Directors and Go Nuclear Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. His articles on the EFN-USA website. He has provided his own private funding for most of the development of the and websites and 18 video productions.

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EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015

Sarfraz Taj - USA

Manager, Exelon Corporation Sarfraz Taj is a very successful manager for Exelon Corporation leading business development overseas including Middle East, Africa, Japan, and UK. This includes helping existing nuclear programs improve safety and performance, and supporting new nuclear power programs to get established using best safety and reliability management controls, processes, and procedures. Nuclear Generation

Nuclear Engineer Member, BoD for EFN-USA

Exelon is a leading nuclear power plant operator in the United States with over 19,000 megawatts through Exelon Nuclear Partners, a division of Exelon Generation.               

Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station (Illinois) Byron Nuclear Generating Station (Illinois) Clinton Nuclear Generating Station (Illinois) Dresden Generating Station (Illinois) Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station (Nebraska) (operator) LaSalle County Nuclear Generating Station (Illinois) Limerick Nuclear Power Plant (Pennsylvania) Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (N J) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Pennsylvania) Quad Cities Nuclear Generating Station (Illinois) Salem Nuclear Power Plant (New Jersey) Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (Pennsylvania) (reactor 2 inactive) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (Maryland) Ginna Nuclear Generating Station (New York) Nine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station (NY)

Sarfraz Taj has been a keen supporter of Go Nuclear and EFN-USA for several years. He will play a key role in connecting with professionals of his generation, students and the public. He has important connections around the world. page 8

EFN-USA Board of Directors & Other Key People Advice and Content Contributions 2015 Gary Young - USA

Retired Mechanical Engineer and Engineering Manager for Hewlett Packard. Gary Young provides advice to the president of EFNUSA about nuclear energy technologies and understanding the science behind the topic of man made global warming. He arranged for the president of EFN-International, Bruno Comby, to give a lecture on nuclear energy in Fort Collins, CO

Mechanical Engineer and Engineering Manager Member, BoD for EFN-USA

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