CO2: Climate Killer or Essence of Life?
Patrick A. Baeuerle
Seen at a German Elementary School in October 2023
CO2, the Costliest Gas in History
• CO2 became the number one pollutant of the planet and as is demonized as the number one climate killer
• Net Zero: A global effort by governments to produce only as much CO2 as can be naturally absorbed, technically sequestered or compensated for with the goal to halt climate warming
• The global cost for becoming ‘net zero’ by 2050 was calculated by the Swiss Re Group to be $270 trillion ($270,000,000,000,000)
• If countries --at very high cost-- reduce their CO2 emissions, what would happen to the fossil fuels they no longer use? Would they stay in the ground or be purchased and burnt by poorer nations?
• Most CO2 emissions are produced by China. Every week, the country is building a new coal power plant while it makes an enormous business from selling PV panels, wind turbines and E-cars to the climate hysteric rest of the world. Aren’t China and other Asian countries afraid of CO2?
CO2 Is a Trace Gas in Our Atmosphere
Nitrogen: 78.08%
Oxygen: 20.94%
Argon: 0.93%
CO2 (natural): 0.0403%
The tiny white dot inside the green square is manmade CO2: 0.0017%
Can a 50% Increase of CO2 Heat Up the Planet?
1850: 280 ppm
420 ppm
+50% in 175 years
In Earth’s History, CO2 Was Once 20-times Higher than Today
Even at 8.000 ppm CO2
Earth did not become a Venus
How Toxic is CO2?
• CO2 is typically depicted as fume coming out of industry chimneys
• But CO2 is totally invisible and odorless!
• Current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is at 420 ppm (= 0.042%)
• The average CO2 concentrations in the breathing air of submarines is adjusted to 4.000 ppm (0.4%)
• CO2 in the air that we exhale is at 40.000 ppm (4%). This is a trigger for inhaling
How Vital Are Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gases for Our Planet?
• Without the greenhouse effect the average temperature on Earth would be -18oC and not be able to sustain life as we know it
• Thanks to the greenhouse effect the current average temperature is at +16oC, which makes our planet inhabitable
• The most essential greenhouse gases are water vapor and CO2 -with water vapor having the strongest greenhouse effect
• Water vapor is never listed in charts showing the composition of the atmosphere --but can be 100-times more abundant than CO2
• Shouldn’t we also demand ‘net zero’ for water vapor and strive to ‘de-watervaporize’ the planet? How about trading ‘water vapor emission certificates’?
• And why does no one call water vapor a pollutant and a greenhouse gas like CO2 is?
Plants and All Other Life Forms on Earth Depend on CO2
• All life on Earth needs photosynthesis by plants. This process of capturing CO2 happens inside leaves and creates the plant biomass that is feeding all animals and humans directly or indirectly
• Photosynthesis exclusively uses CO2 from the air to create carbon-based biomass with the help of sunlight and water thereby releasing oxygen
• CO2 is the basic nutrition of plants and therefore life’s most important gas in the atmosphere. There is no life possible without CO2
• Therefore, CO2 is anything but a pollutant or evil!
• Life on Earth will vanish if CO2 levels drop below 0.01%. And, even with today’s level of 0.042% plants have suboptimal CO2 conditions
• Reduction or avoidance of CO2 is an absurd and lifethreatening proposition
Trees, Grass, Fruits, Grain, Vegetables: All Are Made by Plants with the CO2 Taken from the Air
Humans, Animals and Plants all Produce CO2
• Example humans: We exhale every day 1 kilogram of CO2 amounting to 0.365 tons per year. All humans together exhale 3 billion tons of CO2 every year!
• The carbon in the CO2 that we exhale had its origin in plant biomass made from CO2, or from animals we eat that are feeding on plants
• Plants produce CO2 at night
The Global CO2 Balance Is Gigantic
93-97% of global CO2 emission are thought to be of natural origin. What benefit should our costly “decarbonization” and “net zero” efforts have for the planet in the face of gigantic natural CO2 emissions?
CO2 Is Plant Food
Green house owners invest in increasing the CO2 levels from
because this way they make more money with larger crops
CO2 Concentration (in ppm) Today’s CO2
0.042% to 0.1% (1.000 ppm)
NASA Satellites Show that the Planet Got Greener over the Past Decades, now Called Global Greening
Increased CO2 and Warming Help to Feed Humanity
• More CO2 = More plant biomass and higher crops (with no increase in cultivated land)
• More CO2 = More drought resistance by less stomata on leaves
• More CO2 = Less plant stress from photorespiration
• Warmer climate = Longer growing seasons
An Additional 300 ppm of CO2 in the Air Would Create Enormous Gains
Is Warming by +1oC since 1850 a “Climate Crisis”?
Climate Alarmists Are Warning
What we Are not Told: Our Current Warming Period Is the Fourth One over the Past 4.000 Years
• Mankind was thriving during warming periods and suffering during cold periods
• Our current warming period hasn’t reached yet the temperatures of the previous ones
Our Modern “Climate Crisis”
Temperature Anomaly [Degree Celsius]
We Live in One of the Coldest Periods of Earth’s History
For long periods
Earth was hotter by +10oC than today
Is Our
Present Warming Period
Caused by Man-made CO2?
• None of the recent warming periods was caused by man or was correlated with an increase in CO2
• In the Earth’s history, temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere have never correlated well. Why should they do now?
• The greenhouse effect of CO2 at 280 ppm --as in the year 1850-- was almost saturated
• Even a doubling of today’s CO2 level of 420 ppm to 840 ppm can increase the global temperature by only 0.71oC (according to the natural law of Stefan and Boltzmann)
Is There a Global Climate Crisis?
A few examples of daily media reports:
• Hottest ever recorded year is 2023 (0.1oC hotter than record year of 2018)
• Polar bears are starving to death because they lack ice
• Depressive walruses jump to their death because of climate change
• Poles and glaciers are melting and are about to disappear
• Sea levels are rising dramatically
• Corals of the Great Barrier Reef are bleaching and will disappear
• Wildfires and droughts are rising
• Frequency of storms and heavy rainfall are increasing
How Are the Polar Bears Doing?
The Mainstream Media The Statistics
The fur of a polar bear brings $5,000
Do Walruses Jump to Their Death because of Global Warming??
(As reported by Sir David Attenborough in Davos in 2019)
No, just a pack of hungry polar bears approaching…
Do the Poles Melt away?
NASA Report: Antarctic Ice is Increasing
Arctic Ice is Increasing since 2013
Source: DMI = Danish Metereological Institute
A Shock for Climate Alarmists
169 Observed Glaciers Are Shortening now for More than 200 Years (Long before the Recent CO2 Rise)
Possible reason for glacier shortening:
Eruption of Mt. Tambora in 1815.
Largest eruption in human history with 250.000 casualties and 45 billion cubic meters of ashes blown into the atmosphere. This caused ‘a year without summer’.
Ashes will block albedo effect of glacier ice and cause melting.
0.33 m in 250 years
1.32 m in 1,000 years
Are Sea Levels Rising Faster because of Increasing CO2? Steap CO2
How Are Corals about to Vanish?
Coral Species Diversity Is Greatest where Water Temperatures Are Highest: In the Coral Triangle
Do We Have More Wildfires?
They surely appear more on TV!
Are Droughts Increasing?
Are there More Hurricanes and Tropical Storms?
Do We Have Stronger Hurricanes?
Is There an Increase of Extreme Weather?
Flood Levels of the River Lech in Passau, Germany
The writing is on the wall since 500 years:
Only two of nine severe flood events during the past 70 years
Highest flood level ever recorded was in 1501, and the third highest in 1595
=> There is no increase of severe floods in recent decades. Extreme weather is always with us!
Do We Have More Casualties from Climate Change?
No deaths from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions
World population has increased from 2 to 8 billions from 1920 to 2020
Is Heat or Cold More Dangerous to Us?
No deaths from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions
Don’t We Love Hot Climate?
• Our species originated from central Africa
• Without clothing, heating and housing we would be doomed in our central European climate
• Why do Germans spend their Summer vacation in hotter countries?
Germany’s 15 top destinations for Summer vacation: All are South!
• Who is demonizing CO2 as pollutant and climate killer?
• Who connects our modest climate warming with man-made CO2?
• Who is behind the the media’s campaign of fabricating a climate crisis?
• Who profits from man-made climate change?
The Politics of Climate Change
Who Is the IPCC (= Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change)?
• UN’s world climate counsel
• Foundation in 1988 by the US under the umbrella of the UNEP (UN’s Environmanetal Program) and the WMO (World Meteorological Organisation)
• Mission: “…proof that there is an emerging climate crisis caused by humans.” This is pseudo science because the research result is already provided (“The science is settled!”)
• 194 member states sending representative to IPCC
=> The IPCC is not a scientific but a political organization!
The IPCC Argues with a ‘Scientific’ Consensus with Devastating Consequences
• Cook et al. (2003)/IPCC: “97 percent of all climate researchers agree on the IPCC narrative of man-made climate change”:
Humans => Fossil Fuel Combustion => Rise in CO2 => Global Warming => Apocalypse This narrative mingles facts and unproven assumptions:
The Facts: Human’s Fossil Fuel Combustion Contributes to a Rise in CO2
There is Modest Climate Warming
The Unproven Assumptions: Man-made CO2 Is Responsible for Our Recent Warming Period
Man-made Climate Warming Will Lead to an Apocalypse
Consensus Is not a Scientific but a Political Approach
Examples for a disastrous “pseudo-scientific” consensus
• “Earth is the center of the universe”
• Was a stumbling block for science for hundreds of years
• Galilei and others refuted the geo-centric theory by risking their life
• “Witches are responsible for famines and climate change”
• Death toll was 50,000 during post-medieval cooling period
• In Salem, Harvard educated judges sentenced witches to death
• “The genes of grain can adapt to polar climate”
• Propagated by Professor Trofim Lysenko during Stalin regime
• One million dead from famines; incarceration of opposing scientists
Michael Crichton at Caltech Michelin Lecture (January 17, 2003)
• Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.
IPCC’s Climate Models Do Not Match the Reality
• The contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse effect is almost saturated at the present CO2 level
• A theoretical doubling of today’s CO2 level from 0.042% to 0.084% would increase global warming by maximally +0.71oC (according to physical law of Stefan and Boltzmann). This fact is acknowledged by the IPCC
• Only by including the assumption of positive feedback loops, the IPCC arrived in its climate models at much higher temperatures than measured in reality:
Global temperature increase as calculated from the average of various IPCC models (RED) does not match the temperature increase from real measurements by different approaches (BLUE, GREEN, GREY)
It is Impossible to Deny the Climate!
• Likewise, one cannot deny the weather, the tides or the sun
• Who created the misnomer “climate denier”?
• Climate alarmists who intended to bring critical scientists to the same levels as Holocaust deniers, a punishable delict
• The misnomer “climate denier” is used to outcast and silence all sceptics of the IPCC’s narrative
• Wikipedia labels even moderate skeptics as climate deniers
• Climate deniers are considered right wing and their opinions are ignored by mainstream media
• Only IPCC-approved “climate researchers” have the permission to talk about its narrative
• The profession “climate researcher” is only a recent invention
• For a century, legions of physicists, chemists, meteorologists, geologists, astrophysicists, biologists and biochemists have researched the atmosphere and biosphere and laid the foundation of modern climate science. Now their competence in climate research is disputed
(CLINTEL called by Wikipedia a “climate denying organization”)
• „Natural as well anthropgenic factors contribute to climate warming.“
• „Global warming is much slower than predicted.“
• „Current climate policy is based on the wrong models.“
• „CO2 is plant food and the basis for the life on our planet.“
• „Global warming did not amplify extreme weather.“
• „Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.“
CLINTEL’s World Climate Declaration
John. F. Clauser, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022
Medieval Times Are Back with a New Religion
• Today the deadly sin is called CO2 emission
• Trading indulgences is back (now called CO2 certificates)
St. Peter’s Dome financed by indulgences
• The apocalypse is continuously announced by the IPCC, media and the UN
• The quasi-climate religion of the IPCC rules politics, science and the public opinion in climate matters
• The new cathedrals are called ‘institutes for climate change’
• Heretics are back --now called ‘climate deniers’
• Climate researchers are the new cardinals and inquisitors
• Journalists of mainstream media are the layman preachers of man-made climate change
• Wikipedia is the bible that labels all heretics and is preaching the IPCC narrative
• There is salvation by net zero, decarbonization and renewable energies
How Today’s Climate Science is Manipulating and Betraying Us
• Consensus, wrong correlations, faulty models and fabricated data are declared scientific proof: “The science is settled”
• A productive scientific dispute on climate is not allowed or encouraged
• All critical scientists are collectively called out as ‘climate deniers’
• Only research that supports the narrative is funded and (well) published
• Even the worst studies make it these days into top journals as long as they support the narrative
• Data are omitted and studies suppressed that question the narrative
• Peer review in climate research is corrupted
• Media continuously report on studies supporting the narrative and dramatize it
• Misinformation is continuously repeated for brain washing
=> This all happens because politics have highjacked climate science
What Could Motivate Climate Scientists to Support the IPCC’s Political Narrative?
• Enormous research funding from the government
• New institute buildings with more research positions
• Rich consulting agreements with government institutions, think tanks and climate industry
• Company foundations coming with equity
• Prizes and award money
• Promotions (lifetime appointments)
• Many publications (many now in top scientific journals)
• Public and professional recognition, high media presence, fame and acclamation
• The illusion of moral supremacy (“My research is saving the planet and humanity”)
• You do not want to be fired because you are skeptical and critical
Why do we need new institutes if the science is settled?
Cui bono? Who Else Profits from Climate Hysteria?
• Climate hysteria is the largest business in the history of mankind! The Swiss Re Group estimates it takes 270 trillion dollars to reach global net zero goals in 2050
• Governments can exert huge power over its citizens in all areas of life: They can tell us what to eat, how to heat, how and where we live, which cars we drive, to where and how often we travel, which products we buy, how much more taxes we have to pay, whom we vote for, and so on
• New industries and their advisors profit from trillions of dollars spent by governments in connection with net zero, climate protection, sustainability, renewable energies, E-mobility, CO2 sequestration, electricity storage, green hydrogen, artificial fuels etc.
• Supranational organisationen (UN, IPCC, WHO, WWF/Davos etc.) widen their global power
Take Home Lessons
• CO2 and modest climate warming are not evil!
• Minoan, Romans and Medieval cultures could develop and thrive because of warm periods --while cooling periods caused famines and epidemics
• Rising CO2 and temperature help to feed the Earth’s growing population
• Mankind can easily adapt to global climate changes --as it has done many times in the past
• A daily stream of fake news wants us to believe that the planet is doomed because of global warming caused by a man-made rise in CO2
• Today’s climate science has betrayed basic scientific principles and established a policy-driven climate religion