Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine, Boulder, Montana, USA (Patricia Lewis)

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Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine Established 1952 Boulder, Montana, USA website:

WHY RADON THERAPY? Radon Therapy is found to induce beneficial long term effects for many who suffer conditions of chronic pain due to disease or injury. Additionally, this modality is effective for - but not limited to - the following conditions and symptoms:

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Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Diabetes Type I & II Migraine Headaches Arthritis (OA, RA, JRA, etc.) Eczema Mobility Asthma Emphysema Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Behcet's Fibromyalgia Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) Bronchitis Gout

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Prostate (BPH) Bursitis Hayfever Psoriasis Cancer (Breast) High Blood Pressure Scleroderma Carpal Tunnel Inflammation Sinus Chronic Pain Lupus (SLE) Ulcerative Colitis Circulation

Radon may well be one of mankind's oldest therapies. In Europe, the use of hot springs with high radon content dates back some 6,000 years. For over eight centuries, numerous radioactive hot springs such as found at Misasa and Tamagawa in Japan have been enjoyed. Today, more than 75,000 patients seeking a natural arthritis cure visit modern radon therapy clinics and underground galleries for the sole purpose of radon inhalation. European countries such as Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Armenia and Russia, operate page 1

medically supervised clinics (speleotherapy). Much of this therapy is medically prescribed and reimbursed through health care insurance programs. Clinical, double-blind and randomized controlled studies in those countries report findings substantiating claims of pain and symptom relief, supporting the observations of benefit equal to that reported by visitors to the Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine located at Boulder, Montana, USA. In Japan the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) initiated the organization of "hormesis" research at a number of Universities and in cooperation with the National Cancer Research Institute and the National Institute of Radiological Science. Researchers carried out experimental activities on the effects of low-dose radiation on mammals and found evidence of comprehensive bio-chemical reactions, followed by significant biological responses. The beneficial use of low dose radiation therapy is indicated in and categorized as follows:

2005 Dose-Response Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. L - R: Jim Muckerheide, Edward Calabrese, Ted Rockwell, Kazuo Sakai, Ron Mitchel, Myron Pollycove, Jerry Cuttler.    

Cancer therapy by the enhancement of the immune system and tumor suppression genes such as P53; Radio-adaptive response enhances the enzyme synthesis of genes for the prevention of DNA damage, for DNA repair - the efficiency of cell apoptosis; Rejuvenation of cells such as the decrease of lipid peroxide and the increase of cell membrane permeability, and general enhancement of DNA repair; Enhancement of the damage control system of cells to prevent oxidative attack of free radicals by increasing protective enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Glutathione (Gpx); Effects on neuro-transmitting and thinking systems through increase of key enzymes and hormones.

Therapeutic applications of low dose radiation - for purposes of treating disease - start with optimizing the body's natural hormones (endorphins, enkephalin, adrenaline, insulin, histamine) for pain control and stress relief. Responses of SOD and Gpx clearly protect cells and suppress the oxidative attack of free radicals. Cell membrane permeability is increased allowing key hormones to cross cell walls. DNA repairs and cell recovery are also obvious in the research page 2

findings. A key tumor suppression gene - the P53 - is activated and helper T cells are enhanced by means of the decrease of suppressor cells. Overall, stopping or suppressing the progress of the disease process, followed by recovery is to be expected. With further comprehensive research, optimum individual dose rates for preventive measure, health maintenance, post operative recovery and healing of injuries - in addition to the various disease processes - will be found in the future.

NOTE: This mine facility is a healing retreat that is made available to persons seeking an alternative or complement to present treatment for arthritis pain relief and other disease symptom management. Though not a state law, it is suggested that children under 18 years of age obtain a written prescription by a licensed doctor before visiting. Women who are pregnant may want to consult with their physician. It is our opinion that visiting during a pregnancy is perfectly safe, however if in doubt, do not visit until the first trimester has passed. At this facility, 32 hours of radon exposure over a 10 day stay is the equivalent of approximately 6 mSv or 0.6 rads or 0.6 rems or 0.6 Roentgens. This amount is just about twice the radiation exposure from normally occurring background sources that all persons receive annually throughout their life. To put this in further perspective, there are some populations who live and thrive in geographical areas that measure in excess of an annual exposure of 260 mSv. Doctor's inquiries are welcome. We encourage you to check the supportive technical information and discuss it with your physician.

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THE FACILITY HISTORY The Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine has a history that dates back to 1924 when it was originally appropriated for the mining of silver and lead ore. In 1949, mining engineer Wade V. Lewis, with two other locators, discovered the presence of radioactivity at the abandoned site. Lease for the Free Enterprise Uranium Mine was acquired and excavation proceeded. A Los Angeles woman, visiting with her husband in the summer of 1951 for the purpose of stock investment, noticed that her bursitis disappeared after several visits to the underground workings. Relaying the incidence of benefit, word spread and the stampede began. Pain sufferers demanded access even while mining continued. Nearly 1,000 people were permitted to visit for observation purposes only. Reports of pain relief ran so high that the operators were compelled to initiate revision of the mining operation into the health destination that it is today. Lewis managed the health mine for 21 years until his death at the age of 81. His dedication culminated in a discovery that has benefitted generations for over half a century. Management under the ownership of Lewis’ granddaughter Patricia Lewis and her husband, Burdette E. Anderson, continues to this day. FACILITY In Montana, at the Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine, radon therapy takes place in the underground “gallery” or at surface in the “radon room” - or a combination of both. The difference is only that which is most comfortable to the individual. Testing confirms radon levels averaging about 1700 pC/l of air - with normal fluctuations ranging from 700 to 2200 pC/l of air. Exposure to radon is perfectly safe at just twice the amount of natural background radiation one might receive on an annual basis.

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SELF-DIRECTED TREATMENT Visitors “self-treat� via a series of daily visits to the Mine. An average stay includes a range of 30-60 hours over a 10-day stay. Your visit schedule will be determined by factors that may include severity of disease, mobility, energy, level of pain, and time or travel constraints. Shorter stays are allowable. You may repeat therapy as needed. Most visitors report positive results that range from immediate to weeks later, lasting months to years. The underground gallery is 85' below surface and accessed by a well maintained and licensed Otis elevator. Amenities include tables, chairs, and heat lamps over padded benches. Flooring is level and dry. Temperature averages about 54F - 58F. Wear warm, comfortable, casual clothing and footwear. Bring a blanket and/or pillow if you like to sleep. Restrooms are located at surface only. Care givers must be readily available for assistance. The radon room at surface is an alternative to going underground. Radon-laden air is pumped up from the 105' level of the mine workings, circulated and returned underground. PETS Pets may take therapy at surface in kennels exposed to radon-laden air yet separate from the radon room. Bring a blanket and toy. Pets must be manageable and on leash at all times. Wireless internet is available at locations underground, in the radon room and lobby (all volume is to be muted while in therapy areas.)

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International Dose-Response Society Hormesis is a dose-response phenomenon characterized by low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. Since dose-responses are often believed to be linear from low-dose to high, the non-linear nature of hormesis and its application in all the scientific fields is of rapidly growing interest among scientists and regulators alike.

Effects of Radon on the Immune System by J. Soto Department of Medical Physicis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cantabria (Spain) SUMMARY: Radon can exert a beneficial effect on the immune system when it generates low radiation doses in man. This paper examines these effects and also their mechanisms. It also deals with the effects on the immune system of patients treated in spas where radon is the main agent.

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One century of radon therapy by Klaus Becker, International Journal of Low Radiation, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2004 This review of medical radon applications (in particular for the treatment of painful degenerative joint and spine diseases) covers mainly the first century of large-scale use and scientific studies on this subject since the discovery of radon.

Radiation's benefits by Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post - Saturday, September 25, 2010 "There is no safe level of radiation." This stance is now reeling. Low levels of radiation, science is increasingly telling us, are not only safe, they are actually healthful. It may be more prudent to worry about getting too little radiation than too much.

Radon Therapy and Speleotherapy in Hungary by K. Nagy, N. Kavasi, T. Kovacs, J. Somlai - Press. Therm. Climat. - 2008; 145:219-225 Mankind has found remedy for its illnesses in nature and has used natural resources such as thermal waters and caves for healing. Hungary is very rich in medicinal and thermal waters and caves. Some of these also contain radon. Our research team studies the role of radon in these thermal places.

Beneficial Effects of Environmental Gasses: Health Prospective by A.Z. Hussein, M.S. Ibrahim, KH. M. Zakaria - Proceedings of the 3rd Environmental Physics Conference, 2008, Aswan Egypt This paper describes the medical application of environmental gases: radon and ozone.

Range of motion assessment of elderly arthritis sufferers at Montana Radon Health Mines by Barbra Erickson, International Journal of Low Radiation - Vol. 3, No. 4, 2006 The purpose of this pilot study was to use range of motion measurements to evaluate the effect of radon therapy on joint flexibility in elderly arthritis suffers at the Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine in Montana (USA). Results were mixed but indicate overall patterns of improvement. Larger controlled studies should be undertaken.

Seeds of Discord: The Politics of Radon Therapy in Canada in the 1930's by Charles R. R. Hayter, Bull. Hist. Med., 2003, 77:75-102 In the early twentieth century, the therapeutic use of radon gas became an accepted medical practice. "Radium emanation" plants were established in many parts of North America to supply radon seeds to physicians. This article explores how issues surrounding the ownership and distribution of radon played out in two Canadian provinces: Manitoba

Long-term efficacy of radon spa therapy in rheumatoid arthritis - a randomized, sham-controlled study and follow-up A. Franke, L. Reiner, H.G. Pratzel, T. Franke and K.L. Resch Balneology and Rehabilition Sciences Research Institute (FBK), Bad Elster, In-Patient rehabilitation hospital (Dr. Ebel Fachlinik) Bad Brambach and Institute of Medical Balneology and Climatology, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany ABSTRACT: Marked short-term improvements were noted in two groups participating in this study of therapeutic baths. The radon bath group had long lasting effects, while the mineral baths were short term....

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Radiation and Health: An Overview of Radon Therapy in the United States and Europe by Barbra E. Erickson, Ph.D California State University, Fullerton CA Presentation at the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Honolulu HI, March 2006 As consumers, people regularly choose their own solutions for health promotion and maintenance, solutions which may or may not be sanctioned by mainstream medicine. Radon therapy exemplifies a non-sanctioned treatment eagerly sought by certain patients, but scorned or dismissed by many physicians. In this paper, the author discusses the decision-making process involved in using radon and compare the Montana health mine facilities with selected radon mines and spas in Europe...

The Benefits of Radiation at Low Doses by Ronald E.J. Mitchel, Ph.D Current research is focused on the effects of low doses on birth defects in mice and on the effects of low doses on the risk of spontaneous cancer in cancer prone mice. The "Linear No Threshold" (LNT) hypothesis, used in all radiation protection practices, assumes that all doses, no matter how low, increase the risk of cancer. In vitro cell based experiments show adaptive processes in response to low doses and dose rates of low LET radiation, and do not support the LNT hypothesis...

Research Shows Beneficial Effects of Low Doses of Radiation by Jerry Cuttler Canadian Nuclear Society Newsletter, Spring 2003, Issue 2 Hormesis is an adaptive response of living organisms to low levels of chemical, biological or radiological stress or damage - a modest overcompensation to a disruption - resulting in improved fitness. Observations of this reproducible phenomen (low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition) have been widely reported in the scientific biomedical literature since the 1880's, and form the basis for all immunology treatment....

Summary: The Therapeutic Application of Low Dose Radiation (Hormetic Effects) by Dr. Sadao Hattori, ScD Survival depends on the adaptive response mechanisms. The hormetic response to low dose radiation includes pain relief, prevention of and recovery from the disease process, by improvement of the immune response...

Commentary: Toxicology rethinks its central belief Hormesis demands a reappraisal of the way risks are assessed. by Edward J. Calabrese and Linda A. Baldwin, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA NATURE Magazine, February 2003, Vol. 421, pgs 691-692 The hormetic dose response represents a paradigm shift in the concept of the dose response throughout biological science. It is widespread and outperforms other dose-response models. The implications of the hormetic perspective challenge the belief and use of low-dose linearity in estimating cancer risks, and emphasizes that there are thresholds for carcinogens...

Risk in perspective: Radiation, reactor accidents, and radioactive waste

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An interview with Bernard Cohen, by Jay Lehr Dr. Bernard Cohen, Professor Emeritus University of Pittsburgh, is internationally known for his work in radiation, health, and physics. He explains how Americans developed their fear of things nuclear and puts perceived risks in perspective....

Radiobiology Deceptions Reject Health by T.D. Luckey, Ph.D Prof Emeritus, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE8), April 2-6, 2000, Baltimore MD Abstract: Radiolobiology data shows that biological functions are stimulated at low doses of ionizing radiation, while high doses result in detrimental effects. The results of improved health, and successful treatment of medical conditions, by low to moderate radiation doses, as shown in numerous studies, in both animal experiments and human epidemiological studies....

UNDEREXPOSED: What If Radiation Is Actually Good for You? by Ed Hiserodt Laissez Faire Books, 2005, paperback

SPELEOTHERAPY - MEDICAL SPAS Also known as "cave" therapy - recognized throughout the world. Specific microclimates within underground excavations are prescribed for various disorders. Germany, the destination for the finest health spa resorts Bad Kreuznach is widely regarded as one of Germany's finest health spa resorts. Here radon therapy has been used to relieve complaints for 100 years. You'll find links to other radon spas at this site. Gasteiner Heilstollen - Bad Gastein, Austria Furstenzeche Bergwerk - Lam, Germany Medical Spa Jachymov (est'd 1992) - Jachymov, Czech Republic Kurmittelhaus Sibyllenbad - Neualbenreuth, Germany Kurbad Schlema - Schlema, Germany Wieliczka Salt Mine - Wieliczka, Poland Republican Speleotherapeutical Hospital - Armenia 4,000 square meters of corridors, 235 meters below the surface for asthma and other respiratory disorders Guarapari, Brazil - Atlantic coasts of Brazil are covered with sand that originated from nearby naturally radioactive monazite and zirconite hillsides.

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Frankly, most of our guests don't care about the science, a few will ask lots of questions. For those who ask we offer public access to notebooks full of printed papers, news articles, emails, testimonials, other resources. It is quite extensive and does include much work by many. We choose those most related to themes on low dose radiation, preferable radon therapy (limited publications): Book authors include: Sohei Kondo, Peter Deetjen and Albrech Falkenbach, Ed Hiserodt, Wade Lewis, TD Luckey, Richard Rhodes, Bjorn Wahlstrom, Ralph Lapp, John Lenihan, Ted Rockwell, a few in Japanese by Japanese authors. Video: Frontline's "Nuclear Reaction", 20/20's "Radiation Myth" Our electronic file library includes these authors:

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