All About Energy Newsletter, Issue 2020 6 (John Shanahan) USofA

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Issue 2020 – 6 Hello students, parents, professionals in 121 countries. This newsletter and its website, are dedicated to understanding the importance of energy, energy by-products and energy related sciences for the modern world. In each issue we focus on just a few topics. We present articles on different sides of all topics and let you decide. We also let you know what we think. In this issue, we focus on the broad question of the future of several energy sources and the particular question of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Topic (1) General discussion of the future of fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources. Topic (2) Open position for Executive Director for the CO2 Coalition.


Topic (1) Easy to understand explanations about the future of fossil fuels, hydro-electric, geothermal, wind, solar and nuclear. See very important graph below.

Most people are able to make a reasonable estimate for the development of energy sources for the next 20 to 50 years by studying this graph. They shouldn’t let themselves be misled by organizations with special interests that don’t reflect economic and technical reality and the wellbeing of humanity. Blue …. is hydro-electric. Most of the valleys where dams can be built already have dams. This energy source will remain fairly constant in the future.


Grey …. is nuclear power. The potential of nuclear power is tremendous. Anti-nuclear organizations, scientists (John Holdren, Thomas Cochran, Frank von Hippel) and politicians (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama) have worked since the 1970s to create artificial fear and place artificial barriers to prevent development of this wonderful resource. The same has happened in Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and Australia. Russia and China do not allow anti-nuclear alarmists to block development of their nuclear power program. But countries in the free world from South Africa to northern Europe, from Australia to the United States to Italy have allowed alarmists to mislead the public and politicians. Yellow …. is geothermal. Like hydro, there are physical limiting factors. This will not grow significantly. Dark green …. and light green …. are wind and solar. These are the weakest, most uncontrollable energy sources. Advocates claim they are free and good for the environment. Their infrastructure, aging, corroding, scrapping and frequent replacement are not free. Much equipment will be abandoned and cause tremendous pollution, killing wildlife, loss of wildlife habitat. This will be very expensive. Advocates claim that the whole world will be powered by wind and solar. That is snake-oil sales speak. But wind and solar will continue to grow if the public buys fear sold about fossil fuels and nuclear and as long as there are elected officials in office to force the growth of wind and solar. Black …. represents fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). There is nothing that can replace most uses of fossil fuels for the modern world in the next 20 to 50 years. Nuclear power can and will play a much larger role once the artificial barricades have been torn down and the falsehoods of the alarmists been dispatched. To take down the barricades, deal with false fear in the public, clean out blockages in nuclear regulatory agencies will take 20 to 50 years. Then we must rebuild a large nuclear power construction and operation industry. The fact that Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United States and countries in Eastern Europe quickly built their nuclear industries, doesn’t mean the same can be done by countries with weaker governments and economies. Nuclear must be professionally managed and operated. Nuclear 3

is not just another oil or gas well that can be fought over and bombed in bitter back and forth regional wars for ten or twenty years. Special interest groups will claim and promise the sky for wind and solar solutions for electric generation. But that will never become reality for most of the modern world for the long term. With those facts about different energy sources, the modern world and hopefully more of the lesser developed world will continue to depend on fossil fuels. Otherwise, corrupt politicians and devious special interest groups like Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, will forcefully deny use of plentiful, cheap energy to everyone. Then the world will collapse to poverty and miserable living like hundreds of years ago. Modern medicine, modern cities, modern transportation, modern entertainment will all be gone. Done away with by extreme green alarmists and their dark hidden agendas. President Abraham Lincoln predicted that if the United States should fall, it would be from within. We have been approaching that situation for fifty years. Almost no packaged goods sell for as little as a gallon of gasoline or the equivalent energy in coal or natural gas in the United States. The following products are much more expensive: bottled water, soap, food, wine, beer, clothing, toilet paper, books, mobile phones, computers, sports equipment, musical instruments, art supplies, etc. So here is the big question. Does carbon dioxide from fossil fuels cause seriously harmful man-made global warming with irreversible, tipping-point climate change? Must we stop using these precious energy supplies and leave them in the ground? Trillions of dollars are being spent by governments and people with sinister special interests and deep pockets to scare and stampede the public in Europe and North America, Japan, Australia about fossil fuels. Governments spend far less to learn the real facts and science.


Topic (2) Open position for Executive Director for CO2 Coalition. Long standing campaigns by the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC,, World Wildlife Fund, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, President Obama’s Science Advisor, John Holdren, NRDC’s Thomas Cochran, Michael Mann, James Hansen, Al Gore and many more are working tirelessly to force the world to stop using fossil fuels. This might become one of the greatest crimes against humanity. For explanations, see here, here and here. The CO2 Coalition is one of the world’s leading scientific organizations explaining the minimal significance of man-made carbon dioxide in determining climate and climate change. The alarmist claims otherwise are unproven. There is a search for a new Executive Director. If you have good qualifications in the core areas for this position and are interested or know someone who might be, please see the instructions below.


Scientist, public speaker, editor, administrator: Executive Director needed for DC-based coalition of climate scientists The CO2 Coalition comprises 55 climate scientists, engineers, and energy economists. Its mission is public, media, and congressional education on the impact on the atmosphere, land, and oceans of the “great carbon dioxide experiment” – the industrial emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases since World War II. The Coalition’s members and staff publish papers, briefings, and articles, appear in the media, and testify before and brief Congress. Founded in 2015, the Coalition is a high-profile participant in the scientific and economic debate over national and global energy policy. The Coalition is seeking an executive director with a background in science, editing of scientific publications, public speaking, and administration. Climate science being such a broad field, candidates need not be atmospheric physicists or modelers. Ecologists, biologists, chemists, geologists, statisticians, and experts in other relevant areas are also encouraged to apply. We are more interested in your ability to think scientifically and explore the various components of climate science than your expertise in any particular area. Candidates must be willing to relocate to the Washington, DC, area. Starting date: Fall 2020 through January 2021, based on availability. Kindly read up on the CO2 Coalition’s activities and publications, and send a letter of interest and a c.v. to The letter should describe your record in the four criteria listed for the position. Starting July 1 the Board will contact applicants for additional information and to schedule interviews. Salary: $120,000 to $180,000, based on experience. Here are examples of some of the work of the outgoing Executive Director, Dr. Caleb Rossiter. Mark Herlong Secretary-Treasurer CO2 Coalition Phone: USA 571-970-3180


Subscribe to this newsletter. Support sound energy and energy by-product policies for the best modern living for your family and community. John Shanahan Civil Engineer Editor – E-mail: Denver, Colorado, USA

Thanks to the Creator for a wonderful, glorious world and universe with fossil fuels, nuclear power and above all the sun to sustain life. 7

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