All About Energy Newsletter, Issue 2020 7 (John Shanahan) USofA

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Issue 2020 – 7 Hello students, parents, professionals in 122 countries. This newsletter and its website, are dedicated to understanding the importance of energy, energy by-products and energy related sciences for the modern world. In each issue we focus on just a few topics. We present articles on different sides of all topics so you can decide. We let you know what we think. In this issue, we focus on Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation, LDIR and introducing you to new young professionals in this field. First, an orientation on how to navigate the website. The website has over 2,000 articles, PowerPoint Presentations, videos, and whole books on 45 high level subjects. There are over 1,000 contributing authors. You need a way of getting a quick overview and navigating easily by jumping from topic to topic, not clicking up and down the large organization tree-chart one step at a time. The two-page navigation map of the website is accessed on ANY PAGE near the top left with a blue square and a small white house. Click on this. It takes you to the NAVIGATION GUIDE. Click on READ MORE. Now you see the two page navigation map. There are seven different colored blocks for the major topics: (ENERGY, RADIATION, RADIOISOTOPES AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE, PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT, VIDEOS, YOUTH).


In each of these seven different colored blocks, there are the principal subtopics. They are all underlined indicating that there is a hotlink to the articles. When you click on one of the sub-topics, you come to that region of the website. It may have more sub-sub-topics or just a list of articles. The name of the author or publishing organization is first in every title so all articles by the same organization and author are listed together. There is another way to navigate the website. Use the SEARCH BOX at the top of every page. Type the name of an author or a key word. That will bring up all articles posted anywhere on the website by a given author, etc. We post articles in the major languages in order to reach more people than who speak English. Use the search box and type a language (German or Deutsch). You get all articles in German or with the word German in the title. See here. There are also articles in French and Spanish with more languages to come. Modern Information Technology is great!! You can also find all articles from a given country on all topics. Type the name of the country in the search box. Here are results for Canada. LOW-DOSE IONIZING RADIATION, LDIR This is a very important topic in nuclear medicine, nuclear science and nuclear power. It is important for safety. It is important to understand how low-dose radiation can be used for many beneficial applications. It is important to understand that anti-nuclear science alarmists have set up a trap to prevent the best use of nuclear medicine and nuclear power. That trap is the Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis with Collective Dose Corollary, LNT. That sounds complex. But children in 7th grade can understand it and see how terribly wrong it is, thus holding back the vast benefits of the modern world for people everywhere. We discuss this in detail several times a year in this newsletter. Today, we are giving you an introduction and orientation to LDIR. We are also introducing you to some wonderful young professionals in this field. Here are two especially important organizations working to change radiation safety guidelines from arbitrary and false LNT to evidence based. This will tremendously increase use of nuclear medicine and nuclear power. 2

1) SCIENTISTS FOR ACCURATE RADIATION INFORMATION 2) XLNT FOUNDATION Every professional and student in a radiation related field should regularly visit these two organizations and their websites. Here are the major sections of website dedicated to Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: 1) 2018 ANS – HPS Conference on LNT and Hormesis 2) LNT and updating regulations 3) Hormesis, Low Dose Radiation, Medicine, Food, Life 4) Radon 5) Natural background radiation 6) XLNT and SARI Here are brief descriptions about young professionals who expressed interest in our website and contributing articles. It is important that participation from others like them increases. (Country of birth, Name, Brief background) Argentina: Juan Franco Canepa: BSc in nuclear engineering with experience in Middle East India: Niranjan Chavan: studying for BSc in nuclear science and technology Jordan: Yazan Al-atrash: PhD nuclear engineering in South Korea Jordan: Mu’taz Al-shannag: BSc nuclear engineering Mexico: Florencia de los Angeles Renteria del Toro, studying for PhD in nuclear science in Harbin, China. (Normally we shorten long Latin American names. But her name is so meaningful, we use all of it.) 3

Nigeria: Kenneth Agboifo: Pharma Doctorate, nuclear pharmacist Peru: Maria Milagros Licier: degrees in mathematics – Peru, radiological sciences, nuclear medicine – USA. Nuclear Medicine Technologist in Maryland Sierra Leone: Issa Fowai: civil engineer. BSc, MSc, China, working for PhD in Canada South Africa: Ronald Mahomane: MSc applied radiation science Syria: Jasem Alfawwaz: Studying for PhD nuclear physics. Teaches physics and astronomy Tanzania: Hendry Massawe: BSc radiation therapy and technology Uganda: Steven Lyazi: no university training. Writer and statesman highly respected in the United States for his plans for his country. Died in truck – bus accident. USA: Nikota Connolly: degrees in nuclear medicine technology and physician’s assistance medicine. Some native American heritage USA: Christian Licier: working on PhD in instructional leadership for changing populations, Principal at Baltimore City Public Schools. These students, grad-students and young professionals represent the best leadership for a peaceful, prosperous future around the world.

Young students in Lhasa, Tibet working hard at math homework. Children in some economically better off countries don’t all do as well! 4

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