Graphic from South Africa NEWSLETTER - 2021 issue 2 Editor: John Shanahan Website: This newsletter is sent to students, teachers, parents, people in many industries, and leaders in business and government in 124 countries. We discuss energy, energy by-products, the environment, people who use energy and politicians who make energy decisions. Vaclav Smil said: Energy is the only universal currency. Other currencies are just words, pictures and mysterious symbols on paper.
View of Nuclear Power Plant Leibstadt in Switzerland on the Rhine River. 1
No energy source is so environmentally friendly, reliable, prepared for extreme events, safe, and beautiful as is nuclear power. Alarmists in America and Europe have been free for fifty years to block, protest, and file frivolous lawsuits to make nuclear power unnecessarily expensive and ultimately stop it. This must not continue. Nuclear power is the major "currency" that will be used for as long as people inhabit planet Earth. The American Dollar, European Euro, and Chinese Renminbi (Yuan) paper currencies will be long forgotten.
This 1961 New York Times photo, shows Louis Armstrong (Satchmo) playing trumpet for his wife, Lucille, near the Great Sphinx and pyramids in Egypt. It took a lot of energy from fossil fuels for mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation to make their clothes and his trumpet. prepare their meals, fly them to Egypt, and record this great music. Listen to Satchmo, click here.
2021 - WHAT IS HAPPENING? Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, extremist organizations, sympathetic politicians, TV, newspapers, and teachers in North America and Europe have worked for fifty years to stop the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. If that happens, living standards and population levels go back 500 years, a horrible thought. The 2021 American federal government plans on stopping use of fossil fuels and very important nuclear power technologies. It will be as horrible as the major conflicts of the 20th Century. China is making full use of fossil fuels and nuclear power to advance their economy and tremendously improve the standard of living for a billion people. 2021 - WHAT IS HAPPENING? Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, extremist organizations, sympathetic politicians, TV, newspapers, and teachers in North America and Europe have worked for fifty years to stop the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. If that happens, living standards and population levels go back 500 years, a horrible thought. The 2021 American federal government plans on stopping use of fossil fuels and very important nuclear power technologies. It will be as horrible as the major conflicts of the 20th Century. China is making full use of fossil fuels and nuclear power to advance their economy and tremendously improve the standard of living for a billion people.
ENERGY - This section discusses the best energy sources: fossil fuels, hydro-electric, and nuclear power, and politically popular energy sources: wind and solar photovoltaic. A major story for February 2021 is the blackouts across Texas caused by a massive invasion of arctic cold air. Much of this energy rich state had rolling blackouts for days. It was the most massive loss of energy in the state's history in terms of size and duration. It shows the vulnerability of large electric grids. This can happen almost anywhere. Retired NASA Apollo Moon Program engineer and member of TRCS, Alex Pope offered these thoughts: In the February 22nd Houston Chronicle there is a story about removing Electric Reliability Council of Texas, ERCOT's immunity from lawsuits. The people who must be sued are the green alarmists who have lied about the harm from CO2 and caused the rules ERCOT has been forced to operate under. ERCOT had to ask for emission permission from the Feds to even use the Gas Power Plants to take up the slack. The war against fossil fuel is a war against humanity. We are in a war and we are not even allowed to acknowledge who the real enemy is. Lack of knowledge of natural factors that force the climate and lack of knowledge of the internal response of the climate are missing and we are not even allowed to openly discuss it without being Gaslighted. It takes evaporation and infrared radiation, IR, out in polar regions to produce sequestered ice in and around the polar regions. That can only happen in warmest times when sea ice is removed. For the last ice age, the initial ice that formed around the continents had to have been produced when the Arctic was thawed, evaporating and with much IR out, between 110 and 150 thousand years ago. 4
The consensus starts making ice after the conditions to produce ice were past. Study and understand the natural facts and then fight with real weapons, truth. Even if this could be wrong, the facts must be determined and fight with facts. A trace gas does not regulate our temperature and sea level. Water in all of its changing states provides the internal responses that matters most. The people who are paid to do these studies are working for alarmists who do not want the truths to be told. Power and money come from keeping the people afraid. Massive blackouts (permanent, lasting hours or days, or rolling going on and off for days) can happen anywhere. Modern electrical grids are extremely vulnerable. This problem has been known for more than thirty years. Like many other problems in America, they are frequently ignored until they happen with terrible consequences. Switzerland does a much better job with their infrastructure and grid.
ENERGY BY PRODUCTS - This section is about byproducts from fossil fuels, and radioisotopes and radiation from nuclear sources. They make the modern world great. Fossil fuels are used to make kayaks, paddles, wetsuits, life jackets, and helmets for hundreds of global warming alarmists who demand stopping the use of fossil fuels. That is how it is in democracies Does not happen in China. Oil is very important for its by-products. It should not be squandered in needless waste of crawling, singleoccupancy cars commuting for hundreds of millions of people going to work every day. Cities can be re-designed to cut down on long commutes. Electrified mass transit like cities in Europe, Japan, and China is good for people and the environment.
By-products from nuclear science include radioisotopes used in industry and nuclear medicine, and low-dose radiation for therapeutic nuclear medicine. The LNT Model with Collective Dose Corollary used by anti-nuclear power and anti-nuclear medicine alarmists to hinder and stop use of these technologies that benefit everyone in the modern world is a crime. The World Council on Isotopes website is an excellent source of information about radioisotope production and radioisotope uses in medicine and industry. The Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information website has lots of information about the safety and benefits of lowdose radiation. It explains the problems of using the Linear No-Threshold Model, LNT, and Collective Dose Corollary for estimating deaths due to exposure to low-dose radiation.
See, LNT is about politics and economics, not safety by Mark Miller.
ENVIRONMENT - This section is about how our use of energy influences the environment and wildlife. Earth's environment and climate are wonders of the solar system and universe. They should be respected and enjoyed. It is an insult for a person to claim he can control climate in any significant way and specially to claim he can dial in a concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide or average world temperature and make that happen. This applies to John Holdren, Bill Gates, Bill McKibben, John Kerry, and Joe Biden. Anyone who believes these alarmists can control atmospheric carbon dioxide or world temperature would accept the world's worst dictators. Some examples of Earth's real climate and environment below. We are not facing catastrophic man-made global warming. Keep using fossil fuels wisely.
Here are two websites that can help your group inform your elected officials what you want them to do for sound policies about carbon dioxide and fossil fuels: 1) Ed Berry Climate Resolution for government officials. 2) TRCS suggested message to the White House and Congress.
PEOPLE - How people behave and how governments rule determine if use of energy ends up being good or bad. All About Energy presents examples of people contributing to the good of mankind and the planet and people working to defeat progress for the modern world. Examples of people working for a better world and needing reliable energy: 1) Destiny Center For Destitute - Guinea. The FounderDirector, Joseph Samoura and his staff are doing heroic work for homeless children. 2) Peace Education Initiative Rwanda. The FounderDirector, Albert Rutikanga and his staff are doing
outstanding work to help victims of the genocide wars in Rwanda. To support these organizations, contact the directors at the links above for instructions on how to help. Examples of people working to impede improvement in the world's standard of living: 1) Organizations, politicians, and alarmists claiming fossil fuels are causing catastrophic global warming and demanding stopping use of these precious energy resources. 2) Organizations, politicians, and alarmists demanding use of wind and solar photo-voltaic energy to generate electricity in place of fossil fuels.
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