Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Become a Legal Secretary Understand what’s required to have a successful career in the legal profession assisting lawyers as a legal secretary. Study how to help prepare and competently le legal documents for court proceedings. Gain in-depth knowledge of the UK courts and legal system. Develop sought-after research skills. Manage meetings and take exceptional minutes Gain credible customer service abilities Acquire an exemplary telephone manner
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Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Legal Secretary Diploma The legal system is very complicated in itself for any given country. A common stereotype is that a lawyer or solicitor often goes mad during law school given the amount of information they have to remember. This is why they need the extra help in their management department, in the shape of a legal secretary. Using this Legal Secretary Diploma course you can now develop your skills in the highly demanding law industry. Like all good materials, this course starts out by giving you a brief introduction into the world of a legal secretary and what they do.
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Legal Secretary – Video Training Course The Legal Secretary – Video Training Course covers the basic concepts of the Legal system including courts, crime, controversy, law and crime, state courts, and legal terminology. In the course, you will also know about the process of arresting to arraignment, trials, and juries, appellate courts, etc. You will know how to be a legal secretary. The section related to Courts, Crime and Controversy deals with courts, the criminal justice system, actors in the courthouse, criminal vs civil court cases, and law on the books and in action while the part related to Law and Crime explains the basis of American law, sources of American law, civil disputes, and criminal law. Apart from these, the section named Arrest to Arraignment describes the legal system of arrest, bail, preliminary hearing, grand jury, and arraignment. The State court section explains the basic rules of states courts.
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Legal O
Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
ce Administration Diploma –
Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Video Training Course The purpose of Legal O ce Administration Diploma – Video Training Course is to help you with the most up-to-date legal skills and legal o ce management procedures to manage a legal o ce e ciently. The Legal O ce Administration Diploma – Video Training Course provides all the necessary information regarding Legal O ce Administration. The course contents include certi cation for paralegals, the law o ce, preparing legal documents, billing, litigation, and contracts. Throughout the course, you will also learn the family law, business law, bankruptcy, and criminal law and procedure.
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Executive Secretarial and Personal Assistant Training Course Being an executive and personal assistant requires having the same skills and knowledge of the person you are assisting with. In this course, you will adequately learn how to work as an executive assistant with the demanding bosses and help them in executing their functions well. You will know how to adapt to their styles of management. Learn how to communicate through written, verbal and nonverbal methods. Explore your time management skills and know how to manage meetings e ectively. More importantly, you will know how to use all the tools of the trade e ectively in this course.
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Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Minute Taking Training Course Whenever a meeting takes place, there is always that someone who needs to take the minutes. So why is it so important to do that? Well because it helps keep track of what went down in that meeting and summarizes the main points. This Minute Taking Training Course is designed to help you become better at taking minutes which essentially helps in di erent careers as well
Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
you become better at taking minutes which essentially helps in di erent careers as well. This is a very basic course where you can develop your skills and further your understanding behind the reason and need to take minutes.
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Proofreading & Copy Editing Course Proofreading is a process where an individual checks their written content before publishing it to any given audience. It is an essential stage of the publishing process – be it for a school or college report, or when you are writing a book. Now with the help of this Proofreading & Copy Editing Course course, you can start to learn about the process of proofreading. This is a very basic course which will help you get more knowledge on proofreading and copyediting. As such this course starts out with a basic introduction where you learn about the checklist when proofreading.
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Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Diploma in Meeting Management  Anyone who wants to become a leader or manager needs to have the right meeting skills. Meeting with clients or your team will be part of your work and this course will help you with that. Learn how to plan and prepare for meetings. Know how to choose the right time and place for your meetings. Explore how to create agenda and all the things needed for a meeting. Understand meeting roles and responsibilities during meetings. Most importantly, in this course you will learn how to professional conduct meetings and resolve personality con icts if there are.
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Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
Customer Service Skills – Video Training Course Customer Service is an essential issue for the organization which works or deals with the customers. The e cient customer service can increase the number of customers. On the other hand, poor manner can decrease the number of customers. E cient customer service not only increases the total number of customers but also a ects positivity to the career that has such skill. The Customer Service Skills – Video Training Course deals with the basic concepts of Customer Servicing.
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Become a Legal Secretary - John Academy
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