Back To School Forms

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July 26, 2010

To: All JCCHS Students From: Mr. Hopper Re: Orientation schedule I hope all of you are enjoying your summer vacation. We are working hard to prepare for your return. I want to welcome all the new students to John Carroll Catholic High School. To the returning students, I want to say welcome back for another great year. Please observe the schedule on the reverse side of this letter for the first two days of orientation. Only freshmen and sophomores come on Monday, August 16, and only juniors and seniors come on Tuesday, August 17. The first full day of school for all students is Wednesday, August 18. Please be sure to check our website at for the most current information regarding dress code, calendar dates, and other important facts. Required school supplies and materials will be discussed on the orientation days. Please be on the lookout for a separate letter detailing our new cafeteria paperless payment system. For those of you who are interested in athletics, you may download all athletic forms through our school’s website. Remember, physicals are a yearly requirement for all athletes. It is with great enthusiasm that I approach the new school year as your principal. I realize that there are many challenges ahead, but I am confident that if we are true to our mission, open to change, and committed to our faith, we will play a vital role in your development as responsible young adults. Sincerely,

Ben C. Hopper, Principal

SPECIAL NOTE: The Sunshine Uniform salespeople will be on our campus Saturday, July 31, from noon until 4:00 PM. For those who have not taken care of buying the uniform shirts, this opportunity will allow you to pick up shirts in person. You will be able to try the shirts on if you desire. See the website for additional information.

JOHN CARROLL STUDENT ORIENTATION 2010-2011 Freshman – Sophomore Orientation - August 16 7:40 7:53 8:00

Teachers report to Chapel (room 100). All students report to homeroom. Homeroom begins.


Freshmen report to gym, and sophomores will be called by homerooms to the library for pictures.


Freshmen report to homerooms – Sophomores report to gym.


All students report to first hour classes.

10:50 – 11:05 11:10 – 11:25 11:30 – 11:45 11:50 – 12:05 12:10 – 12:25 12:30 – 12:45 12:50 – 1:05

First hour Second hour Third hour Fourth hour Fifth hour Sixth hour Seventh hour and announcements

Junior – Senior Orientation -- August 17 7:40 7:53 8:00

Teachers report to Chapel (room 100). All students report to homeroom. Homeroom begins.


Juniors report to gym, and seniors will be called by homerooms to the library for pictures.


Juniors report to homerooms – Seniors report to gym.


All students report to first hour classes.

10:50 – 11:05 11:10 – 11:25 11:30 – 11:45 11:50 – 12:05 12:10 – 12:25 12:30 – 12:45 12:50 – 1:05

First hour Second hour Third hour Fourth hour Fifth hour Sixth hour Seventh hour and announcements

PLEASE NOTE: The first full day of classes for all students is August 18. The first bell rings each school day at 7:53 AM. School dress code is in effect for orientation days as well as for regular school days.

John Carroll Catholic High School Computer & Internet Permission Form (No faxed forms will be accepted.) Restrictions: 1. DO NOT ACCESS EMAIL ACCOUNTS & INSTANT MESSAGE except under direct supervision of a teacher. 2. DO NOT ACCESS INAPPROPRIATE SITES including but not limited to those dealing with violence, hate groups, sexual content, pornography, weaponry, or treason. 3. DO NOT ACCESS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL ILLEGALLY OR PLAGIARIZE any material. 4. No CD’s, KEY DRIVES, OR DISKETTES from home are allowed on any JCCHS computer. 5. DO NOT ACCESS any computer without your ASSIGNED USER ID AND PASSWORD. Do not give your password to anyone under any circumstances, except to an appropriate teacher. 6. DO NOT TAMPER with any COMPUTER, NETWORK, OR SYSTEM AREAS at any time. 7. DO NOT ACCESS ANY COMPUTER SETTINGS OR SCREENS on any computer. 8. DO NOT ACCESS ANY FOLDER other than your own. 9. DO NOT AT ANY TIME USE ANY TEACHER’S CLASSROOM COMPUTER. 10. DO NOT ACCESS ANY STREAMING VIDEO or MUSIC. I agree to abide by these restrictions when using any John Carroll Catholic High School computer. I will use the computer in an ethical and moral way at all times and for educational purposes. I release John Carroll Catholic High School, its teachers, and its administrators from any and all liability in regard to misuse of the computer or the Internet. I agree to proper discipline procedures up to an including expulsion for improper use of any computer or the Internet at John Carroll Catholic High School. I will not be allowed to use a computer or the Internet at John Carroll Catholic High School unless this form is signed by me and my parent or guardian.

Student Printed Name _____________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Date _______________ Parent or Guardian Printed Name ___________________________________ Day Phone _____________ Parent or Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date _______________

If you DO NOT wish to allow a picture or name of your my son/daughter to be used on the JCCHS website, in school publications for purposes of information and award recognition, in marketing tools, or in other public relations capacities, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Trefelner in writing as to your wishes.

Return this signed form to school by August 19, 2009.


Check the John Carroll High School website for the complete dress code explanation. Here is a brief summary: Shirts – must be the school-sold embroidered shirt, tucked in at all times. Pants – Cotton twill Chino-style pants or shorts no more than 2½ inches above the knee, in navy or khaki. Belts are required for all pants or shorts with belt loops. No double stitching on seams or rivets on pockets and NO cargo pants. No skirts or Capri pants Shoes – Only dress shoes or athletic footwear may be worn. Shoes must have heel attachment and closed toes. No sandals, slippers, or Crocs of any type are permitted. Hair -- No unconventional, bizarre, or eccentric hairstyles are permitted. No unnatural hair coloring or partial head shaving permitted Male students’ hair must be neatly trimmed; length must not exceed the top of the collar (back), eyebrows (front), and earlobes (side) Jewelry – No excessive jewelry, males may not wear earrings, and females may wear only one earring per ear Miscellaneous – no visible tattoos or body piercings are permitted


Summer reading tests will be given the week of September 7th. There will be no review of the novels before the tests. Check the titles for each grade level. The complete list is included in this mailing.


If you are planning to dual enroll in American History at IRSC, you must have your test score printout with you to give to Mrs. Easom on August 17. You may use ACT, SAT, or CPT (administered at IRSC) scores to qualify. You may certainly submit test scores during the summer as well. [Remember – you must have a 3.0 unweighted cumulative JCHS GPA in order to qualify as step one. This GPA may be found on your report card.]


Please return the internet permission, the volunteer hours form, and the parent information update form in the enclosed return envelope by August 19.


If you have outstanding obligations which are not met by August 13, your child will not receive a schedule for the 2010-2011 school year. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL THE SCHOOL IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS.

Remember: Hair cuts and hair coloring must be in accordance with the dress code beginning on orientation days.

John Carroll Catholic High School 2010-2011 School Calendar August

9 10 9 - 13 16 17 18

Diocesan Abuse Training – St. Anastasia Teachers New to Diocese/ PEC Orientation Preschool days for teachers Orientation (9th & 10th grades) Early Dismissal – 1:05 p.m. Orientation (11th & 12th grades) Early Dismissal – 1:05 p.m. First full day of school


6 24

Labor Day – No School Teacher In-Service (12:15 dismissal)


14 15 18

End of 1st Quarter Teacher Workday – No School Begin 2nd Quarter


5 24-26

Teacher In-Service (12:!5 Dismissal) Thanksgiving Holidays – No School



14 15 16 17 20-1/2 3 4 17 30-Feb 5

Exams – Periods 1 & 2 – noon dismissal Exams – Periods 3 & 4 – noon dismissal Exams – Periods 5 & 6 – noon dismissal Exam – Period 7 – 10 AM dismissal – end 2nd quarter Christmas Holidays – No School Teacher Workday – No School Students return to school – Begin 3rd quarter Martin Luther King Day – No School Catholic Schools Week


4 18 21

Teacher In-Service (12:15 Dismissal) Diocesan Professional Day -- No School Presidents’ Day – No School


11 14-18 21

End 3rd quarter Spring Break – No Classes Begin 4th quarter – All return to School



Easter Holidays – No Classes



6 9 -12 16 18 24 25 26 27 31 1-3

Teacher In-Service (12:15 Dismissal) Senior Exams – Regular School Days Baccalaureate Mass Graduation Underclass Exams (1 & 2) Noon Dismissal Underclass Exams (3 & 4) Noon Dismissal Underclass Exam (5 & 6) – Noon Dismissal Underclass Exams (7) 10:00 a.m. Dismissal – Last Day of School Teacher Workday Teacher Workdays 5/01/10

SUMMER READING 2010 Listed below are the Summer Reading Books for students entering grades nine through twelve for the 2010-2011 school year. All students attending John Carroll will be required to take a test on the assigned novel the week of September 6th. This test grade will count toward the first nine weeks grade in English class. Please note that the book is to be read over the summer; therefore, it will not be reviewed prior to the test. Once the test has been taken, there will be discussions and activities based on the novel. These books can be found at a local bookstore or on the Internet. Please be sure to purchase the unabridged edition. If you have any questions, please contact Allison Siringo, English Department Chairperson, at (772) 464-5200, or email her at Incoming Grade




The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Mitch Albom


Peace Like a River

Leif Enger


A Separate Peace

John Knowles


Lord of the Flies

William Golding

Heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad


Mary Shelley

Catcher in the Rye

J.D. Salinger

12 AP (all three novels)

John Carroll High School

2010-2011 Parent Information Update Complete the following form and return to John Carroll by August 19, 2010. Please use pen and print legibly.

Mother or Guardian’s Name: ________________________________ Father or Guardian’s Name: ________________________________ Marital Status: ________________________________ Students’ Names:

Grade Level:

Cell #:


_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

Address(es) (Please list two if parents reside in different households & indicate which parent resides in each):

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Family Email Addresses: Mother or Guardian’s:


Father or Guardian’s:




Family Phone Numbers: Mother or Guardian’s Cell:


Father or Guardian’s Cell:


Home and Other:


If you do not want your home phone and address published in the Parents’ Guild family directory, please notify Mrs. Jennifer Trefelner in writing as to your wishes by August 19th.


Parent (or Guardian’s) Information Mother’s Name:

______________________________ Father’s Name: ______________________________

Employer: ______________________________

Employer: ______________________________

Job Title: ______________________________

Job Title: ______________________________

Work phone: ______________________________

Work phone: ______________________________

Work Address:


Work Address: ______________________________





Grandparents Information (To be used for invitations to our Grandparents’ Day)

Names: ______________________________

Names: ______________________________

Phone: ______________________________

Phone: ______________________________



Email: ______________________________


Address: ______________________________






Emergency Contacts (has permission to pick up student): Name: __________________________________

Name: __________________________________

Phone: __________________________________

Phone: __________________________________

Address: __________________________________

Address: __________________________________





Relation: __________________________________

Relation: __________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature:


John Carroll High School

2010-2011 Parent Volunteer Decision Sheet Please complete the following form, marking areas of interest, and return it to John Carroll by August 19th. * NEW THIS YEAR... Parents are now responsible for recording completed service hours by emailing SERVICE@JOHNCARROLLHIGH.COM. Please mark an ‘X’ in the boxes next to desired categories: *

SPECIAL EVENT SUPPORT Homecoming Football Game Celebration (Friday, October 29, 2010): Bring food/drinks to the Office of Institutional Advancement the week of the game Set up (5pm) and take down (10pm) the tents, tables, and chairs Help serve food at the game (6-10pm) Donate supplies (plates, forks, napkins, etc.)

St. Anastasia/JCHS Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale (Thursday- Saturday, December 2-4, 2010) Work at the festival (selling trees, chain sawing tree bases, work pre-sales and checkout) Thursday, December 2, 2010 Friday, December 3, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010

300 Club Dinner, Dance, & Auction (Friday, February 4, 2011):

Serve as a Co-Chairman for the event Serve on one of the following committees: Advertising: sell ads for the Gala’s program Decorating: acquire decorations, set up, take down Auction: acquire auction items Basket: assemble and decorate the auction baskets Help as needed to: Decorate for the event on Thursday, February 3, 2011 Work at the Gala by selling 50/50 tickets, being a live auction spotter, helping at check-out, etc Host a gift-gathering party. Invite family/ friends for a party and ask them to bring a basket or gift to be auctioned off at the gala. Donate a complete basket (approx. $100 value) for the event (worth 5 hours). I will donate ______ completed baskets.

JCHS Annual Golf Tournament @ Gator Trace Country Club (Saturday, April 30, 2011): Acquire door prizes (gift certificates, sports accessories, golf items, etc.) Acquire raffle prizes (gift baskets, golf bags, golf clubs, jewelry, etc.) Work at the event (sign-in table, drink station, selling raffle or 50/50 tickets) Set up for the tournament and help break down after the tournament

OFFICE/ CLERICAL/ PARISH/ SCHOOL SUPPORT School Mailings Help label, stuff, and seal envelopes for mailings throughout the year; opportunities are sent via email throughout the year.

Assist in front office, Office of I.A., Athletic Office, Library, etc Make photocopies, assist with paperwork, coordinate volunteers, etc

Maintain school scrapbooks

Organize, crop, mat, and place articles and photos into scrapbooks (supplies are provided)

Assist in weekly laundering of office linens

Take home and wash tablecloths, bed linens, extra uniforms, etc.

Take photographs and videos of school events

Share photos and videos from school sporting events, activities, shows, award ceremonies, etc with the office of I.A.

Serve as a liaison between your parish and/ or a feeder school Serve as a liaison between JCHS and a parish or feeder school: _____________________________________________________

CAFETERIA HELP Help sell lunch to students and staff (11:15am - 1:00pm):

I would like to sell lunches on _________ (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri) ______ Every week ______Every other week _______Once a month

Help prepare food from ________ to _________ on ____________ day (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri) Help sell snacks after school (2:30-3:00 pm)


PARENTS’ GUILD/ HOMEROOM PARENT/ PARENT- TEACHER ORGANIZATION EACH HOMEROOM WILL HAVE A PARENT REPRESENTATIVE AS A MEMBER OF THE PARENTS’ GUILD (SIMILAR TO A P.T.O) TO HELP WITH EVENTS AND PROJECTS! Be an officer in the Parents’ Guild Be a homeroom representative for homeroom: ____________ Help plan, coordinate, communicate, provide refreshments, volunteer during, or assist with events such as Back to School Night, certain school masses, visits from dignitaries, Open House, Freshman Orientation, Top 10% Celebration, Junior Ring Ceremony, Baccalaureate Mass Reception, Project Graduation, etc. I would like to help specifically with: ________________________________ ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Sports Team Helper/ Supporter

Provide refreshments, supplies, work at games, assist in smaller fundraisers, etc for _____________________________ sport(s)

CLUB/ CLASS SUPPORTER Help with a club or Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class events (chaperoning trips, scrapbooking, providing refreshments, setting up for events, etc): Please specify which clubs/ class:___________ _______________________________________________________ SHARING YOUR PROFESSION Be a guest speaker in your area of expertise: ________________________________________________ Donate item/ gift certificate in your field (Restaurant gift certificate, donate equipment, etc): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Support the school by an in-kind gift in your area of expertise: _________________________________ HANDS-ON HELPERS Help with the building on the JCHS Habitat for Humanity home Help with “school beautification” projects/ days OTHER WAYS YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY VOLUNTEERING Please list your ideas or suggestions: ____________________________________________________________ Student Information (Please print legibly!): Student’s name:

Home phone #:

Mother/Guardian’s name:

Father/Guardian’s name:

Email address:

Email address:

Cell phone #:

Cell phone #:


If you pay for your son’s or daughter’s tuition twice a year, you are required to complete 5 service hours per year; if you pay tuition monthly, you must do 10 service hours per year. It is required that 5 of the volunteer hours be completed the first semester of school. If you pay your student’s tuition in full, you are not required to do service hours, although we strongly encourage you to get involved.


NEW THIS YEAR... Parents are now responsible for recording completed service hours by emailing SERVICE@JOHNCARROLLHIGH.COM.

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